10 best manufacturers of grinders
TOP 10 best manufacturers of grinders
10 Storm!
Country: Germany
Rating (2022): 4.3
Initially, the German company Sturm threatens the existence of the stereotype of the notorious German quality. No, it cannot be said that the tool produced under this brand is bad. It's just that it is not able to compete closely with eminent enterprises. Having appeared on the market in the middle of the 2000s, the company set itself ambitious goals to capture the electrical equipment market. But something went wrong. It was not possible to compete on equal terms, but it was possible to achieve a merger with several Russian companies. Today, under the auspices of one owner, in addition to Sturm, there are also brands Soyuz, Energomash and many others.
At the same time, neither Russia nor Germany are producing countries. All products are manufactured in China. This made it possible to reduce prices and expand the assortment, but further removed the company from conquering the market Olympus. For home angle grinders Sturm will be a great solution. Provided that you are not going to load it beyond measure. But the capacities for use in the production of this product are not yet available.
9 bison
Country: Russia
Rating (2022): 4.4
Most Russian manufacturers of power tools, assessing their capabilities, understand that it is simply impossible for them to compete with such giants as Bosch or Makita.Firms operate in the local market, not trying to jump above their heads. But there are companies with the highest ambitions. For example, Bison. Russian brand aimed at conquering the world market.
He not only produces grinders, drills and screwdrivers, but also engages in scientific research, constantly improving his products. On the basis of the enterprise there is a full-fledged laboratory, which employs more than a hundred employees. A little by the standards of the same Bosch, but for a local brand, this can be considered an achievement. However, it should be understood that the components for angle grinders of this brand are produced in China. At home, the brand is only assembled. The Zubr tool is a great solution for a home or small workshop. On an industrial scale, it still does not hold out.
Country: Russia
Rating (2022): 4.5
After the collapse of the USSR, many enterprises were on the verge of closing. Smolensk plant "Diffusion" was no exception. But he was lucky. Quickly realizing what the new market needed, the board of the company decided to completely restructure the enterprise for the production of power tools. Previously, the plant produced CNC machines for industrial equipment. Having no experience in this area, but having a significant engineering resource of the "old school", the company quickly managed to enter the market, offering tools for the home at the best prices.
Bulgarian Diold, trademark of Diffusion, is a product with the most affordable price tag. But it should be understood that in terms of quality it is much inferior to its European and Japanese competitors. Industrial application Diold practically does not occur. And with the transfer of the enterprise to China, the already low quality became even lower.However, you don't need more for your home. With small loads, such an angle grinder will last more than one year.
Country: Germany
Rating (2022): 4.5
Allgemeine Elektrizitäts-Gesellschaft. This is exactly what the decoding of the abbreviation AEG sounds like. The German brand, today better known as a manufacturer of electric tools, started out as an energy supply company. The history of this brand has more than a hundred years. Over the years, the company has been in the shoes of a weapons manufacturer, Edison patent holder, an architectural bureau, and even a research laboratory. The list is far from complete.
AEG also produces televisions, radio equipment and even electronics for aviation. This is probably why the prices of her products are so high. Of course, German quality is manifested here from all sides. Assembly, reliable components and strict production control do the trick. Even the transfer of part of the production facilities to China, where almost all angle grinders of this brand are now produced, could not reduce the final price tag. However, this does not prevent the brand from being one of the most popular in Russia and the CIS countries.
6 Metabo
Country: Germany
Rating (2022): 4.6
There is a legend that the first angle grinder was developed in Bulgaria, thanks to which it got its popular name. In fact, this country was only the first to start exporting this instrument to the territory of the USSR. It happened in the 70s of the last century, while the grinder was invented in 1950. The developer was the German concern Ackermann + Schmitt, which later took the more concise name Metabo.
Until now, the tool produced under this brand is considered the most reliable and durable. The company is trying with all its might to maintain its leadership in the market, but, apparently, the former greatness is already in the past. Bulgarians, produced directly in Germany, are not much different from other brands. Nothing outstanding. In addition, most of the goods on the market are products of Chinese origin. After the transfer of production, prices decreased and the Metabo tool was often called household, that is, intended for the home, and not for a large-scale enterprise.
