10 best dermatologies in Moscow



Characteristic in the rating

Top 10 best dermatologies in Moscow

1 MedCenterService Top reviews, open 24/7
2 GMT Clinic High quality service
3 European Medical Center Pediatric department, treatment of serious diseases
4 Presidentmed The best professorial staff
5 Scientific Dermatological Center Retinoids Excellent equipment, saving patients time
6 FMBC im. A.I. Burnazyan Reception of patients on CHI free of charge
7 SM Clinic Calling a doctor at home, effective treatment
8 AMD Laboratories Narrow focus of work, experienced specialists
9 He Clinic International quality standards
10 Treatment and rehabilitation center Medico-S Extensive experience in the treatment of skin diseases

Dermatology is a separate branch of medical science that studies the structure of the skin. Dermatologists are specialists who can identify and treat any skin disease. Such ailments can cause serious inconvenience in everyday life. Specially for their study and treatment, separate clinics with a dermatological department are being created. There are hundreds of such centers in Moscow. Some of them specialize in the treatment of adults, others include entire children's departments. Dermatologists help fight acne, psoriasis, eczema, fungal infections, and more. The main advantage of specialized clinics is the ability to undergo a complete examination and take tests in one place. Often related specialists are invited to such centers for a deeper study of the disease.We have compiled a rating of the best dermatology clinics in Moscow with pediatric and adult specialists.

Top 10 best dermatologies in Moscow

10 Treatment and rehabilitation center Medico-S

Extensive experience in the treatment of skin diseases
Website: medico-s.ru, Phone: +7 (499) 259-36-35
On the map: Moscow, st. Mantulinskaya, house 12/2
Rating (2022): 4.5

The Mediko-S Center was opened in 1992. Over the years of successful work, the clinic's specialists have helped many patients get rid of skin problems. During this time, new technologies have been introduced, innovative methods and preparations have been used. The main activities are the treatment of various fungal infections, skin diseases. The staff consists of 9 dermatologists of the highest category with extensive practical experience. They will quickly and accurately diagnose and provide the most effective treatment for each individual patient.

An important point is that almost all specialists of the center are graduates of prestigious medical universities. Here they diagnose and treat diseases such as acne, acne, psoriasis, viral dermatosis, etc. High-quality equipment allows for a wide range of procedures. Main advantages: extensive experience in the treatment of skin diseases, excellent specialists, comfortable conditions, positive feedback from patients, fast accurate diagnosis.

9 He Clinic

International quality standards
Website: onclinic.ru, Phone: +7 (495) 432-60-31
On the map: Moscow, st. Tsvetnoy Boulevard, 30
Rating (2022): 4.5

Network of international honey. centers "On Clinic" is working in 60 different areas. Dermatology occupies a special place among them. Thanks to the modern and complete equipment of clinics, patients can receive test results on the day of treatment.At the first appointment, dermatologists will accurately determine the diagnosis with the help of auxiliary means, if necessary, they will refer you for a deeper study and select the optimal treatment regimen for a particular organism. Much attention is paid to the detection of neoplasms.

The quality of services here is on top - it is confirmed by international standards. The clinic provides effective treatment for eczema, psoriasis, ichthyosis, acne, various infections, dermatitis and other skin diseases. Dermatologists work closely with related specialists to identify the root causes of the disease. On Clinic centers are conveniently located throughout Moscow. Advantages: a large network, international service quality standards, good equipment, the best patient reviews, effective treatment regimens.

8 AMD Laboratories

Narrow focus of work, experienced specialists
Website: amdlab.ru, Phone: 8 (800) 100-17-18
On the map: Moscow, st. Gilyarovsky, 57
Rating (2022): 4.6

The network of modern medical clinics "AMD Laboratories" offers its patients a wide range of services in the field of dermatology. There are several centers in Moscow, in each of which you can undergo a full course of treatment, conduct a deep examination and pass all the necessary tests. The results will be ready within a short time. Enrollment is available through the online form. In the center on st. Gilyarsky's appointment is conducted by the chief doctor of the clinic, a specialist with many years of experience, a candidate of medical sciences.

