15 Best Vitamins for Teens with iHerb

Against the backdrop of emotional stress, weakening of the body's defenses and poor ecology, adolescents need more and more support. It is impossible to provide a child with everything necessary only with the help of food and walks. To replenish the supply of vitamins, it is worth buying special supplements. We have included in the rating the best complexes for teenagers with iHerb.



Characteristic in the rating

Best multivitamins for teens on iHerb

1 FutureBiotics M.V. Teen The best composition for a balanced development of the body
2 Nature's Plus Source of Life Power Teen Energize, promote mental activity
3 Nature's Life Complex Best for maintaining bone health
4 GNC Milestones Teen Gummy Multivitamin Good for fighting breakouts
5 Nature's Way Alive Affordable virus protection

Best Omega-3s for Teens at iHerb

1 Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega 2X Teen The best quality fish oil, pleasant taste
2 L'il Critters Omega-3 Excellent quality at a bargain price
3 Nature's Plus Animal Parade Optimal fat content
4 Hero Nutritional Products Yummi Bears Combination of Omega-3 and DHA
5 Now Foods DHA Chewables Best compatibility with other additives

Best Vitamin D for Teens at iHerb

1 Drops Booster Best dosage, does not cause allergies
2 Carlson Labs Super Daily Easy to take, aids in the absorption of other vitamins
3 Solgar Natural Vitamin D3 Best D3 for very active teens
4 Yum-V's Pure Vitamin D The most pleasant taste, economical consumption
5 ChildLife Organic Vitamin D3 Drops Universal Vitamin D for All Ages

Vitamins for teenagers differ from adult counterparts in dosage and additional components. Manufacturers are trying to add flavors to make them more tasty and easily digestible. On Eicherb, chewable products in the form of jelly or marmalade are often found. The need for supplements increases in winter and in the off-season, when children over 14 years of age are most susceptible to hypovitaminosis. In cold weather, as well as throughout the year, it is recommended for athletes to choose complexes with a higher content of certain substances.

Before placing an order for iHerb, you need to study the characteristics of the product and the reviews of parents. The best vitamins should contain the most optimal dosage, be easily absorbed and combined with other active supplements. It is important to remember that some complexes are seasonal: they are sold from October to June, because in the hot summer they can deteriorate or melt during transportation. It is best to order such goods during this period of time. The rating includes not only multivitamins, but also narrowly targeted drugs for solving certain problems - Omega 3 and vitamin D.

There are contraindications. Check with your doctor.

Best multivitamins for teens on iHerb

Multivitamins are aimed at the harmonious development of the body of a teenager. They are important for:

  • bone tissue formation;
  • assistance to biological processes during hormonal changes;
  • skin, nails, hair;
  • psycho-emotional state, especially during heavy physical exertion.

Many situations are new to yesterday's children, so it is more difficult to cope with them.Not to mention the increased workload and emotional experiences. We have collected the 5 best iHerb products for the stable operation of all body systems.

5 Nature's Way Alive

Affordable virus protection
Price for iHerb: from $11.66
Rating (2021): 4.6

Opens the top five multivitamins Nature's Way Alive, which is recommended for schoolchildren in the winter. Infections are not uncommon in the classroom, and this drug helps the immune system deal with them. Vitamins are not the most delicious and sweet, but they have little equal in composition. After the usual jelly figurines, children protest, but quickly get used to it. The main thing is the visible effect. Improves bone and dental health due to the high content of calcium, folic acid and magnesium. Eyes support vitamins A, C and E. 26 components of fruits and vegetables help the immune system.

Parents recommend giving the drug in the morning, it gives energy and strength. But in the evening it is better to refrain from taking it, since the formula greatly excites the nervous system. The product is suitable for allergy sufferers, does not cause rashes. In winter, the child gets sick less, flu and colds do not have time to develop. However, the drug comes in the form of a hard tablet that needs to be chewed. It does not cause difficulty for a teenager of 14 years old, it can be difficult for younger guys. The remedy is taken after a meal, as a high content of vitamin C irritates the mucous membrane.

4 GNC Milestones Teen Gummy Multivitamin

Good for fighting breakouts
Price for iHerb: from $11.99
Rating (2021): 4.7

GNC Milestones supplies iHerb with multivitamins for girls and boys aged 12-17. Each pack contains 120 high folate, biotin, chromium and calcium gummies.You can get at least ½ of your daily value of vitamins A, B-6, C, D, and E from these tablets. The nutrients are key to maintaining healthy skin, hair, and nails. There is sugar in the composition, but there is very little of it - only 4 grams.

