If you are planning to buy a camera, you will inevitably face a dilemma: which is better - a SLR or a compact digital camera? The question does not lose its relevance to this day, no matter how many new models are released. Before you start choosing a manufacturer and model, you need to determine your shooting needs. It is they who will "prompt" the right decision.
1. Main selection criteria
How to choose the right camera- Image quality. Today, you can get good pictures even from your phone. Therefore, it is quite reasonable to set the bar a little higher for the camera. High-quality pictures can be obtained both on a compact and on a SLR. Provided that representatives from the same price segment will be selected for comparison.
- Weight and size. This is a very important point and one of the most important differences between SLR and compact cameras. Are you planning to carry around a camera bag with a heavy DSLR and lens, or do you need it to fit easily into your pocket? For most, this is the determining factor.
- What do you want to shoot. It is advisable to decide before buying so that there are no disappointments in an already purchased camera. Most devices are produced for specific tasks. For example, a SLR camera is more suitable for night photography, the quality of the pictures will be an order of magnitude higher.
- Image size. Everything is simple here: photos will go for sale, posters, large calendars or for a family album and a network. If there is no need to enlarge photos several times, then the simplest compact device is often enough.
- Passion for the process. The SLR camera "reveals" its capabilities in the hands of a professional. Using the automatic shooting mode, you will get identical pictures from both devices. The DSLR is designed for thoughtful and "advanced" use.
Usually the main criteria help to tip the scales in one direction. If you still could not decide which option would be best for you, you can consider in more detail the advantages and disadvantages of each representative.
2. Advantages of SLR cameras
The main advantage, of course, are the capabilities of mirror devices. Holding this solid device in your hands, you immediately feel that together you are capable of more than just clicking and moving on. Now you can afford "difficult" tasks: moonlight, fireworks, sunsets and sunrises - all that used to be disappointing when shooting with soapboxes or smartphones. With the help of a SLR camera, all this becomes real. Now photos delight with high detail without overexposure, “soapiness” and digital noise.
In addition, additional opportunities appear in the form of buying various lenses, which in turn will expand the already huge capabilities of the DSLR. Would you like to "photo hunt" for birds or wild animals? A telephoto lens will help you. Is the environment of the microworld more attractive? A macro lens will fulfill your cherished desire. Love an artistic photo with a blurry background? Lenses with a fixed focal length are ideal for this purpose.
The main reason why people buy a SLR camera is a high-quality and clear picture. However, a DSLR will produce a better image than a compact digital camera for the same number of pixels. This is due to the fact that optics and a matrix are better in mirror devices.
3. Disadvantages of SLR cameras
Of course, there is no ideal, so mirror devices have not only advantages, but also disadvantages. First of all is the price. It starts from 20,000 rubles. For comparison, a good compact device can be bought at half the price. And everyone knows that the cheapest - does not mean the best. "Medium" will cost 50,000 rubles. So the price plays an important role in the matter of choice.
The second disadvantage is the dimensions of SLR cameras. Entry-level cameras weigh 500 grams, higher class comes up to a kilogram. Such a unit cannot be put in a jeans or shirt pocket, unlike a compact. For long trips and hikes, where every kilogram weighs like a pound weight, weight and size are of great importance.
The third drawback is not so obvious, but, nevertheless, it exists. Changing lenses is not always possible. For example, the device is currently equipped with a lens for close distances and suddenly something interesting in the distance appears on the way. As a rule, changing the lens will prevent not only laziness, but also unsuitable conditions. Rearranging lenses is not so easy, you need to make sure that dirt and dust do not get on the matrix, so that the lens does not fall. Often the desired shot will not be able to be done.
4. Advantages of compact cameras
The advantage of compacts is just the disadvantages of DSLRs. That is, the price and small size will be undeniable advantages.Compact digital cameras, popularly known as point-and-shoot cameras, are very lightweight. They are convenient to carry with you, they are always at hand, allow you to "not miss" the moment.
An important factor is the correct comparison of soap dishes and DSLRs. Agree, it's not entirely fair to compare a mirror camera for 25,000 rubles with a compact for 5,000 rubles. For comparison, it is better to choose a model with the same price. With such a comparison of the shortcomings, the soap dish will be a little less. Why?
Expensive models of compact cameras (and the price of 25,000 rubles for soap dishes is considered considerable) are equipped with a bunch of all sorts of functions, both affecting image quality and completely useless. Useful ones include:
- manual shooting modes;
- shooting in RAW format;
- the ability to change the lens;
- water resistance;
- shock resistance.
Less useful features include the possibility of panoramic shooting, which in practice was of little use to anyone, a GPS navigator, an additional screen, a mirror and a compass.
5. Disadvantages of compact cameras
The biggest disadvantage of compacts is a weak matrix. It is she who is "responsible" for the quality of the resulting picture. Until now, many believe that a high-quality image requires a large number of pixels. This is one of the greatest misconceptions. For a standard 10x15 photo, 3.2 megapixels is enough. Once upon a time it all started with them. Now we shoot at 12-20 megapixels.
The second disadvantage is weak optics, which is "placed" on compact digital cameras. Unfortunately, the laws of optics do not allow you to get super quality photos with a small lens. Namely, these are produced with soap dishes. In addition, the lenses on the compacts are very "dark".That is, they have a weak luminosity. It also affects the quality of the image in a not the best way.
So, before you make a final decision and decide what is best for you: a SLR camera or a compact one, be sure to weigh the pros and cons. Be extremely honest with yourself, realistically assess your needs and opportunities, because there is no point in paying for something that is not useful. What suits you personally more - convenient use in combination with simple and flat pictures or the desire to prove yourself in photographic works and get high-quality pictures? You decide.