Top 12 toilet brands

A wide variety of toilet bowls in terms of style decisions, characteristics, manufacturers and price component sometimes causes difficulties when buying a suitable model. To make your choice easier, we have studied the opinions of plumbers and customer reviews and prepared a ranking of the best toilet companies, presenting them in different price ranges.

The best manufacturers of inexpensive toilet bowls

Each manufacturer has products corresponding to a different price category. The widest range of inexpensive models is most often found in Russian and Czech companies.

4 Oskol ceramics

Variety of colors and designs
Country: Russia
Rating (2022): 4.5

Among Russian companies that produce a wide variety of models of toilet bowls, the Oskol ceramics brand is quite popular. In plumbing stores and on the company's website, you can find products for every taste and at an affordable price. The company offers both traditional white toilet bowls and options in various colors. For example, the Dora model, which has an efficient design and shower flush, comes in red, green, black and blue.

Oskol ceramics toilets are made using the latest Italian equipment, which allows the brand to guarantee the high quality of its products and its full compliance with European standards. Buyers praise the design and aesthetic appearance of toilet bowls, the compact size of the models, the low degree of water absorption by the body, the smoothness of the coating, the presence of an anti-splash system in many models, long service life and the budget price segment.Among the shortcomings, users in the reviews mention occasional leaks between the tank and the drain, as well as not very high-quality fittings, due to which the drain valve sinks.

3 Sanita

Affordable price
Country: Russia
Rating (2022): 4.6

The leader among domestic plumbing brands is Sanita. The quality of Russian toilet bowls is almost the same as foreign ones, except for a pleasantly low price. It is typical for the manufacturer to use only high-quality porcelain. Products are assembled on Italian and German equipment, while the raw materials are also foreign. Lines of Sanita models are constantly expanding, and the total number of the range does not fall.

In the production of toilet bowls, gypsum molds and polymer templates, which are popular all over the world, or injection molding are used. It all depends on the price class of the product. The wear-resistant and self-cleaning layer that covers ceramics helps to protect the surface from dirt deposits. It makes the toilet easier to clean. Buyers note that Sanita toilets are of good quality, are presented in a wide range, and have an original appearance. Many models have an anti-splash system, and the cisterns are equipped with a dual flush system, which ensures ease of use of plumbing and cost-effectiveness. Of the minuses, a long set of water in the tank can be noted - this requires at least 1.5-2 minutes

2 Jika

The best quality at the lowest price
Country: Czech Republic (produced in Russia)
Rating (2022): 4.8

Of all the variety of companies involved in the production of sanitary ware, Jika deserves special attention. Her toilets are the people's choice.It is not surprising, because the manufacturer has managed to create functional and most comfortable plumbing, focusing on the needs of users who are interested, firstly, in convenience, secondly, in a combination of simplicity and sophistication, and thirdly, in value for money.

Czech Jika toilets are made in Russia. Raw materials for pouring sanitary ware are supplied from abroad. Over many years of successful experience, the company has earned the love of consumers due to the advantages of its products: compactness and functionality, excellent quality and ergonomics, high strength and wear resistance. Jika toilets are easy to maintain and environmentally friendly. They meet all recognized standards. Ideally fit into both ordinary cosmetic and chic interiors. Pleasant conditions for warranty service of sanitary ware makes the Jika range even more attractive for customers (the manufacturer guarantees a service life of up to 5 years).

1 Roca

Modern design
Country: Spain (produced in Russia)
Rating (2022): 4.9

Roca is a leader in the sanitary ware market. The manufacturer cooperates with famous designers and architects. For many years, Roca has been producing high quality products with ergonomic design and innovative technology. In the assortment of the brand, buyers will find both classic and designer models. Roca products are represented by many series, so everyone, even the most demanding customer, can quickly choose the best toilet bowl for their bathroom.

The range of the brand includes floor and hanging, side-mounted models with 1-2 mode drains. All products are practical and of excellent quality controlled in accordance with ISO 9001.Sanitary ceramics assumes protection against moisture and meets all modern standards. Among the models of the brand, you can find products at a reasonable price, which differ from their competitors in fashionable design. It is noteworthy that everyone, regardless of wealth, will be able to choose the appropriate option. Reviews about Roca products are contradictory: many buyers praise the quality, appearance and durability of the toilet, and there are those who are dissatisfied with the fact that inexpensive models quickly start to leak the tank and the drain button deteriorates. But such disadvantages are not very common and, most likely, as experts say, the toilet was not at all a real Roca brand.

The best manufacturers of toilets in the middle price segment

Products that are in the range from 8,000 to 20,000 rubles cannot be called budget. But they are not included in the category of elite representatives. Below is a rating of the best companies producing toilets in the middle price segment.

