15 best books for children 10 years old



Characteristic in the rating

Best Fiction for 10 year olds

1 fables The best collection of works by Lafontaine
2 The Life and Strange Adventures of Robinson Crusoe The earliest edition translated by Korney Chukovsky
3 Gods Mango. Brutal Detective A fascinating story written in the best traditions of a detective
4 sisters A cautionary tale about sincere relationships
5 Letters from my farm (+ CD) The best book about animals and their adventures

The best educational literature for children aged 10

1 Speed ​​reading for children 10-16 years old. How to teach a child to read quickly and understand what they read? Effective formation of skills for quick assimilation of information
2 The human body. Boring Anatomy Just about complex
3 Entertaining geometry between business and joke The best geometry textbook
4 New Dictionary of Russian Language Errors A modern way to correct deviations in Russian speech
5 English language. 4th grade. 3000 tests The most effective tool for testing knowledge

The best educational literature for children 10 years old

1 Electronics for children The best publication on the beginnings of electronics
2 ABC of emotions The best edition about the feelings and sensations of people
3 What to do, if... Useful book with answers to current life questions and situations
4 Let's talk about space A fairy tale with a lot of useful practical information
5 Biology Accessible and fun about biology

Self-development is a key tool on the way to education and success.However, modern gadgets, Internet resources cannot be the only source of acquiring knowledge (here you need to try hard before you find really high-quality and relevant material). Therefore, parents should rely on good printed publications compiled by professionals and luminaries of literature. We bring to your attention a rating of the best books for children 10 years old.

Best Fiction for 10 year olds

The classics do not lose their relevance, as they touch upon eternal questions. Many modern authors are also able to teach universal human values ​​and morality. And using classical techniques and taking into account the traditions of the present, they can convey morality even more subtly.

5 Letters from my farm (+ CD)

The best book about animals and their adventures
Author: Slonim M.I.
Book price: 481 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6

An amazing book about farm animals. Colorful illustrations complement the texts imbued with the author's incredible love and empathy for our smaller brothers, from the first letter to the last dot. These feelings are transmitted to readers, causing an irresistible desire to immediately settle in a similar place and be in the center of events.

Maria Slonim describes each pet living on the farm with great warmth and subtle humor, sharing their relationships and adventures. The book teaches to take care of animals, to treat them with awe and respect, to notice the peculiarities of each. The edition comes with an audio CD, which allows you to listen to entertaining stories even while on the road.

4 sisters

A cautionary tale about sincere relationships
Author: Reina Telgemeier
Book price: 793 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7

A story about difficult family relationships.The design of the book is made in the form of a comic book. The publication tells how the eldest of the sisters wholeheartedly wanted and waited for the birth of the youngest, but, subsequently, everything went wrong. Due to the difference in characters, they often did not understand each other and clashed.

The book is written with humor, but contains touching moments. She talks about how the relationship between the main characters developed: about problems, friendship, troubles and care. "Sisters" will teach their readers to appreciate and respect loved ones, show how important friendship and support of loved ones is in life.

3 Gods Mango. Brutal Detective

A fascinating story written in the best traditions of a detective
Author: Starobinets A.A.
Book price: 859 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8

This book is the fifth, most recent, issue of a cycle of stories about the incredible adventures of forest dwellers. This time the brave badgers are zealously involved in the search and investigate the kidnapping of a giraffe cub. The story captures and does not let go of young readers from the first lines. The plot of the detective is famously twisted, but not dragged out, and keeps readers in suspense until the very end.

Despite the attempts of negative characters to establish their own rules and orders, wanting to show that everything is decided by force and cruelty, in the end, good triumphs over evil. The work teaches young readers never to be afraid of anything, because even the most difficult situations can be turned to your advantage by showing your strengths.