Reviews confirm that teens love the taste of multivitamins. Athletes noted energy and good appetite after taking. It is easier for students to concentrate on the lessons. From the visual effects - the number of rashes decreases, hair and nails become stronger. The price seems more than acceptable to buyers, given the economical dosage. GNC Milestones has been criticized for its low vitamin C content and lack of zinc. In the cold season, it will be difficult to maintain immunity.

3 Nature's Life Complex

Best for maintaining bone health
Price for iHerb: from $15.29
Rating (2021): 4.8

Young athletes whose lives are full of physical activity need vitamins and minerals to maintain bone health. Nature's Life Complex is designed specifically for this. The main component is calcium, which not only improves the general condition of the body, but also prevents the development of many diseases. For effective digestibility, the manufacturer added magnesium, copper and zinc. The formula supports the cardiovascular system, improves muscle tone. Teenagers stop feeling tired, feel a surge of strength.

Parents say that the effect of multivitamins is noticeable on the skin of the child. After a few months, the number of rashes decreases. A little later, the condition of hair and nails improves. They note that the tablets are large, it is difficult for someone to swallow them. You need to take 3 pieces daily, not all children like it.It is recommended to drink vitamins after meals to avoid irritation of the mucosa. You can combine the drug with collagen for a better effect.

2 Nature's Plus Source of Life Power Teen

Energize, promote mental activity
Price for iHerb: from $32.65
Rating (2021): 4.9

Nature's Plus Source of Life Power Teen can provide your teen with nutrients and make up for vitamin deficiencies. The tool is available in small tablets containing calcium and pomace from green vegetables. They are more expensive than competitors, which is explained by the large volume of the can. For a teenager of 14 years old, it will be enough for 3 months of regular intake. The manufacturer has added the largest dose of vitamin B to improve skin condition. All together supports the child's body, reduces the risk of disease.

The reviews talk about the rich composition and natural ingredients. It is noted that an overdose of vitamin B is almost impossible, since it does not accumulate. For this reason, multivitamins are indicated for teenagers of any age. The drug helps to relieve mental stress, children become less irritable. Pleased with chromium and zinc in the composition, they are rare even on Eicherb. However, the tablets are hard and difficult for children to swallow. The taste is not the most pleasant, it is better not to chew. There is a risk of intolerance to individual components.

1 FutureBiotics M.V. Teen

The best composition for a balanced development of the body
Price for iHerb: from $6.97
Rating (2021): 5.0

FutureBiotics M.V. Teen deserves to be called the best due to the balanced composition of vitamins and minerals that support normal growth. Depending on age, a teenager needs from 1 to 3 tablets.The manufacturer says that the drug reduces emotional stress, returns a good mood. Multivitamins contain a 100% dose of most substances, they are not recommended to be combined with other dietary supplements. Parents note that it becomes easier for the child to concentrate, fall asleep and wake up. They are recommended for young athletes with a very busy schedule.

A nice bonus is iodine in the composition, which does not always appear in multivitamins. Adolescents feel better, along with fatigue, irritation also disappears. It is recommended to start applying the course at 12-14 years old with breaks per month. The drug does not cause allergies, rashes, heaviness in the stomach. The capsules are small, the child will not choke. They have no taste or smell. The main thing to remember is that you need to drink them only after eating for better digestibility.

Best Omega-3s for Teens at iHerb

It is important for adolescents to avoid nutrient deficiencies, especially omega-3 fatty acids. They are responsible for the storage of information, intelligence and speed of reaction. Schoolchildren need this building material to follow the program and have good academic performance. With regular intake of Omega-3, attention, memory, thinking and perception of information improve. Below is our top 5 products from iHerb that parents trust.

5 Now Foods DHA Chewables

Best compatibility with other additives
Price for iHerb: from $9.49
Rating (2021): 4.6

The iHerb stocking company is a member of GoEd, a prestigious global fish oil and omega 3 organization. Now Foods' fun, fish-shaped soft vitamins will appeal not only to teens, but also to kids under 14.With 100mg of DHA, 24mg of EPA, and over 500mg of Tuna Fish Oil Concentrate each, babies will have no problem getting their valuable Omega-3s. The low dosage makes the capsules the best solution to combine with other vitamins.

The manufacturer has provided for all possible restrictions: the product is called kosher and halal, it does not contain yeast, gluten, dairy products and shellfish. Thanks to this, there are no complaints about allergic reactions after taking it in the reviews. Parents note that adolescents are better able to endure stress, have become more assiduous. The only negative of the product is the flimsy lid in the bottle with vitamins.

