Top 20 Psychology Books



Characteristic in the rating

The best books for self-development

1 Say to life: "Yes!" The best book on understanding the meaning of life
2 Think slowly. Decide fast The author is a Nobel laureate
3 Psychology of influence. Convince, Influence, Protect Helps avoid manipulation by scammers
4 Flow. The Psychology of Optimal Experience Easy writing style
5 Never ever. How to get out of the deadlock and find yourself Book-practice about the path to a dream

Best Books on Relationship Psychology

1 Act like a woman, think like a man The best book for women
2 I want and I will. Accept yourself, love life and become happy The book of one of the most famous and authoritative psychologists in Russia
3 Love as a way of life Relationship Building Guide for a Wide Audience
4 Men are from Mars, women are from Venus The best book on relationships between men and women
5 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families Theory and practice aimed at strengthening family relations

Best Books for Teens

1 Fundamentals of psychology The best guide to the basics of modern psychology
2 ABC of emotions Most recommended among teen parents
3 Let's agree! A book about contracts for children and their parents Step-by-step instructions for resolving intra-family conflicts
4 My body is changing. Everything teens want to know and parents are embarrassed to talk about Everything you need to know about growing up in one book
5 How to choose a profession at 17 The best book on professional self-determination

Best Child Psychology Books

1 Communicate with the child. How? The best book for parents
2 A book for imperfect parents The most popular book of the famous psychologist and psychotherapist
3 Your strange child Professional approach and easy presentation style
4 The world through the eyes of a baby. Baby through the eyes of a psychologist Interesting baby storytelling style
5 How to love a child An old but still relevant book on the psychology of childhood

We bring to your attention a selection of the best, in our opinion, books on psychology. Here are the works of famous teachers and psychologists in various areas: relationships, self-development, childhood and adolescence. The rating includes the most popular publications recommended by both professionals and laymen.

The best books for self-development

The issue of self-development worries many, if not everyone. There are also many books on the subject. We have chosen the most interesting, in our opinion, which were presented in this category of the rating.

5 Never ever. How to get out of the deadlock and find yourself

Book-practice about the path to a dream
Author: E. Rezanova
Book price: 929 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6

A practice book begins the rating of the best works on the psychology of self-development, telling about how to decide on changes and gain the courage to live your life. Many people go to an unloved job for years, do not live their own lives, simply not knowing where to start on the path to their dream. Elena Rezanova's work not only inspires, it helps to start changing something by suggesting concrete steps based on real experience.

According to reviews, the book is easy to read, it is written in an interesting and capacious way. She helped many people to stop postponing things for later, get involved in work on themselves and not be afraid of change.The main message of the work is that the reader should stop looking for the only right solution, one vocation and limit himself, there are always a lot of options, it’s worth taking a chance and choosing a more suitable one.

4 Flow. The Psychology of Optimal Experience

Easy writing style
Author: Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Book price: 402 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7

This book is for those who are engaged in self-development and strive to live their lives happily. Csikszentmihalyi in his work summarizes the experience of philosophers and spiritual practitioners from ancient times to the present. The book allows you to restructure your attitude to life to some extent, offering the concept of flow as a tool.

This is a book about simple and obvious things that are forgotten in the daily hustle and bustle, they depreciate and eventually remain on the edge of life. The work was not written for professionals in the field of psychology, it is for the layman, and therefore it is distinguished by a simple and understandable presentation. According to readers in the reviews, everyone will find here the words addressed specifically to him. "Flow. The Psychology of Optimal Experience ”was worthy of the rating of the best, and we recommend it for reading.

3 Psychology of influence. Convince, Influence, Protect

Helps avoid manipulation by scammers
Author: Robert Cialdini
Book price: 453 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8

This book became a bestseller and deservedly took its place in the libraries of the best politicians, businessmen, psychologists, educators and other people who, by the nature of their work, must convince and influence. The work of the author should be read by everyone who wants more self-development and wants not only to influence people himself, but also to understand at what point the pressure is on him.

The book will be useful to every thinking person, many of the moments described are quite vital, and after reading, attention to the behavior of others is greatly increased. Readers note that Cialdini's "Psychology of Influence" made it possible not only to understand many points, but also to avoid manipulation by scammers. She deservedly entered our rating of the best in her category.

