10 tips for choosing a thermal pot

If you constantly need hot water in large volumes, then the best solution would be to buy a thermal pot. This is a multifunctional household appliance that combines the functions of an electric kettle and a thermos. We have studied user reviews and are ready to tell you how to choose the right high-quality thermopot for your home.

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1. Temperature

What temperature conditions are suitable for home use?

Before you go to the store to buy, decide: what temperature of water do you regularly need? How long should it stay hot?

Most devices have 1 to 6 temperature settings. The more of them, the higher the cost of the device. Switching is done through a mechanical (traditional buttons and switches) or electronic (touch panel) system.

The best choice is a thermo pot with 3-4 modes of operation, since the water heated in it can be used to brew various drinks. For example, coffee is brewed at 95°C and black tea at 98°C.

Absolutely all thermo pots heat water, turning on at certain intervals: this is the “trick” of the device.Keep in mind that each next inclusion is a consumption of electricity, so the devices heat the water for a certain time, and then automatically turn off.

The time of continuous operation for each model is different, basically it ranges from 3 to 12 hours. The choice is entirely up to your preference.

Conclusion: The more temperature modes, the higher the functionality of the thermopot. If your budget allows, choose models with long runtime and touch panel control.

2. Power

What is the best power for a home?

The higher the power of the thermopot for the house, the faster the water is heated to the set temperature. The maximum indicator is 1 kW (1,000 W), it provides water heating up to 100 ° C in 8-10 minutes.

Optimum power - 700-800 watts. Such thermopots are presented in the lines of all manufacturers, since they are cheaper than the first category of devices, but at the same time they quickly heat water. Budget models have a power of 600 watts. They take longer to heat water and are only suitable for single use or a small family because their volume is minimal.

After boiling water, the mode of maintaining a certain temperature is activated, which consumes about 90-100 W / h. The most economical devices are those that consume the least energy to maintain temperature.

Note! Connect the device only to a three-wire electrical network with grounding in order to avoid breakdowns in the insulation.

Conclusion: keep in mind that even a high-quality thermal pot, regardless of its power, will heat water 2-2.5 times slower than an electric kettle.

3. Volume

Decide on the amount of thermopot

Standard thermo pots are designed for 2-5 liters of water.For small families, devices with a volume of 2-3 liters are suitable. They heat up faster and consume electricity more economically. If the family is larger or guests often visit you, then buy a thermal pot of a different size.

The larger the volume of the device, the stronger and more comfortable its handle should be. There may be several if the capacity of the thermopot reaches 7-13 liters. Before buying, try to lift the device you like to evaluate the convenience and reliability of the handles.

Conclusion: To choose the right thermopot, be guided by the amount of hot water consumed by one person. Do not forget: the higher the capacity of the model, the more space it will take up in your kitchen.

4. Material

What should the body and flask be made of?

As for the exterior finish of the thermopot, pay special attention to the choice of material from which the body is made.

Mainly used:

  • ceramics,
  • plastic,
  • strained glass,
  • steel,
  • natural wood.

If the reliability of the thermopot is a priority for you, we recommend choosing metal devices. They do not deform over time, but unlike glass and plastic appliances, they can heat up.

The most attractive and environmentally friendly are devices made of tempered glass and ceramics. However, keep in mind that these materials are quite fragile and require careful handling.

The plastic case practically does not heat up and costs less. If you want to save money, we recommend choosing a plastic device equipped with a tempered glass or steel bulb.

Note! Plastic, when heated, emits harmful substances that are dangerous to human health.

The best inner flasks for thermopots are made of glass and stainless steel. They do not react with boiling water, are easy to care for and are resistant to damage.

Conclusion: The most preferred material for the manufacture of the thermopot body is metal, for the inner bulb - tempered glass.

5. Heating element

Choose: open or disk heating element

Types of heating elements used:


Closed (disk)

It is extremely rarely installed in household appliances, since it is considered dangerous and inconvenient to use.

A reliable option, when water is heated, scale does not form on the outer surface of the disc.


A combined or double heating element is installed in high-quality thermopots, while the first is used to boil water, and the second to further maintain a certain temperature.