5 Interskol
Country: Russia
Rating (2022): 4.7
Most power tool manufacturers come from the US, Japan or Europe. There are very few Russian companies, and in terms of volume they cannot compete with the giants of the market. Interskol is a purely Russian production. Outside the CIS, few have heard of him, but among local brands, he definitely occupies the highest position. The company cannot boast of unique developments, patents for inventions or a huge sales volume. Until recently, all products were produced at only one plant in the city of Khimki. Later, another site appeared in China.
Bulgarian from Interskol is the best solution for home. It has excellent quality, long service life and, most importantly, reasonable prices. A firm cannot afford to raise prices just for its logo, as others often do. Here you pay only for the goods. Often, large enterprises become Intreskol's clients. The tool is reliable and easy to repair.
Country: USA
Rating (2022): 4.8
Top manufacturers always carefully collect their achievements in a separate folder and are happy to demonstrate them at the first convenient opportunity. Often such achievements have to be, as they say, attracted by the ears, but BLACK+DECKER has no problems with this. Drill of the form we are used to. Portable compressor. Battery power tool. Electric garden tool. Now these are ordinary things, but they were invented and mass-produced exactly in BLACK+DECKER. The manipulators of this brand even took soil samples from the Moon, which the company never ceases to remind.
Along with innovation, the company also has to maintain a high standard of quality. Speaking about grinders, I immediately remember the company's models with the KG marking. Here, for the first time, an ergonomic handle with several rubber inserts was used. Later, this technology was adopted by Makita, making it the hallmark of their brand.
Country: USA
Rating (2022): 4.8
Goods from the American continent do not often become popular in Russia or Europe. We have enough of our own brands, but DeWALT managed not only to enter the European market, but also to become one of its leaders. The main direction of the company is woodworking machines. It was with them that the company began its journey, gradually expanding its range. Today in the catalog there is a power tool for every taste, including angle grinders. Bright yellow with a black logo has long been associated with customers with consistent quality. But in the house such a tool is bought infrequently.
Despite the fact that DeWALT, following the example of Bosch and Makita, has opened factories far beyond its homeland, it stubbornly refuses to cut prices. The manufacturer's products are relatively expensive, as is their maintenance. Yes, the tool is reliable, serving for years, but extremely difficult to repair. The main buyers of products are large industrial enterprises, with which the company enters into direct contracts for the supply of equipment and its repair.
2 Bosch
Country: Germany
Rating (2022): 4.9
Legends have long been circulating about the notorious German quality. Often this is just a stereotype imposed by marketers, but only if we are not talking about Bosch. This industrial giant is one of the leaders of the modern market along with the Japanese Makita, and the best way to tell about it is the numbers. Having been born in 1886, the company constantly increased its momentum. By 2015, its capitalization reached 81 trillion euros, and the total annual turnover exceeded 70 billion. Bosch plants are located in 60 countries and employ 375,000 workers. The company has registered 5,422 patents for inventions, and its products are sold in 160 countries around the world.
The grinder is only a small part of the brand's catalog, and when buying this tool, you can be completely sure of its reliability. No one is as scrupulous about build quality as Bosch. And it doesn't matter if the plant is located directly in Germany or in India. Here you will find both inexpensive products, for example, GWS 660-125 for 2.5 thousand rubles, and highly specialized products like GBR 15 CA, whose price exceeds 30 thousand.
1 Makita
Country: Japan
Rating (2022): 4.9
Founded more than a hundred years ago, the Japanese company Makita has gone from a little-known manufacturer of electric motors to one of the most popular brands of electric tools. Today Makita is known all over the world. The range is represented by thousands of models, and a large part of the catalog is occupied by angle grinders, or simply angle grinders.
The tool of this manufacturer is distinguished by the highest reliability. Despite the fact that it has not been produced in Japan for a long time, each stage undergoes strict quality control. Only the electric motor, before being installed in the housing, passes 19 stress tests. Also much attention is paid to ergonomics. If we are talking about a small grinder, such as the GA4534 with a 115mm disc, then it fits perfectly in the hand, allowing the user to wrap around the case. The handles of larger Makita models, such as the GA 9050, are equally comfortable with rubberized inserts and smooth curves. The pricing policy of the company also pleases customers.