Top 10 Winter Insole Manufacturers
TOP 10 best manufacturers of winter insoles
10 Saphir
Country: France
Rating (2022): 4.3
Marketing is ubiquitous, and even an ordinary winter insole can be advertised in such a way that it will be called almost elite in reviews. This happened with the French brand Sapphire, which produces cosmetics for shoes and related materials, including winter insoles. They are a three-layer construction, where the top is wool, the middle is latex, and the bottom is foil. Nothing revolutionary or new. The technology has long been worked out and is even considered obsolete. In this case, the minimum price is 500 rubles.
In fact, the simplest winter insole has become an accessory that claims to be fashion and style. It is difficult to say how the manufacturer proposes to evaluate the fashionability of this product, but the fact remains. In addition, according to some reports, the products are far from being made in France, and the wool used, although natural, does not belong to the Alpine sheep from the Red Book. Simply put, this is a good product, but not in its price category. Exactly the same insoles can be found much cheaper.
Country: China
Rating (2022): 4.3
Initially, the OLVIST brand was formed in Norway, and there, as you know, the best representatives of the winter goods business.Many, judging by the reviews, still believe that this is a Scandinavian manufacturer, but in fact, the factories moved to China long ago, as did the ownership of the name.
True, it should be noted that Chinese businessmen decided not to use their favorite business model, and almost completely preserved the legacy of the original owner of the brand. Winter insoles of the company are made exclusively from natural sheep wool. No latex, polyurethane or cheap plastic. At the same time, the company's move to China made it possible to significantly reduce the price of manufactured products to 200 rubles. OLVIST is a clear example of the fact that high-quality products are produced in China.
8 Paterra
Country: China
Rating (2022): 4.4
Natural wool is not a cheap product, and insoles made from it can cost several thousand. It doesn't always make sense to buy them. As the manufacturers assure, their insoles can keep warm even at minus 50 degrees, but in practice, such a temperature is extremely rare, if we are not talking about the far north. In central Russia and in the south, the simplest option is enough to keep warm in shoes, and it is in front of us.
Paterra insoles are made of artificial wool and latex. According to tactile sensations, such wool is inferior to natural wool, but it retains its shape much better and performs the same warming functions. Latex, in turn, creates reliable insulation and prevents the insole from wrinkling. In addition, they can be adjusted to the size of the shoe. And the main advantage here is the price. The cost of winter insoles of this brand rarely rises above a hundred rubles. Yes, in terms of quality and durability, they are inferior to more expensive counterparts, but they are definitely worth their money.
7 Colonil
Country: Germany
Rating (2022): 4.5
The German brand Collonil is not just a factory that produces the best winter insoles. This is a full-fledged research laboratory that invests heavily in the development and improvement of technologies. For example, the brand uses a combination of natural materials with artificial ones. And it's not just sheep's wool. Various oils and plant extracts are used here. Some retain heat, some work as an absorbent that absorbs moisture.
These are the most environmentally friendly winter insoles, where the ratio of artificial plastics is minimized. And judging by the reviews, the manufacturer managed to achieve perfection - everything is done at the highest level. They could safely take the first place in our rating, but the price tags did not allow this. Yes, the products are of the highest quality and convenient, but they are expensive. Not every buyer can afford to equip his shoes with such an expensive accessory.
6 Silver
Country: Turkey
Rating (2022): 4.5
Manufacturers of winter insoles are not an area subject to the norms of fierce market competition. There are a lot of brands, but they coexist perfectly with each other. But as it turns out, this market has its own leaders who collect a huge amount of feedback on their products. This brand can be safely called such a leader, and judging by the comments, these are the best insoles in their price category, and the category is not the lowest.
This manufacturer also produces chemicals for shoes and various accessories for care and cleaning, but its winter insoles are especially valued. Frankly, we did not find anything extraordinary in them.These are ordinary three-layer insoles made of natural wool, foil and polyurethane. They can be cut to size. They perfectly keep heat and even absorb the resulting moisture. But the same can be said about other manufacturers from our rating. In general, if customer reviews are an important factor for you when choosing a product, then you simply must pay attention to this brand.
