10 best tips for choosing a septic tank for a private home

Any private house needs to divert sewer water. Even if it is a small cottage, where you come exclusively for the weekend. Unfortunately, in most cases, connection to the central sewerage system is impossible, and a simple sewage pit has a lot of disadvantages. For example, you will have to put up with unpleasant odors and clean regularly. And no one canceled the gradual pollution of the soil.

Modern technologies solve this problem. There are a lot of offers on the market for installing an autonomous septic tank, and their variety is amazing. There are both fairly simple systems and powerful stations that turn waste into process water. But there are certain problems with the choice, and the option of buying the most expensive equipment is not always the best. We will tell you how to choose the right septic tank for your home or summer cottage, as well as give some practical advice on what to look for.

The best septic tanks for a private house
1 Eurolos BIO 4+ Best price
2 Eurobion 5R APT Midi Best for occasional stay
3 Biodevice - ECO 3 Rare need for cleaning
4 Topas 8 Efficient Filtration
5 Tver 1P Long service life
Popular vote - who is the best manufacturer of septic tanks for a private house?
Total voted: 2

1. Principle of operation

What happens to waste water?

Septic tanks differ in the principle of their operation and the degree of wastewater treatment. Three main groups can be distinguished:

Cumulative. Ordinary pits or containers in which waste is stored until it is picked up by a sewage machine.

Settling tanks. Septic tanks that separate wastewater by fraction density and use anaerobic bacteria that process organic matter. There is already a primary treatment here, but its percentage is small, so it is impossible to throw the accumulated into the ground.

And deep cleaning stationsprocessing waste by biological, mechanical and chemical means. Here, the degree of purification can reach 95%, turning waste into industrial water, which can be used for irrigation or drained into a reservoir. It does not harm the environment.

The decision on which septic tank to install is made by the homeowner. The simplest option is a storage tank made of concrete rings or a sealed container. They are great for cottages and houses with non-permanent residence. In addition, they are the cheapest solutions, both in terms of purchase and maintenance.

2. Construction type

Which option is best in a particular situation?

If you have country house or a country house where you come with a small family or company for a couple of days, the best option would be to install accumulative septic tank. Moreover, its most budgetary option is a concrete pit. It does not need to be fixed to the ground, moving soils do not displace the structure. Easy to install as no need to dig a huge pit.It is desirable to make a sand cushion under the ring, which will work as a filter and take liquid. Thus, you will reduce the filling rate and save on pumping. The main thing is to take care of the distance from the house, as the septic tank can emit unpleasant odors.

In case of country housewhere you live for several months of the year, it is better to use sump with bacteria and infiltration. There are even special plastic tanks without a bottom on the market that release liquid into the soil. The advantage of this design is that it can be safely left unattended for a long time. Unlike a wastewater treatment plant that doesn't like downtime.

And finally residential houses require a more complex design. it deep cleaning stations. They recycle waste and turn it into water. Such a septic tank can be placed near a residential building and not be afraid of unpleasant odors. In this case, it is important to correctly calculate the volume and performance of the system, which is calculated by the number of users.

3. materials

What is a septic tank made of?

A concrete well is the simplest and most familiar option for a septic tank, but this is already the last century. Modern storage tanks are made of durable polymers that do not decompose over time and do not deform from constant pressure on the walls. But even here there are problems. For example, a tank needs to be anchored, that is, fixed in a pit. Over time, the soil will begin to move, moving the tank itself, which can compromise the integrity of the system. Note that this does not happen with concrete rings due to the large weight.

Drawing conclusions, we can say that if you have a country house where you come only on weekends or holidays, it is more rational to use a concrete well, especially if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site allows. Such material is durable, it is easy to install, and in itself it is not too expensive. In a private house where they live permanently, it is more correct to put at least a polymer tank. But the best option would be to use a deep cleaning station. They are made mainly of metal. It is necessary to look at the quality of the paintwork. Polymer paint reliably protects the tank from corrosion, and if it is also galvanized, then you can safely forget about problems with rust. There are also fully polymer designs, but they are somewhat more expensive. There are no obvious advantages in comparison with metal. Perhaps a lower weight, but you will encounter it only once - during installation.