4 Hero Nutritional Products Yummi Bears

Combination of Omega-3 and DHA
Price for iHerb: from $30.71
Rating (2021): 4.6

Hero Nutritional Products Yummi Bears is a delicious combination of Omega-3s with DHA for comprehensive body support. Vitamins affect the functioning of the brain, heart and vision. Teenagers love to chew sweets, they do not feel the fishy smell and taste. Children often ask for supplements. Parents are glad that they get sick less, the cold ends in the early stages. It is recommended to give 3-4 gummies per day to children under 14 years old, then switch to an adult drug. High consumption is one of the few disadvantages of the tool. It is compensated by the absence of adverse reactions and ease of use. It is recommended to add a preparation with vitamin D to it, so that the muscles develop correctly.

Parents say that children enjoy taking the capsules. It is difficult to talk about medical properties, but there is an improvement in vision. The protection from children pleases: the lid is unscrewed only if you press on it. Some teenagers get allergies in the form of rashes.However, for most, the drug is suitable, protecting against colds in the winter, giving energy and increasing attentiveness. Contains no dairy products, no gluten, no artificial colors.

3 Nature's Plus Animal Parade

Optimal fat content
Price for iHerb: from $18.49
Rating (2021): 4.7

Great taste, proven manufacturer and balanced composition - this is Nature's Plus Animal Parade. The drug supports the body of a teenager with Omega-3, 6 and 9. It is unique to iHerb, only here there is a full spectrum of essential acids. The manufacturer speaks of high quality fish oil tested for freshness. Parents write about improving their children's school grades. Children quickly memorize texts from textbooks. Vitamins affect memory, concentration and understanding of the material. The capsules are large, but children aged 12 swallow without problems. They are not afraid to bite, the liquid inside has a lemon taste.

Parents say that the remedy is taken by children who refused to drink liquid fish oil. They don't see vitamins as a cure. They are recommended to be taken with meals. The first results appear in a week, energy is added. For this reason, it is not necessary to give capsules at bedtime. A month later, apathy disappears, teenagers are less capricious. However, Omega 6 and 9 can also be obtained from food and are rarely in short supply. If the doctor has prescribed to take Omega-3, it is better to choose it in its pure form, without additives.

2 L'il Critters Omega-3

Excellent quality at a bargain price
Price for iHerb: from $10.99
Rating (2021): 4.8

L'il Critters Raspberry Lemonade Omega-3 won the 2018 Chefs Best Award for Best Dietary Supplement.One candy contains Omega-3, EPA and DHA, while it has a pleasant marmalade taste, moderately sweet. The consistency is dense, teenagers ask for more. A schoolchild needs two pieces a day, an active child or athlete - 3-4 gummies. They are sprinkled with sugar, which some parents attribute to minuses, but children are not picky. The composition is aimed at strengthening the immune system, it has anti-inflammatory properties. Parents report a decrease in aggression, anxiety and depression. The manufacturer writes about a significant improvement in the functioning of the nervous system.

The reviews speak of trust in the company, its reputation and the quality of the goods are beyond doubt. It is advised to take Omega-3 at any time of the year for the proper functioning of the brain. They note an increase in concentration, even very restless schoolchildren become more assiduous. The only downside is the dosage. It is less than that of competitors, so you need to take a lot of pieces a day. The drug ends quickly, one course is not cheap. On the other hand, it is easy to combine with multivitamins, the risk of overdose is minimal.

1 Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega 2X Teen

The best quality fish oil, pleasant taste
Price for iHerb: from $29.71
Rating (2021): 4.9

We considered Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega 2X Teen to be the most unique in terms of composition and quality of ingredients. It contains the entire spectrum of Omega fatty acids for the proper functioning of the nervous and immune systems, as well as the brain. The company claims that it tests each batch of the drug for the presence of toxins and metals. Fish oil passes international standards. Parents are pleased with the small capsules, they are easy to swallow. No unpleasant odor or taste of fish.With daily use, the learning process becomes easier, memory improves.

The reviews say about the delicate texture, the composition does not contain dyes and gluten. The taste is reminiscent of lemon zest so that teenagers do not suspect something was wrong. The composition contains a small amount of EPA and DHA, it is impossible to overdo it. They help teenagers grow strong and healthy. The drug is suitable for children under 14 years of age, then you can switch to an adult dose. Parents mention a decrease in mood swings, aggression disappears. Omega-3s are recommended to be taken along with lutein for eye health.

Best Vitamin D for Teens at iHerb

Vitamin D is responsible for the proper formation and growth of bones. Manufacturers claim that taking drugs early prevents the development of rickets and similar diseases in children. Means from this five increase muscle tone, strengthen bones, help the immune system cope with diseases.

5 ChildLife Organic Vitamin D3 Drops

Universal Vitamin D for All Ages
Price for iHerb: from $13.56
Rating (2021): 4.6

Although the top best vitamins from iHerb included mainly products for children over 14 years old, this particular complex can be taken even by infants. Not the last role was played by the fact that the product is available in the form of drops. Dosage varies according to age. The composition is as natural as possible: the main ingredient is organic cold-pressed olive oil. One dose contains the daily norm of D3 (400 ME). There is no sugar or gluten, but flavoring is present.

