Top 10 Nail Fungus Treatment Tips

Nail fungus is a fairly common problem and requires immediate treatment. The sooner you pay attention to it, the sooner you can restore health and beauty to your nails. Further on how to effectively cure the fungus, what medicines the doctors advise, what folk remedies are used for this at home. We will also tell you when nail removal is required and what modern physiotherapy offers to get rid of the problem.

The best remedies for nail fungus
1 Terbinafine Fast positive results
2 Lamisil Original drug
3 Loceryl best nail fungus polish
4 Nitrofungin Optimal combination of efficiency and price
5 Mycosan Safe composition against fungus
Popular vote - what is the most effective treatment for nail fungus?
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1. The doctor's consultation

Visiting a mycologist for an accurate diagnosis

Nail fungus or mycosis is an unpleasant disease that many people diagnose on their own. However, a medical consultation is required to make an accurate diagnosis. You can contact a dermatologist or mycologist.This will allow you to get competent recommendations on how to cure the disease and get rid of the nail defect. The doctor conducts both a visual examination and acquaintance with the patient's complaints, and the tests necessary for accurate diagnosis are prescribed.

2. Analyzes

What tests will help the doctor make a diagnosis and prescribe an effective treatment

If you suspect a nail fungus for an accurate diagnosis, the doctor will advise you to take tests. Their list may differ depending on the characteristics of the course of the disease, its severity, the time since the onset of the first symptoms and the treatment used previously. Most often, it is recommended to take a scraping, culture, and a biochemical blood test.

scraping will help determine the presence of nail fungus with the greatest certainty. It involves the removal of a small amount of affected tissues from the surface of the nail plate, which are sent for analysis. The procedure is performed with a scalpel, special scissors or a needle, and is painless. The analysis will be ready in 1-2 days.

Sowing - this is the way identify the pathogen. This analysis will show which type of fungus has settled on the nails, and will help you choose the most accurate treatment. To perform seeding, the doctor will need a small part of the plate, which is simply sheared. The results of the analysis will be ready in a period of several days to several weeks.

Blood analysis directly for the diagnosis of suspected fungal infection of the nail plates is not used. It is necessary to choose the right treatment that will not harm the health of the patient. Most often, it is recommended to do a biochemical blood test, based on the indicators of which you can choose the optimal drugs.


Optimal combination of efficiency and price

Nitrofungin is a relatively inexpensive agent with antifungal and antibacterial action. If used correctly, a positive result of treatment will be noticeable quickly.
Rating member: 20 best remedies for nail fungus

3. Determination of treatment tactics

What determines the choice of treatment tactics for getting rid of nail fungus

A treatment plan for getting rid of toenail fungus should ideally be determined by a doctor. Competent advice from a doctor will allow you to cure the disease in the shortest possible time and restore beauty and health to your fingers and toes.

The choice of a drug that is optimally suitable for each specific situation depends on a number of factors:

  • time since the onset of the first symptoms;
  • the number of lesions and features of their localization;
  • the results of the bacteriological culture taken;
  • the general state of human health;
  • previously used treatment and its effectiveness.

In some cases, it is possible to confine ourselves to local therapy - ointments, creams, varnishes or solutions. With a severe and prolonged course of the disease, you will also need to take systemic drugs - tablets.

In addition, physiotherapeutic procedures, hardware cosmetology can be used. An extreme measure is the removal of the nail affected by the fungus. Often in the advice of doctors there are recommendations to choose folk remedies, which, in combination with traditional treatment, give good results.

4. Local therapy

What topical medications will help cure nail fungus

Medicines for local therapy aimed at getting rid of nail fungus on the fingers and toes act directly in the focus of the disease.They are effective only with a superficial lesion of the nail plate or if the focus of the fungus occupies no more than 1/3 of its length. If mycosis has occupied half or more of the nail plate, then the use of such drugs is also possible, but the results of treatment will not be so effective.

Doctors prescribe ointments and creams, varnishes, solutions and patches as topical agents.

Ointments and creams are affordable and can show good results of treatment. The only drawback and inconvenience is that they have to be used 1-2 times a day, carefully rubbing into the nail plate. Given the duration of treatment, this can sometimes be tiring.

Lucky against the fungus, it is enough to apply once and they will work for at least 1 week. It is also very convenient that before using the varnish, the nails can not be cleaned from the layer affected by the fungus.

