Top 10 Tips for Choosing a PVC Fishing Boat

A PVC boat is the most convenient option in terms of ease of transportation and storage. In addition, it is quite light and durable, which is especially important for those who are used to going out on the water alone. If you need a boat for general walks and riding on the water, choose the one that you like best in terms of appearance and price.

In the case of fishing, things are not so simple. This already requires taking into account some important criteria, which we will discuss in detail in this article. They relate to both structural strength and external factors. Even the color matters, not to mention the functional options that simplify the process of fishing and make it more comfortable.

The best PVC boats for fishing
1 Andromeda 335 high density pvc
2 Pilot C-200 Best price
3 TONAR Skipper 260 Robust construction
4 GLADIATOR Professional D420AL The best model for fishing
5 Aqua 3400 NDND high density pvc
Popular vote - who is the best manufacturer of PVC boats for fishing?
Total voted: 95

1. Material

What type of PVC was used in production?

The modern inflatable boat is made of PVC.Manufacturers have long abandoned rubber, as it does not have the necessary margin of safety and is subject to aging. But with PVC there are some nuances that you need to know about. There are two types of material: reinforced and unreinforced. By the names it is easy to guess what their differences are. Unreinforced PVC is only suitable for leisurely walks along a river or lake. If we are talking about fishing, then it is necessary to choose the reinforced type and nothing else. Only he is able to provide the boat with strength, reliability and durability. Of course, such a boat will cost more, but this is the moment on which you cannot save in any case, otherwise your boat will not last long.

2. Seam welding and gluing

How was the gluing done and how strong are the welds?

The inflatable boat is made from PVC sheets welded together. It can be open seams or insulated. In the second option, an additional reinforcing tape is applied over the weld, protecting the joint from rupture and excessive pressure. It is the seams that are the weakest point of the boat, and it is they who will be the first to break if you run into a snag or snag while fishing. Boat with closed joints more preferable, and it is worth choosing it.

We also look at stickers. These are attachments of additional modules to the skeleton of the boat. For example, oarlocks are simply glued to boats. Two methods are used: cold and hot. There is an opinion that the hot method is better, but this is an outdated misconception. Today both bonding methods are equally reliable, and marriage is easily determined by eye. If the module is glued well and no defects are visible, you can safely take the boat, no matter how the modules were connected.

3. Material density

What are the strength indicators of the base material?

PVC varies in strength. It is provided by the multi-layer and the thickness of each layer. It is measured in grams per square meter. The indicator may vary from 700 to 1500 units. The higher the number, the stronger the structure. But even so, it is heavier, so you should not immediately buy the most durable option. For example, for access to open water enough for 700 units. If your fishing often takes place in the reeds, the indicator should be from 900 to 1100 g/m2. And for trolling with powerful lures, it is recommended to choose a boat with a strength indicator above 1100 g/m2. In general, no matter what density you choose, the main thing is to strike a balance. For example, a two-seater model with a maximum rate will weigh about 200 kilograms, which will cause certain difficulties with transportation and launching.

Andromeda 335

high density pvc

The boat is designed specifically for simple use, fishing and water activities. The combination of good quality with a budget price. The pronounced keel gives the boat excellent seaworthiness.

4. Bottom

What is the bottom of the boat made of?

The cheapest PVC boat will be with soft bottom. It's a canvas just stretched between the air tanks. In such a boat, you won’t be able to stand on your feet, and in general it is as uncomfortable as possible. Inflatable bottom module also has its drawbacks. Especially if we are talking about fishing, where a meeting with various obstacles is inevitable. It is quite easy to spoil such options for the bottoms.

The best option - hard bottom. It can be aluminum and plywood. The first option is more preferable, but at the same time expensive. Plywood is less resistant to constant moisture and will come apart sooner or later, but it can be easily replaced by buying and cutting the bottom out of a regular sheet.

5. Size and load capacity

How many people and loads can the boat hold?

boat capacity - the parameter is purely personal and depends on which company you plan to use the boat. But now the two-man design is the most popular, and it is better to take it even if you go out on the water alone. There is only one can for sitting here, and the bow and stern are designed to accommodate cargo.

