Top 15 Fireplace Manufacturers
The best cast iron fireplaces
5 Keddy
Country: Sweden
Rating (2022): 4.6
The Swedish manufacturer Keddy has been producing stoves and fireplaces for almost 50 years, which are very popular with consumers and are represented by a wide range of models, so it is possible to choose the most suitable option. The company pays special attention to the level of assembly of products, therefore, only high-quality cast iron and refractory glass-ceramics are used in production, and compliance control is carried out at each stage of assembly. Wood-burning fireplaces are presented in various design styles, from classic to modern modern, thanks to which they will perfectly fit into any interior of a house or cottage.
Cast iron furnaces of this manufacturer are distinguished by high efficiency rates, which reach 80-84%, and can act as the main heating of the room. This is greatly facilitated by the function of secondary afterburning, which allows you to increase thermal energy with minimal fuel consumption. Also, thanks to the unique interior decoration using Olivi stone, fireplaces can not only maintain a long burning process, but also retain heat after fading for 15 hours. When using Keddy stoves, there is no draft effect, due to the fact that the air enters the furnace not from the room, but from the street, after being preheated by combustion products.An additional advantage of the fireplaces of this company is a ten-year warranty, which indicates their reliability and durability.
4 Vermont Castings
Country: Canada
Rating (2022): 4.6
Vermont Castings is located in northern Vermont, where for over 35 years they have been producing high quality cast iron stoves and fireplaces that not only have excellent aesthetic properties, but also high heat transfer rates. The basis of the products are solid fuel models that run on coal and wood, but there are also offers of gas and electric stoves. All equipment of the Canadian company meets Russian fire safety standards, and has a minimal impact on the environment due to the combustion of more than 90% of harmful substances. Vermont Castings wood burning stoves are truly the best interior decoration, but at the same time they also do an excellent job of heating a small house or cottage. The efficiency of conventional fireplaces reaches 76%, and in systems with an installed catalyst, the heat transfer efficiency increases by 8-10%.
Some fireplace stoves with long-burning technology are designed for cooking and are equipped with a hob. There is also a convenient laying of firewood and cleaning the ash drawer without additional tools - the design also eliminates the possibility of getting dirty. In all cast iron products of the company, air cleaning of the glass is provided without the participation of the owner, which allows you to enjoy the beautiful view of the fire.
3 Jotul
Country: Norway
Rating (2022): 4.7
For more than 160 years, the world-famous company Jotul has been producing cast-iron stoves and fireplace inserts that provide safe and efficient heating of the house (dacha). The production facility located in Norway guarantees the best product performance, which is made using only high quality gray cast iron, the most resistant to extreme temperature fluctuations. Additional protection is provided by vermiculite plates that line the inside of the combustion chamber.
Jotul fireplaces are distinguished by a fairly fast heating of the room - just 10-15 minutes are enough for the room to be filled with pleasant warmth. At the same time, only 3-4 kg of fuel is enough for the functioning of the furnace for 8 hours. Each model of this manufacturer implements the following technological solutions:
- Heat storage;
- Long burning mode;
- Smooth air adjustment;
- Ashless system;
- Self-cleaning sight glass function.
To better meet aesthetic needs, Jotul fireplaces and stoves provide the possibility of comfortable use with open doors, which allows you to fully enjoy the play of the flame.
2 Vesuvius

Country: Russia
Rating (2022): 4.7
A manufacturer whose products are very often used as a decorative heating element in country houses. At the first glance at the line of fireplaces presented by the company, it becomes clear that the main prerequisite for placing them in the country house is precisely the appearance. Cast iron fireboxes look monumental and stand out strongly against the general background, but they may not always fit into the interior of modern housing.But they are guaranteed to find a place for themselves in a vast seasonal area - whether in a house or a nearby bathhouse (combining in this case also the function of a boiler).
A small drawback of the entire Vesuvius brand is the tendency to plagiarism. Most models of fireplaces from this manufacturer are full-fledged analogues of Finnish designs. However, it should be noted that all of them are upgraded from time to time.
- excellent fireplaces and combined stoves for summer cottages and baths;
- high quality of products;
- an abundance of model lines (with a sharp gradation in price).
- copying foreign developments for the needs of the domestic market.
1 Konig Feuer

Country: Ireland
Rating (2022): 4.9
A well-known Irish manufacturer of fireplaces, whose "chip" is expressed in the classics of its products. At first glance, it seems that the products do not meet high quality standards, but this is a fundamentally erroneous idea. Irish masters, like no one else, manage to combine manufacturability with antiquity, reliably packing the first into the second and seasoning it with a certain pathos of owning a “rare” thing.
