10 best karting clubs in Moscow



Characteristic in the rating

The best indoor karting clubs in Moscow

1 Le Mans The largest indoor karting club in Moscow
2 Lonato Karting Adult and children's karting school
3 Forza Karting Entertainment for every taste: karting, laser tag, karaoke
4 Silver Rain The longest indoor track. Best track quality
5 Black Star Karting The most unusual route. Electric cards

The best open karting clubs in Moscow

1 Lighthouse Best Open Track
2 X-ti Pilot Great go kart for winter driving. Responsive staff
3 TsTVS Moscow Comfortable place for the whole family
4 sky karting There is an open and covered track
5 DiXXodrom Ideal option for children

Karting clubs appeared in Moscow relatively recently and immediately became a trend. Families with children and professional racers come here, corporate parties, sports competitions and friendly games are held here. Such popularity can be explained by unusual emotions, adrenaline, a sense of speed and the desire to be the first. Karting is a fun challenge supervised by professionals.

Persons of any gender and age are allowed to practice, so not only adults, but also children from 6 years old will be able to drive on the map. The race tracks are safe, and an instructor is always present on the site, ready to help in any difficult situation. To drive a racing car does not require special skills and abilities.However, if you want to become a real pro, there are special schools based on many clubs where you can get training and communicate with experienced drivers. We have selected the best karting clubs in Moscow, which have been operating for more than one year and are popular. The rating includes indoor and outdoor areas that are suitable for beginners and professionals.

The best indoor karting clubs in Moscow

You can ride indoors comfortably at any time of the year and in any weather. This is a great advantage, because it will always be dry here and the grip will not deteriorate. Often such tracks are organized in parking lots or shopping centers. However, such tracks cannot boast of great length, so it is unlikely that you will be able to fully enjoy the speed.

5 Black Star Karting

The most unusual route. Electric cards
Tel.: +7 (495) 120-43-13; Website: select.blackstarkarting.ru
On the map: Moscow, st. Avtozavodskaya, 18
Rating (2022): 4.4

A unique go-kart where you can ride an electric car. "Tesla" picks up speed up to 100 km/h in 4 seconds and the race is as emotional as possible. There is a boost button when you can accelerate the car to the maximum. Compared to gasoline models, electric karts run without noise, dust, smoke and smell, so you will feel very comfortable riding. The track will not leave anyone indifferent either: on a 420-meter two-level track you will find a bridge, a tunnel and even a bank - special oval roundings with a slope and a width of turns from 5 to 10 meters.

Many were impressed by the futuristic design of the premises. Judging by the reviews, in such a place you can perfectly celebrate any holiday and take cool photos.Despite the fact that the karts in Black Star Karting are potentially fast, many complain that they don’t manage to ride with the breeze for as long as they would like. The tracks are often heavily loaded and the marshals deliberately lower the speed, which upsets adrenaline lovers. At the same time, prices are higher than in ordinary karting clubs.

4 Silver Rain

The longest indoor track. Best track quality
Tel: +7 (495) 201-77-02; Website: s-karting.ru
On the map: Moscow, 1st street of the Izmailovsky menagerie, 8
Rating (2022): 4.4

Silver Rain is one of the newest clubs in Moscow, so the quality of the tracks is beyond praise. Karts are maintained in perfect condition, each has a soft cushion for comfortable riding. The length of the route is about 900 meters, which is one of the longest in the capital. The surface of the Silver Rain is slippery enough for tricks and quite stable for beginners and children. This club often holds professional competitions to which all spectators are invited. All elements of the route are visible, it is very convenient to watch the show from the windows of the sports bar.

Silver Rain offers one of the most difficult tracks in Moscow, which challenges even professionals. It has both narrow sections and wide passages for overtaking. Instructors are constantly working in the club, but it is recommended to book lessons in advance. Visitors note that this karting is popular, there are not enough cars for all cars. The disadvantages include uneven coverage, which can be a serious challenge for beginners. If you don’t use the services of a sports bar, you won’t be able to watch the competitions in comfort - you can see about 10%, the rest is covered by poles.