The larger the boat, the more powerful the motor it will need. A two-seat model can move with a 5-15 horsepower engine, while a 4-seat model will already need 20 horsepower or more.

In addition to capacity, there is a parameter load capacity. As a rule, they are directly related, but may differ from manufacturer to manufacturer. For example, some companies like to embellish the data of their products, and in the store it is easy to find a boat with a capacity for 4 people, but with a carrying capacity of only 350 kilograms. It is easy to calculate how much each passenger should weigh and how much cargo you can take with you. Choose a boat according to your preferences. Also, if you are fishing alone but have a 4-seat model, it will be difficult to handle it.

6. Main structure

What control is the boat designed for?

Due to its light weight, the inflatable boat is easily moved with the help of oars. But for long distances, it can be difficult to row by hand, so it is better to use an outboard motor. Perfect option - universal design, equipped with both oarlocks and a transom. This will be the most expensive model, but the most convenient. In the thickets of reeds or in shallow water, you can easily move on oars. In addition, rowing does not scare away the fish. And if you need to move a long distance, just lower the motor and move on it.On the other hand, if fishing takes place exclusively in small rivers or lakes, it makes no sense to overpay for a transom. In this case, you can save a lot on it.

TONAR Skipper 260

Robust construction

Reliable inflatable boat with protected welds and PVC density of 850 units. Lightweight, manoeuvrable design is ideal for fishing in small waters and when moving through reeds and coastal vegetation.
Rating member: 20 best PVC boats

7. Transom

What is the transom made of and how is it attached to the base?

The transom is the aft rigid part on which the motor and other auxiliary equipment are attached. Wheels are also mounted to the transom, designed to transport the boat along the shore, so as not to tear the bottom against bushes and other sharp objects.

The transom can be removable. It looks like a brace attached to the back of the boat. Not the most convenient design, but if you initially have a rowboat, you can not change it entirely, but simply buy such a module for it.

The transom can be aluminum or wood. Here it is important to look both at the material itself and at attaching it to the base. Most often, manufacturers use a design with grooves. That is, the boat has recesses into which a panel is inserted before inflating. The best option is an aluminum transom. It is lightweight, durable and is not afraid of contact with water. This will also affect the price, but insignificantly, and it is not worth saving on such a detail.

8. Design features

What are the additions and design features?

A modern inflatable boat may well be comfortable. Manufacturers try to equip them with as many options as possible. For example, it is very convenient if the boat has holders for spinning rods. After all, we are talking about fishing, and thanks to such modules you can fish with several rods and not experience discomfort. Would be a nice addition awningattached to the bow. It will protect your luggage from getting wet in the rain, and with a large size it will cover you too.

You should also pay attention to transport modules. If your boat has a transom wheel mount, you won't have to drag the boat on the bottom on the ground. A very handy thing for a single exit to the water. If the boat is double, the advantage will be the presence shrouds on the sidem. They are comfortable to hold and help with carrying.

9. Color

What is the best color for fishing?

The question “which boat to choose” concerns not only the technical side, but also the visual one. For fishing this is very important. If your model is painted in acid colors and looks like a life raft, you can forget about catching cautious predators such as walleye. A suspicious fish simply does not want to approach defiantly bright objects. That is why while fishing you need to remain as inconspicuous and secretive as possible. In reeds and thickets, a camouflage color would be the best option. And if you are fishing in open water, shades of blue and green will work well. They are practically invisible from underwater.

Aqua 3400 NDND

high density pvc

The density of reliably welded PVC is 900 units, which makes it possible to fish in the most dense thickets and not be afraid of an accidental collision with driftwood and bottom snag.
Rating member: 20 best PVC boats

10. Manufacturers

Which manufacturer to choose?

The market for PVC boats is huge and diverse. At the same time, there are no clearly defined leaders on it.If we talk about Russian companies, boats look interesting Aqua and Tonar. They are durable, reliable and have long been in demand by fishing enthusiasts. If the question of saving is in the first place and you are looking for the cheapest model, then pay attention to the company's products. Pilot. In terms of cost, this is the best option, but with its own characteristics.

