Place |
Name |
Characteristic in the rating |
1 | Lucky FF1108 | Optimal value for money |
2 | Erchang XF-02 | Most Customizable |
3 | JOSHNESE Smart Sonar | Uses a smartphone as a monitor |
4 | Lucky Lucker FF717 | Best price |
1 | PuPoPan Fish Finder | The best ratio of price and quality |
2 | Lucky FF3308-8 | The most reliable device for winter fishing |
3 | Erchang F12 Sonar | No wires |
1 | SYANSPAN | Best picture quality |
2 | MAOTEWANG | High build quality |
3 | HUYIN | The clearest picture |
Similar ratings:
When casting a bait on a pond, each angler relies on his own instinct, rich experience and a fair amount of luck, since it is not so easy to guess the exact location of the prey from the first attempts. In order to avoid vain casts and futile postings, more and more anglers are turning to the purchase of special devices called echo sounders, which are based on the principle of sonar.
The choice of an echo sounder for fishing should be made depending on the type of reservoir, its deep and landscape features, as well as on the expected weather conditions of potential operation. Trends show that the most common types of echolocation devices, especially among beginners and ordinary fishing enthusiasts, are portable (pocket) battery-powered versions. After carefully analyzing the product range of the Aliexpress trading platform, we selected the top ten best fish finders for pleasant and cool fishing, the purchase of which will cost much less than on the retail market. All echo sounders presented in the top have been tested by real users and are highly rated by consumers.
The best echo sounders in the budget and mid-price segment
When buying a budget echo sounder on Aliexpress, it should be understood that it will have a number of limitations. Such devices, as a rule, use only one working beam, have a small viewing angle and a limited scanning range. In addition, due to the low sensitivity, these devices are not able to analyze in detail what is happening under water. However, they find fish, and this is the main task of the echo sounder. Yes, you will not determine how much it is accurate to the individual. You won’t know the speed of movement and other nuances, but if you don’t need such knowledge, then it doesn’t make sense to overpay.
4 Lucky Lucker FF717
Aliexpress price: from 2 821 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
One of the best options among budget class echo sounders. Designed primarily for winter fishing. The model is quite compact, with a small screen, simple and concise black and white graphics.The viewing angle is standard - 90 degrees, the wire is long (10 meters), while you can find out basic information to find a suitable place (depth and the presence of fish) even without a hole, you just need to slightly sink the sensor in the water above the ice (or in a boat). Full immersion will also allow you to get an approximate outline of the bottom topography. Of course, you should not seriously rely on the thorough accuracy of the data, but as an additional source of information when choosing a place for fishing, an echo sounder will fit more than.
Among the shortcomings, we note the complete rejection of the metric system of measures by the FF717 - information about the depth is displayed in feet, the setting of fish search modes is carried out in pounds.
3 JOSHNESE Smart Sonar
Aliexpress price: from 2 661 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
Before us is the most compact echo sounder from Aliexpress, since it consists of only one module - sonar. It displays the resulting image on your smartphone. You just need to download the necessary program, connect to the device via Bluetooth and enjoy fishing. The echo sounder scans the bottom and what is happening under water within a radius of one hundred meters. Provides data on the depth and temperature of the environment, and also measures the speed of moving objects.
It should be noted that such options are most often used in a higher price segment. Here you will pay less than 3 thousand rubles, and this is already taking into account delivery from Aliexpress. Of course, the device has errors. In addition, the echo sounder is wireless and is limited by the range of Bluetooth. Here it is 30 meters.
2 Erchang XF-02

Aliexpress price: from 4 060 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
XF-02 is a model suitable for year-round use.The strengths of the device are the presence of the Russian language in the firmware, reliable assembly, nice ergonomic design and a large number of settings (you can adjust the sensitivity, depth range, filtering, sound signaling the presence of fish, units of measurement, etc.). At the same time, everything is implemented in a practical and intuitive way. As for the technical characteristics, everything is pretty standard here - the working depth is up to 100 meters, the beam angle is 45 degrees, the acceptable temperature is from -18 to + 60 degrees (it can be recognized thanks to the sensor built into the device).
Feedback from real users is contradictory, but experienced fishermen confirm the veracity of the declared parameters. One of the reasons for incorrect operation is often called a long cable - 10 meters is too much for most cases, but if it is not completely unwound, interference may occur.
1 Lucky FF1108
Aliexpress price: from 4 628 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0
A high-powered and inexpensive sonar transducer from Lucky is on the leading line in the ranking of the best low-cost echo sounders found on the open spaces of the Aliexpress trading platform. In terms of functionality, the FF1108 model leaves most of the more expensive analogues out of work, but it still could not completely avoid complaints.
The scanning ability of the sensor allows you to detect schools of fish at a distance of up to 183 meters, which is an excellent result for such an inexpensive thing. But when determining the depth, there is a small error. The inaccuracy can reach ten centimeters, but over time you simply stop paying attention to it.As a pleasant addition for domestic buyers, this sonar can be ordered directly from the Russian warehouse of the store, which reduces delivery times to one to two weeks.
Best Premium Fishfinders
The more expensive the echo sounder, the more features it has. In proportion to the price tag, the number of rays, the viewing radius and the scanning depth increase. There are also additional options, such as temperature measurement, distance to the bottom and objects, the speed of movement of fish under water. Some models even have a built-in navigator. Its functionality will still be limited, but you can find yourself on the map.