5 corbby
Country: Poland
Rating (2022): 4.6
The winter insole is placed in the shoes not only to insulate the sole, but also to keep warm. In most models, foil is used, which completely blocks the access of oxygen. Yes, the leg becomes warmer, but it stops breathing.
This manufacturer found a way out of the situation by placing an insert with activated carbon under the upper wool layer. It does not add heat to the shoes, but it works as an adsorbent, completely taking away the moisture formed from condensate, and, accordingly, preventing the appearance of an unpleasant odor. As they write in the reviews, the insoles do an excellent job of their task, and they can be placed not only in winter, but also in autumn-spring shoes, since keeping the microclimate inside, they also do not allow the feet to sweat. The price tag deserves special praise. Plus, the insoles do not have to be bought in a strict size, they can be easily cut along the contour with ordinary scissors. And interestingly, even when cut off, the coal layer does not disintegrate, so you don’t have to worry about the safety of the structure.
Country: Russia
Rating (2022): 4.7
In modern winter insoles, natural wool is most often used as one of several materials.But earlier this product was made entirely of wool, and some manufacturers do not change technologies. For example, the Russian company Kotofey produces insoles made entirely of wool, and these are the best models for their money.
Insoles cost less than multi-layer analogues, and they are practically not inferior in terms of the quality of heat preservation. At least this is what many buyers of the product write in the reviews. The insoles are stitched around the circumference and have a thickness of 5-10 millimeters. At the same time, they do not constrain shoes, as the wool is perfectly washed, and after contact returns to its original shape. An excellent option for those who are looking for inexpensive insoles that perform their main function and do not cost several thousand rubles. True, due to the stitching along the edge, the insoles cannot be adjusted to shoes of a different size, but otherwise such a design cannot be made dense and resistant to trampling.
3 Tarrago
Country: Russia
Rating (2022): 4.8
Despite the rapid development of technology in the modern world, there are still materials that are difficult to replace with artificial counterparts. For example, sheep's wool has such characteristics that insole manufacturers cannot refuse to use it. But in every possible way they are trying to supplement in order to make the product more perfect.
Winter insoles from this brand are distinguished by a multi-layered design. The upper part is natural wool, pleasant to the touch and perfectly retains heat. The middle is a foil metal that does not let the cold from the ground. And at the bottom of the "pie" is a dense false. Its peculiarity is that it does not wrinkle and does not allow the insole to move out. True, the insoles cannot be adjusted to the size of the shoes with scissors, so you need to buy the exact size.However, this cannot be called a disadvantage, since the price of the company's products is quite acceptable and does not shock the buyer.
2 Thermacell
Country: USA
Rating (2022): 4.8
When asked how much the best winter insole should cost, everyone will answer in their own way. As a rule, the price practically does not rise above two thousand rubles, but this manufacturer has clearly set a record. Its products easily reach 10 or even 20 thousand, and this is not a mistake or a payment for the brand, we just have insoles with full heating.
This is a multilayer structure through which heating elements pass with thin threads. They are powered by flat batteries and controlled by a remote control. A real technological miracle that can turn any shoe into a winter one. Wool is not used in the manufacture of these insoles. Only modern composite materials, and this brand can be safely called an innovator. Unlike most manufacturers, he does not produce standard products, but always tries to be one step ahead of the competition. It is worth noting that he succeeds, but you have to pay for such pleasure, and a lot.
1 Salton
Country: Spain
Rating (2022): 4.9
The Spanish company Salton produces not only shoes, but also the best winter insoles, and this is not an empty advertising statement. The insoles are really high quality, as they are made from several materials at once. The upper part, which has direct contact with the foot, is made of natural sheep's wool. It is pleasant to the touch, warm, and absorbs up to 40 percent of the resulting moisture.
The second layer is polyurethane. It does not let the cold through the insole and has a springy structure. And finally, the base is metallized foil. It is she who delays the cold coming through the sole, and blocks it at the very beginning. This design is the best protection against the cold and is used even in the manufacture of space suits. Of course, there it is done a little differently, but the essence remains the same. If your shoes don't handle cold well, be sure to try these insoles.