The fashion for quadcopters is growing - now not only children, but also many adults want to learn how to control unmanned aerial vehicles. This does not require any serious skills: just buy a drone with an intuitive interface, do a couple of workouts at home, and you can launch the device outdoors. So that you will not be disappointed in your first flight, we have compiled a selection of tips for choosing a quadcopter for beginners.
The best quadcopters for beginners | ||
1 | DJI Mini 2 | Best photo and video quality |
2 | Ryze Tech Tello | Reliable assembly |
3 | FIMI X8SE | Energy-intensive 4500 mAh battery |
4 | Xiaomi MiTu Minidrone 720P | The most popular model among inexpensive quadcopters |
5 | Syma X5SW | Compact quadcopter with 6-axis gyroscope |
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1. Price
Which drone to choose: more expensive or cheaper?The wider the functionality, the longer the operating time and the more reliable the assembly, the more expensive the drone. But for a beginner, an inexpensive model with a minimum set of functions is quite suitable.The fact is that the operation of more expensive devices requires experience and acquired skills. And budget drones have a simplified design (RTF kits), they are less difficult to control. And it’s not so offensive to break or lose an inexpensive device when trying to land.
If your budget is limited and you are just trying to pilot a drone, then you should not overpay for the ability to shoot photos and videos in high quality.
Devices with good lenses require more dexterity to operate. At first, a copter with 2-5 MP cameras will be enough for the user. But for reliability and protection against mechanical damage, you can pay extra.

Xiaomi MiTu Minidrone 720P
The most popular model among inexpensive quadcopters
2. Dimensions
Which quadcopter is better for a beginner: small or large?
Handhelds, mini- and micro-drones seem to be easier to control. But this is not the case: it will be difficult for a beginner to maintain a stable flight of the device on the street due to its tiny size. Even at a small distance from the operator, a small quadrocopter becomes almost invisible, and with a minimum gust of wind, it changes the trajectory of movement. The best option for a novice user is a medium-sized quadcopter.
Devices of medium size are resistant to gusts of wind, have good protection against falls.Yes, and the speed and duration of the flight of such models is much higher. Large quadcopters, although they look more attractive against the background of their medium and small counterparts, are intended for professionals or experienced amateurs.
3. Drop resistance
Which drone to buy: with protection or without it?
Crash resistance is one of the most important characteristics. A quadcopter for a beginner should have a solid construction and propellers with extra protection. Otherwise, there is a risk of breaking the copter already at the start of the flight. Additional protection, although it can increase the cost of the goods, will allow the drone to work longer and suffer more drops and bumps. And there will be a lot of them, especially at first.

Ryze Tech Tello
Reliable assembly
4. Equipment
Which quadcopter is better to choose: ready-made or requiring assembly?According to the configuration, drones are divided into 4 types: RTF, BNF, PNP and ARF. Each of them is designed for a specific group of users.
ARF (KITs) — quadcopters for advanced users. Models marked ARF are shipped completely disassembled. You will have to not only assemble the drone, but also solder the wiring, download and install the firmware. Standard ARF/KIT kit includes: frame, controller, antenna and receiver, remote control, speed controllers, board and video transmitter.Batteries and other options for some models have to be purchased separately.
Drones with BNF marking Supplied without remote controls. The abbreviation BNF stands for "bindi and fly": you can connect this aircraft to an existing remote control. True, for novice pilots, such devices may seem complicated, because to control them you need at least a little experience behind the user.
PNP quadcopters - devices partially similar to BNF drones. Only BNF models are supplied already assembled, and in the case of PNP, the owner will have to purchase a remote control, battery and charger, propellers (for some models) and a receiver. Such a drone is already equipped with a camera, controller and other options (except for the above). Even beginners can buy PNP drones. But for assembly and configuration, the help of an experienced person is still required.
RTF quadcopters completely ready to fly. Nothing to configure, no connection required. This is the best option for a novice user. The kit already has everything you need for the first start and management. There is no need to buy additional options and batteries here. Is that for a reserve.
5. Stabilization
Which drone to choose: with 3-axis or 6-axis stabilization?Smooth flight, hovering in the air, transmission of images from cameras - all this depends on good stabilization.
3-axis gyroscopes equipped with inexpensive quadrocopters. Such models easily cope with the stabilization of pitch and roll - the angular movements of the drone relative to the main transverse axis of inertia, allow you to learn simple tricks. Although the devices are suitable for beginners, they still require preliminary calibration.
On 6-axis stabilization With the built-in accelerometer, drones are much easier to control, as the 6-axis system compensates for the lack of experience in piloting, helping to prevent serious damage from falls. In addition, the built-in gyroscopes, coupled with an accelerometer, make the device more maneuverable and obedient.
6. autonomy
What battery should a quadcopter have?With battery capacity below 800mAh especially to fly will not work, as well as to develop reflexes in control. Such inexpensive models are more like toys: you should not expect a flight with a good duration from them. But devices that are equipped with batteries at 900 mAh, give out more interesting indicators of autonomy. Drones with batteries 900-2000mAh and more, of course, is heavier, but the weight is fully justified by the survivability of the battery: from 10 to 45-60 minutes of continuous flights.
7. Easy to manage
What should be the remote control for a quadcopter for a beginner?At first glance, the more functions a drone has, the more interesting the process of its operation. But not in the case of novice pilots. A beginner needs the most understandable control without unnecessary bells and whistles. According to the opinion of advanced users, the remote control should have an ergonomic form factor similar to the joysticks of game consoles. And on the controller itself there should be a minimum set of buttons: this way the “green” pilot will quickly master the maneuvers and it will be easier for him to navigate the controls.
8. Photo, video and FPV capabilities
Does a beginner need an FPV function and high-quality photo / video shooting?
Definitely yes. Even if you are not going to take photos and videos on an ongoing basis. Even if the drone is needed for racing. True, what lenses will be in your quadcopter depends only on your budget.
Inexpensive copters are equipped with 1.2-5 MP cameras. And this is quite enough for a beginner. Mid-budget models are already more interesting: here you can find drones with lenses of 8 or more MP. Some of them even have good image stabilization. The picture from such devices under skillful control turns out to be bright and detailed. Professional drones shoot video in 4K format, have a large amount of internal memory (128 GB).
If everything is clear with photo and video capabilities, then FPV for a beginner will still have to be dealt with. This function must be in the quadrocopter. What for? FPV stands for "First Person View". With its help, the pilot can observe what is happening below from a bird's eye view, track the exact location of the device. The drone broadcasts real-time images from its video camera to the user's monitor, glasses or smartphone. The signal is transmitted via an analog signal 2.4 and 5.8 GHz or digital Wi-Fi 2.4-5 GHz (5G).