2 The Life and Strange Adventures of Robinson Crusoe

The earliest edition translated by Korney Chukovsky
Author: Daniel Defoe
Book price: 1 670 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9

The book is based on real events that impressed and inspired D. Defoe to create the work.The main character - Robinson Crusoe - is the prototype of a really existing person (A. Selkiro). In the 18th century, having suffered a shipwreck, Alexander ended up on a desert island in the Pacific Ocean. He was “stuck” there for a long 4 years, experienced a lot of intense events and a period of complete loneliness, but was able to return home.

An imperishable work will teach readers not to lose heart even in the most seemingly hopeless situations, and to find the right solution. And most importantly - always go to your goal.

1 fables

The best collection of works by Lafontaine
Author: Jean de La Fontaine
Book price: 1 680 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0

A collection of French fables that have become classics will not leave indifferent children and their parents. A wonderful translation by Russian authors and colorful illustrations that complement the text description make it possible to convey vivid images. The works are remembered by interesting characters and style of writing. Here monkeys make walks on the sea on dolphins, lawsuits are arranged between insects, and fish are distinguished by enviable eloquence.

The book is perfect for children of primary and secondary school age. La Fontaine's creations will teach young readers worldly wisdom and show where is evil, and where is good and valor.

The best educational literature for children aged 10

10 years is a responsible and active stage in the formation of a child's personality: no longer a baby, but not yet a teenager. He is open to the world, asks a lot of questions, and the task of parents is to fill the information vacuum in time and delicately direct interests in the right direction. For the education of a self-sufficient person, striving to acquire new knowledge, educational literature can be of great help.

5 English language. 4th grade. 3000 tests

The most effective tool for testing knowledge
Author: Uzorova O.V., Nefedova E.A.
Book price: 94 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7

Information is not enough to read and easy to remember. Much more important is the ability to use the acquired knowledge in practice. Therefore, self-control is the most important tool for achieving success in any field of knowledge.

The manual of 3000 tests in English complies with the requirements of the federal state general educational standard. For an objective check of the level of knowledge, each page indicates the target control time for completing the task. It will be convenient for both parents and teachers, as well as children, for self-diagnosis.

4 New Dictionary of Russian Language Errors

A modern way to correct deviations in Russian speech
Author: Krylov G.A.
Book price: 123 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7

To achieve a quick and high-quality result in education, the right motivation and a non-standard approach that “catches” the target audience are important. Cramming will not bring great results, especially when it comes to observing the grammatical, stylistic and linguistic rules of the Russian language.

The "New Dictionary" does not offer readers to memorize the rules "as needed", but demonstrates and analyzes the errors of the modern language in the context of its areas of application. It will be easy and interesting for a 10-year-old child to master the material: the author presents it in a simple style, giving illustrative examples and laying associative rows in the subconscious.

3 Entertaining geometry between business and joke

The best geometry textbook
Author: Perelman Ya.I.
Book price: 464 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8

The task of the publication is not just to teach theory, but also to arouse sincere interest in the subject.Thanks to the bright illustrations and non-standard tasks of the book, it will be easy for the child to master and love the discipline.

The material is jokingly explained by the heroes of the works of Mark Twain, Mine Reed and other authors. For example, the reader will have to measure the volume of a barrel in the hold of a pirate ship and solve the problem of Napoleon Bonaparte. The game form of presenting the material will help to have fun and benefit the intellect, as well as the child's imagination.

2 The human body. Boring Anatomy

Just about complex
Author: Alejo Rodriguez-Vida
Book price: 920 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9

Today, there are a large number of publications that talk about the structure and functioning of the human body. However, not all of them are equally interesting. Boring Anatomy, in a language understandable to children, examines individual organs and studies the systems they form.

In addition to basic information about the structure of the body, the young reader will learn what a cough is and why it occurs, how hiccups appear and much more. The child will be interested in learning new knowledge, he will not fall asleep from boring scientific explanations, and in the classroom he will be able to show off his erudition by preparing a high-quality report or presentation.

