Place |
Name |
Characteristic in the rating |
1 | Vissen | Large assortment of colors |
2 | Vissen Pesca | Best price |
3 | Vissen Silicone Tiddler | The most durable silicone |
4 | Vissen Lure | Edible bait with acoustic effect |
5 | swimbaits | Edible twister set |
1 | Spinpoler Reach | Imitation locust with acoustic tail |
2 | WDAIREN | The best earthworm imitation |
3 | Prunanm | Non-hooked frog with hook |
4 | Amlucas Leurre | Imitation of colorful larvae |
5 | KESFISHING Isca | Attractive bait with an unusual shape |
1 | ISHOWTIENDA sahte yemler | The best ratio of price and quality |
2 | HAODIAOZHE YYY343 | The simplest lure |
3 | QXO | high quality silicone |
4 | CRANKBAITS | Large selection of natural colors |
5 | Maggot Grub | Better Mobility |
1 | DONQL | The most catchy form factor |
2 | POETRYYI | Best acoustic effect and simulation |
3 | DONQL | Special, eye-catching color |
4 | Proleurre PR-383 | High acoustics. flexible lure |
5 | THKFISH | The brightest bait with acoustics |
For many anglers, silicone baits have long since replaced natural ones. Why dig for worms or look for larvae if you can buy a set of tricks once and use them all season. Unfortunately, silicone is not eternal, and also loses its qualities.Especially when catching a predator who is trying with all his might to chew inedible rubber, realizing too late that he was deceived.
The modern market for fishing products is full of various silicone baits. They can be as simple as possible, and even primitive, such as twisters. So complex, imitating a real locust and even a frog. In addition, there are models with additional features. For example, baits with an acoustic effect. Their body is dotted with grooves, and the tail has a special shape. Together, this creates acoustic waves in the water column that attract fish. There is also edible silicone, although this is an exaggeration. In fact, the bait is simply impregnated with a composition that is attractive to fish, that is, in addition to the visual component, an olfactory one also appears. The prices for all these models are very different, and in order not to confuse the reader, we have selected the best lures from Aliexpress, and divided them into several categories, placing in each the most popular models, both from famous brands and from unknown Chinese manufacturers.
The best edible silicone baits from AliExpress
Edible silicone is actually not. That is, the bait is not disposable. It’s just that special aromatic oils are added to its composition, which intensify in water and spread over a fairly long distance. Even if the bait is dropped out of sight of the fish, the inviting scent will tell the fish that there is something edible nearby.
The prey quickly rushes to the snag, and realizes too late that instead of a delicious lunch, they slipped rubber on it. The main advantage of such a bait is that the fisherman has a head start, since the fish does not immediately understand the nature of the deception and within a few seconds is still trying to chew or swallow the bait.Of course, this affects the service life of the bait itself, since even the most durable silicone quickly loses its shape under the teeth of a pike or zander. Yes, and such baits are more expensive than usual, which, however, is more than offset by high catchability.
5 swimbaits
Aliexpress price: from 35 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
Edible silicone bait predominantly affects the taste and olfactory receptors of fish, ignoring other reflexes. In this case, the manufacturer with Aliexpress decided to enhance the effect by creating a full-fledged twister with high mobility and acoustic resonance. It turned out, frankly, average. Fishing has not become as catchy as possible, and there are several reasons for this.
As real buyers write in the reviews, the game of tackle in the water leaves much to be desired, and the acoustic effect does not work at all. However, it was not necessary to expect something more at the very beginning, but apparently, many believed in miraculous effects. The bait is the most common. You can't call her the best. Silicone is strong and durable. Because of this, the game deteriorates, but the service life increases, which is much more important for edible silicone. Also, the advantages include the fact that the proposed price is for the whole package of equipment. Just keep them closed so that the aromatic additives do not erode.
4 Vissen Lure
Aliexpress price: from 238 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
Color is one of the most important factors to consider when choosing a lure. For example, acid colors practically do not work in clear water. More natural colors are needed here, and we have just such a model.
