Place |
Name |
Characteristic in the rating |
1 | Anet ET4 | Large printable area at a low price |
2 | CREALITY 3d Ender-3 PRO | The most popular |
3 | ANET A6 & A8 | Ideal base for a powerful multifunction printer |
4 | ANYCUBIC Photon Mono | Compact and lightweight |
1 | KINGROON KP3 | Best price |
2 | JGMAKER Magic | The most reliable |
3 | Anet ET5X | Accurate and fast printing |
4 | Twotrees SP-3 | The most stylish design |
1 | ELEGOO NEPTUNE 2 | The best option for home |
2 | Flying Bear Ghost 4S | High manufacturability |
3 | Artillery Sidewinder X1 SW-X1 | The largest area |
4 | Geeetech 3d A10M | Two extruders for simultaneous printing in different colors |
1 | Tronxy GEMINI S | The best combination of price and quality |
2 | Qidi Tech X-MAX | Most Supported Print Materials |
3 | CREALITY 3D CR-10 | Ideal for printing large objects |
The possibilities of 3D printers are amazing. You can print almost anything on them: a missing part for an electronic device, a set of dishes, a toy for a child, a figurine for a gift or for sale.The only limiting factor is the user's imagination. But there is one condition: the equipment itself must be able to provide high quality print models. To choose a good 3D printer, you should pay attention to the following characteristics:
- minimum thickness of one build-up layer;
- the types of materials used;
- maximum heating temperature of the extruder and platform;
- case type (open or closed);
- design features;
- structural features of the extruder;
- program control capabilities.
We have studied the existing offers on Aliexpress and selected the best 3D printers that you can safely order in this Chinese online hypermarket. We judged the compliance of the goods presented in the rating with the declared characteristics by the reviews of real buyers.
Best Budget 3D Printers
On AliExpress, you can find many 3D printers with a fairly low cost, not exceeding 12-13 thousand rubles. However, when ordering such models, it should be borne in mind that they, as a rule, require a high level of technical literacy from the user, since much will have to be “finished with a file” before use. They are perfect for those who are familiar with the printer device and can independently identify and eliminate its shortcomings, as well as for those who want to learn how to do it.
4 ANYCUBIC Photon Mono
Aliexpress price: from 12000 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
Compact and inexpensive 3D printer from Aliexpress. Its main advantage is the increased printing accuracy, which the manufacturer managed to achieve through the use of a special technology of parallel action.In addition, the minimum layer thickness is 0.01 mm, thanks to which the model copes even with detailed figures.
But the maximum print size for a 3d printer is small - 130x82x65 mm. But the manufacturer has provided a cover that protects against the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. It is made transparent so that the user can observe the process, but at the same time blocks 99.95% of the radiation. The reviews say that the print quality is high, but the printer is noisy.
3 ANET A6 & A8

Aliexpress price: from 12503 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
This printer is ideal for real geeks who are well versed in the nuances of 3D printing. Anet will have to work a lot: put additional tensioners and various bushings, replace the table, solve the problem of sticking and “extruding” plastic. But the result is a printer that can give odds to any expensive model.
Anet works only with PLA plastic, it does not support other materials. The minimum layer thickness is 0.1 mm. This is not the best indicator, but quite sufficient to print good quality models. The kit includes a lot of spare bolts, nuts and stretch marks. Of course, the Anet A6 & A8 were not without their shortcomings. The parts that make it up are not the strongest materials and often break on delivery, but most can be repaired with epoxy. The card reader may also not work, in which case you will either have to replace it or print all models from a computer.
2 CREALITY 3d Ender-3 PRO

Aliexpress price: from 13131 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
One of the most popular and discussed manufacturers of 3D printers has already introduced the third generation of the Ender line. The main concept has remained unchanged - the maximum reduction in price with minimal loss in quality. The working area has increased to 22x22x25 cm, support for a wide variety of print materials and high speed (up to 200 mm / s) has been preserved - thanks to all this, the Ender model once won the love of thousands of customers.
However, the trend in the need to eliminate a significant number of shortcomings of the original configuration has not gone away. The printer comes semi-disassembled and, although there is an instruction, it will not be easy to assemble the Creality without the presence of direct hands. An almost obligatory task among experienced users is to order a special base glass (standard film lasts less than a month), change the installed firmware (a labor-intensive and complex process), align the Z axis and many other minor improvements, without which the printer will not be able to show all its best qualities.