3 Forza Karting

Entertainment for every taste: karting, laser tag, karaoke
Tel.: +7 (495) 640-33-02; Site: forza-karting.ru
On the map: Moscow, st. Sharikopodshipnikovskaya, 13, building 89
Rating (2022): 4.7

The network of indoor karting clubs Forza Karting in Moscow boasts excellent organization and staff. The track is not very difficult, but not one continuous straight line, so no one will be bored. The standard race lasts 10 minutes, which is enough to cause an adrenaline storm in a beginner. Participants are given all the necessary equipment, however, it would not hurt to update it - they complain that they often do not have the right size or there are some defects on the uniform. In addition to racing, there are other entertainments here: laser tag, karaoke, cafes. Parking is provided inside a closed area, but, unfortunately, only paid.

The cards themselves are not bad, but, judging by the reviews, they are not served very well. Many of them do not give out the declared power and ride in completely different ways, so the outcome of the race is determined by the condition of the car that you got.

In addition, regular visitors recommend booking races in advance, since all days, especially Saturday and Sunday, are scheduled, and there are practically no free ones without an appointment.

2 Lonato Karting

Adult and children's karting school
Tel.: +7 (495) 445-41-00; Website: lonato.ru
On the map: Moscow, Varshavskoe sh., 30A
Rating (2022): 4.8

Lonato Karting is a great place to come with a big group or family. There are several kart options to choose from: for adults, children, doubles, as well as powerful club cars for the pros. Visitors note that they are all new and in good condition.The quality of the track itself is also praised - a smooth asphalt surface allows you to feel every movement and accurately control the kart. Of course, it is small - only 400 meters, but interesting. There are sharp and high-speed turns, plus it is periodically changed.

Support during the race works well: the marshals quickly turn around if it skidded, they quickly wave flags if someone is driving slowly in front. It is also a great option for those who do not know how, but want to learn how to manage a kart. Not only children are taught here, but also adults with any level of training. The place is popular, so there is a risk of getting into the full set on the track. There are especially many people on weekends and in order to be guaranteed to participate in the race, it is better to sign up in advance.

1 Le Mans

The largest indoor karting club in Moscow
Tel: +7 495 50–50–227; Site: lemanskarting.ru
On the map: Moscow, Molodogvardeiskaya, 54, building 5
Rating (2022): 4.9

The leader of the rating was Le Mans, which is the largest club within Moscow. At the same time, the tracks and cars are maintained in perfect condition, which is what customers leave the most positive feedback about. Visitors are given soft liners for the seats, and then secure the driver with seat belts (and this is far from being everywhere!). This approach allows children and beginners to ride safely. On the basis of Le Mans, there is training for school-age children, teachers help them work in a team, achieve their goals and, of course, ride a kart.

The track in this club cannot challenge professionals, but it is ideal for beginner and intermediate levels. There are some sharp turns and a sliding surface to perform tricks.Somewhere in the middle of the track there is a small hill that adds complexity, although customers write that it was formed by accident. Tired of driving, visitors go to a restaurant with an inexpensive menu and panoramic windows overlooking the track. An important point is its free parking for an unlimited time. Of the minuses, customers note the insufficiently wide track, if there are a lot of visitors, they start to push.

The best open karting clubs in Moscow

Open tracks are a real find for professionals and thrill-seekers. In terms of length, they are 2 or even 3 times larger than indoor tracks. Many of them work not only in summer, but also in winter - visitors are simply given insulated overalls. The main disadvantage of such sites is the dependence on the weather. So, when it snows, it is simply impossible to operate open tracks, and when it rains, it is very difficult, since karts on a wet surface are poorly controlled, and therefore the risk of an accident increases.

5 DiXXodrom

Ideal option for children
Tel: +7 (499) 367-18-88; Site: dixxodrom.ru
On the map: Moscow, Izmailovskoye shosse, 73, Rocket Stadium
Rating (2022): 4.7

DiXXodrom organized the most advanced kids club, not forgetting about the parents. We couldn't help but add it to the rating, because only here the children can make their first trip, and parents can compete with them or play on the basketball court. Tired adults waiting for their children are offered an inexpensive menu in 2 restaurants with panoramic windows. From there you have a great view of the track. All visitors are provided with ammunition, a small briefing is given. You can come with a team of adults and arrange competitions with prizes.There is a unique opportunity to hold a whole championship with dropouts and one winner.

An interesting feature of DiXXodrom is the encouragement of visitors: those who regularly participate in races receive free visits. The track cannot boast of a length - only 570 meters - but it is enough to entertain visitors of any experience. In total, DiXXodrom has 9 karts, there is no flea market in the club. However, the institution also has disadvantages: visitors note not the most responsive staff and outdated infrastructure. In winter, it gets quite cold in the locker room and cafe, you need to take gloves and warm sweaters.

