The classic water circulation system in heating circuits is practically not used today. It was carried out due to the difference in the height of the pipes, due to which the coolant itself moved along them. This imposed a lot of restrictions, and the piping system around the house looked unattractive.
If you want to install a heating circuit with conventional radiators and not depend on where and how the boiler and expansion tank should be installed, you must install a circulation pump. It is powered by electricity and pushes the coolant along the circuit. With it, it becomes possible to move hot water to any distance and height. The main thing is to choose the right parameters for the device and calculate its power. Focusing only on the price here is meaningless. But what exactly you need to pay attention to, our article will tell.
The best circulation pumps | ||
1 | Grundfos ALPHA2 L 25-40 180 | The best ratio of price and quality |
2 | Wilo Star-Z Nova | The most economical model |
3 | VORTEX TsN-25-4 | High build quality |
4 | Grundfos UPS 32-80 180 | High performance |
5 | UNIPUMP UPC 32-60 | Attractive price |
1. Performance
What is the flow rate of the coolant provided by the pump?In the description of any circulation pump, you can find parameters such as performance, thermal power and throughput. They are all measured in cubic meters per hour and are the same characteristic, just named differently. If the performance is calculated correctly, then all the batteries in the house will be the same temperature, as well as hot water at the sampling points.
For the calculation, a complex scheme is used, presented in the relevant regulations. But there is also a simplified formula. To calculate, it is necessary to multiply the boiler power by 0.86 and divide by 20. The result obtained will be the value that must be selected in the pump parameters.
The formula is quite simple, but if your house has underfloor heating, then it will not work. Here you already have to calculate the length of the highway and other nuances.
2. Water column height
At what distance and height will the pump move the coolant?
There is a misconception that the height of the water column (HWC) indicates how high the water can rise. In fact this is not true. The parameter is used to calculate the extent of the contour. If we take the average value, then for every 10 meters of the pipeline, approximately 0.6 VVS is required. To calculate which pump you need, you need to take the length of all the pipes in the house, divide it by 10 and multiply by 0.6.
For example, we have a circuit with a length of 90 meters. We use our formula and get the number 5.4. We add here the calculation error and conclude that we need a circulation pump with a water column height of at least 6 meters.This parameter is also necessary if you have underfloor heating in your house. Here the circuit does not change, but a pump with a very high value will already be required.
3. Rotor
What type of rotor is used in the design?
There are two types of circulation pumps: dry rotor and wet. The difference lies in the design of the unit, but it does not make much sense to delve into it. It is much more important to understand how these parameters affect the quality and technical characteristics.
In case of dry rotor we have a very high efficiency of about 80%. Wet system boasts only 50% efficiency. At the same time, a wet rotor pump is less attractive, as it requires frequent maintenance. Suspension particles, inevitably present in the water, gradually destroy the sealed gaskets. And if they are not eliminated, a leak will appear. The average service life of such a unit is 3 years. While a dry rotor serves for 10 years or more.
Note that most modern models are produced precisely on a wet system, since despite the lower efficiency and service life, their other characteristics are higher. In addition, a wet rotor does not make noise during operation, unlike a dry one. Dry circuit circulation pumps are most often installed in technical rooms where it is possible to frequently repair the device, and high efficiency is the most important factor.

Grundfos ALPHA2 L 25-40 180
The best ratio of price and quality
4. Permissible temperature
In what temperature range does the device operate?The coolant temperature is an important parameter that shows how hot water the device can distill without damaging the structure. Heating in the house can be different. Average the coolant heats up to 70-90 degrees. This value is in the characteristics of the boiler, and in the pump it is necessary to add a few degrees to the error so that there is a margin.
The situation is more complicated with solid fuel boilers, where the heating level is almost impossible to regulate, and at the output we can get 120 degrees. It is important that the pump can cope with such values. When using heaters without regulation, it is better to take the device with the highest allowable temperature. It will cost a little more, but it will not fail in case of accidental overheating, the probability of which is very high.
5. Housing material
What is the pump made from?
It is equally important to look at what the pump is made of. Most cheap models are made of plastic, a material by definition brittle and poorly resistant to high temperatures. But do not immediately abandon such a device. For example, the well-known company Grundfos produces pumps from a resistant polymer, which is not inferior to metal in terms of characteristics.
The most popular are cast iron models. Cast iron is durable and can handle high temperatures and cold very well. And also practically not subject to corrosion. The disadvantage of this design will be a lot of weight, but with standard sizes of the circulation pump, ranging from 130 to 180 millimeters, it makes no sense to pay attention to it at all.
6. Protective functions
What are the additional security features?
In everyday life, situations often occur that can disable the circulation pump: power outages, water cuts, a sharp drop in pressure, power surges, and so on. The best device should cope with all.
For example, all Grundfos and Vilo models are equipped with drying out protection. If the system runs out of water, the pump will simply stop. There are also overheating protection, especially relevant when used in heating on solid fuel boilers. In top models you can also find Surge Protectorsbuilt into the system. They do not allow the pump to burn out from power surges, and in some cases they can also switch to autonomous power if it is in the house.
The choice of functionality is individual, but if there are risk factors in your home (power outages, water cuts, solid fuel boilers), then it makes sense to overpay for options that protect the pump. Otherwise, later repair or replacement of the unit will cost much more.

