20 best solid fuel boilers

20 best solid fuel boilers
124 842

The use of solid fuel heating equipment remains popular due to its high efficiency, convenience and safety. We have compiled a rating of the best solid fuel boilers in 2022, taking into account customer reviews and craftsmen.

20 best geysers

20 best geysers
136 540

Gas-fired water heaters are compact and productive equipment. When choosing it, it is important to pay attention to comfort and protection, which increases safety in use. We have prepared the top best gas water heaters in 2022, choosing the most reliable models.

10 best pellet boilers

10 best pellet boilers
49 030

Boilers for heating can use different types of fuel, even grain. But one of the most environmentally friendly types of raw materials are fuel pellets. We have compiled a ranking of the best pellet boilers in 2022, paying special attention to their availability in stores.

15 best floor standing gas boilers

15 best floor standing gas boilers
104 134

Gas heating requires accurate calculations when drawing up the entire system plan. But equally important is the choice of reliable equipment. We have compiled a list of the best floor standing boilers in 2022, choosing only the safest brands.

15 best sauna stove companies

15 best sauna stove companies
37 826

We choose the best manufacturer of stoves for a bath. In our rating, you can find companies that produce cast iron and metal units. There are gas appliances, wood-burning sauna stoves and electric models.All of them received good reviews from consumers, they are well made, suitable for Russian baths and saunas.

15 best heated towel rails

15 best heated towel rails
92 718

Choosing a quality heated towel rail is not easy, as many models quickly begin to rot and rust. In addition, the product should warm up evenly and not spoil the interior of the bathroom. Our experts have compiled a ranking of the best heated towel rails at reasonable prices for you.

10 most economical boilers

10 most economical boilers
95 400

Heating is one of the most expensive utility resources. Saving on heat means feeling uncomfortable in your own home. Such an option does not even make sense to consider. But still there is a way, at least a little, but to save your money. You just need to find the most economical heating boiler. Such models are available in both gas and electric versions. In our article, we will consider both of them. With high efficiency, these models consume the least amount of energy, and this is the main reason for getting into our rating.

5 best gas boiler companies in terms of price and quality

5 best gas boiler companies in terms of price and quality
31 543

A high-quality gas boiler is a guarantee of home comfort in the cold season, so the choice of such equipment requires a serious approach. For practical users who prefer to buy reliable equipment without extra expenses, we have chosen the best manufacturers of gas heating boilers, whose products are distinguished by an optimal price-quality ratio.

6 best autonomous heaters from Aliexpress

6 best autonomous heaters from Aliexpress
81 357

Autonomous heaters consume less energy than a conventional car heater, while they can work even when the engine is off. Such a heater will be an indispensable purchase for those who often have to drive a car in winter. On AliExpress, you can find a budget device of good quality. The best options are presented in the ranking.

The 10 Best Oil Heaters for an Apartment in 2021

The 10 Best Oil Heaters for an Apartment in 2021
1 655

The most delicate, this device warms up the air in the apartment absolutely silently. It does not burn oxygen, and its price tag is affordable for most buyers. Experts at iquality.techinfus.com/en/ have selected the best oil heaters for apartments and houses. In our rating - popular models for compact, medium and large rooms.

10 best bimetal radiator companies

10 best bimetal radiator companies
20 619

It does not matter where you live, in an apartment building or a private house. The bimetal radiator is suitable for any heating system and will perfectly cope with the highest loads. This is the best option for today, leaving cast iron and aluminum counterparts far behind. True, the price bites a little, but you always have to pay for quality, and in our rating you will also find budget models, and they also deserve attention.

5 best smart heaters

5 best smart heaters
7 780

They are needed by everyone who appreciates comfort, warmth, modern technological devices and is often away from home. The experts at iquality.techinfus.com/en/ have selected the top 5 smart heaters.Convectors interact with popular ecosystems and can be used for rooms of various sizes.

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