1 Anet ET4
Aliexpress price: from 9284 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0
This 3D printer in reviews on Aliexpress is called the best for its price at the moment. It has an excellent print area for the category up to 10,000 rubles - 220x220x250 mm. The accuracy of the layer thickness is 0.1 mm - not the worst value. However, the maximum print speed of this budget printer, equal to 150 mm / s, is really impressive.
In addition, there is an auto leveling function, which greatly facilitates the 3d printing process. Also, the model is equipped with a touch screen with a diagonal of 2.8 inches. The reviews write that the first setup after unpacking takes only 40-60 minutes.Comes with a flash drive with two test files. The only thing is that there is no cable for connecting to a PC in the kit.
The Best 3D Printers for Beginners
Among those who want to purchase a 3D printer, not everyone wants and can mess around with troubleshooting problems that arise with the device. Many people just want to quickly assemble the device and immediately start printing, without setting anything up. For such people, the models presented in this rating category are ideal, since they differ in the most hassle-free assembly and configuration. But you need to be prepared for the fact that the prices for such printers will be appropriate.
4 Twotrees SP-3
Aliexpress price: from 16780 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
Relatively budget 3d printer that even beginners can afford. The print area is sufficient for home use and is 220x220x220 mm. A big plus is the high speed of work - up to 200 mm / s. The accuracy of layer thickness adjustment is not the best - ± 0.1 mm, so there may be problems when printing small patterns.
But the model is equipped with a large full-color display and generally looks expensive and presentable. There are two design options to choose from. In the reviews, buyers note that the impression of the printer is somewhat spoiled by minor flaws. For example, too long shafts, due to which washers have to be laid.
3 Anet ET5X
Aliexpress price: from 14834 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
A 3D printer that is great for beginners as it only takes 10 minutes to assemble. Another important advantage is one of the largest print areas - 300x300x400.True, it is worth considering that because of this, the model turned out to be bulky and heavy. The minimum layer thickness is average - 0.1mm, so it will be difficult to make very small patterns.
But automatic alignment is provided, which increases the accuracy of printing. The maximum working speed is 150 mm/s, which means that the production of even large parts does not take too long. There is also a large and bright 3.5-inch touchscreen display. Another plus is a well-thought-out error protection system.
Aliexpress price: from 11120 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0
Budget model from Aliexpress with excellent technical characteristics. Firstly, the maximum print size is 220x220x250 mm. Secondly, the minimum layer thickness is 0.01 mm, thanks to which the printer can cope even with small patterns without any problems. Thirdly, the printing speed reaches 110mm/s.
In addition, the model is very reliable: the all-metal base ensures safe positioning on the surface. If errors such as filament exit or power failure are detected, the printer will turn off, but save progress so that when turned on, it will continue printing from the desired point. The disadvantages include long delivery and not the largest number of reviews on Aliexpress.
Aliexpress price: from 8970 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0
One of the cheapest 3D printers you can buy on AliExpress. Despite this, the model turned out to be very successful and definitely deserves attention.First of all, we note the competent choice of design - a frameless corner case allows you to have a quite solid print area even with small dimensions (18 cm in all three dimensions). Inside KINGROON, a good electronic filling is installed (MKS Robin Mini board), and control is carried out using a touch screen (Russian language is supported).
But the main advantage of KP3 is still the incredible ease of assembly - some 10-15 minutes and you can start printing test layouts. The printer drive rides on a linear rail, increasing positioning accuracy - a rarity for budget models. Of the shortcomings found, it is worth mentioning only the poor performance of regular airflow, but this is easily corrected (detailed tips are available on YouTube).
The best 3D printers for home use
In this category, we have included the most functional models of the middle price segment. Depending on the needs, they can be used as a working tool, an exciting toy or a training complex.
4 Geeetech 3d A10M
Aliexpress price: from 14846 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
The cheapest printer with two extruders (the print head, which is actually responsible for the process of creating products). This design feature allows the A10M to print two-color designs in a single pass. In addition, Geeetech has a special mixer for mixing plastic (gradient colors are obtained), which greatly diversifies the process of creating various products.
The quality of the finished models is good (the minimum layer thickness is 0.1 mm) and no special manipulations and settings are required, you can print almost out of the box. The use of water-soluble plastic is supported, which is convenient to use to create props (when lowered into water, all such elements will disappear). There are some flaws in the design (like almost all Chinese printers), sooner or later some of the elements will have to be replaced or upgraded.