Wilo Star-Z Nova
The most economical model
7. Additional options
Are there auxiliary functions that simplify maintenance and control?The best pump must have circuit pressure regulation. It will allow you to change the flow of the coolant depending on the ambient temperature. The faster the hot water is pumped, the warmer it will be in the house, and vice versa. Most often there are models with three degrees of adjustment, which can be both mechanical and electronic.
A nice addition would be information display, showing what is happening in the system at the moment. As a rule, the temperature of the carrier, the pumping speed and the performance of the device are noted there.
Some models even have interactive module, capable of sending information to your smartphone or computer. It is difficult to say how much such a function is necessary, but if you decide to choose just such a device, the occurrence of unforeseen situations will be minimized.
8. type of instalation
How is the pump positioned in relation to the horizon?
The piping system can be placed anywhere. There are no strict guidelines forcing you to put them horizontally or vertically. But for the pump it is important. Top Models placed in any position, even at an angle. They also have limitations, but they only concern a too strong negative slope, which is unlikely to be found in a standard interchange anyway.
Budget devices are installed in only one position, and this should be immediately taken into account when buying. If the pump is placed only horizontally, then when placed vertically, it will either not work at all, or its performance will decrease. Note that today the placement restrictions are found only in the cheapest models.
9. Power consumption
How much electricity does the device need to operate?The circulation pump is powered by electricity, constantly consuming it. If we are talking about heating, then the load will be constant. And if the pump works on the supply of hot water, then it turns on only at the time of selection. It is easy to understand that the more powerful the device, the more electricity it needs. Often, the more “gluttonous” the model, the more powerful it is, since more power requires a lot of energy.
True, you can always choose a more expensive, but economical model, which, with high power, will take little voltage. So it will turn out to save on electricity, giving more money for the unit. Whether it is worth overpaying for such a function, everyone decides for himself. But it should be understood that saving a few watts will become noticeable only in the very long term.

High build quality
10. Top Producers
Which brands should be preferred?
The market leader in circulation pumps is the Danish company Grundfos (Grundfos), producing pumps with any parameters and for any purpose. You can choose a model to suit your needs, no matter how complex they may be. Also, these pumps are equipped with advanced protection systems and have a long service life.
On the heels of the Danes comes the company Wilo, which users praise for reliability and durability, as well as for strict compliance with the declared parameters. The pumps of the manufacturer have been working for years and perfectly perform their main function.
There are worthy analogues among Russian brands. For example, UNIPUMP and Caliber. Their pumps are cheaper, but they are practically not inferior in quality. This is an advantageous option when the budget for the installation of the unit is limited.
Note also the Chinese models JEMIX, Millennium and Ondo. These are the most inexpensive options, but worthy of attention.True, one should be careful here, since the declared technical characteristics often do not correspond to reality. When buying such a pump, it is better to choose a model with a margin, and if you have a warm floor at home, then completely abandon it in favor of a more expensive, but reliable option.
The best circulation pumps
We present to your attention the best circulation pumps, characterized by high build quality, reliability and durability. With them, your heating system will work flawlessly for many years, and additional functions will protect the device from a variety of unforeseen situations.
Top 5. UNIPUMP UPC 32-60
Top 4. Grundfos UPS 32-80 180
A powerful apparatus capable of lifting liquid to a height of up to 8 meters. A capacity of 11 cubic meters per hour will provide heat and water supply to a room up to 300 square meters or more. In this case, the temperature of the coolant can reach 110 degrees without damage to the structure, and several degrees of protection will not allow the pump to burn out during power surges and from accidental drying out of the circuit. The manufacturer is famous for the high build quality and reliability of its models, which is why they are often called the best of their kind. The only drawback here is the price, but it is completely offset by the durability of the device and the lack of repair costs.
Top 3. VORTEX TsN-25-4
A budget circulation pump that has long established itself in the market and is famous for its high build quality and durability.The body of the device is completely cast iron, without plastic inserts and other nuances that weaken the design. This material can withstand occasional water hammer with ease, and a slight frost will not tear the case apart, as is the case with weaker plastic models. Productivity - 3 cubic meters with a column height of 4 meters and the possibility of manual adjustment of parameters. Not the most powerful option, but fully consistent with its price tag.
Top 2. Wilo Star-Z Nova
The Star-Z Nova circulation pump from the popular German brand Wilo is designed to move coolant or running water over a short distance with a column height of not more than 1.1 meters. The model is perfect for small houses or cottages. Its power consumption is only 5 watts, and this is at maximum load. The water temperature in the circuit is allowed up to 90 degrees, which allows the pump to be used with solid fuel boilers without the possibility of smooth adjustment. The build quality is at the highest level, and the brand is rightfully considered the most popular among ordinary users and professional installers of heating and water systems.
Top 1. Grundfos ALPHA2 L 25-40 180
Circulation pump with a water column height of 4 meters and a capacity of 2.5 cubic meters. The model is of high build quality, like all products of the brand. The device consumes no more than 22 watts and is the most economical even despite the fact that the system uses its own display with the display of parameters and several degrees of additional protection.In particular, overheating sensors and protection against drying out are installed. If for some reason the water in the circuit stops circulating, the pump will not burn out, but simply stop working. We also note the fact that the manufacturer gives a 5-year warranty for its product, and this is quite rare.