Tver 1P

Long service life

According to the technical documentation, the station is designed to operate for 50 years. It is not yet possible to confirm or deny this fact, since the brand is relatively young. If you believe the reviews of real users, the design is quite reliable and durable.
Rating member: 10 Best Septic Tanks for High Water Grounds

4. Volume and performance

How much liquid can the tank hold and process?

The volume of the septic tank is an important aspect when choosing. There are norms according to which the capacity funded tank or a well should be calculated as follows: multiply 200 liters by the number of people living in the house and multiply by three. That is, each person produces approximately 200 liters of water per day, and this number is multiplied by three days, during which the septic tank must be pumped out.It turns out that for a family of three, a well of at least 1.8 cubic meters, or 1800 liters, is needed.

In case of settling tanksstanding on a soil cushion, one should also take into account the rate of absorption of various types of soil. The values ​​​​here are as follows: a cubic meter of clay absorbs only 5 liters of liquid per day, sandy loam - 50 liters, and clean sand - 90 liters. That is, if the tank is on sandy soil, the estimated amount of discharge per day will be reduced by 90 liters. It turns out that the same family of three will no longer produce 1800, but 1530 liters.

When installing sedimentation tanks with infiltrators, it is advisable not to use aggressive chemical cleaners in everyday life. Today it is easy to find on sale gentle products for washing floors, dishes and washing clothes. They contaminate the soil less and do not clog the soil pad with deposits, due to which it stops working or absorbs water more slowly.

FROM treatment plants the same formula applies, but instead of volume, the term productivity is used. Simply put, if three people live permanently in your house, then the station's productivity should be at least 600 cubic meters per day. Add here the error and possible guests and get a figure of 0.8 cubic meters. This is a one piece small machine. If the calculation result does not exceed 1 cubic meter, you can get by with the simplest, most compact model that will cope with this task.

5. Volley discharge of a treatment plant

What is the maximum load the station can withstand?

Volley discharge is a parameter that is relevant only for deep cleaning stations. In the case of storage tanks and sedimentation tanks, it is determined by the diameter of the sewer pipe. With the standard use of the system, there are practically no restrictions on 100 millimeters of diameter.

Volley discharge shows how much the septic tank can take at one time. There are norms on how much one or another household item drops in one gulp:

  • sink - 30 l;
  • toilet bowl - 20 l;
  • washing machine - 50 l;
  • bathroom - 200 l.

Summing up all the dots in your house, you get the desired result. That is, if your house has two sinks, two toilets, one bathroom and one washing machine, you need a model with a volley discharge of at least 350 liters. Of course, there is an error, since a simultaneous reset from all points is extremely rare, but it’s better not to save money and take a station with the necessary characteristics so that in which case a breakdown does not occur. The performance of the station and the number of people living in the house do not matter. Calculations are made only by the number of discharge points in your dwelling.

6. Groundwater depth

How deep can the structure be mounted?

The depth of groundwater can make adjustments to the choice of a septic tank. If in your area they are as far from the surface as possible, you can choose any option, there are no restrictions on depth. The bottom line is that the sewer pipe must be mounted at an angle.

For example, storage well It is recommended to install at a distance of 5 meters from the house. If we take the pipe installation depth of 0.8 meters, then in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe well the depth will increase to 1.5 meters, that is, the well itself will have to be buried to a depth of 2 or more. It is important that groundwater does not appear at the bottom. Since in this case the intake of liquid into the soil will not be carried out, but pollution will increase. If there is already water at such a depth, then it will do. polymer tank. It is airtight, but during installation it will have to be firmly fixed in the ground.This is done with the help of special anchors, concreted at great depths. The process is quite complex and costly.

Ideal for areas with high groundwater would be treatment plant. From the outside, it is airtight, and the pumps installed inside the system make it possible not to make a large angle of inclination of the sewer pipe. At the same time, the station itself must be protected from corrosion, that is, either coated with a polymer or completely made of it.

