10 best coffee brands for a coffee machine
Top 10 best coffee for a coffee machine
10 Hausbrandt
Country: Italy
Rating (2022): 4.6
On the shelves of supermarkets, this coffee is rare - it belongs to the elite class, it is expensive. But if you are a real connoisseur of this drink, you must try it. Hausbrandt coffee is chosen by the best restaurants around the world because of its rich taste, aroma and incomparable aftertaste. Green beans are purchased by the manufacturer mainly from African plantations. The blends are made using high quality Robusta and Arabica beans. Production is as automated as possible. Each small batch of raw materials is first checked by special photocells (more than 30 times), and then by factory employees. All substandard beans are rejected.
Blends are made by the company's own technologies. Roasting and evaluation of each variety is carried out separately and only then sent to the preparation of blends. The company's product range includes grain, ground coffee, pods and capsules. Instant drinks are not available. For restaurants, coffee is packaged in large packages, for home - in small ones, so that the aroma of the beans does not have time to get lost from the moment it is opened. Consumers about Hausbrandt coffee leave mostly positive feedback.In a wide range of blends, every coffee lover finds his own taste - rich or soft, light or strong, sour, bitter or sweet.
9 Segafredo

Country: Italy
Rating (2022): 4.6
This brand of coffee has received worldwide recognition, and is quite popular in Russia. The choice of varieties in the assortment is small, but worthy. Coffee lovers are offered excellent coffee blends and espresso blends. The company approaches the processing of raw materials reverently, attaches great importance to the preservation of the environment. That's why coffee is even labeled with Rainforest Alliance farms. In the collection of the brand you can find very original mixes. Each of them has its own pronounced taste and special character. This is achieved by a proprietary combination of different grains. Each variety is roasted separately and only then mixed by the best technologists to achieve the desired flavor and strength. Interesting flavor and aroma shades are obtained as a result of proper roasting, which takes place under strict control.
Espresso blends are the most popular among the entire range of the brand - they are used to prepare both traditional black coffee and cappuccino and latte. Capsule options are only compatible with the branded Espresso 1 coffee machine. Interestingly, with such characteristics, the cost of coffee is quite low. But not all Russian users were able to appreciate the taste of the product. Perhaps because of the unusual aroma.
8 Diemme
Country: Italy
Rating (2022): 4.7
A truly high-quality, premium product, actively purchased by restaurants around the world. It is also popular among ordinary users who purchase it for the home.The main difference from competitors is that the manufacturer is actively working with robusta, and not just with arabica. Thanks to this, the drink turns out to be very strong, rich, aromatic, with a beautiful stable foam. The manufacturer buys grain directly from elite plantations, which determines the rather high cost of the final product. All blends are made by real masters at a factory in Italy, roasting is carried out on modern roasters under strict control.
This brand of coffee is more often used in restaurants, but you can treat yourself to it at home. The company does not produce instant drink - only for Turks and coffee machines. The brand offers a huge range of capsules compatible with Nespresso and Lavazza Espresso Point coffee machines. Among the variety of flavors you can find single varieties and perfectly matched blends. Users mostly leave rave reviews about this drink. If there is a negative, then it refers to the high cost of the product. The drink has a great taste - fragrant, rich. Even in the simplest coffee machine, it turns out no worse than in a restaurant.
7 Squesito
Country: Italy
Rating (2022): 4.7
The Italian brand has long been known in Europe, it appeared in Russia only in 2008. The basis of the range is capsule and grain coffee. All varieties are blends from different countries. The company purchases raw materials from coffee plantations in Ethiopia, Guatemala, Brazil, and Kenya. All that can be learned about each variety on sale is a description of the taste, the ratio of Arabica and Robusta. Like most manufacturers, the company keeps the recipes a closely guarded secret. The company also offers its own coffee machines, but they are not particularly in demand among buyers.According to users, they are not made very high quality.
But the coffee is very good. There are many options for every taste. There is even 100% Robusta with a pronounced bitterness, the taste of strong roasted grains, hints of spices and burnt caramel. A strong, tonic drink is especially good for the morning. There is also an interesting soft blend of 100% Arabica. It contains grains from Ethiopia, Brazil and Colombia. Judging by the reviews, not all users like the taste of coffee. But, given the wide range, it can be assumed that they simply chose the wrong variety.
6 Pellini
Country: Italy
Rating (2022): 4.8
If you've purchased a coffee machine for your home specifically to indulge in real, intense Italian espresso, give this brand a try. It has a very strong aroma, bright taste and aftertaste. In Russia, the Italian brand is not very common, in other countries it is known and highly appreciated. The entire production chain is strictly controlled at the enterprises - the choice of coffee beans, the exact temperature cycle for each individual blend. The plant is located in Verona, equipped with the most modern equipment, uses innovative technologies, earning new international awards and certificates.
To avoid mixing flavors, all varieties are roasted separately. The result is an exceptionally high-quality, pure product. The manufacturer does not use any additives and flavors. In the assortment of the company you can find grain, ground coffee, pods and capsules (Nespresso). The product is premium but affordable. Many connoisseurs of quality coffee leave good reviews about it, indicating a full, balanced taste and richness.
