Place |
Name |
Characteristic in the rating |
1 | Klin Trio | Multibreed cattery |
2 | Colored barberry | Best Pomeranian in Moscow |
3 | beautiful life | The most titled Australian Silky Terrier in Russia |
4 | From the heart of Caesar | Lifetime consultations |
5 | Altera Pars | 25 years of dog breeding experience |
6 | Golden iz Life | The best chihuahuas corresponding to the world breed standards |
7 | Favorite hobby | Best Yorkshire Terrier Show Puppies |
8 | Bi-Natal | The smallest dogs |
9 | Seventy Seven | large dogs |
10 | richly red | 160 Champion titles |
We bring to your attention a selection of the best dog kennels in Moscow. It includes multi-breed and highly specialized establishments supplying the best representatives of the breeds. The choice is based on customer reviews, compliance of puppies with established standards. In addition, we took into account the presence of a long history of development and activity, a large number of champion graduates, proper care and provision of all necessary documents, as well as the opportunity to personally assess the conditions of the dogs.
Top 10 best dog kennels in Moscow
10 richly red

Website: Tel: +7 (495) 368-57-56
On the map: Moscow, st. m. "Okhotny Ryad"
Rating (2022): 4.1
Our rating starts Irish Terrier and Chihuahua kennel. These are one of the most popular breeds among residents of the capital. The former have an imperturbable noble appearance, while the latter bribe with their indefatigable cheerful disposition.The nursery has been operating for more than 22 years, has official registration. The largest number of Champion titles is stored here, today there are about 160 of them. These are awards for winning and participating in competitions of not only Russian, but also international scale.
The dogs of the kennel are distinguished by full compliance with breed standards. They are the perfect size and ratio. In addition, the pets will please the owners with an accommodating character and good temperament, combined with a balanced psyche. Richly Red staff will be happy to advise potential buyers on the characteristics of the breed, as well as provide after-sales support. The Richly Red kennel deservedly took its place among the best in Moscow.
9 Seventy Seven

Website:; Tel: +7 (926) 524-13-91
On the map: Moscow, st. Starobitsevskaya, 17, bldg. one
Rating (2022): 4.2
Fans of larger dogs can pay attention to the Seventy Seven kennel. It features the following breeds: Australian Shepherd, Border Collie and Australian Heeler. Clients leave positive feedback about the purchased puppies and the work of Seventy Seven in general. According to them, the dogs are beautiful, fully meet the standards of the breed, are highly intelligent and friendly. Not only Muscovites turn to this kennel, puppies disperse throughout the country.
Graduates have an excellent pedigree, which is provided by titled parents. Livestock shows excellent results at all exhibitions. The kennel is involved in the life of their dogs, here they are always happy to provide not only advisory assistance. The founders and employees are always in touch at any time to suggest the best solution.On the site you can see photo reports of pets and their parents from various exhibitions, as well as evaluate the current offer of puppies or book them from the upcoming litter.
8 Bi-Natal
Website: Tel: +7 (499) 202-59-71
On the map: Moscow, Troitsk, Kaluga highway, 10
Rating (2022): 4.3
Bi-Natal is a multi-breed cattery. Here they offer purebred Russian Toy Terrier and Chihuahua puppies. These are the smallest representatives of dogs that will become wonderful pets in any home. Dogs are distinguished by their mobility, cheerful disposition, while they do not require frequent walking and perfectly cope with the need in the tray. It is worth noting that the last skill begins to form in babies from a very early age. The kennel is run by an experienced cynologist and breeder with great experience.
In addition to the main breeds, pugs and Yorkshire terriers are represented here. The nursery has official registration. A characteristic feature of this institution is that it does not rely on standards, but rather takes out pets. Nevertheless, all puppies have a confirmation of breed with a mark not lower than "excellent". Only titled males with interesting blood lines and colors are used for mating. Here you can buy an excellent thoroughbred domestic dog at a more reasonable price.
7 Favorite hobby

Website: Tel: +7 (499) 200-21-79
On the map: Moscow, st. m. "Altufievo"
Rating (2022): 4.4
Small and infinitely cute dogs are very popular among the residents of the capital. Yorkshire Terriers are able to bring to life a sea of positive, tenderness and genuine joy.Kennel "Lubimoe Hobby" offers premium class puppies, suitable both for shows and for home use. At the same time, employees take an active part in the lives of their graduates, help the owners take care of the coat, select a balanced diet, and much more.
The kennel also provides veterinary support from a doctor specializing in the characteristics of this particular breed. Services are not limited to vaccination and removal of temporary teeth, they will also prepare the animal for mating, pregnancy and subsequent childbirth. Beauty specialists will put the Yorkie in order for exhibitions, make a model haircut. You can evaluate the offer on the nursery website. He deservedly bears the title of one of the best in Moscow.
6 Golden iz Life