Conclusion: To choose the right one, pay attention to models with closed, combined or double heater. Among their undoubted advantages is ease of care.

6. Filter

Filter: required or optional?

Some thermopots are equipped with special filters designed to purify incoming water. Let's make a reservation right away: if you have the opportunity to regularly buy bottled purified water, then there is no need to overpay for this function.

Devices equipped with a filter are more expensive. Keep in mind that this element must be changed every 5-6 months, since pollution gradually accumulates on its inside. We recommend choosing such thermopots if your family has newborns or small children.

Conclusion: a filter is a useful and practical element of the device, which you should pay attention to if it is impossible to buy already purified water.

7. Water supply method

Pump: mechanical or electric?

These criteria for choosing a thermopot are often neglected, and in vain. Agree, it is not enough for the device to quickly heat the water to a certain temperature, it still needs to be poured somehow.

Well, if there are no problems with electricity in your house or apartment, then an electric pump will give you a certain portion of water at any time. To do this, just press the button located on the device panel. Great choice for kids and seniors.

But what about those who have such problems often? We recommend choosing a thermopot equipped with a manual or combined pump. To pour water with its help, you need to make some efforts: press the large button located at the top of the device several times. Models with a mechanical pump are cheaper.

Note! Before buying, ask the seller to pour water into a glass from the thermopot you like. See if it splashes out when you press the pump.

Conclusion: the best option is a thermopot with a combined water supply. It is equipped with two pumps: electric and manual, ensuring the ease of use of the device and its functionality.

8. Safety

Device security features

Thermo pots, like other household devices, only work when connected to the mains, so they are potentially dangerous to use. When choosing, we recommend that you make sure that the selected model is 100% safe.

Required features:

  • Blocking the inclusion in the absence or insufficient volume of water;
  • Automatic locking of the device cover in case of accidental opening or falling of the device;
  • Modern system of protection against overheating of the household appliance, shutting off the valve;
  • Locking the lid in the thermopot operation mode to prevent water from being added to the operating device.

The presence of each of the above functions provides protection against short circuits, accidental fires and burns.

Note! To protect yourself and your family members as much as possible, choose devices with Russian-language instructions and clear designations on the case.

Conclusion: Don't neglect the safety parameter when buying a thermal pot. Make sure that the model you like has at least 4 of the above features.

9. Additional functions

What functions of a thermo pot are useful for a home?

The simplicity of design and the narrow specialization of thermopots for the home leaves little room for additional options.

However, manufacturers offer the following auxiliary functions:

  • Heating temperature control. At the outlet, you can get water from 45 °C to 100 °C. Some models are able to maintain room temperature;
  • Delay start (timer). A useful feature for thermo pots with a large volume, but a weak heating element. You will be able to independently determine the time to turn on the device and get water of the required temperature just in time;
  • Self cleaning. This feature is found only in expensive models. The decalcification option greatly simplifies the care of the thermopot, allowing you to quickly eliminate scale that accumulates in the inner flask;
  • Sound signal. It reports that the execution of the given program has been completed. If your thermopot is equipped with a display, you will be able to see which mode is on;
  • Platform rotation. A rare but useful feature. It is very convenient to pour tea or coffee into cups, sitting at the table and not running from one guest to another.

In the lines of some manufacturers, devices with metered water supply are presented. You can independently adjust the portion size (for example, specifically for your mug).

Conclusion: The more additional functions, the higher the cost of thermopot. When choosing options, it is important to consider your own needs.

10. Price and manufacturer

How much does a quality thermopot for a home cost?

Budget plastic thermopots with low power, presented in the lines of Russian manufacturers, will cost you 1,000-4,500 rubles. Branded metal or glass models with extended functionality will cost 7,000-15,000 rubles. Thermo pots made of natural wood usually have a high capacity, reaching 10-13 liters. Their cost will be from 20,000 to 22,000 rubles.

The best manufacturers of budget thermopots (rating by reviews):

  • Lume,
  • scarlett,
  • zojirushi,
  • Supra,

The best manufacturers of premium thermopots (rating by reviews):

  • Bosch,
  • redmond,
  • brand,
  • Casso,

Happy coffee and tea drinking!

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