Solutions to be used 1-2 times a day, but, unlike creams and ointments, they are quickly absorbed, effectively penetrate into the deep layers of the nail, do not require rubbing. Just a couple of drops are enough for one treatment.

plasters effective in that they provide the affected area of ​​​​the nail with constant contact with the active substance. Due to this, a quick positive effect is achieved. One patch can be worn without removing it for 2-3 days, which is very convenient.

Treatment using topical preparations takes several months and should continue until a healthy nail grows back. The longest time to get rid of the fungus on the big toe.



best nail fungus polish

Loceryl is an original drug based on amorolfine.The effectiveness of the drug is clinically proven, and is also confirmed by the reviews of physicians and ordinary people.
Rating member: 20 best remedies for nail fungus

5. Systemic therapy

In what cases is nail fungus treated with pills

Not always the use of therapeutic varnish, cream or patch is enough to get rid of nail fungus. If mycosis has affected more than a third of the nail plate, is present on several fingers or toes, and also in case of ineffectiveness of previous local treatment, systemic therapy is prescribed. It involves taking antifungal drugs in the form of tablets.

The most commonly prescribed drugs in tablet form contain fluconazole, terbinafine, itraconazole or ketoconazole as the active ingredient.

It is extremely important that the fungus tablets are prescribed by a doctor and taken under his supervision. Many of these drugs have a serious number of contraindications and side effects. You also need to strictly follow the recommendations for the duration of administration and dosage.


Fast positive results

The course of treatment of nail fungus with Terbinafine tablets is designed for 6-12 weeks, but the first positive changes will be noticeable much earlier.
Rating member: 20 best remedies for nail fungus

6. Physiotherapy

Laser and ultraviolet - fast, effective and modern fungus treatment

In some cases, the doctor's advice on treatment may include recommendations for visiting physiotherapy. They are used both separately and in combination with the main treatment. The most effective are laser and photodynamic therapy.

Laser allows you to cure the fungus in just three visits with a frequency of once a week.Before starting the procedure, the nail is cleansed of dead cells affected by the fungus. Then a special gel is applied to the nail plate, which helps to stain the cells of the fungus. It is on these areas marked with the composition that the laser will act, pointwise removing the causative agent of the disease and not affecting healthy tissues. The laser beam penetrates the entire depth of the nail, but it does not cause discomfort. The duration of one procedure is about 30 minutes.

Photodynamic therapy involves the fight against the fungus by means of a light ultraviolet beam. The method is painless and safe, it is prescribed both in combination with other treatment, and separately. Before starting the procedure, a photosensitizing drug is applied to the nail, which is left on the surface for 1-3 hours. Only after that the session of photodynamic therapy begins directly. With a mild form of the fungus, only one procedure is enough, with a more severe course of the disease - from 3 to 5.

7. Hardware cosmetology

Rapid removal of affected nail tissues at a beautician's appointment

In order for the treatment of the fungus to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to regularly clean the nail plates from the tissues affected by the disease. At home, this is sometimes not easy to do, but the beautician during a medical pedicure session will perform this task quickly, efficiently and completely painlessly. Nail cleaning is carried out mechanically with preliminary softening of the tissues using special formulations. After the procedure, the cosmetologist will apply a therapeutic composition to the prepared surface, and then it can be continued at home, using both folk remedies and medicines.

8. Folk remedies

Treatment of the fungus with improvised means at home

In some cases, even a doctor can advise using folk remedies that help cure fungus on the nails of the hands and feet, because many of the recipes have really proven their effectiveness. At the initial stage of the disease, they can even be used independently, but a combination of traditional and traditional medicine will still be more effective. The best reviews among home remedies for fungus are tea tree oil, birch tar, and vinegar.

Tea tree oil an effective antiseptic that copes well with fungi and bacteria, which allows it to be used in the fight against mycoses. The easiest way to apply is to put a couple of drops on the nail and rub it in lightly. Baths with the addition of this oil will also be useful.

Birch tar - a product with a pronounced aroma, but excellent characteristics. With its help, compresses are made on the nails affected by the fungus, leaving them all night. Similarly, you can use tar soap, combining it in a 1: 1 ratio with soda.

Vinegar - another folk remedy. This natural product is diluted with water (1 part vinegar and 3 parts water) and makes useful foot baths. The acidic environment for fungi is extremely uncomfortable, therefore, such procedures allow, subject to regularity, to quickly get rid of the problem.

If you wish, you can find many other recipes for the treatment of fungus at home. They include products such as iodine, garlic, soda, celandine, chicken eggs and much more.