Topas 8

Efficient Filtration

The station recycles waste by 98%. The technical water left after cleaning is suitable for watering plants and cleaning the territory. Its discharge into the soil will not pollute groundwater, that is, the septic tank can be located in close proximity to the house and other objects.
Rating member: 20 best septic tanks

7. Norms and SNiPs

What environmental standards should a septic tank meet?

Since a storage septic tank made of concrete rings is the most budgetary solution, it is it that is most often installed in summer cottages and in country houses with temporary residence. But in order not to run into a fine from the sanitary service, such a well must advise a number of requirements. For example, it cannot be placed closer than 5 meters to the house. The distance to the well with drinking water varies from 20 to 80 meters, depending on the type of soil on the site. Also, you can not put a septic tank closer than 4 meters to the border of the site and 10 meters from a river or stream.

According to SNiP 30-02-97, if a household produces more than 1 cubic meter of waste per day, the use of an open-bottom well is strictly prohibited.

Sealed plastic tanks not subject to these restrictions.. They can be placed closer or further from the designated points, but only on condition that the container is completely closed. The same applies to sewage treatment plants, which, due to their design, do not dump sewage into the soil, but first process it into process water, which is no longer harmful to health.

8. Energy dependence

How long will the treatment plant last if it is left without electricity?

Only deep cleaning stations are volatile. They require electricity to operate, but its absence for a certain period of time is not considered fatal. The station will continue to operate, but on a limited basis. If your summer house is often subject to power outages, and you plan to choose a cleaning station, be sure to check this point with the seller. In most cases, autonomy lasts only a couple of hours, but there are models that can work for several days without electricity.

It all depends on the internal structure of the septic tank. The main energy consumption is most often assumed by a pump that pumps liquid into different tanks, where cleaning takes place. If the pump is not working, the drains will overflow by gravity, which will significantly reduce productivity. In other words, if the power is turned off in the house, it is advisable to reduce the load on the station as much as possible: refuse to take a shower, wash and wash dishes.

There are systems with minimal energy dependence. Their internal design is thought out in such a way that the pump works only in the most extreme cases. With frequent power outages and the absence of autonomous sources in the house, it is better to choose just such a station.

9. Cleaning degree

To what extent is wastewater treated?

Settling tanks, infiltrators and deep cleaning stations turn sewage into industrial water of varying degrees of pollution. For example, a sand cushion under the base of a septic tank releases a liquid that has been purified about 40%. It must not be dumped into water bodies and soil used for agriculture. Additional purification is carried out by aerobic bacteria. Joint work of the natural filter and bacteria can clear reset up to 70%, but this is still not enough, and for the septic tank there are standards and SNiPs that regulate the distance to buildings, reservoirs and other things.

Deep cleaning stations operate in different modes, cleaning the sewer in several ways. At the exit, we already receive water from more than 90% purity. Some systems catch up with this indicator to 95 and even 98. This is already ordinary process water. It can not be eaten, but it can be used for watering and wet cleaning. A great way to save money, especially relevant given the rather high cost of treatment plants.

Simply put, if you have a small area with many buildings and a source of clean water, the station is the best option for you. Only a sealed storage tank will replace it, but a well with a soil cushion and an infiltrator cannot be installed.

Biodevice - ECO 3

Rare need for cleaning

A station designed for permanent residence of 4 people and allowing for a salvo discharge of 150 liters at a time. It is necessary to clean the accumulated sludge only once every two years. This is a very impressive result that makes maintenance as economical as possible.
Rating member: 20 best septic tanks

10. Service

How often do you need to clean the system and how much does it cost?

A conventional storage septic tank is pumped out as it fills up. There are even special sensors on the market that can be placed in the tank and monitor the filling in real time. With sedimentation tanks and infiltrators, the system is the same. But with treatment plants, the situation is somewhat more complicated.

Stations also need cleaning, and their frequency depends on the frequency of use and the number of people. For example, consider the Topas-5 model. If you have permanent residence in your house and two people use the sewer, the septic tank will have to be cleaned about once a year. Accordingly, the more people, the higher the frequency. On average, a family of 4-5 people will clean the system twice a year, but it should be understood that this is not just pumping out a pit with a cesspool machine. This process is laborious and much more expensive.