3 Artillery Sidewinder X1 SW-X1
Aliexpress price: from 24871 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
A distinctive feature of Sidewinder is an enlarged print area (30x30x40 cm), which allows you to do really very large-scale things. The printer itself is assembled from high-quality materials and components, we separately note the table cover (perforated glass of the Ultrabase type) and powerful electronic stuffing. Due to the use of noiseless drivers, the SW-X1 is quiet (the contrast is especially noticeable in comparison with other popular devices, such as Anycubic). The reviews also praise the model for its rapid heating and the presence of color illumination of the print area.
The printer comes disassembled, but if everything is assembled correctly and carefully, no additional upgrades or modifications will be required (which is rare for Chinese manufacturers). As a result, we get beautiful and clear products with a minimum of marriage.
2 Flying Bear Ghost 4S
Aliexpress price: from 19524 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
Flying Bear's Ghost 4S is one of the most advanced 3D printers available for the home.Special praise deserves a large 4-inch color touch screen with a bunch of useful information, graphs and other features (and this is against the background of monochrome screens of the same type of competitors). Thanks to Wi-Fi support, users do not need to constantly carry around and write all projects to a USB flash drive.
The printer arrives to the buyer disassembled into its component components and there is not even a hint of any instructions in the box - but it is offered to watch a video on the official YouTube channel of the manufacturer with a detailed video guide and assembly tips. The main characteristics are in line with the spirit of the times - with a layer thickness accuracy of 0.05-0.3 mm, the maximum print speed reaches 150 mm / s. The only drawback is the inefficient location of the standard blowing system, but on the printer itself it is easy to print the desired part and quickly solve the problem.
Aliexpress price: from 13830 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
This printer is the best option for 3D printing at home. With it, you can get parts and figures of sufficient size, and quite quickly, since the maximum speed is 180 mm / s. True, the manufacturer recommends choosing values from 30 to 60 mm / s. Printing accuracy is standard - ± 0.1 mm.
The first setup does not take much time, as the printer comes already half assembled. In addition, the error prevention system is thought out: if a failure occurs in the process, printing will start from the right moment, and not from scratch. The model also has a small drawback: although it works, judging by the reviews, it is very quiet, the fans are very noisy.
The best professional 3D printers
Of course, the adjective "professional" in this context has a conditional meaning - real stationary models used in enterprises and industries are too expensive for the average person. However, the devices presented in this category of the rating can boast the maximum functionality available today, and the things made on them are practically indistinguishable from factory ones in terms of quality.
Aliexpress price: from 46651 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
Another brainchild of Creality in our ranking. The CR-10 differs from its brother from the previous category in its improved design and the almost complete absence of the need to modify anything. You can start printing immediately after assembly, with which there will also be no problems thanks to the most detailed instructions and the presence in the kit of all the necessary parts in excess.
The printer allows you to print models of large sizes up to 30x30x40 cm with high accuracy (error of only 1 mm) and speed (normal - 80 mm / s, maximum - 200 mm / s). When printing large models with ABS or PETG filaments at a maximum table temperature of 95°C, it is recommended to build a closed case around it to protect it from drafts, etc.
2 Qidi Tech X-MAX
Aliexpress price: from 84916 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
In its appearance, this printer strongly resembles a huge microwave oven, but “cooking” in it is much more interesting.The total weight of the device is almost 37 kilograms, and it takes up a lot of space, on the other hand, the closed design gives the X-MAX a concise and finished look that will organically fit into any interior. And all possible troubles and pollution (for example, plastic leakage, etc.) in such a system will always be localized in the device case, without causing much damage. The working surface itself is not that big - 30x25x30 cm, even in this review there are printers with a larger surface.
One of the main advantages of X-MAX, the manufacturer calls the almost complete "omnivorous" model - you can print using almost all materials used today, from nylon to carbon fiber. In addition, the design is as carefully worked out and tested as possible and does not require any, even the smallest modifications. That is, the system is designed for instant deployment and production with the simplest and most understandable workflow.
1 Tronxy GEMINI S
Aliexpress price: from 41145 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0
A powerful and functional 3d printer with an impeccable rating on Aliexpress. Its main advantage is a pair of independent extruders, allowing you to save time and create original parts from two different colors and even different materials. The speed reaches 300 mm/s, and the maximum print size is 300x300x390 mm.
An important advantage is that the printer from Tronxy allows you to get highly detailed figures due to the minimum layer thickness of 0.05 mm. Despite the wide functionality, the first setup does not take much time, since the assembly of the most complex parts is carried out by the manufacturer before shipment.The only downside is the high price.