Safe composition against fungus

Mycosan emulsion contains rye enzyme as the main active ingredient.This makes the tool sufficiently safe and approved for use even in children.
Rating member: 20 best remedies for nail fungus

9. Nail removal

The most radical method of treating fungus

Surgical manipulations to remove the nail plate affected by the fungus is an extreme measure, but in some cases it is necessary. It is usually resorted to when other possible treatment options have failed. It is also indicated in case of an ingrown nail problem and infection of its root. Although the removal is performed under local anesthesia and during it the person does not feel pain, the next few days after the manipulation will be extremely uncomfortable. You will need complete rest and taking painkillers. The most traumatic procedure is surgery on the big toe.

In itself, the removal of the nail is more of a preparation for treatment. After the nail bed has healed, the next stage begins, involving the use of local antifungal drugs.

10. Relapse prevention

How to prevent the recurrence of the disease

If the treatment of nail fungus was complex and carried out in accordance with all the doctor's recommendations, then the risk of recurrence of the disease is extremely small. But it is there, and therefore it is extremely important to do everything necessary to avoid it. This will help:

  • good hygiene;
  • taking precautions when in public places;
  • healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, intake of vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • taking care of the immune system.

If the disease does return, it is important to visit a doctor as soon as possible and begin treatment, which at the initial stage of the lesion will be easy and quick.

The best remedies for nail fungus

Below are the most popular nail fungus treatments that are proven effective and recommended by dermatologists.

Top 5. Mycosan

Rating (2022): 4.21

The antifungal drug Mycosan based on the rye enzyme is intended for topical application and application to the surface of the nail affected by mycosis twice a day. Serum for the treatment of the nail plate is sold in a set with ten convenient nail files for cleaning the diseased nail layer. This procedure should be performed once a week. The main course of treatment lasts 4 weeks, but after that it is recommended to continue using the product only once a day until the healthy nail plate has fully grown. The longest time to treat mycosis, which was localized on the big toe.

Characteristics: 1160 rub. / Netherlands / Contraindications: age up to 4 years

Top 4. Nitrofungin

Rating (2022): 4.27

Solution for external use Nitrofungin is a relatively inexpensive remedy that helps to quickly and effectively get rid of fungal infections of the nails on the hands and feet. It has a wide spectrum of action, penetrates deep into the nail plate and is able to accumulate in it, providing a long-lasting effect. It is recommended to apply the solution up to three times a day. To obtain a more pronounced result, the nails are pre-steamed and cleaned of tissues affected by mycosis. It is a little inconvenient that Nitrofungin stains the nail plates yellow. Otherwise, the drug receives good reviews.

Characteristics: 392 rub. / Czech / Contraindications: childhood, intolerance, pregnancy

Top 3. Loceryl

Rating (2022): 4.30

Remedies for nail fungus in the format of varnish are capable of ensuring maximum comfort of use.This is exactly what Loceryl is. It is enough to apply it once a week so that for all seven days the composition continues to treat mycosis and get rid of the fungus. Before use, the nail is cleaned with the included nail file. The original French drug based on amorolfine is not cheap, but it will last at least 15 weeks of use. Reviews Lotseril gets good, but gives results only if used until the moment of complete recovery.

Characteristics: 1543 rub. / France / Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, childhood, intolerance

Top 2. Lamisil

Rating (2022): 4.43

Lamisil cream based on terbinafine is an effective antifungal agent that helps to quickly and efficiently treat mycosis. A wide spectrum of activity against various types of fungi allows the drug to effectively cure the disease, especially at an early stage of its occurrence. Lamisil is intended to a greater extent to combat skin fungus, but it can also give positive results with nail lesions, as evidenced by reviews. It is applied 1-2 times a day on a previously cleaned and dried nail plate, rubbed thoroughly. At night, you can make a compress with cream.

Characteristics: 550 rub. / Switzerland / Contraindications: age up to 12 years, breastfeeding, intolerance

Top 1. Terbinafine

Rating (2022): 4.62

One of the best remedies for systemic fungus treatment is Terfinafine in tablet form. It is prescribed in case of significant damage to the nails by mycosis, localization of the disease on several fingers and toes.It is enough to take the tablets once a day, the course of treatment will be prescribed by the doctor, but usually it is from 6 to 12 weeks. The drug is very effective, but it has a number of contraindications, as well as a certain list of side effects, so you can take it only on the advice of a doctor and under his control. The drug receives mostly high ratings in reviews.

Characteristics: 240 rub. / Russia / Contraindications: intolerance, age up to 12 years, pregnancy
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1 comment
  1. Olga
    For the treatment of fungus, I tried Epideryl MICO spray, I took it in a pharmacy. Easy to apply and helped quickly