2 Think slowly. Decide fast

The author is a Nobel laureate
Author: Daniel Kahneman
Book price: 857 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9

This book is an excellent choice for those who are trying to understand the underlying processes of thought, as well as the factors that influence actions and choices. The author of this work, Daniel Kahneman, is an Israeli-American psychologist, the founder of behavioral economics, and a 2002 Nobel Prize winner. He explains to readers how human thought systems influence actions that sometimes seem irrational.

According to many, this is a great book in psychology, which allows you to take a significant step forward in the field of self-development. After reading it comes an understanding of the decision-making process, both by oneself and by other people. Manipulation becomes obvious. The book will be very useful for all kinds of marketers.

1 Say to life: "Yes!"

The best book on understanding the meaning of life
Author: Viktor Frankl
Book price: 351 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0

The book is intended for a very wide range of readers and will be useful for both teenagers and mature adults. It presents the concept of the famous philosopher and psychologist of the 20th century Viktor Frankl, tested by severe tests in a concentration camp.The peculiarity of the book is that she wrote in a simple and understandable language for the layman, without unnecessary terminology and deepening into professional aspects.

Theoretical sections are confirmed by specific examples presented to the author during the period of imprisonment. Frankl does not expose himself and others who were captured and managed to survive him as people who do not have weaknesses. Everyone has advantages and disadvantages, and this applies to both prisoners and guards. At the end of the book, the author draws very worthy conclusions and calls in any situation to remain a thinking, thinking person.

Best Books on Relationship Psychology

The relationship between a man and a woman is one of the most popular topics in psychology. They are constantly trying to understand each other, to understand thoughts and feelings. We bring to your attention a selection of books in this direction, each of which is worthy of the attention of readers.

5 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families

Theory and practice aimed at strengthening family relations
Author: Stephen Covey
Book price: 859 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families is a great reference book to help you prioritize your marriage and make it superior to everything else. The publication is a logical continuation of another well-known work of the author and considers all the same aspects, but within the framework of family life. The book includes not only theoretical sections, but also a practical part, tasks for discussing materials with family members.

Despite the fact that the publication has very conflicting reviews, many readers rated it quite highly. In their opinion, the work of the author contains a lot of really good principles and advice.Stephen Covey claims that a strong and comfortable home is a big and daily work, in which he will help his readers.

4 Men are from Mars, women are from Venus

The best book on relationships between men and women
Author: John Gray
Book price: 346 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7

This is a legendary book, which tells about the subtleties and peculiarities of the relationship between the sexes as completely and qualitatively as possible. The author talks not only about the emotional, but also the hormonal component of the process. The book is written in a simple and understandable language, supplemented by numerous examples from life. The work of John Gray will be equally useful to both young people and couples with experience.

"Men are from Mars, women are from Venus" is the undisputed bestseller of the last 25 years in the field of relationship psychology. The book allows you to look at situations from different angles and evaluate it from the point of view of a partner. It is worth noting that this is an updated version of the author's legendary work, optimized for modern realities. The publication worthily continues our rating and deserves the attention of readers.

3 Love as a way of life

Relationship Building Guide for a Wide Audience
Author: Gary Chapman
Book price: 421 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8

Gary Chapman is known to many as the world's guru in matters of love and relationships. His works have been translated into all popular languages ​​and have responses all over the globe. It is worth noting that “Love as a way of life” has become the most anticipated publication, after the bestseller “The Five Love Languages”. By the way, we also recommend the latter for reading, for the sake of completeness.

Gary Chapman has created a very reasonable and unobtrusive guide that allows you to build harmonious relationships not only with the opposite sex, but with the environment as a whole.The book will be useful for both men and women. The work contains not only theoretical materials, it contains an abundance of tests and practical tasks that allow developing the personal qualities of the reader.

2 I want and I will. Accept yourself, love life and become happy

The book of one of the most famous and authoritative psychologists in Russia
Author: M. Labkovsky
Book price: 499 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9

Mikhail Labkovsky is recognized as one of the most popular and well-known psychologists in Russia. His book allows you to understand why life does not turn out the way you want it, at what point everything went wrong and tell you in what directions you can work with it. This edition allows, first of all, to build relationships with oneself, to harmonize communication between a man and a woman. And as a result, find joy in your personal life and raise happy children.