4 Cersanit

Large selection, unique technologies
Country: Poland
Rating (2022): 4.6

The Polish company Cersanit has earned a place in the ranking thanks to a huge selection of floor-standing, wall-mounted and monoblock toilets made of porcelain or sanitary ware, with different types of descents. Designers have developed several style solutions: crystal white, pastel colors and modern minimalist models. Moreover, Cersanit offers rimless toilets to solve problems with cleanliness, because it is under the rim that plaque accumulates and bacteria spread. Some models are equipped with Clean On technology: made of quality ceramics and glazed, they are the easiest to clean. These materials do not accumulate plaque and rust.

Users in the reviews note the Smart line, designed to save space in the bathroom. These toilets take up little space and have storage systems for accessories. Cersanit earned buyers' attention, but was only ranked #4 due to several complaints about installation fixtures. The reviews show that many have to replace the parts with which the toilet is installed. The standard ones are not very high quality, leaks occur.

3 Iddis

Compact models, quality materials
Country: Russia
Rating (2022): 4.7

Iddis is part of the Russian company SKL, which is known for reliable, comfortable and modern models. The brand is aimed at the production of toilet bowls adapted to a standard domestic apartment. Their feature is materials that do not react to hard water and compactness, because space is often limited. Any brand product is reliable and safe to use. Models are developed by professional plumbers and experienced engineers, so Iddis toilets are thought out to the smallest detail. The emphasis is on strength and durability, service centers operate throughout the country, manufacturer's warranty — 5 years.

In addition to the standard floor standing toilets, Iddis offers wall hung models. They are built into the wall and work silently, without interfering with cleaning and without disturbing the pattern of tiles on the floor. All toilet bowls are made of sanitary porcelain with the addition of feldspar, clay and quartz. The company's statement of high quality is confirmed by customer reviews: the material withstands mechanical stress and long-term operation without damage. The only thing that customers warn about is that with a strong drain, splashes fall on the seat.Apparently, most of the models have this drawback.

2 Gustavsberg

The most reliable
Country: Sweden (produced in China, Russia, Ukraine)
Rating (2022): 4.9

A distinctive feature of the Gustavsberg brand is that all models of toilet bowls are made of porcelain. But the functionality involves many options. The cheapest models do not contain an anti-splash system and have a single flush. Prestigious ones are equipped with soft-close seats and other bells and whistles. It is noteworthy that the products of the brand are given a 25-year warranty. This means that Gustavsberg products are reliable. As always, versatility, convenience and simplicity of design are at the forefront. This is done so that the model can fit any interior.

All toilet bowls of the manufacturer have a high density and wear resistance due to the fact that porcelain is glazed and then treated with high temperature. The surface is impregnated with a special water-repellent substance. Thanks to this, the product can be cleaned without the use of chemicals. It washes well with water. Another advantage is the convenient button for draining. Spare parts for Gustavsberg toilet bowls can be selected from a range of cheaper analogues.

1 ifo

High comfort
Country: Sweden (produced in Sweden, Russia)
Rating (2022): 4.9

Ifo is a rather old brand that appeared 110 years ago. He became famous for the highest quality, strict lines and clear forms of sanitary ware. Ifo products are based on the development of quality clays from Lake Ivo. Sanitary ceramics of the company can be used with equal success both at home and in public places.To date, the manufacturer uses modern technologies, constantly increasing the reliability and ergonomics of products. Thus, the product warranty is valid for 10 years.

Distinctive feature of toilet bowls of the Ifo trademark is the high comfort. It includes everything that can create convenience for the user. These include silent draining, seamless drums, the ability to prevent condensate. Also, additional functions of some toilets are the stop of the drain in order to save water and the simple placement of freshener tablets. Buyers also note the special smoothness of the surface, on which there are no pores, burrs and other defects.

The best manufacturers of luxury toilets

Some toilet bowl companies specialize in the production of luxury products. In the ranking below, we will consider only the best companies.

4 Ido

Wide range of models
Country: Finland
Rating (2022): 4.8

Ido is a Finnish manufacturer of toilet bowls and washbasins, using exclusively high-quality and environmentally friendly materials for the production of its products. Brand products are ideal for use in Russian conditions. Toilet bowls have a double flush system, anti-splash, a special latch that allows you to quickly clean the toilet lid. Thanks to the Siflon coating, the products are smooth and shiny, and stains, cracks and unpleasant odors are not allowed.

