10 best vitamin E supplements on iHerb



Characteristic in the rating

Top 10 Best Vitamin E Supplements at iHerb

1 Life Extension The best vitamin E from sunflower oil
2 Solgar The most popular vitamin E
3 natural factors Mixture of tocopherols
4 North American Herb & Spice Co. Full spectrum of tocopherols and tocotrienols
5 natural factors Optimal combination of price and quality
6 21st Century Best price
7 Nutricology Most pronounced action
8 Carlson Labs The best option for permanent reception
9 Sundown Naturals Good dosage and positive feedback
10 Jarrow Formulas Full assimilation and affordable cost

Vitamin E is often used in medical practice as a powerful antioxidant that protects the body from free radicals and slows down the aging process. Its reception has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, hair, nails, nervous system, muscle tissue. And in general, it has a beneficial effect on health. Therefore, periodically taking vitamin E in the form of capsules or an oil solution is useful for everyone without exception. Very high quality drugs at an affordable cost can be found on iHerb. According to buyers, they are much more effective than Russian pharmacy products. Therefore, today we invite you to familiarize yourself with the rating of the best vitamin E supplements from a popular American site.

There are contraindications. Check with your doctor.

Top 10 Best Vitamin E Supplements at iHerb

10 Jarrow Formulas

Full assimilation and affordable cost
Price for iHerb: from 997 rub.
Rating (2021): 4.5

This dietary supplement contains SupraBio's proprietary, specialized lipid blend that provides superior vitamin E absorption compared to other formulations shown on this page. iHerb. Therefore, despite the fact that vitamin E in its pure form in one capsule contains only 19 IU, the result from regular intake is no worse compared to analogues of 400 IU. An additional secret of effectiveness is naturalness and tocotrienols, which also increase the bioavailability of the product.

The effectiveness of the drug is confirmed by numerous user reviews. The composition is truly unique and completely natural, which cannot but please customers. Everyone describes the action in different ways - in combination with other biological additives, this is an improvement in the condition of the skin and hair, lowering cholesterol, a beneficial effect on vision, blood vessels and the heart. But for some reason, it is with this drug that there are a lot of complaints about delivery and packaging - someone does not count the required number of capsules in a jar, others complain about a rancid smell and tablets stuck together in one lump.


9 Sundown Naturals

Good dosage and positive feedback
Price for iHerb: from 460 rubles
Rating (2021): 4.6

A good and inexpensive vitamin supplement in the optimal dosage of 400 IU per capsule. It is quite popular on Eicherb, despite the fact that it is of synthetic origin, as indicated by the prefix dl in the name of the active substance.But many buyers turn a blind eye to this drawback, actively order the product and leave positive feedback about it.

The reasons for writing them are small capsules that are easy to swallow, a noticeable effect, and low cost. Of the positive aspects, users note an improvement in the condition of hair and skin. Many take them on an ongoing basis simply as a prophylactic, a source of powerful antioxidants. From individual reviews, it can be understood that vitamin E supplementation is excellent for dermatitis and hair loss. Oddly enough, users rarely complain about the synthetic origin of the product.

8 Carlson Labs

The best option for permanent reception
Price for iHerb: from 1474 rub.
Rating (2021): 4.6

A small dosage of only 100 IU in this preparation is offset by a low price in combination with a large number of capsules per package (250 pieces). Vitamin E is made from soy, but is completely natural, not synthetic. The drug is recommended as a long-term dietary supplement, as an antioxidant to protect the body from free radicals, improve the condition of the skin and hair. Adults need to take one capsule 1-2 times a day.

Some buyers with iHerb consider a low dosage to be more of an advantage, not a disadvantage. This makes it possible to take the vitamin on an ongoing basis, combining it with other dietary supplements (for example, vitamin D3 for better absorption). Yes, and all the products of the manufacturer Carlson Labs are considered to be of high quality, which for users becomes another argument in favor of purchasing this particular vitamin.

7 Nutricology

Most pronounced action
Price for iHerb: from 2281 rub.
Rating (2021): 4.7

Despite the lack of fame of the manufacturer among Russian buyers who place orders for Eicherb, this product is really worthy of attention, since the effect of vitamin E in it is enhanced by succinate. This substance also helps fight free radicals. The composition can be called unique, therefore, the high cost is fully justified. The dosage of vitamin E in each capsule is 400 IU - high, but at the same time the most common to compensate for the deficiency of this substance in the body.

Iherb buyers also consider this drug to be very effective, which they often leave reviews on the site. They believe that the composition is optimally balanced and really believe in the benefits for the body. Even the high cost is not mentioned in any review as a minus of the product.