The work of a psychologist allows you to independently identify the causes of internal aggression, self-doubt and the inability to fight back. The book is written in a language understandable to the layman, the author's ideas are presented as simply as possible, which makes it even more popular among readers. She deservedly entered the ranking of the best.

1 Act like a woman, think like a man

The best book for women
Author: Steve Harvey
Book price: 302 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0

This book is mostly designed for a female audience, but men will be able to draw a lot of interesting ideas from it. Steve Harvey answers most of the women's questions that worry more than one generation. It presents the psychology of relationships from the point of view of the strong half of humanity.

The book is written with humor, and therefore it is read as easy as possible.The only thing to consider when buying a book is that it was published by an American author and should be interpreted with the Western mentality in mind. Otherwise, this is undoubtedly one of the best books that will give women a more complete picture of men's views on relationships. Steve Harvey's "Think Like a Woman, Act Like a Man" is quite popular among readers, and we recommend paying attention to it.

Best Books for Teens

Adolescence is one of the most difficult years in a person's life. A child does not always have the opportunity to openly ask a question to his parents, in which case books on psychology will come to the rescue. We bring to your attention a selection that includes publications that answer not only general questions in this area, but also help build effective relationships with peers.

5 How to choose a profession at 17

The best book on professional self-determination
Author: V. S. Tundaleva
Book price: 236 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6

Every teenager faces the problem of professional definition sooner or later. The book is based on the work of leading psychologists and allows you to get answers to very important questions from the point of view of this science. A teenager learns how to responsibly and competently approach the choice of a future profession, avoid typical mistakes and choose a direction in accordance with personal inclinations, interests and needs.

According to readers, this book is required reading for students in grades 9-11. It gives not only an understanding of the responsibility for choosing a profession for the rest of your life, but also allows you to carefully consider the decision. The publication presents 9 tests aimed at studying personal characteristics and professional inclinations.

4 My body is changing. Everything teens want to know and parents are embarrassed to talk about

Everything you need to know about growing up in one book
Author: Jerry Bailey
Book price: 333 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7

This book is not only about psychology, but also about physiology. The publication includes answers to all possible questions that arise in a teenager, but which are not always answered by parents. The book was prepared in collaboration with the most experienced psychologists and educators. It explains not only the physiological processes of change that adolescents notice, but also their psychological aspects.

In addition, the author's work reveals in detail such a difficult topic as sexual education. It allows you to make family communication more comfortable and provides the teenager with all the information that adults often lack to fully answer the question. Jerry Bailey's book will be an excellent solution to the problem of how to convey to young readers the main points of important stages of growing up.

3 Let's agree! A book about contracts for children and their parents

Step-by-step instructions for resolving intra-family conflicts
Author: William Heward, Jill Dardig
Book price: 625 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8

Another book in our ranking of the best, which will allow you to get around sharp corners in the process of relationships. The publication is recommended not only for teenagers and their parents, but also for teachers. The work of the authors tells about the problems that arise in every family, allows you to master the complex art of cooperation and happy relationships. The problem solving scheme is based on the proposal to master the contractual system.

The authors in the book offer readers not just an effective way, but a step-by-step plan for its implementation.In addition, the publication allows you to learn about children of different temperaments, the features of the approach to them. The question of hazing in the teenage team and the reaction to this phenomenon is raised. The book is written in a very simple language and will be understandable to every reader.

2 ABC of emotions

Most recommended among teen parents
Author: N. Kedrova
Book price: 990 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9

This book has received a very large amount of positive feedback from parents of teenagers, it is highly recommended. Unfortunately, in modern society, not every adult is able to understand and even more so to formulate what he feels at a particular moment. In this connection, it is quite difficult for parents to teach children to understand themselves. This book becomes an indispensable assistant in this process.

Well-known psychologist and Gestalt therapist Natalia Kedrova helps teenagers understand and formulate their own and other people's emotions, as well as adequately respond to each of them. This is very beneficial for the development of emotional intelligence. According to many readers, the book "The ABC of Emotions" should be present in the library of every family that has or plans to have a child.

