Place |
Name |
Characteristic in the rating |
1 | fart pillow | For the best and unexpected bases of any level |
2 | gold teeth | For the most dazzling smile |
3 | Retro phone case | Practical and stylish accessory |
1 | Electric chewing pads | For those who don't want to share gum |
2 | poop | brown fun |
3 | sore finger | For the best bloody jokes |
4 | Bath mat with bloody prints | Best Horror Film Style Effect |
1 | Beetle for repelling insects | The best tool for protection and education |
2 | The most delicious chips with a snake | To get rid of chips |
3 | Spider on remote control | The most realistic toy |
4 | Unusual anatomical animals | The best visual aid in anatomy |
The Best Fun Products: New Technologies at the Service of Humor |
1 | Lie detector | Find out the whole truth about others! |
2 | Pen with UV ink | For losers and conspirators |
3 | Jumping Tooth Jaw-Watch | For an uplifting |
4 | money printing machine | The best thing for friendly pranks |
After a hard working day, I really want to get distracted or relax. For some, gyms help with this, for others - computer games or watching movies. Still others prefer simple communication with family and friends. But there is a fourth category of people who love not only to communicate, but also to play a trick on others, regardless of the situation.It is for such people that manufacturers from the Middle Kingdom produce a special category of goods.
Most of them are ordinary, unremarkable toys, which, however, can make any person blush or scare him to death. These can be toy snakes, spiders, battery-powered mice and much more. We have collected for you the twelve best joke products from Aliexpress based on customer reviews and effects on people.
Best Fun Products: Harmless and Fun
Here we have included the most harmless jokes for all categories of people. A minimum of horror, violence and a maximum of good mood.
3 Retro phone case
Aliexpress price: from 360.43 rubles.
Rating (2022): 4.8
Familiar book cases or bumpers for phones are a passed stage for lovers of unusual things. They choose stylish things that can surprise. That's how this phone case with Aliexpress. It is easy to mistake for a camera with a protruding lens. In fact, a Pop Socket-style phone holder was disguised as a lens. In combination, it is also an organizer for headphones. The case itself is made of soft silicone. You can choose a model for different phones. The product looks impressive and original.
2 gold teeth
Aliexpress price: from 584.15 rubles.
Rating (2022): 4.9
Best the way to dazzle everyone with your radiant smile is to buy gold mouth guards on Aliexpress. The product is cheap, and the effect is unforgettable. At one time, world movie stars flaunted with such decorations, later the fashion spread to rappers and hip-hop girls. And now any fan of Chinese shopping can afford such decoration.You won’t go to work, school or university in them, but at a party such a joke will definitely be appreciated. The mouthguard is fixed with the help of special clamps, nothing needs to be glued. You can choose the color of the teeth: there are different shades of gold, silver, placers of diamonds.
Attention! Use these toys with great care so as not to cause trouble to your family and friends. It is not recommended to use on especially shy individuals, small children and people suffering from cardiovascular diseases and nervous disorders.
1 fart pillow
Aliexpress price: from 63.52 rubles.
Rating (2022): 5.0
Tired of a classmate who does not let you write off your homework or a harmful employee at work gets you on trifles? It's time to take revenge on the offender by placing the best fart pillow under him. The main material of manufacture is high quality rubber, coupled with a special sponge. In total there are several options for pillows:
- 9 cm (can not be used as a pillow);
- 16 cm (only for children);
- 20 cm;
- 25 cm.
When ordering, you choose the size and the manufacturer will send you the product in a random color. "Farting" occurs directly when a person sits on it. Put it down when the person isn't paying attention to you, or just disguise it under a coverlet, sheet, or chair seat. 9 cm can be used as an expander by simply squeezing it in your hand. The 16 cm version is perfect for small children and elementary grades. The goods are packed in a regular plastic bag, before payment it is recommended to check the integrity of the package.
The best joke products: for lovers of black humor
The section is suitable for those who like to joke in the style of black humor.Be extremely careful, the following application examples are not a guide to action.
4 Bath mat with bloody prints
Aliexpress price: from 510.31 rubles.
Rating (2022): 4.7
Horror fans will love this product from AliExpress. It looks like an ordinary non-slip bath mat. But bloody footprints can break its whiteness! They appear from wet feet and splashes of water. The picture turns out to be eerie, the only soothing thing is that the “blood” disappears after drying. But the first impression is very bright. The size of the rug is 40x60, so there is a place for it in any bathroom. Fans of various jokes will like the thing - pranksters will appreciate it and will definitely find the best use for it. The easiest way to prank your friends is to give such a thing without unnecessary preamble.
3 sore finger