This is a black, silicone tackle with a round tail that creates acoustic vibrations in the water. The bait is monophonic, but at the same time it has interspersed sparkles. There are few of them, thanks to which the play of light does not scare away the fish, but rather attracts it, forcing it to come closer to the tackle, and there the smell emitted by the twister already begins to work. The last trigger is triggered, and even the most cautious predator cannot resist the temptation, rushing at the proposed snag. And finally, it should be noted that this is a product of the same Wissen company, and its products are well known to fishermen from all over the world, and are of high quality and durability, despite the fact that the predator tries to chew the bait as much as possible.
3 Vissen Silicone Tiddler
Aliexpress price: from 531 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
It's no secret that edible silicone has a very short life span and rarely makes it to the end of the fishing season. But there are models that are highly durable and resistant to predator teeth. We have just such a model. This is the strongest silicone we have found on AliExpress. As the seller and manufacturer assures, the bait can withstand several hundred hits in the mouth, and at the same time it will not lose its shape or taste.
This is confirmed by customer reviews. True, there are drawbacks, or rather one - a relatively high cost. Yes, 500 rubles for a silicone bait is quite expensive, but it should be understood that such a tackle is capable of catching fish even where there is no abundance of it. The strongest aroma attracts well-fed fish and acts as an irritant on them.Swimming even ten meters from the predator, the bait will surely make him want to eat a silvery fish, and the realization that this is just a snag will come too late.
2 Vissen Pesca
Aliexpress price: from 172 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
Wissen is unique in that it offers products in all categories. For example, this bait has the best price on AliExpress in the edible category. At the same time, the quality of gear is, as always, on top. Twister has a strong, persistent odor that dissipates very slowly. And the silicone itself is so strong that it can withstand dozens of hits in the toothy mouth of a predator.
In addition, this bait has several important characteristics at once. In addition to the aroma, there are acoustic recesses on the body of the tackle, and a special tail allows it to perform unthinkable somersaults in the water, causing aggression even in the most cautious predator. And finally, color. The seller offers several options to choose from, from natural shades to acid ones, with the addition of phosphorus, that is, a glow effect. All lures are interspersed with sparkles, due to which they shimmer in the water column with all the colors of the rainbow, which is an additional trigger for fish.
1 Vissen
Aliexpress price: from 228 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
The Chinese company Wisene produces a wide range of fishing accessories, but for experienced fishermen who often buy on AliExpress, it is primarily known for its edible tackle. This line is distinguished by the widest variety of colors.There are both natural colors used in clear water, and completely unimaginable, acid baits that work mainly in muddy water, during the period of hunger for fish.
In the reviews, these gear received the most flattering reviews, and the only negative is the relatively high cost. But it should be understood that edible silicone always costs more and works less than usual. But at the same time, during the period of active use, such tackle will bring much more trophies, even if you went fishing in the wrong place. Not a single fish, especially a predator, can pass by such a snag. It is ideal to use it in times of famine, when the reservoir is not full of prey for predators, and the smell of your tackle will not be lost among underwater aromas.
The best silicone lures from Aliexpress with imitation
The task of a fisherman using silicone baits is to deceive the fish. Give her the most attractive bait, and try to keep her astray until the trophy sits tightly on the hook. Many predators ignore the game of tackle in the water and even its colors. They care about visual appeal.
Such fish include catfish, the main delicacy of which is locust and frog. He will not react to aromatic baits, no matter what smell they exude, but at the sight of an imitation, he immediately rushes to the proposed prey. This is the main advantage of silicone imitations, of which there are quite a lot on Aliexpress, and we have selected 4 best options for you.
Aliexpress price: from 200 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
Silicone bait is designed to deceive the visual receptors of fish, but as it turned out in practice, aquatic fauna is not very picky in their preferences. She does not distinguish one fry from another, but reacts mainly to playing in the water. Through trial and error, the shape of the best equipment was deduced and now it is in front of us. At least this is what the seller from Aliexpress writes, and many buyers agree with him in their reviews.
Outwardly, this product has certain similarities with locusts or similar insects, but they are extremely conditional. Not the most reliable imitation even in our rating, but fishing with it really becomes more productive. The secret lies in the mobility of the tool. The tail of four petals allows you to make different wiring, alternating fast movements in the vertical plane with horizontal swimming. A great option, although it is relatively expensive, but the best fishing requires investment, and this is one of them.