The initial examination includes not only a visual examination, but also diagnostics, as well as the appointment of treatment. Here they successfully cope with any skin inflammations, sycosis, teenage rashes, etc. On weekdays, the clinic is open from 9 to 21.You can make an appointment with a doctor by calling the hotline or on the website. Main advantages: narrow specialization, experienced specialists, optimal cost, positive reviews, excellent treatment results.

7 SM Clinic

Calling a doctor at home, effective treatment
Website: smclinic.ru, Phone: +7 (495) 154-09-86
On the map: Moscow, Staropetrovsky pr., 7A
Rating (2022): 4.6

Another worthy medical clinic in Moscow has an excellent staff of dermatologists. Each of them has extensive practical experience and is ready to provide the patient with the most effective assistance. At the first appointment, the specialist will diagnose the disease using a dermatoscope. If necessary, the patient will be referred for additional tests. At the same time, he will not need to go to another center - everything can be done in one place. For the treatment of skin diseases, the clinic uses the latest surgical methods and drug programs.

If it is necessary to remove the neoplasm, advanced equipment and methods are used (laser, radio wave therapy, cryodestruction). If the symptoms of a skin disease appear too clearly on your skin, you can call a SM-Clinic specialist to your home. Together with the doctor, if necessary, honey arrives. nurse for collecting tests, setting droppers, injections. The hotline makes an appointment 24 hours a day. By the way, when registering on the site, a 7% discount is given for the first visit. Main advantages: quality service, doctor's house calls, effective methods of treatment, high-level specialists, the latest equipment, good reviews.

6 FMBC im. A.I. Burnazyan

Reception of patients on CHI free of charge
Website: fmbafmbc.ru, Phone: +7 (499) 190-73-74
On the map: Moscow, st. Marshal Novikov, 23
Rating (2022): 4.7

State Budgetary Medical Center named after A.I. Burnazyan is known for his effective treatments. Here, a whole department is devoted to dermatology. Specialists regularly participate in various developments, as well as the introduction of the latest technologies and methods for the treatment of skin diseases. Patients can use the services of the clinic for a fee or under the MHI policy. They often hold promotions and reduce prices for various procedures. Technological equipment is used for all types of research. This allows for a qualitative diagnosis of any disease. For convenience, the clinic is open from 9.00 to 20.00.

Most dermatologists have a degree and are specialists of the highest category. Appointments can be booked online. All your questions will be answered by calling the hotline or in the technical window. site support. It is also easy to get acquainted with the reviews of patients about a particular doctor. Main advantages: the latest approaches to treatment, decent quality of equipment, admission of patients under compulsory health insurance for free, excellent reviews.

5 Scientific Dermatological Center Retinoids

Excellent equipment, saving patients time
Website: cutis.ru, Phone: +7 (495) 684-21-87
On the map: Address: Moscow, 2nd Vysheslavtsev lane, 15
Rating (2022): 4.7

For 20 years, the Retinoids Research Center has been helping its patients cope with skin ailments. He is one of the leaders in the country. This is due to effective methods of treatment, a wide range of services and, most importantly, the work of the best doctors. They use high-tech equipment for the most accurate diagnosis. Another feature of the clinic is excellent equipment. The full course of treatment can be completed in one place.Here it is possible to pass any tests and conduct any research.

Doctors of the center have the highest category and are candidates of sciences. Due to the narrow focus of the work, really effective help is provided here. Specialists daily face various skin diseases and successfully treat them. All the work of the clinic is thought out in such a way that the patient spends as little time as possible waiting for test results, doctor appointments, etc. Pros: good honey. equipment, best reviews, well-organized work of the clinic, a wide range of services.