Aliexpress price: from 38.02 rubles
Rating (2022): 4.8
Check how much your family and friends love you by hammering a nail into your finger. But not for real, but with the help of this amazing and unusual product-fun. The nail is made of plastic and is bent around the finger, however, it looks like it is going through it. Pain and horror will be added by a band-aid painted in a bright bloody color. The adhesive bandage is made of nylon.
A toy not bad for Halloween or a regular party, however, it is not recommended to use it around people who cannot tolerate the appearance of blood. Looks great even in daylight. Designed to be used on the index finger, but can be used on the middle and ring fingers.
2 poop

Aliexpress price: from 100.16 rubles
Rating (2022): 4.9
For lovers of hard jokes, a special poop is ideal. This, at first glance, a harmless thing can plunge into shock and give a lot of emotions when playing to both parties. The product has dimensions 11 cm x 6 cm x 3.5 cm.
This joke is painted in a standard light brown color. It fits perfectly in the hand and can be thrown into both a backpack and a jacket pocket. For greater effect, it can be crushed, as this is facilitated by the material. Supplied in a regular package, which may adversely affect transportation.
1 Electric chewing pads

Aliexpress price: from 81.89 rubles.
Rating (2022): 5.0
It is necessary to carefully monitor oral hygiene, however, it is not always possible to keep a toothbrush and paste with you. And then chewing gum comes to the rescue. If you do not want to share your supplies, treat the beggars with an electric shock. This product is disguised as a regular package with chewing gum. The only thing that gives it away is the inscription SHOK.
By touching or pulling the gum from the case, those who want to refresh their mouth will receive a small current discharge. This is not enough to inflict any significant injury or enter into a state of shock, but you will cut the desire to ask you for a treat in the bud.
Best Fun Items: Animals & Insects
Insects are amazing creatures and there are more of them on the planet. Currently, they live in every house. It's time to join nature and make fun of people with the help of the world of insects.
4 Unusual anatomical animals
Aliexpress price: from RUB 3,654.74
Rating (2022): 4.7
This is a cool "inflatable" dog with an anatomical bias.The model consists of 26 parts. To assemble the animal, there is an instruction describing the organs and parts of the skeleton. The thing comes with Aliexpress along with a stand so that the finished toy can take pride of place on the shelf. It turns out a kind of constructor, which is assembled easily even by children. The quality of the goods is the best. The thing will be useful as a teaching visual aid. You can clearly see the internal organs and parts of the body. However, this is a toy, so, of course, there is no complete correspondence to the anatomy of animals here.
3 Spider on remote control
Aliexpress price: from RUB 1,460.73
Rating (2022): 4.8
In zoology, there is a whole section that studies arachnids. For specialists, all spiders are different, but for some people they are all equally scary. Only a moving spider can enhance the effect of perception. This is where this remote control toy comes in handy. It looks very realistic, not much different from real spiders. You can control it with the remote control. So it's easy to ensure the unexpected appearance of a spider. The goods are not cheap for Aliexpress. But at the toy all paws move and eyes burn. The only pity is that it does not move quite silently.
2 The most delicious chips with a snake
Aliexpress price: from 399.18 rubles.
Rating (2022): 4.9
Every person appreciates care and kindness. Especially when it's being served food. Ask your friends to open this package of chips and enjoy the moment when a huge snake jumps out on them. Thanks to polypropylene and plastic, the snake's body is 135 centimeters long and fits easily into a 21 cm package.The toy has excellent elasticity, thanks to which it can be carefully placed in the bed of relatives or pets that do not let sleep at night.
When unpacking, it is not recommended to keep the package with the opening side close to the face in order to prevent injuries when the snake jumps out of the package. The packaging is disguised as a 160 gram pack of chips, there are 3 “flavors” to choose from: purple, red and blue.
1 Beetle for repelling insects
Aliexpress price: from 262.47 rubles.
Rating (2022): 5.0
Got pests in the garden or at home? Your children do not know what alternative energy sources are? It's time to get this wonderful little thing and kill two birds with one stone. A portable solar battery is built into the body of the beetle, when recharged, the beetle begins to bounce. Thus, you will not only scare away hated pests, but you will also be able to clearly show your family what an environmentally friendly source of energy is. It is made of ABS plastic and weighs only 32 grams. It is fixed on the branches with the help of antennae or legs.
For stable operation of this gizmo, it is required to place it in the sun in such a way that the sun's rays fall at a right angle. So, you will ensure the fastest charging of the product and provide it with a long operating time.
The Best Fun Products: New Technologies at the Service of Humor
Meet innovative technical solutions in the field of jokes and humor.
4 money printing machine
Aliexpress price: from 250.37 rubles
Rating (2022): 4.7
A few dollar money printing press is a popular item on AliExpress.To produce money, you need a piece of paper and, sadly, a ready-made bill that you want to print. The banknote is inserted into one of the compartments of the drum. It is necessary to scroll the handle a little, and the bill will refuel into the roller. Then they take a blank sheet of paper, insert it between the drums, scroll the handle, after which a miracle happens - a real printed money appears, and a clean piece of paper is hidden in the drum. You can test the product in the store - they say there is no money, but now I will print it. Even the most attentive will not immediately be able to figure out what the essence of the joke is.
3 Jumping Tooth Jaw-Watch