6 21st Century

Best price
Price for iHerb: from 330 rub.
Rating (2021): 4.7

This is the best offer on iHerb - the cost is several times lower compared to other offers on the same site. Vitamin E is natural but derived from soy. Despite this quality of the product is quite high, the product is manufactured using modern technologies, undergoes numerous tests before going on sale. Each capsule contains 400 IU of the active ingredient - as a prevention of vitamin E deficiency, it is enough to take one capsule per day. Increasing the dosage is possible only on the advice of a doctor.

It is the attractive price that initially pushes users to buy this drug.But after the course, they notice positive changes and the next time they order the product because of its quality and effectiveness. In reviews on iHerb often referred to as a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair, nails.

5 natural factors

Optimal combination of price and quality
Price for iHerb: from 1148 rub.
Rating (2021): 4.8

On IHerb, this vitamin E is popular due to its naturalness and affordable cost. It is produced from sunflower seeds - this source is considered the best. A sufficiently high dosage of 400 IU provides complete satisfaction of the need for the vitamin when taking just one capsule per day, so the jar is enough for a three-month course. Good bioavailability helps to quickly restore the deficiency of a substance in the body, protect it from free radicals, slow down the aging process, start the regeneration of damaged tissues and eliminate dry skin.

The drug is not produced by the most popular seller on iHerb, so there are not enough reviews about it. But those who have already ordered and accepted it point to the optimal combination of price and quality. They are pleased that the vitamin is obtained from sunflower seeds, not soybeans, contains the optimal dosage, and is well absorbed by the body. The advantage of secondary importance is the small, convenient size of capsules for taking.

4 North American Herb & Spice Co.

Full spectrum of tocopherols and tocotrienols
Price for iHerb: from 1675 rub.
Rating (2021): 4.8

Natural, complex vitamin E, including a full spectrum of tocopherols and tocotrienols, is produced from sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and wild red palm.This is one of the few products that does not use soy, which often causes allergic reactions. This is the best form of vitamin E, which is completely absorbed by the human body, has a positive effect on overall health, without leading to side effects. Since the dosage is quite high, you only need to take one capsule per day.

But even taking this into account, the cost of the drug is quite high compared to other offers on the market. iHerb. This is what buyers in the reviews indicate as the only drawback of the nutritional supplement. Otherwise, vitamin E completely suits them. They note the high quality, naturalness, effectiveness of the product and the absence of soy in the composition.

3 natural factors

Mixture of tocopherols
Price for iHerb: from 2206 rub.
Rating (2021): 4.9

It is a natural mixed preparation containing vitamin E in the form of d-alpha tocopherol with natural beta, delta and gamma tocopherols. This significantly improves its absorption by the body and gives a more pronounced effect in a shorter time of admission. Pure vitamin E in one capsule contains 400 IU, mixed tocopherols - 10 mg. This supplement is recommended for anyone who has problems with dry skin, lives in adverse conditions of a polluted environment, or simply leads an active lifestyle.

Buyers are completely satisfied with this vitamin E. In the reviews, they write about its benefits for the body as a whole, as well as the effectiveness of this particular drug. They like a large can (240 capsules) that lasts a very long time, so the price is not as high as it might seem at first.Additional reasons for writing positive reviews are natural, easy-to-swallow capsules.

2 Solgar

The most popular vitamin E
Price for iHerb: from 885 rub.
Rating (2021): 4.9

Natural, high-quality vitamin E from a popular manufacturer whose products are well known to buyers from Iherb. It is a preparation in gelatin capsules mixed with soybean oil for better absorption. The dosage can be called optimal - 400 IU or 268 mg. This is more than enough to eliminate vitamin E deficiency in the body, increase the effectiveness of treatment in complex therapy. The main active substance is contained in the form of pure d-alpha tocopherol, available for absorption. Adults are advised to take one capsule daily, preferably with meals.

Many buyers write in reviews that they often order this vitamin in winter to support the body and eliminate dry skin. They have no complaints about the quality - they really see the result some time after the start of the course. The main reasons for the popularity of the product are natural vitamin, not synthetic, moderate cost, taking into account a large can, efficiency, brand trust. An additional plus is that small capsules have no taste and are easy to swallow.

1 Life Extension

The best vitamin E from sunflower oil
Price for iHerb: from 1393 rub.
Rating (2021): 5.0

Natural vitamin E, obtained from sunflower oil, has a high bioavailability, due to which it quickly eliminates the state of its deficiency in the body and gives noticeable results soon after the start of intake. They manifest themselves primarily in improving the condition of the skin, hair and nails.Each capsule contains 400 IU of the vitamin - this is a fairly high concentration, so it is enough to drink just one per day. Given that the bank is designed for a three-month rate, the cost of the funds is not too high.

Many buyers consider this drug the best vitamin E on the market. iHerb due to its naturalness. This is one of the few offers where the substance is derived from sunflower oil and not soybean oil, which is also mentioned in user reviews. Some people buy it only because they trust the Life Extension brand, knowing it as a manufacturer of quality nutritional supplements.

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