Top 10 Well Pump Manufacturers
TOP 10 best well pump manufacturers
10 "Vortex"

Country: Russia
Rating (2022): 4.6
The theme of budget pumping units is continued by the Russian company Vikhr, which has a close price similarity with the (nominally American, but in fact Chinese) Hammer company. The bulk of the range of its well pumps does not go beyond 2000 rubles, invariably remaining below the line even with an increase in the average market value.
The most popular representatives of the Whirlwind are the VN-10V submersible pump and the PN-650 centrifugal pump. With a rated power of 280 W, the performance of the first is 1.08 m3\ hour, and the pressure often approaches the mark of 72 m. The second one is distinguished by a higher power value (650 W), 3.6 cubic meters of throughput, and also a 45-meter head. What's the catch, you ask? The fact is that most models do not have any protection (neither from overheating, nor even from dry running). This is exactly the case with the first contender - the second level of protection against excessive heating still exists. However, in this case, we are not talking about risks: cooling from water is more than enough for pumps.
9 Quattro Elementi

Country: Italy
Rating (2022): 4.7
The Italian company Quattro Elementi has established itself as a world-class manufacturer, but despite this, it is still a representative of the second echelon in the segment of pumping equipment. There is some intention and subtle, competent calculation in this: apparently, the production base is not able to support the company's entry to a different level of competition, and therefore it is advisable to make a profit from the budgetary segment of the market.
Whatever it was, but even in this case, Quattro Elementi has something to stand out. The budget pump of the Acquatico 280 model has a power of 280 W and produces water up to 1.1 m33\hour. It would seem that this is not the most impressive result, but all this is accompanied by a colossal head of 80 m, which even the elite models presented in the rating are not capable of developing. The Acquatico 390 pump has slightly more impressive parameters, designed to “produce” 1.56 cubic meters of water every hour.
8 "Bison"

Country: Russia
Rating (2022): 4.7
One of the many representatives of domestic production in the ranking, the main feature of which is the manufacture of low-budget, but very durable pumps for a well with satisfactory technical parameters. As practice has shown, it is these models that have the highest percentage of sales, at least in our country.
One of the brightest representatives of the company is the Zubr pump ZNVP-300-40 of the second modification, the performance of which (at a power of 225 W) is a good 1.44 m3\hour. At first glance, it looks very good: cheap, economical, productive.However, the catch is that it can only work at depths of up to 3 meters.
The Zubr NPV-240-40 has a practically similar set of parameters, the power of which is 240 W with the same characteristics. Here there is a small gap in price, as well as ease of assembly (total weight is 4.1 kg).
7 Hammer
Country: China
Rating (2022): 4.7
Similar to the domestic company "JILEKS", Hammer is a manufacturer of pumps of various cost levels, and, it is worth noting, it is significantly succeeding in this field. Despite the periodic “scoldling” of individual models from consumers, in general, the range of goods looks very impressive. What is the almost legendary model of the NAP 900 well compressor, whose performance is a whopping 14 cubic meters per hour. Yes, even if the pressure at the maximum does not even reach 10 m, and it can be immersed no more than 9 m, however, at one time it was this “config” that gave impetus to the development of the segment.
The strictly opposite extreme of the Hammer range is the pump model NAP 200, designed to pump water from a depth of 10 meters at 1.05 cubic meters per hour with a head of 75 m. However, its advantage lies not even in the characteristics (especially since they are rather weak ). Despite the very low cost, this pump has two levels of protection (against overheating and dry running), which sometimes do not come across even on expensive competitor models.

Country: Russia
Rating (2022): 4.8
"JILEX" is a domestic company with a great heritage, the history of which includes more than 20 years of successful work. It is almost the only one that has retained the developments of past years in the assortment, and added the latest technology to them. The separation is visible to the naked eye: the new pumps have an updated design that meets modern quality standards, a higher cost, as well as a different selection of technical characteristics.
Similarly to what was said, let's draw an artificial parallel with two accompanying examples. "JILEX Poplar Malysh" with a 10-meter cable is a development that came at the very beginning of the domestic manufacturer's activities. Its productivity is 1.5 m3\ hour at a rated power of 240 watts. The equipment of the new model range is represented by the most popular version of the "Vodojet A" - PROF 55 \ 75 for 3.3 cubic meters of water with a head of 75 m, a power of 900 W and the ability to dive to a depth of 30 m.
5 gardena