4 Presidentmed

The best professorial staff
Website: presidentmed.ru, Phone: +7 (495) 225-25-82
On the map: Moscow, Sivtsev Vrazhek, 3
Rating (2022): 4.8

Clinic "Presidentmed" is quite well-known among the residents of Moscow. One of her professional fields is dermatology. The main advantage can be safely called the staff. All doctors here have a professorship and experience in medical practice. institutions of the USA, Israel and other countries. Here, the latest developments in the field of treatment of skin diseases are actively used. An important feature is the use of innovative equipment that has no analogues in our country. Patients from all over Russia come to the dermatologists of the Presidentmed Center. For a deeper examination, related specialists are involved.

By the way, every week a professorial council gathers here, where each specific case of the disease is analyzed. Most patients are satisfied with the result - they get rid of their illness and recommend the clinic to their friends. Here they treat lichen, fungal infections, herpes, demodicosis and other dermatological diseases.The main advantages: an excellent team of specialists, doctors from the USA and Israel, the best equipment, the latest techniques, positive statistics on the treatment of various diseases.

3 European Medical Center

Pediatric department, treatment of serious diseases
Website: emcmos.ru, Phone: +7 (495) 933-66-55
On the map: Moscow, Spiridonievsky per. 5/1
Rating (2022): 4.8

European Medical Center is a leader in providing the best medical care. assistance on advanced equipment in our country. The department of dermatology here deals with adults and children from birth. Competent specialists carry out diagnostics and prescribe the optimal treatment for each specific patient. The clinic will help you cope with atopic dermatitis, urticaria, eczema, acne, neoplasms, fungal infections, etc. Acute and chronic diseases of the skin, hair and nails are successfully diagnosed and treated here.

Much attention is paid to patients with psoriasis. To combat it, they use the latest drugs produced through genetic engineering. Separately, a children's clinic has been opened in the European Medical Center. The doctors of the clinic are specialists of the highest category with various scientific degrees. The main advantages: children's department, the use of advanced techniques, the best equipment and drugs, the treatment of serious dermatological diseases, top-level staff.

2 GMT Clinic

High quality service
Website: gmt-clinic.ru, Phone: +7 (499) 229-21-92
On the map: Moscow, Novinsky Boulevard, 20 A
Rating (2022): 4.9

One of the best dermatological clinics is located in the very center of Moscow. Thanks to the use of German innovative technologies, GMT Clinic specialists can easily achieve the desired results during the procedures.The clinic offers a large number of areas: from plastic surgery to cosmetology and special physical. loads. All manipulations are carried out in a safe mode for the body, using the best drugs and equipment.

Here, patients receive a high level of quality of treatment and excellent results. In one place you can conduct all the necessary research, pass any tests. Experienced specialists will accurately and quickly determine the diagnosis and prescribe the optimal treatment. The clinic removes various neoplasms using the unique Aktus laser. Patient reviews are mostly positive. Free parking is available for guests of the center. Advantages: high quality service, experienced staff, excellent equipment, comfortable conditions. Cons: high prices for services.

1 MedCenterService

Top reviews, open 24/7
Website: medcentrservis.ru/dermatology/, Phone: +7 (495) 324-88-22
On the map: Moscow, st. Preobrazhenskaya street, 4
Rating (2022): 4.9

MedCenterService is a large network of multidisciplinary medical centers with 17 branches located throughout Moscow. And some of them work 24 hours a day. One of the areas of activity is dermatology. Specialists are engaged in the treatment of skin diseases, in-depth diagnostics of the patient's skin condition. The latter is ensured by the presence of high-tech equipment and extensive experience of the clinic doctors. On the site you can make an appointment or get a free consultation.

For convenience, there is a 24-hour hotline. Diseases such as acne, allergic dermatitis, Lyme disease, warts, etc. are treated here. The staff consists of specialists of the highest category. The current prices for all services can be found on the website.Main advantages: a large network of 17 clinics, excellent reviews about the work of doctors, high-level specialists, optimal prices, a convenient website, round-the-clock operation of some departments.

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