If the question of saving is not worth it at all, and you want to choose the most powerful boat in all directions, then it makes sense to look at badger or Gladiator. These manufacturers specialize in PVC products and boast the highest quality. But their price often corresponds to a full-fledged plastic boat.

The best PVC boats for fishing

The market for PVC boats is huge: on it you will find both small models with a soft bottom, and real inflatable boats. But not all of them are suitable for fishing. Some are due to external factors, others are due to insufficient functionality. We have selected for you some of the most interesting options that meet all the requirements given in this article.

Top 5. Aqua 3400 NDND

Rating (2022): 4.61

Inexpensive two-seater boat with a high density of plastic. It here is 900 units, which makes it possible not to be afraid of an accidental puncture in a collision with an obstacle. Reeds will not be noticed at all by this boat, which is an important advantage for fishing. The design is equipped with movable oarlocks and an aluminum transom for attaching an outboard motor. There are also shrouds for carrying and skids that regulate the distance between the landing banks. The bottom is hard here. Optionally, you can choose an aluminum or plywood insert. The price of this, of course, will change, but not much.

Characteristics: 29 800 rub. / Russia / Load capacity (kg): 250

Top 4. GLADIATOR Professional D420AL

Rating (2022): 4.42

An inflatable boat for those who are not used to saving on their own comfort and convenience. Ideal for fishing and hunting. The density of PVC here is 1100 units, that is, you should not be afraid of a puncture. A rigid transom allows you to install a motor, and its maximum power can reach 40 horsepower. This is not so much, considering that the design is designed for seven people. At least that's what the docs say. In fact, it will be problematic to place such a company. The boat is pretty cramped. But 5-6 fishermen will fit comfortably here, and 4 will not even interfere with each other. Camouflage coloring, an optional canopy in the bow and a dense aluminum bottom will be additional advantages that partially offset the not very low price tag.

Characteristics: 51 000 rub. / China / Load capacity (kg): 900

Top 3. TONAR Skipper 260

Rating (2022): 4.67

Classic double boat of universal design. Can move equally fast in any direction. The design is equipped with runners for cans, thanks to which the seats can be adjusted by removing or bringing them closer to each other. There are also convenient oarlocks with a clamp. You simply put the oars in the most comfortable position and fix them. Now they will not move out of place and it will be as comfortable as possible to drive the boat. Pleased with the carrying capacity of the vessel. It is 210 kilograms, that is, even when two people land, there will be a good margin for transporting luggage and catch.

Characteristics: 11 200 rub. / Russia / Load capacity (kg): 210

Top 2. Pilot C-200

Rating (2022): 4.77

Single row inflatable boat, consisting of two air tanks and a soft bottom. There is only one can for the seat and there is no transom for mounting the motor. But you won’t need it, since the weight of the model is only 20 kilograms, and the boat itself shows excellent handling, high maneuverability and excellent directional stability. There are no add-ons here, and the density of PVC is only 750 g/m2. It is better not to swim in dense thickets of reeds on it and carefully monitor the driftwood. But the boat fits easily into a backpack, and is brought to the assembled view in a matter of minutes. Moreover, you can pump it up with a simple hand pump, which is also an advantage.

Characteristics: 6 800 rub. / Russia / Load capacity (kg): 100

Top 1. Andromeda 335

Rating (2022): 4.81

The fabric is environmentally friendly, has high strength and climatic characteristics. The material is frost-resistant and protected from exposure to ultraviolet rays, which will preserve the aesthetic appearance of the boat for a long time. The boat is equipped with high-quality fittings of its own production: handles, washers, plastic elements, oars, swivel oarlocks, clamps, seats, transom (height 381 mm). In the production of plastic, only high-quality polymers are used; the manufactured products are tested by the Quality Control Department.

The cylinder diameter is 41 cm, the internal space is 220*74 cm. The maximum motor power is 15 hp. s., recommended - 10 horses. The weight of the boat is 37 kg, the load capacity is 500 kg. PVC density 950 g/m2. The boat is available in grey, blue and green.

Characteristics: 55 900 rub. / Russia / Load capacity (kg): 450
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