Country: Germany
Rating (2022): 4.8
A German manufacturer of the medium-high price segment, providing users with perhaps the widest range of various pumping equipment. This is the main "trick" of the company - any user will be able to find something for themselves in its "bins".
But, as practice shows, the following models are most popular among them. GARDENA 5500/5 Inox Premium, being a medium level pump, provides the following technical features: power in the region of 850 W; productivity - 5.5 m3/ hour with a pressure not more than 45 m; pumping depth - 20 m. Very good configuration even for premium equipment.A more expensive version of the submersible pump is the GARDENA 6000/5 Comfort, which has a power of 1050 watts. Diving to a slightly less significant depth (13 m), it is able to pump out 6 cubic meters of water with a pressure, the value of which is very close to the same 45 m.
4 "Livgidromash"

Country: Russia
Rating (2022): 4.9
Another domestic representative of the rating of the best with a long track record, rightfully considered a people's manufacturing company. The popularity of the Livgidromash brand is unshakable - thousands of consumers continue to use its pumps, expressing full agreement with the policy of offering a reliable product at a very low price.
Structurally, the pumps of this company are very similar to those produced by the Whirlwind or JILEX factory, but their technical parameters are incommensurably higher, and they actually last longer (judging by user reviews). As illustrative examples, we will present the models "Kid-M" BV 0.12-40 and "Rucheyok" BV 0.12-40. Despite small differences in the power parameter (240 and 300 W, respectively), both of these pumps provide pumping of 1.5 cubic meters of water per hour with a constant head of up to 60 m.
Country: Spain
Rating (2022): 4.9
Founded in 1952, the Spanish company ESPA has always had a reputation as an innovator in the field of pumping equipment. Her style is to make the most of modest plant parameters while maintaining a high working life under adequate operating conditions.
A clear proof of these words is manifested in absolutely all representatives of the Spanish grand, including in the segment of pumps for the well. So, ESPA Acuaria07 3M A has a capacity of 3.9 m3\ hour with a concomitant head of 33 m and a maximum immersion depth of up to standard 20 m. In this case, the rated power of the pump is 600 W.
Paradoxically, against the background of the first representative, the 950-watt ESPA Acuaplus model looks almost twice as expensive, but loses in performance by 0.9 m3\hour. A reasonable question about the legitimacy of the price has a very short and concise answer: the high cost of the installation is based on the prohibitive resource of work, which is noted by both the manufacturer and the users themselves.
2 Wilo SE
Country: Germany
Rating (2022): 4.9
The German manufacturing company, founded in 1872 in Dortmund, is the largest player in the market with representation in 60 countries. Its products are distinguished not so much by their bright design as by their operational features, which makes them very popular among domestic summer residents and owners of private houses.
In parallel with powerful pumping units, Wilo SE also produces portable versions of well compressors, the performance of which in the line does not fall below 5-6 m3\hour. As the most successful models, we single out the Wilo TWI 5-SE 505 FS with a power of 900 W and the ability to work at a depth of up to 20 m, as well as the Wilo TWI 5 306 - a pump with a built-in 1200 W control relay, a head of 65 m and a maximum immersion depth of up to the same 20 m.Judging by the feedback from consumers, these installations do an excellent job with their work, compensating for the high cost with a high degree of durability.
1 Grundfos
Country: Denmark
Rating (2022): 4.9
Founded in 1945, the Danish company is one of the recognized leaders in the pumping equipment segment. The annual output is about 16 million units, one third of which are well pumps. An important fact is that the company's representative offices are open in 56 countries, including Russia (Leshkovo, Moscow region).
All Grundfos pumps adequately prove themselves in operational aspects, which, in general, levels out an important nuance in the form of a high price. Customer feedback speaks of excellent equipment performance, excellent appearance (black and red) and a high degree of reliability. The following models should be distinguished as the main representatives of the segment:
- SB 3-35 A (power: 800 W, output: 3 m3/h, head: 35 m);
- centrifugal JPD 4-47 PT-V (power: 860 W, productivity: 3.6 m3/h, head: 47 m).