4 Amlucas Leurre
Aliexpress price: from 25 rub
Rating (2022): 4.7
If the earthworm rightfully takes first place in the ranking of the best natural baits, then the larva follows, and practically steps on its heels. It's just that looking for larvae is even more difficult than digging for a worm. Of course, you can buy them, but they have a very short lifespan, and there is not always a fishing store nearby that sells them.
And as always, Aliexpress offers us a way out - artificial larvae of various colors and sizes. There are both completely transparent tackles and completely unnatural shades that show excellent results when fishing at great depths or in muddy waters.Such baits cost only 25 rubles, and it should be understood that this is a very strong and durable silicone that can withstand dozens of hits in the toothy mouth of a predator. Of course, the fish can take off the hook and absorb the proposed bait, but in this case it is more correct to use special hooks with serifs, and then the silicone snag will last even longer, and you will no longer need to look for larvae anywhere, in the ground or fishing store.
3 Prunanm
Aliexpress price: from 38 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
The frog is a favorite delicacy of catfish and other large predators. Many fishermen, arriving at the reservoir, first of all go to catch frogs, and spend a huge amount of time on this. But there is an easier way out, and it is in front of us.
This is a pretty realistic imitation of a frog, with a built-in hook. It is worth noting that the built-in hook is quite rare in silicone lures, but here it is, and even has a special leash, when activated, you get the opportunity to guide the tackle through dense bottom vegetation and obstacles without fear of hooks. In addition, the seller offers several color options at once. The range includes both realistic lures, natural colors, and more aggressive, acidic colors that work great in muddy water. Such gear, among other things, has interspersed sparkles that break and enhance the sun's rays, which scarcely fall into the hidden corners of the reservoir, the favorite habitats of catfish.
Aliexpress price: from 47 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
The best bait for almost any fish is earthworms.Many fishermen deliberately breed colonies of worms at home in order to always have enough bait on hand. If you don’t have such an opportunity, or you just don’t want to do it, then there is an alternative. artificial worms.
Their main advantage is the maximum similarity with the natural original. The worms really look similar, and thanks to the notches on the body, under the influence of the current, they also wriggle in the water. Of course, it is not always possible to deceive the fish, because one of the important aspects is the smell of the bait, but here it is not. Fortunately, this problem is also easy to solve by buying a special spray on the same Aliexpress that imitates the natural smell of an earthworm. Together, this will give the best bait of its kind. Of course, it should be understood that silicone is not eternal, and sooner or later such a bait will lose its appearance. On the other hand, you get rid of the need to dig or breed live worms, and then keep them alive and not let them die.
1 Spinpoler Reach
Aliexpress price: from 162 rubles
Rating (2022): 4.9
Locusts attract many predators, and the catfish is just one of them. But fooling a cunning fish is not so easy. The fact is that once in the water, the locust begins to try to take off, making a crackling sound that is clearly audible at a great distance. This bait imitates locusts not only externally, but also acoustically. When posting, she begins to make sounds that completely confuse the fisherman's future prey.
Also from this seller you can choose baits of several colors. For example, green or brown tackle is perfect for fishing in clear water. And more aggressive colors will show excellent results in cloudy.At the same time, regardless of the main color, each bait has interspersed sparkles. There are not many of them, that is, you should not expect an aggressive reflection, and this is a plus, since the sparkles simply attract the attention of the fish, but at the same time do not allow it to suspect something was wrong. Will please buyers and the price. It is lower than for edible silicone, but as practice and reviews show, it works just as well.
The best silicone baits - "twisters" from Aliexpress
Twister is a unique bait and is always popular with fishermen. The fact is that it has nothing to do with reality at all. That is, it does not look like a real fry or worm. So how do twisters lure fish? There are many factors. Let's start with the form. Here it is not intended to imitate anything. The secret lies in the shape of the body and tail, thanks to which the bait produces unimaginable somersaults in the water, which is an irritant for the fish.
The second aspect is color. Twisters can be both realistic, that is, have a resemblance to real representatives of the fauna, and acid, not found in nature. The former work great in clear water, while the latter show excellent results at great depths, where visibility is very limited. In addition, many twisters have an acoustic effect created by grooves on the body. Sound is another factor that attracts fish. Well, a good twister has all these qualities, and we have selected for you the 4 most interesting options from the Aliexpress site.