Firewood, coal and peat can be used as fuel in fireplaces - the most common heat sources, more than ever suitable for the surroundings of products from König Feuer. This is the case when the entire cost pays off with only one appearance. Ineffective? Maybe. However, very respectable and too perfect.
- the company's products are ideal as a decorative element;
- excellent quality of products;
- unique corporate identity of an old and experienced company.
- currently ineffective as a heat source.
The best biofireplaces
5 decoflame
Country: Denmark
Rating (2022): 4.6
Bioethanol fireplaces are assembled at the Aalborg plant in Denmark. Despite its young age (the company launched the production of bio-fireplaces in 2007), the manufacturer was warmly welcomed in the market, and its products almost immediately gained international recognition. Such success was made possible thanks to the designer Kjell Thompson, who, in fact, created Decoflame. By emphasizing the exclusivity and durability of the equipment (and therefore high quality), the inventor was rewarded with the huge popularity of his products. The plant has its own small research center and design studio, so the company will be able to surprise the market with its creativity for a long time to come.
The highest class of these fireplaces is visible to the naked eye, and there is no need to say that Decoflame is an expensive pleasure. It is not surprising that this perfection can be controlled remotely through an application on a smartphone. Products comply with European fire safety requirements and are ready for use in residential buildings, apartments, cottages, restaurants and hotels, exhibition centers and offices. When installing luxurious fireplaces of this company indoors, the owner must be prepared for the fact that this item will in any case become the main and most prominent part of the interior.
4 Planika
Country: Australia
Rating (2022): 4.6
Fireplaces from this manufacturer are not only outstanding elements of modern housing. Planika has its own research center, leading the development of high-tech solutions in the production of biofireplaces.All products of this company are distinguished by great functionality. The high degree of automation of the equipment greatly simplifies operation. The presence of a fuel pump eliminates the overflow of bioethanol during refueling, accidental spillage of liquid and direct contact with a combustible substance. The design feature of the device allows you to install a fireplace not only in the country or at home (at the same time, it can be paired with the Smart Home system) - an international safety certificate allows you to use the exclusive Planika product on yachts.
Using the remote control, the owner can adjust the intensity of the fire, which uses the exclusive technology of Burning Ethanol Vapors to burn. Important is the presence in many models of protection against children Child Lock. In the Fire Line Automatic biofireplace, a control system is generally implemented that allows you to control several fireplaces with one remote control - a very useful feature for restaurants. Through the Wi-Fi interface, the owner can also adjust the parameters of the fireplace from his smartphone. A high level of comfort will be provided by the Sleep Timer software solution, which turns off the device on schedule.
3 Kronco
Country: Russia
Rating (2022): 4.7
Despite the relatively young age of the company, Kronco's goals are ambitious, and the proposals on the domestic biofireplace market are distinguished by unique design and high quality. Various technological solutions have allowed the manufacturer to create a huge range of models:
- Free-standing fireplaces, including tabletop ones;
- Wall and embedded systems;
- Fire chambers for finished fireplaces.
At the same time, an individual order can be realized, which will bring to life exactly what the consumer needs.
Design solutions can be integrated into different rooms, made both in the classic and in the most daring and controversial kitsch style. All products have a certificate of conformity with established standards, which allows them to be used in residential premises without restrictions. You can choose a model for a house or apartment, cottage or country cottage. Bold decisions will become an outstanding feature of entertainment establishments of different levels. Desktop models will find application even in the office, and as a gift they will make the most pleasant impressions on the new owner.
2 ZeFire
Country: Russia
Rating (2022): 4.8
A very interesting candidate for the title of the best in the category is presented by the young and talented domestic company ZeFire, which has won the title of a creative manufacturer of modern Bio-class fireplaces.
The main "chip" of the company is an individual approach to each client. Any buyer can order a biofireplace according to a unique design drawing, the work on which is undertaken by a real design department. Each (even the most insignificant) touch is coordinated directly with the customer, which allows the most accurate implementation of the desired project. In many ways, it is the loyalty to the wishes of consumers that makes ZeFire a real contender for high places in the rating, even despite such a short period of existence on the market.
- close individual work with each client;
- the possibility of developing bio-fireplaces according to the original project;
- selection of materials based on user preferences.
not always well thought out concepts.
1 Kratki
Country: Poland
Rating (2022): 4.9
In contrast to the personalized approach to the development of decorative heating devices (from ZeFire), the Polish manufacturer Kratki provides users with more linear, but proven models of biofireplaces. The company has been on the market for 18 years, having experienced several cardinal changes in the concept and appearance of “heaters” during this time.