4 sky karting

There is an open and covered track
Tel.: +7 (495) 120-57-57; Website: skykarting.ru
On the map: Moscow, Bagrationovsky pr., 5
Rating (2022): 4.7

Sky-Karting is a good place where you can drive on a kart at any time of the year and in any weather. For visitors, unique multi-level indoor and outdoor tracks are equipped. The open track is open in the summer, the closed track is always open. Under the roof there are several tracks of varying difficulty, however, since karting is done in a parking lot, concrete columns and the vast majority of turns - 90 and 180 degrees act as restrictions here. The street track is more extreme in this regard.

Many note that the coverage in all areas is very good and tenacious. This allows you to comfortably turn and quickly exit the drift. The cards are in good condition and equally powerful. Uniforms and helmets are given out, but sometimes there are too many visitors and there is not enough equipment for everyone. It is often crowded on weekends, which results in a crush during races and it is not possible to enjoy the speed. Also complain about not very responsive staff.

3 TsTVS Moscow

Comfortable place for the whole family
Tel.: +7 (499) 444-14-78; Website: race.mos.sport
On the map: Moscow, Projected passage 4386th
Rating (2022): 4.8

The Center for Technical Sports is not just a karting site, but a full-fledged complex for active recreation in Moscow. You can come here for a weekend with your family: everyone will find entertainment to their liking. There are 5 tracks for cycling, motorcycles and go-karts. There are playgrounds, ramps for skateboarding, benches, gazebos, barbecue grills and even a promenade for hiking. You can watch how drifters train, take pictures in the park or with cool cars.

The length of the karting track is 850 meters, so you will definitely be able to accelerate to the limit. The coating is of high quality, the configuration is interesting. Visitors praise the cars: they are new, powerful and easy to drive. The prices are quite reasonable. You can get trained if you want. Minus - the place is organized on a former wasteland outside the city, so getting here is not very convenient. That is why it is not crowded here, which in turn is a plus.

2 X-ti Pilot

Great go kart for winter driving. Responsive staff
Tel.: +7 (495) 136-68-16; Website: x-tipilot.ru
On the map: Moscow, Shokalsky Ave., 52
Rating (2022): 4.8

This is the best option for experienced and novice drivers who want to experience the thrill of a real race. The length of the track in X-ti Pilot is 968 meters, which made it possible to make a rather interesting configuration with high-speed and sharp turns, elevation changes. Despite the fact that the track is open, people ride here even in winter. To do this, visitors are given warm equipment: overalls, gloves, helmets.The choice is large, so it will not be difficult to choose the right size.

If you believe the reviews, then all the cards are powerful and in good condition. The prices are a little high, but there is a system of discounts. The price depends on the capacity of the car and the number of paid races. Many people praise the staff - the staff is always willing to help, the coaches are experienced and professionally teach karting to children and adults. In general, the service is not bad, but the overalls are not dried after the races and you may encounter an unpleasant situation when you are given wet clothes after a previous client.

1 Lighthouse

Best Open Track
Tel: +7 (495) 972-60-53; Website: mayak-karting.ru
On the map: MO, Dmitrovsky district, with. Ignatovo
Rating (2022): 4.8

The lighthouse is located outside of Moscow, but we could not but put one of the best open tracks in Russia in its rightful place. It is 1.2 kilometers long and the road is wide enough for several cars to travel in parallel. There are sharp turns and elevation changes, even professionals will have something to learn. There are cards for adults and children (they develop a lower speed), for 10 minutes of rental you will need to pay from 300 to 800 rubles. There is a school for all ages on the base, which prepares participants for competitions. It is convenient that the time is discussed with the coach and adjusts to the group.

A distinctive feature of the Lighthouse is the holding of "cabals". If you come with a group of friends, the company organizes competitions and prizes for the first three places. This is a great idea for corporate parties and birthdays. The track operates in any weather in summer and winter, sportswear is appropriate for the season.Despite the long history of the company, the cards are relatively new - the latest models were purchased in 2013, they correspond to the international class. Of the minuses, one can single out the location - 40 km from the Moscow Ring Road. In addition, visitors note that the price of skiing is much higher than average, and it is recommended to book the route in advance.

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