5 Maggot Grub
Aliexpress price: from 80 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
The mobility of the silicone bait is provided by the shape of its tail and body. In this case, we see the most intricate twister tail.It is thanks to him that fishing with such tackle becomes as catchy as possible, and the seller from Aliexpress also assures us of the presence of an acoustic effect. Is it really difficult to say. There are practically no reviews about the product, and the shape of the body makes one doubt its existence.
Whatever it was, the basic principle of catchability here lies in the tail. The mobility of the tackle is maximum. By alternating wiring, you can independently adjust the immersion depth of the gear and its horizontal movement. Moreover, this does not require many years of fishing experience. The body itself is short, practically not bending, even despite the presence of slots along the entire length. By attaching the snap to the movable mount, you will also make it rotate, which will further increase the effectiveness of fishing.
Aliexpress price: from 25 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
This manufacturer is well known to experienced fishermen. He produces a wide variety of baits, among which there are simple twisters. Before us is just such a product, the main difference of which is the high strength of silicone and the quality of workmanship. Despite the relatively low cost, this is a truly durable material that will last more than one season, with careful use.
Also note the color of the gear. There are no unnatural acid colors here. The emphasis is on maximum similarity with natural objects. Twister imitates a fish in color, and at the same time it is able to deceive future prey so much that it realizes that it is a snag in front of it only when it is too late.The bait is sold in sets of 10 pieces, and ideally, buy several colors at once in order to be able to experiment. It is well known that fish do not bite on foreign objects, and the most accurate imitation of those breeds of fry that live in this reservoir is necessary.
Aliexpress price: from 85 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
Even the best silicone bait sooner or later loses its appearance. Getting into the fangs of predators, the material deteriorates, loses its shape, as a result of which the catchability decreases. The stronger the silicone, the better, but there is a delicate balance to be struck. The hardest silicone is too dense and will not play. In this case, the balance was achieved in the best possible way.
Mobility is great. A subtle transition to the tail petal creates an intricate play on the water, and the conical shape allows you to make even the most complex fetches. Fishing with such gear requires some experience, but the main advantage here is durability. Of course, you have to pay for such an effect. The price is relatively high, but if the bait is really so strong and durable, then the cost is completely leveled, since the tackle does not have to be changed after 5-10 casts.
Aliexpress price: from 2 rub
Rating (2022): 4.8
There are many places on our planet, and in particular in our country, where there is no need to resort to tricks in order to catch the coveted trophy. Astrakhan region, Yakutsk region, Karelia. These and many other places abound with fish, and tricky lures are rarely used there. An ordinary earthworm is enough, or just such a simple imitation.
There is nothing outstanding here.Plain silicone blank, without acoustic fins or special paint. It is not edible and does not create an intricate game in the water. But despite this, it performs well in business. Of course, during the period of stagnation, when the fish is in no hurry to go on the hook, such tackle will not be able to show a good result, but in spring or autumn, it is quite enough in fishing places. Yes, and it is worth every penny. Only two rubles for one disc. Not afraid to lose or tear off. But it should be understood that the seller with Aliexpress will not send one model. This tackle is sold in a set, and is sent only when ordering a certain amount.
1 ISHOWTIENDA sahte yemler
Aliexpress price: from 20 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
Among other advantages of a twister, it is impossible not to highlight their price. For example, we have one of the most attractive options in terms of value for money. Only 20 rubles for the bait, the maximum working type. Everything is here, from the colors that the seller offers in a wide range, to acoustic effects.
Yes, it will not work to call this bait the best of its kind, since it has a number of drawbacks. In particular, the low strength of the silicone itself and its paint. The service life of such a bait is not high, but given the low price, we can safely say that it is worth its money, and this is already an important factor. Also pay attention to the customer reviews under this product. They are mostly positive, and in particular they note the seller's quick response to the order, as well as the dispatch of the goods.In fact, this is a criterion that all sellers should have, but people who often work with this site know that this is not always the case.
Best Acoustic Silicone Lures from AliExpress
It is known that sound propagates differently in the water column than on its surface. Passing through different layers, it is not only distorted, but also scattered, so the baits are designed in such a way as to spread the sound as much as possible, and at the same time make it look like the one emitted by real inhabitants of the reservoirs.