Website: Tel: +7 (916) 949-84-57
On the map: Moscow, 5 st. Falcon Mountain, 23, bldg. 2
Rating (2022): 4.5
It is recognized as the best kennel that offers ideal Chihuahua puppies that fully meet the standards. The site provides complete information about the features of the breed, the intricacies of dog breeding. In addition, specialists will always advise the client on any issues. The kennel is tribal, each puppy has an excellent pedigree, which contains only titled ancestors. All individuals are presented not only in the photo, there are videos with full reviews.
In addition, the client can always visit the kennel and personally see the available puppies. The latter are transferred to the owner with a package of documents and developed skills at the age of 8 weeks. At this time, the pet is already able to eat on its own and go to the toilet in a special tray.Here you can also order accessories necessary for a comfortable life of a dog, for example, a bedside ladder. Golden iz Life deservedly entered our rating of the best in Moscow.
5 Altera Pars
Website: Tel: +7 (499) 781-81-89
On the map: Moscow, 4th Lesnoy lane, 4
Rating (2022): 4.6
The breeding cattery Altera Pars has an official registration in the RKF / FCI, which is a guarantee of the quality of the reproduced offspring. In addition, he has impressive experience in dog breeding, for more than 25 years, employees have been tirelessly caring for dogs, providing them with good nutrition, veterinary care, and also giving them great love. Breeding work is carried out in accordance with cynological standards. The kennel does not hide information about itself and its puppies, on the company's website you can evaluate the real data of each individual and see her photo.
In the Altera Pars kennel you can find charming pugs, the following breeds are also represented: spitz and corgi. All manufacturers have high titles, which have been repeatedly confirmed. Here you are guaranteed to get a purebred pug with good genetics and excellent character, which will become a devoted friend and a full member of the family. Altera Pars is one of the best in Moscow and the region.
4 From the heart of Caesar
Website: Tel: +7 (926) 329-76-54
On the map: Moscow, st. Gorchakova, TsPKiO Pokrovsky
Rating (2022): 4.7
Here they breed the cutest domestic dogs of the Chihuahua breed. As a rule, puppies are handed over to the owner with a full package of documents, a ready-made pedigree, vaccinated and with formed cleanliness skills.The advantage of this breed is that dogs live well in apartment conditions and easily do without daily walking. They relieve their need in a tray, which they begin to accustom to from birth.
The nursery delivers babies to any point of the capital and region. Buyers receive a devoted friend and the opportunity to seek advice at any time. The latter are provided free of charge throughout the life of the pet. For breeding, titled individuals are involved with a host of other awards received not only at all-Russian, but also at world exhibitions. All puppies are registered in the RKF system. Customers leave only good reviews about this nursery, saying that excellent specialists work in it and it is certainly the best.
3 beautiful life
Website: Tel: +7 (905) 720-61-10
On the map: Moscow, st. Ozernaya, 11
Rating (2022): 4.8
Here, those who wish can purchase puppies of the Australian silky (silky) terrier, as well as the Australian Shepherd and Labrador Retriever. These are one of the rarest breeds not only in Moscow, but in Russia as a whole. It is worth noting that high-class males provide healthy and beautiful offspring. The Silky Terrier was exported for breeding use in a kennel straight from Australia. And this guarantees the purest genes and an impeccable pedigree.
Puppies are ideal for shows, all come from the kennel Beautiful Life show good results. Dogs do not have congenital genetic diseases.In addition to buying purebred animals, you can also use other services here: chipping, teeth cleaning, haircut and show grooming, advertising puppies on the forum and much more. Professional trainer services available. Beautiful Life deserves a place in the ranking of the best dog kennels in Moscow.
2 Colored barberry

Website: Tel: +7 (499) 235-92-78
On the map: Moscow, 3rd Paveletsky proezd, 7, bldg. four
Rating (2022): 4.9
According to customers in their reviews, this is where you can find the best Bichon Frize and Pomeranian puppies. These are cute little dogs that will not only become loyal friends, but also decorate your home. All puppies have an ideal pedigree, health and appearance that meets the established standards. The animals of the most fashionable color are offered here, on the site you can evaluate the titled parents and their achievements.
Nursery employees from the first days form the necessary behavioral skills in puppies, teach them to use the toilet. Provided full medical care, vaccination in accordance with age. Buyers are helped to draw up a pedigree, prepare documents and provide recommendations for the further cultivation and education of dogs of this breed. This is, without a doubt, one of the best nurseries in Moscow, where you can buy insanely cute fluffies.
1 Klin Trio

Website: Tel: +7 (496) 247-25-00
On the map: Moscow region, Klin, st. 2nd Spartakovskaya, 3
Rating (2022): 5.0
Kennel Klin Trio provides an opportunity to purchase puppies of the following breeds: Rottweiler, Central Asian, Caucasian and German Shepherd, Yorkshire Terrier.On the company's website, you can evaluate pedigree titled parents, each of which has an impeccable pedigree, ideal exterior and health. Those who wish are offered both puppies and already educated teenagers.
Cynologists actively work with dogs, they also advise future owners on the subject of training and education. Breeding males for matings live in the kennel, which provide their offspring with an excellent pedigree. On the site you can evaluate the incredible number of victories and achievements of dogs. In addition, the resource has a blog where you can read useful articles about raising pets. There are also regular updates on the availability of puppies. The Klin Trio kennel is recognized as one of the best and worthily takes the leading position in our rating.