1 Speed ​​reading for children 10-16 years old. How to teach a child to read quickly and understand what they read?

Effective formation of skills for quick assimilation of information
Author: Akhmadullin Sh.T.
Book price: 1 799 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0

In the conditions of constant changes in the modern world, the ability to quickly perceive and analyze information is the key to the success of any person. Speed ​​reading for children aged 10-16 is the best brain simulator developed by a psychologist. Akhmadullin Sh.T. She has extensive experience in developing educational programs for children.Many of them have received special awards.

The book lays down the most important skills of working with information: in just 30 minutes for 18 days, the child will be able to quickly memorize and retell texts of any complexity. Thanks to this edition, mindfulness is developed, memory is improved and logical thinking is stimulated.

The best educational literature for children 10 years old

The standard material given by the teacher in the lesson is the basic knowledge that a whole group of students simultaneously receives. Such information has no special value, it acts only as a foundation for further research.

In order to always be one step ahead of the rest, it is important to continuously acquire new knowledge, be able to analyze and work with information, and determine the cause-and-effect relationships of events and processes. Properly selected literature will help the child to acquire unique knowledge and motivate in an effort to increase it.

5 Biology

Accessible and fun about biology
Author: Petr V.M.
Book price: 75 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7

The book in a playful funny way tells readers about biology and its laws. It will be incredibly interesting for a ten-year-old child, because, in addition to theory, it contains a description of a large number of practical experiments. Moreover, for their implementation, no hard-to-reach materials are required: everything that is needed is available in every home.

The manual will help develop ingenuity and creativity, will become a tool for a boring pastime, and not just a source of obtaining and testing scientific knowledge. Suitable for individual home and classroom group use.

4 Let's talk about space

A fairy tale with a lot of useful practical information
Author: Nabokova E.A.
Book price: 960 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7

A colorful story in pictures about the journey of two friends: a scientist and a writer. They study the Earth, why humanity is so interested in knowledge about space, consider the surface and features of the Moon, and go to the international space station. However, soon they decide to return to Earth, realizing that there will be no end to their research.

The book is useful for the development of a child's erudition and broadening his horizons. Despite the fact that the publication belongs to the category of fiction, it contains a significant amount of applied scientific information, described in a simple and accessible language for children.

3 What to do, if...

Useful book with answers to current life questions and situations
Author: Petranovskaya L.V.
Book price: 378 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8

The publication was developed by a professional psychologist specifically for children. The style of presenting information is soft and friendly, so it will resonate in the soul of the child and make him listen to the advice that the author gives from the pages.

Today, there are many educational television programs, publications on the net, how to respond and act correctly in difficult situations, how to behave with strangers, with peers, etc. This publication is unique in that it contains advice and answers to a set of topical issues. The young reader will learn what to do if a strange dog is on the way, when they offend and tease, what to do if it gets too hot, a stranger pesters, etc.

2 ABC of emotions

The best edition about the feelings and sensations of people
Author: Kedrova N.B.
Book price: 985 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9

An excellent publication on basic human feelings on 112 pages. The book was developed by a family and child psychologist. The author managed to tell readers in an accessible and interesting way about what emotions people can feel and why they arise.

The book helps to accept oneself, to realize the reason for the appearance of fear, jealousy, love, etc. And when a person is in harmony with himself and realizes the nature of his feelings and reactions to events, it is easier to interact and accept the world around him. Thanks to the ABC of Emotions, the child will become more self-confident, which will lay a solid foundation for his success and effectiveness in any field.

1 Electronics for children

The best publication on the beginnings of electronics
Author: Florian Schaeffer
Book price: RUB 1,631
Rating (2022): 5.0

Informative book with theoretical and detailed practical explanations:

  • what is electricity and what safety precautions should be observed;
  • what is the effect of resistance, magnetic fields and how they are related to the current in the wires;
  • how to hear what is invisible, and much more.

The author easily and clearly talks about the principles of calculation and drawing up circuits, assembling relays, transistors, etc. The publication will be extremely useful for future programmers and children with a mathematical mindset. The material presented in it will help in the study and development of physics and computer science.

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