Ido toilets offer elegant design, a variety of colors, convenience, durability and a special design of a 2-layer cistern to reduce noise during operation and prevent the accumulation of sediment. The manufacturer gives a long-term guarantee for toilet bowls - 10 years. Therefore, it is not surprising that the reviews for all models of the brand are mostly positive.Of course, Ido toilets are not cheap, but users say that this minus is more than covered by the uniqueness, reliability, environmental friendliness, safety and durability of products.

3 Jacob Delafon

Attractive design
Country: France
Rating (2022): 4.9

Jacob Delafon is a manufacturer of luxury sanitary ware. Products of the brand are characterized by reliability and functionality, refinement of forms. A wide range of models includes many unique solutions: silent tanks, intermittent dual flush, micro-lift system and anti-microbial coating. Plumbing from Jacob Delafon equipped the Olympic Village in Moscow. This indicates the highest quality of products.

The warranty period for all products is 25 years. This is one of the main advantages of the French brand. Toilets have an attractive, often even unusual design, easy to operate. The use of the latest technologies makes it possible to introduce a water saving system into the model. Among the shortcomings, the following can be distinguished: if ultraviolet acts on the surface of the toilet bowl, then after 2 years of use it begins to darken; repairs are carried out only in branded services. Jacob Delafon toilets are recommended to be installed only with the help of a specialist.

2 Laufen

The best workmanship material
Country: Switzerland (manufactured in Switzerland, Czech Republic, Austria)
Rating (2022): 5.0

The manufacturer of premium sanitary ware confidently occupies a leading position not only in the global market, but also in our rating. Many years of experience allows us to keep the bar, constantly improving.The company's engineers equip sanitary equipment with their own high-tech developments. A distinctive feature is the application of the WonderGliss coating, which repels water. This allows you to increase the hygiene of products and provides ease of care for the product.

All toilets of the company combine convenience, functionality and creative design. For the appearance of the model is often called space. Although the company also produces classic plumbing options. The toilet seat material is of the best quality. If desired, the user can install a seat coated with an antimicrobial agent. There are no significant shortcomings among the Laufen range.

1 Am. Pm

The best level of service
Country: Italy, Germany, UK
Rating (2022): 5.0

The trademark combines the minds of three powers at once: Germany, Italy and Great Britain. Not surprisingly, the company produces high-end sanitary ware at high prices. Following the cost - and the corresponding quality. The functionality of the products is at the highest level: anti-splash, micro-lift and all kinds of other bells and whistles. The toilet bowls are made of the highest quality sanitary china. Depending on the collection, it can be painted in white or stylish black.

Each country has contributed to create a truly chic premium brand. Of course, the quality is in the hands of engineers from Germany, the design is carried out by specialists from Italy, and the functionality is developed by the British. The warranty is issued for 25 years, while the manufacturer promises the highest level of service. Those who decide to purchase an Am.Pm, as a result, they receive exclusive products of the highest quality.

Toilet selection options

To choose the best toilet that is ideal for your bathroom and will serve you for a long time, it is important to pay attention to the following parameters:

Manufacturing material. On sale you can find toilets made of cast iron, marble, steel and even gold. But plumbers recommend traditional faience and porcelain products. Sanitaryware is a more porous material, therefore it accumulates moisture and is less resistant to chemical and mechanical influences. Faience products serve up to 15 years. Porcelain toilet bowls are stronger and more durable - the service life is on average up to 30 years.

Mounting option. Toilet bowls happen floor and wall. The first models are equipped with a ceiling or hinged tank. Wall-mounted have an exclusively built-in tank. The cost of floor options is higher, but wall-mounted options save space.

Type of bowl. It can be visor, when there is a slope of the wall towards the floor, funnel-shaped or dish-shaped, having a shelf. The latter option is considered unhygienic and such models can only be found on sale from domestic manufacturers. The advantages of the visor bowl are that there are no splashes on it, there are no smells, but it is difficult to wash it. Funnel-shaped models require less maintenance, which do not form an unpleasant odor, but still have a splash problem.

Flush option. It is straight and circular. The second is more hygienic, because during the descent, the entire bowl is washed with water. There are models of toilet bowls where both flushes are provided, adjustable with two buttons, when full or partial flushing is carried out.Partial flushing saves water.

Drain method. The sewer outlet can be located vertically, horizontally or at an angle of 30-40 degrees to the surface. Horizontal models are versatile because you can connect the toilet to a floor or wall outlet. Corner models are relevant if the pipe comes from the floor, but close to the wall. The vertical option will save space if the pipe comes out of the floor, but far from the wall.

Popular vote - who is the best manufacturer of toilet bowls?
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Attention! The above information is not a buying guide. For any advice, you should contact the experts!

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1 comment
  1. Dmitry
    AM PM makes great toilets. Ours has been serving us for 2 years, during which time he showed himself perfectly. Water is drawn quickly into the tank.