Aliexpress price: from 101.63 rubles.
Rating (2022): 4.8
If you are tired of boring static table figurines and snow balls, check out the jumping false teeth with eyes, made in the classic spirit of the best jokes of the early 2000s from AliExpress. The toy is made of high quality environmentally friendly ABS plastic, so it weighs only 13 grams. Available in two color schemes - pink-red and green-yellow.
Set the required time for waking up using the regulator on the right side of the product and fall asleep. When the “X-hour” comes, the toy will start jumping like crazy on the table, announcing the need to wake up. The thing is extremely stable due to the wide frog legs. In the oral cavity of the device there is a button to deactivate the alarm clock. The toy is suitable for children under 6 years old or scaring cats off the table.
2 Pen with UV ink
Aliexpress price: from 40.22 rubles.
Rating (2022): 4.9
Youth is a wonderful time for romance and walks. But you need to learn lessons and prepare for exams, and this is not always an interesting activity.Make an invisible cheat sheet with unique invisible ink. Handles are made of polypropylene and are not inferior in weight to their conventional counterparts. The color of the invisible ink and the flashlight depends directly on the chosen body color - purple with purple, red with red, etc.
The ink applies equally well to both paper and cardboard and leather. After application, remove the cap from the top of the pen and illuminate the treated area with it. Available in 7 colors. The length is 13.5 centimeters. Not recommended for use by children under 3 years of age.
1 Lie detector

Aliexpress price: from RUB 1,183.65
Rating (2022): 5.0
Do you doubt the fidelity of your soulmate or your child ate a chocolate bar and does not admit it? It's time to use the game lie detector with Aliexpress. Powered by 3 AAA batteries not included. Put your hand in the slot and connect all the necessary sensors. The strap should additionally fix the hand. Press "Reset" and keep your hand still for more accurate results. Run "Analysis" and wait for the result.
Additionally, an increased level of data reading is available. Each level of lies is highlighted with an additional combination of colors. If you are lying, please be kind enough to get a light electric shock and repent of your lies. To start a new "interrogation", press "Reset" again to delete all data about the interrogated person.