DJI Mini 2
Best photo and video quality
9. Flight range and automatic altitude hold
How high should a quadcopter fly?
The maximum allowable flight height of drones in Russia is 150 m. But some very advanced models are capable of climbing up to 5-6 km. True, a novice user does not need such a height, because at first it is important not to let the quadcopter out of sight.
The drone must not only be able to fly high, but also maintain a good altitude. Mid-budget and expensive models can do this automatically. This feature allows you to hover in the air and shoot video from a fixed point. Some inexpensive quadcopters also have a similar function, but it is not well implemented.
10. Which brand is better for a beginner
Which manufacturer's quadcopter is the best?The most popular drone brand is DJI. The Chinese manufacturer specializes in the production of multicopters and video equipment. It gained its popularity thanks to reliably assembled copters and multifunctional modern filling. True, prices even for DJI's entry-level models are often overpriced.
YUNEEC is the second most popular Chinese drone company. Models from this manufacturer are distinguished by high quality photo and video shooting, stability and ease of operation. True, as in the case of DJI, the prices here are quite high - a beginner may not be able to afford it.
Brand Syma from the Middle Kingdom produces both entry-level toy mini-drones and serious models for professionals. The main advantage is the affordable price. But the low cost here, unfortunately, is combined with very mediocre software, as well as occurring defects: before buying, you need to carefully check the chosen model.
Xiaomi although it does not specialize only in the production of drones, this brand also has a very good option for a novice pilot. The manufacturer offers users both tiny devices with a small margin of autonomy, and semi-professional drones with an energy-intensive battery and the ability to record video / take photos in good quality.
The best quadcopters for beginners
Here are 5 popular low-cost and mid-budget drones for beginners. They are easy to set up and manage.
Top 5. Syma X5SW
One of the most inexpensive quadcopters from China. Suitable for both adult beginners and the youngest novice pilots. The video camera here is simple, as in other state employees: only 2 MP. But there is also a first-person view, which, at a short distance, transmits a signal to the user's smartphone quite well. There is also a 6-axis gyroscope here: with straight arms, the drone keeps perfectly in the air. True, the pleasure of controlling the device does not last long - only 5 minutes.In this case, the device may lose the signal when climbing to a height of 25-30 m.
Top 4. Xiaomi MiTu Minidrone 720P
A mini quadcopter that can be controlled from a smartphone. Compared to other inexpensive counterparts, it stands out by the presence of a large number of functions: hovering (holding height), first-person view, dogfight with other Xiaomi drones, turning on with a throw. The video camera here is simple, only 2 MP, the resolution is HD. But it's enough for a beginner. True, the pictures come out of medium quality, but the picture when viewed from the first person is quite acceptable. Among the shortcomings, users highlight a very small weight (the drone is blown away by the wind) and a small autonomy - the charge lasts only 10 minutes. flight.
Top 3. FIMI X8SE
Model with radio control. Equipped with a 12 MP camera that records video of quite decent quality, it is controlled by a remote control and from a smartphone on any OS. This drone from Xiaomi's daughter is powered by a brushless motor, equipped with a visual positioning sensor. The maximum speed of the device is 18 m / s, and the built-in 4500 mAh battery allows you to work smoothly for half an hour. There are few cons, but it's still there. The most serious problem is the occasional marriage.
Top 2. Ryze Tech Tello
Inexpensive quadcopter with FPV, automatic takeoff and landing, Wi-Fi control. It is considered the "little brother" of models from DJI. It works almost silently, holds its height perfectly and charges quickly.Some users are confused by the lack of a remote control in the kit and the short operating time, but these shortcomings are completely leveled by the high strength of the drone, maneuverability and its adequate cost. This quad is one of the best solutions for beginner pilots.
Top 1. DJI Mini 2
One of the most popular entry-level quadcopters. It has everything a beginner needs: simple and intuitive controls, a good camera, long battery life and automatic return to the take-off point, support for memory cards. Yes, the price is far from the budget, but still this model is worth the money. There are practically no drawbacks to the drone, but some owners complain about periodic crashes of their native smartphone application. Well, the cost of the device, of course, seems to be biting.