Parents of young athletes call these vitamins the most successful purchase. After application, the growth of hair and teeth is accelerated, immunity improves.Thanks to the pleasant berry taste, vitamins are easily taken even by kids. In addition, if you dilute the droplets in water, they are almost not felt. The main disadvantage of the product was, oddly enough, the packaging. It happens that it is damaged and drops simply flow out of the bottle during transportation.

4 Yum-V's Pure Vitamin D

The most pleasant taste, economical consumption
Price for iHerb: from $9.36
Rating (2021): 4.7

Yum-V's Pure Vitamin D is intended for recent children who have not yet had time to get used to "adult" tablets. These bears are easy to take, the bright bottle immediately attracts attention. Sugar is added for taste, otherwise the composition is pleasing. Free from milk, gluten and peanuts. One jar is enough for a month, the child always requires supplements. The lid opens with strong pressure, which only an adult can handle. The drug does not cause allergic reactions.

Parents say that only picky people need sugar, for the rest of the guys you can take vitamins without it. Bears are made of pectin, which promotes the digestibility of the formula. Marmalade is very soft and easy to chew and swallow. The manufacturer recommends that you follow the regimen and take it at the same time, preferably in the morning. The reviews note a positive trend. Teenagers become more active, less tired. Night sleep is stabilized. You can reduce the sugar content by dipping marmalade in water for a minute. The aroma and taste will remain, although not as pronounced.

3 Solgar Natural Vitamin D3

Best D3 for very active teens
Price for iHerb: from $11.19
Rating (2021): 4.8

The only drug in the ranking for adults that is allowed for teenagers from 14 years old is Solgar Natural Vitamin D3.The product is made from deep-sea fish oil, which is considered the safest. One jar contains 250 capsules, enough for 3 months. In addition to vitamin D3, the composition contains safflower oil, which promotes digestibility. The manufacturer claims that the formula is similar in composition to what the body receives naturally. The chewable capsules have a sweet taste and smell like strawberries. Pleased with the absence of sugar, it is replaced by safe xylitol.

The first results appear after a month of use. Teenagers become more active, their mood and general condition improve. The drug helps not to get sick in winter and stay energetic in summer. Parents trust the Solgar brand for a wide range of supplements, optimal dosages and high quality. However, the taste of the product is not the most pleasant. Fish oil is felt, children do not really like it. The drug must be taken separately from food, many foods weaken its effect. You can drink water or milk, but not juice.

2 Carlson Labs Super Daily

Easy to take, aids in the absorption of other vitamins
Price for iHerb: from $12.06
Rating (2021): 4.8

The most economical remedy is Carlson Labs Super Daily, which can be taken alone or with other vitamins. The liquid has no smell and taste, teenagers swallow drops without problems. The supplement is available in 10.3 ml bottles, which are enough for almost six months. The formula is aimed at improving the health of teeth and bones, helping the immune system. The manufacturer talks about the support of muscle tissue and the heart. The tool helps the absorption of calcium, goes well with Omega-3. The manufacturer recommends giving the drug at bedtime, claiming that it is better absorbed at night.

The reviews call this supplement necessary, especially in the winter season. However, you need to be careful with the dosage, it is easy to overexcite the child. The main difference from domestic analogues in the absence of alcohol, the formula is completely safe. Vitamin D is best absorbed in a liquid state, so most products are drops. The drug is very popular on iHerb, you need to "catch" it. Parents, unlike the manufacturer, do not advise giving it at night, as it is more difficult for children to fall asleep.

1 Drops Booster

Best dosage, does not cause allergies
Price for iHerb: from $12.64
Rating (2021): 4.9

We considered Ddrops Booster to be the best with the optimal dosage and safe composition. In addition to vitamin D, there is only coconut oil and cholecalciferol for better absorption. No chemicals, dyes, sugar or preservatives. For teenagers, 3 drops per day are enough, the package is enough for a month. The bottle has a very convenient dispenser, the product does not flow. The drug in the vial is less than half, as it should be. You can drip the formula onto cookies or bread for greater effectiveness. Vitamins received the Mom's Choice Awards for quality, being the top seller on iHerb.

Parents say that this drug is recommended by doctors for children with allergies. It is well absorbed and does not cause breakouts. It is recommended to go for a walk after the reception, although this is not necessary. The high price confuses a little, because the composition is very simple. It is recommended to supplement the preparation with Omega-3. It is necessary to take vitamins at the beginning of the day so that there is no overexcitation. Oily capsules with this formula cannot be found in domestic pharmacies, although they have been proven to be more effective.

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