Today it is one of the most famous companies, famous not only for a wide variety of products, but also for their high quality. And a number of additional functions, such as flame intensity adjustment, only emphasize the discreet advantage of the Polish manufacturer over all the others.
- in the presence of more than nine series of bio-fireplaces, which are in great demand in the market;
- the presence of interesting "decorative" functions;
- not the highest cost.
- not detected.
The best fireplace stoves
5 Bestfire
Country: China
Rating (2022): 4.4
A Chinese manufacturer of cast iron fireplace stoves produces products in a retro style. Some models are equipped with viewing windows made of refractory glass and allow you to observe the combustion process. Carefully selected materials ensure a long service life when properly used, which means timely ash removal.
The presence of an air regulator allows you to optimize the combustion process. The chimney is connected at the back of the stove and will not spoil the appearance at all. The efficiency of a wood-burning fireplace is at the level of 80% and is optimally suited for heating rooms (at home or summer cottages) with a volume of no more than 200 m³. By raising the decorative cast-iron grate to a vertical position, you can use the oven to cook or heat food.Given the affordable cost and high quality of Chinese cast iron, the models of this company are in demand among consumers.
4 La Nordica
Country: Italy
Rating (2022): 4.6
An Italian company with a long history, La Nordica, specializes in the production of high-quality cast-iron fireplaces that meet modern requirements. The products are popular with the consumer and are represented by two types: furnaces for heating and heating and cooking stoves. All solid fuel heaters have the highest efficiency, which allows them to be used in cottages, houses or cottages, even large areas. Fireplaces of this manufacturer are very economical in fuel consumption thanks to the technology of long burning. The possibility of using firewood or pellets indicates the environmental friendliness of this equipment.
The fireplace stoves presented by La Nordica not only perfectly cope with the function of heating the room, but also make it possible to cook dinner. In addition to the hob, these models have a built-in oven, which any housewife will appreciate. Separately, it is necessary to highlight the line of cast-iron furnaces, additionally equipped with a water circuit. This operating time significantly increases the efficiency and, accordingly, prolongs the heat transfer time when the combustion process has already been completed in the furnace. Thanks to the variety and colorful design, in addition to functionality, La Nordica stoves will bring great aesthetic pleasure to their owners.
3 Ferlux
Country: Spain
Rating (2022): 4.7
The Spanish giant in the production of fireplaces and stoves is not the largest, but quite stable in demand in the domestic market. There are several reasons for this: firstly, the company's products are not represented in all points of a large country. Secondly, the cost of fireplaces often exceeds the amount of budget allocated by consumers to make a purchase.
As for the quality of products, the company has no complaints about this indicator. All fireboxes are cast from high quality cast iron, which excludes thermal cracking and the occurrence of kinks, subject to proper operation and initial installation. This is evidenced by the almost 100% positive feedback from users who have installed Ferlux fireplace stoves in private homes or (much less often) in the country.
- great quality;
- the possibility of replacing almost all elements of furnaces.
- predominantly high cost;
- quite rare in the domestic market.
Country: Russia/Belarus
Rating (2022): 4.8
One of the largest suppliers of fireplaces and stoves to the domestic market, whose production lines are located in Russia and Belarus. A feature of the company is the decentralization of supplier companies - most of the elements are delivered from various parts of the globe. So, for example, glass-ceramic panels for framing cast iron are produced at the Japanese plant Neokeram, and cast casings of Andenfire series fireplaces are produced at the French factory Invicta.
Since the supplier is responsible for the reliability of the components, the main task of META is to ensure the high quality of the assembly of the final product (which, in fact, it does very well). However, the main guarantee of success lies elsewhere: the Russian manufacturer focused on covering the entire market of fireplaces and stoves, which naturally affected the popularity of the company among users.
- high quality of components and final product;
- the presence in the assortment of furnaces-fireplaces of all price categories.
- models of furnaces-fireplaces of the lower price link do not differ in interesting design.
1 EcoFireplace
Country: Russia
Rating (2022): 4.8
Another representative of the Russian side, actively cooperating with the European market. In addition to the shipment of finished fireplaces and stoves, it supplies components for leading European companies such as Invicta, Bella Italia, EcoOsmose, etc. Actually, this is the main feature of the company, which shows how high the level of product quality is.
The second feature concerns the marketing theme. "EcoKamin" is very well represented almost throughout Russia - dealer and service centers are located in cities from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok. As a result, we have an obvious contender for the title of the best manufacturer of fireplace stoves, both in terms of quality and level of service.
- a wide range of ready-made fireplaces and stoves;
- fast and high-quality customer service in the service centers of the company;
- a well-known brand cooperating with a number of eminent European companies.
- The assortment of goods is represented mainly by models of a high price category.