3 Erchang F12 Sonar
Aliexpress price: from 5 298 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
F-12 differs from many other brothers primarily in the unusual form factor of the device. In contrast to the established standard (a float and a device with a screen connected by a wire), this gadget looks very much like a flashlight and does not have any cables or additional units at all. The main purpose is winter fishing (it is possible to dive both into the bottom of the hole and install it on wet ice). F12 shows depth, temperature and fish. There are no special frills like displaying the bottom relief on the screen, but the data that is displayed can boast of very good accuracy.
Manufacturers claim that the device is also able to attract fish by emitting a special light. And although it is, of course, difficult to really verify the truth of such statements, it certainly will not be worse.
2 Lucky FF3308-8
Aliexpress price: from 3 208 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
Winter fishing is often unsuccessful, as it takes a long time to catch initially empty holes. Lucky FF3308-8 solves this problem. It cannot be called an echo sounder in full, since an underwater camera is used here instead of sonar. You just drop it into the hole and get a clear picture. This has its advantages, since in winter the fish often just stand still, which means that the sonar will not see it. The camera itself is equipped with LEDs and has a 120-degree field of view. The image displays on the device, with the maximum level of protection. Its temperature range is limited to -60 degrees, and if you accidentally drop it into water, nothing will happen. The body is completely sealed.
1 PuPoPan Fish Finder
Aliexpress price: from 4 449 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0
The PuPoPan Fish Finder Kit is an inexpensive and accurate sonar that leaves all opponents in the mix of performance. It's no joke, but the configuration of the angle of 90 degrees and the scanning range of 183 meters is far from being found everywhere, which allowed this echo sounder to break into the leaders of the rating. At the same time, everything works as it should: according to customer reviews, the accuracy of determining the depth of the “occurrence” of the fish, the distance to the bottom and other objects is almost perfect, both on clean, solid ground and in overgrown areas of reservoirs. The principle of determining the size of a fish is purely theoretical, but even this is quite enough to explain what prey the angler is dealing with. The temperature sensor is a bit junk: the actual water temperature is several degrees lower than that given by the sonar, but this is due to the location of the thermocouple inside the plastic case.
The best stationary echo sounders
Stationary echo sounders are the most expensive on AliExpress. Most often they have a large, bright display, a long cord or even a wireless module and increased technical parameters. Such models are designed for installation on a boat or a fishing spot. With them, it will be problematic to change the location on foot, although there are options in the form of a suitcase, which is very quickly assembled and disassembled. Among stationary echo sounders, you can find multi-beam and with an increased viewing angle. True, the stronger the device, the more energy it needs. Some models require connection to an independent source, such as a battery. Be sure to pay attention to this aspect, so that later you do not carry a bulky battery with you.
Aliexpress price: from 3 888 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
The problem with most fish finders with an underwater camera is the poor image quality. HUYIN doesn't have that. It uses a high-definition camera and on the screen you see the brightest, most understandable image, even if the water is cloudy. This is the best solution for winter fishing when visibility under the ice is very limited. Powerful LEDs have several degrees of adjustment and do not scare away fish.
Also note the mechanical control. No sensors that freeze in winter or simply do not respond to pressure when wearing gloves. The viewing angle of 195 degrees will also please. The camera is wide-angle, with a convex lens, which allows it to see not only in front of you, but also in all directions.
Aliexpress price: from 6 325 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
One of the best stationary echo sounders available on AliExpress, which, like the previous model, can not only retransmit reflected audio signal data, but also show a fairly high-quality picture from a video camera mounted on the transmitter body. All this makes it possible not only to facilitate the search for fish and the study of the bottom, but also to see the outlines of objects or even recognize a particular type of fish. In order to be able to see at least something underwater at night, the design is equipped with a lighting system consisting of 12 infrared LEDs (besides, such lighting does not scare the fish).
In comparison with other similar models, MAOTEWANG is ready to boast of a “cool” by these standards 7-inch screen with a resolution of 960x480, the highest standard of dust and moisture protection (IP68) and a rich bundle. However, even here the dependence on water transparency remains. If there are problems with this in any reservoir and the water is cloudy, then, accordingly, it will be difficult to see anything.

Aliexpress price: from 28 595 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0
An extremely expensive device, which is a complete fish location system with many useful features, including built-in Wi-Fi that supports simultaneous connection of up to 3 smartphones (via an application in Android and iOS), the presence of all the necessary degrees of protection on the camera (starting from water resistance in IP68 format and ending with frost resistance and anti-corrosion), a fancy lighting system that includes 12 infrared and 24 white lamps (with adjustable brightness), which allows you to get a good picture even in the most muddy and dark water bodies (namely, this is often the main problem of many such devices, where, It would seem that a high-quality camera is practically useless due to the fact that it is quite difficult to see anything in low light conditions).
The camera itself with a 360-degree viewing angle and HD resolution, transmitting the image to a 9-inch monitor equipped with a sun visor. Of course, it will not work to power the whole thing with simple batteries, and therefore the manufacturer supplies a portable lithium-ion battery in the kit, the capacity of which is enough for 9-12 hours of operation. The main repulsive factor, with all its advantages, is the price, because despite all the advantages listed, the device still remains a product with Aliexpress one way or another, and not everyone wants to pay that kind of money for things with a similar label.