To be frank, the acoustic effect is often used solely for marketing purposes. After all, it is difficult to check its presence in practice, and only repeated use gives an understanding of whether the tackle works or not. Based on this, it becomes very difficult to choose acoustic tackle. And we have selected for you some of the most interesting options, the performance of which has been tested by real buyers.
Aliexpress price: from 131 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
It is known that fishing in deep waters is more difficult. Visibility is very limited there, and the usual visual effects, such as shape, will not solve the problem here. You have to use some tricks, and this model uses a special paint that glows in the water, and the denser the darkness around, the stronger the emitted light.
The main feature of this gear is the intensity of the glow. This is the brightest lure we have found. At the same time, its effect is completely invisible on the surface and begins to work only in the dark. The effect of phosphorus is used here, although the material itself is different and completely safe for health.As for the form, here it is the simplest. There is no imitation, although outwardly the tackle is slightly similar to a squid, but it is not this that attracts potential prey, namely the glow, or rather its intensity. Simply put, this is the best bait for fishing in deep waters or under ice, where dusk always reigns.
4 Proleurre PR-383
Aliexpress price: from 66 rubles
Rating (2022): 4.7
To create an acoustic effect, two technologies are used: a specially curved tail and slits on the body. The slots allow the bait to bend, and the tail breaks the bait during wiring, and it begins to make sounds that attract predators. In most of these models, he uses a very large, completely unnatural tail, but here we see minimalism at its best.
Yes, a silicone bait of this type has little in common with real representatives of aquatic fauna, but it does not stand out much either. For example, cases are well known when predators simply rush to branches passing by. What interested them there? Obviously not a resemblance to a fry. The same principle is used here. No extra details. Only the most thoughtful ergonomics, aimed at creating the best acoustic effect around you. The only thing that confuses a little is the size of the tackle. It is quite small, and a large predator is unlikely to become your prey. But not everyone goes fishing for 20 kilogram pikes, so this minus can be safely discounted.
Aliexpress price: from 81 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
Manufacturers of fishing lures are constantly experimenting with different materials, and if they decided on silicone, choosing it as the most attractive, and at the same time inexpensive option, then experiments with paint continue to this day.
Before us is a tackle, in which, according to the manufacturer, a special paint is used that works to attract a predator. Its secret is in special inclusions that refract light and create an intricate play in the thickness. Along with this, the effect of acoustics also works. That is, first of all, this is an acoustic bait, and the colors here play a secondary role. Looking at customer reviews, we can safely say that the tackle works, but it’s hard to say thanks to what qualities. Perhaps the color works, perhaps the sound, but it is most likely that a combination of attraction methods works, and this is a huge plus for this brand. True, some are scared off by the price, but given the catchability of the tackle, it will be completely covered in just one fishing trip.
Aliexpress price: from 115 rubles
Rating (2022): 4.9
The ideal bait is one that uses several methods to attract at once. We have just such an option. First of all, this is an acoustic tackle, equipped with a curved tail and slits on the body. When posting, it spreads waves around itself, to which the predator reacts. At the same time, the waves are much stronger than from a real fry, which means that even in a reservoir rich in food, you get an unconditional advantage.
The second aspect is the imitation of the natural food of predators.This bait is made in the form of a small fish, fry, which is the main diet of pike, zander, perch and other predators. The fish has the maximum similarity, and works great in both muddy and clear water. Of course, depending on the type of reservoir, the color of the tackle should also be selected, and the seller has no problems with this. You can take both a set of pale, natural shades, as well as more aggressive and bright ones.
Aliexpress price: from 110 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
The best silicone bait should act on several fish receptors at the same time. The more of them, the higher the performance. In this case, there are no flavorings and flavorings. But there are acoustic and visual effects, and they are at the highest level. The bait is a cross between a twister and an imitation, the body is long, with slots around the entire circumference. These slots provide mobility and at the same time create an acoustic effect in the water column.
An additional trigger is the shape of the tail. It reminds the fish of its real food. Four large petals and two threads also work for playfulness in the water. Alternating different styles of wiring, you can create the most intricate tricks that attract even the most cautious predators. Will please buyers and the price. For an acoustic bait, this is the best price tag on AliExpress. In addition, awarded a considerable number of positive reviews from real buyers.