1 Fundamentals of psychology

The best guide to the basics of modern psychology
Author: Ya. L. Kolominsky
Book price: 90 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0

In fairness, it should be noted that the book will be of interest not only to teenagers, but also to anyone who wants to learn science from scratch. Academician of psychology Yakov Lvovich Kolominsky introduces readers to this area, talks about methods for studying human behavior. The author's work is recommended for teenagers, as it allows you to understand the basic foundations of how the psyche is formed and what laws it obeys.

The book consists of several sections, each of which is devoted to different areas of psychology. The publication is also suitable for self-study of the subject, and can also be used as a teaching aid for high school students and first-year students. We strongly recommend "Fundamentals of Psychology" to all those interested in this area.

Best Child Psychology Books

Children are a big responsibility, it is sometimes impossible to deal with them, every parent knows about it. This category of the rating contains the best books that will provide answers to the most important questions related to the psychology of a child at an early age and his upbringing.

5 How to love a child

An old but still relevant book on the psychology of childhood
Author: Janusz Korczak
Book price: 612 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6

A very useful and worthwhile book, it is recommended for reading to every parent. Despite the fact that it was written more than 100 years ago, it still does not lose its relevance and is perceived as a canonical, basic manual in psychology and humanistic pedagogy. The main idea of ​​Korczak's work is that children are individuals who differ from adults only in their lack of life experience.

The book contains no instructions. These are rather reflections of an experienced teacher and psychologist about how a child grows up, what changes happen to him, and at what moments it is especially important to show care, feelings, love. But the most important thing that the author makes clear is that no one will answer correctly how to love a baby, except for his parents.

4 The world through the eyes of a baby. Baby through the eyes of a psychologist

Interesting baby storytelling style
Author: A. I. Barkan
Book price: 230 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7

This is a unique book that will allow readers to understand how the surrounding baby perceives at a very early age. What mother has not dreamed of such a publication? The book is written from the point of view of a baby, and also supplemented by the reflections of a mother who goes through the path of growing up with her child. The work of the author is written in easy language, with humor, and is read in one breath.

In addition to issues of early child psychology, the book covers issues related to frequent family problems of this period. The birth of a child overturns the usual rhythm of life, which will certainly affect the relationship between a man and a woman. Professor-pediatrician and psychologist Alla Barkan is happy to share her knowledge with readers and gives valuable advice.

3 Your strange child

Professional approach and easy presentation style
Author: E. V. Murashova
Book price: 750 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8

Another book in our rating, devoted to the problems of education and psychological development of children of preschool and school age. The book impresses with a fascinating style of presentation and a serious professional approach to exciting issues. The author has vast practical experience, which he shares with his readers with pleasure.

According to parents, it is impossible to tear yourself away from the book. The publication is based on the stories of different children with a traditional set of good, bad, tolerable and unacceptable. The author's work does not contain special terminology, does not descend to evaluativeness and high morality. It's just the stories of different children, and all possible solutions to the problem.

2 A book for imperfect parents

The most popular book of the famous psychologist and psychotherapist
Author: I. Yu. Mlodik
Book price: 260 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9

Mlodik Irina Yurievna is a well-known psychologist who has developed several effective programs for working with kids. Her "Book for imperfect parents" has become the most popular manual in this direction, it allows you to solve problems in relationships with children from a very young age. This is not an instruction, this is the reasoning of a professional, based on real stories of various families.

If you want to raise a truly happy person who creates his own destiny, then be sure to pay attention to this book. According to many, the publication allows not only to better understand children, but also learn to hear your inner child. "A book for imperfect parents" deservedly took its place in our rating.

1 Communicate with the child. How?

The best book for parents
Author: Yu. B. Gippenreiter
Book price: 452 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0

The book by Yulia Borisovna Gippenreiter took the leading position in the child psychology category of our rating. This edition is a must-read for every person, and the sooner this happens, the better. At first glance, the book reflects common truths, but many parents do not always pay attention to this, especially at the time of communication with the child.

The book shows how to behave correctly in moments when the baby is trying to show character, be capricious or offended. Allows you to maintain friendly relations with your son or daughter, regardless of their age. According to reviews, this book should be read by everyone, it allows you to analyze the actions and actions of not only the child, but also himself.

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