It is necessary to remove accumulated sludge from the sump, thoroughly rinse all drainage systems and re-introduce anaerobic bacteria there. In addition, it is very difficult to determine the degree of contamination of the station and the need for its cleaning. The most expensive options have the appropriate sensors. In cheaper models, the degree of contamination is determined by the smell when opening the hatch and visual inspection.

The best septic tanks for a private house

Models of septic tanks in a private house range from conventional storage tanks to complex deep cleaning stations. Each category has its own leaders and best solutions. We present you some interesting options that should not be ignored.

Top 5. Tver 1P

Rating (2022): 4.75

Deep cleaning station, which can be chosen in a private house. Its capacity is 1000 liters, that is, permanent residence of 5 people is acceptable.Volley discharge - 330 liters, which is not so much, but is considered an average value for a standard house. A nice advantage will be economical energy consumption. At full load, the station takes only 0.9 kilowatts per day, which, with other parameters, is a good result. Also note the long service life. According to the manufacturer, it is about 50 years old. Unfortunately, this fact cannot yet be verified, because the product has not been on the market for so long.

Characteristics: RUB 112,000 / Russia / Productivity: 1000 l/day.

Top 4. Topas 8

Rating (2022): 4.61

The Topas brand is one of the most sought after on the market. The manufacturer knows how to combine the high quality of the product and its adequate cost. Specifically, this model is designed to process 1.5 cubic meters of sewage per day, and the salvo discharge is 380 liters. The station can be safely placed in a private house, and in the immediate vicinity of residential buildings. The sewer is completely sealed and does not let in unpleasant odors. At maximum load, cleaning is required no more than twice a year, which also affects the economy. As well as energy consumption: the station requires 1.4 kilowatts per day. This is a lot, but not the highest figure among similar models. In general, the best option if someone constantly lives in the house.

Characteristics: RUB 99,000 / Russia / Productivity: 1500 l/day.

Top 3. Biodevice - ECO 3

Rating (2022): 4.43

If you have a small country house or cottage, you can save a lot on a septic tank with this unit. Note that the house should be just small, since the salvo discharge here is only 150 liters.That is, instead of a bathroom, you should have a shower, and the number of bathrooms does not exceed one. Things are better with productivity: 800 liters per day correspond to 4 users. Moreover, the processed product can be safely dumped into the ground, since the septic tank purifies water by 98%. We also note the tightness of the tank and the rare need for cleaning. Due to the high degree of processing, sludge settles extremely slowly, so it will have to be removed about once every 1.5-2 years. This is the best option in terms of economy, but with its limitations.

Characteristics: RUB 86,000 / Russia / Productivity: 800 l/day.

Top 2. Eurobion 5R APT Midi

Rating (2022): 4.38

It can be very difficult to choose a treatment plant for a house with occasional residence. All of them do not tolerate downtime. If your cottage is used only during the seasons, you still have to constantly maintain the system. In this case, the problem is minimized. The septic tank perfectly tolerates downtime of up to three months, while the microflora continues to act. True, it should be borne in mind that the first launch will be very long, about six months. This is the time during which the bacteria will begin their vital activity. Also, a septic tank is great for areas with high groundwater levels and floating soil. Additionally, the structure is reinforced with special eyelets through which it can be fixed in the ground.

Characteristics: 95 000 rub. / Russia / Productivity: 900 l/day.

Top 1. Eurolos BIO 4+

Rating (2022): 4.19

If you need an inexpensive deep cleaning septic tank, please choose Eurolos BIO 4+. This is the cheapest option, but it should be understood that there are limitations.For example, low productivity. The system is designed for permanent residence in a house of 4 people, while the salvo discharge is 150 liters with a slight increase at peak times. In principle, this is quite enough for a standard family, because the septic tank allows you to save a lot. In addition, you can install it yourself. The weight of the structure is only 200 kilograms, and it is suitable for shallow and high water tables. And here about fixing it is necessary to think. The tank does not have any fasteners, which can be called a certain minus.

Characteristics: 74 000 rub. / Russia / Productivity: 800 l/day.
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