5 Barista
Country: Russia
Rating (2022): 4.8
The Russian brand specializes in the production of specialty coffee. This is a full-cycle coffee company, which itself deals with all stages of grain processing. Raw materials are purchased mainly from small farmers, only the best are selected - grown without chemicals, hand-picked and dried in the sun. Moreover, the delivery regions are very different: Brazil, Ethiopia, Uganda, Colombia, Vietnam. Therefore, there are a lot of varieties of coffee in the assortment. Each buyer will choose a blend to his taste.
Massively affordable cost of coffee cannot be called, but for specialty the price is quite low. In terms of taste, Barista will withstand the competition of more well-known elite brands. In chain stores, brand products are rare, the whole variety of varieties can be seen only in specialized outlets and coffee houses. In the assortment, buyers will find options of different strengths, with less or more pronounced bitterness, notes of chocolate, nuts, spices, fruits, berries. In general, this is a very worthy brand, whose products are definitely worth tasting.
4 Illy
Country: Italy
Rating (2022): 4.8
One of the most famous brands not only in Russia, but also in many European countries. Not a single connoisseur of an invigorating drink will pass by excellent quality and affordable coffee from an Italian manufacturer. If you have not tried it, then you definitely need to fix it. The manufacturer is very sensitive to the choice of raw materials, he buys it only from regular suppliers.The most famous and popular classic Illy coffee, consisting of nine varieties of Arabica. The company has its own factories, laboratories where new technologies are being developed to help make the drink even tastier. The best baristas painstakingly create high-end blends, so the coffee isn't just good, it's great.
Illy brand coffee is presented in a small set of flavors, but the formats are different - for all preparation methods. On sale you can find grain, ground coffee, filter tablets, pods, capsules. Coffee is not cheap, but it is common in stores, there are often promotions for it. Users write that they take it without hesitation, as they have no doubt that they are purchasing a product of the highest quality.
3 Molinari
Country: Italy
Rating (2022): 4.9
All lovers of tasty, strong and aromatic coffee have probably heard about this brand. The products of the Italian company have been supplied to Russia for many years, during which time they have earned popularity among consumers. Buyers are attracted by the ratio of the excellent quality of the product and its relatively low price. Arabica and Robusta grains are used in the basis of various varieties of the drink. They are purchased by the company in different countries, which achieves a variety of flavors. Roasting and packaging is carried out on modern equipment. To preserve the freshness and aroma of the finished product, the company has developed its own packaging method.
Under the brand, exclusively natural grain and ground coffee of various grindings is produced. For the home, the manufacturer offers about 12 lines of the drink. Almost all developed blends are produced in pods and capsules.Capsules can be used with Lavazza and Nespresso coffee machines. Despite the popularity, the cost cannot be called affordable for everyone, but it is low for an elite quality product. At least occasionally, every lover of truly delicious coffee will be able to treat himself. It is not possible to find negative reviews about this brand - all buyers are satisfied with the variety of aromas, strengths and flavors.
2 Lavazza
Country: Italy
Rating (2022): 4.9
One of the most famous and best brands of coffee. It appeared over a century ago. The company was one of the first to vacuum pack blends to preserve aroma and taste. Magnificent blends are created using beans grown on the best plantations. The manufacturer uses a modern roasting technique, its own protective packaging, which excludes the loss of taste and aromatic qualities. Under the Lavazza brand, a grain and ground product is produced in several degrees of roasting:
Scandinavian. Very light roasting, in which the grains acquire a light brown hue.
Vienna. Medium degree - the grain becomes chocolate-colored, and the finished drink acquires a slightly sweet, pronounced taste.
french. Deep roasting until dark brown and oily.
Italian. The grains are roasted to the darkest state. The finished drink from such coffee has a pronounced bitterness, expressive taste. There is practically no sourness in it.
A great choice for home or coffee shop if you want to treat yourself to some really delicious coffee. Dozens of different varieties are produced under the brand.The most popular among buyers is the variety Qualità Oro. According to user reviews, this variety produces very tasty espresso, cappuccino and latte.
1 Tasty Coffee Ethiopia Irgacheff Nath
Country: Russia
Rating (2022): 5.0
This brand of coffee is produced by the Izhevsk company Tasty Coffee. The company uses it in its own coffee houses, delivers it to restaurants in Russia and sells it to simple lovers of quality drinks. Ethiopia Irgacheff Nat is a versatile coffee. It is suitable for americano, espresso, latte, cappuccino. Coffee opens up perfectly with any method of preparation. The aroma is always bright and rich due to freshness. Grains are roasted only to order, as much as needed at a particular moment for sale.
The Russian brand in terms of quality can compete with popular Italian and other brands. The raw material is supplied by small farmers in Ethiopia. The berries are completely natural, grown without the use of chemicals, carefully dried in the sun. Further, the beans are sent to the Kerchanshe processing stations, which specialize in specialty - premium coffee. Therefore, the taste turns out to be surprisingly balanced - it reveals floral, chocolate notes. It is the best choice for preparing a drink in coffee machines.