Place |
Name |
Characteristic in the rating |
1 | Black Walnut Hulls Now Foods | The best black walnut capsules, natural composition |
2 | Black Walnut Hull Nature's Way | Premium Herbal Supplement, Effective Body Cleansing |
3 | Black Walnut Eclectic Institute | Antifungal activity, dietary supplement for children and adults |
4 | Black Walnut Alcohol Free Nature's Way | Best Black Walnut Extract, Immune System Boost |
5 | Colon Green FutureBiotics | Restoration of digestion, a complex of natural herbs |
6 | Scram HealthForce Superfoods | Elimination of pain in the abdomen, prevention of intestinal obstruction |
7 | Intestinal Sweep Formula Christopher's Original Formulas | Treatment of parasitic diseases, large volume |
8 | Black Walnut Hull Extra Strength Kroeger Herb Co | The best black walnut tincture, general strengthening effect |
9 | Black Walnut Herb Pharm | Effective prevention of parasitic diseases, non-GMO |
10 | Para End Aerobic Life | Cleansing action, restoring the balance of microflora in the intestines |
Black walnut contains vitamins (P, PP, E, A and F) and minerals (manganese, iron, phosphorus, iodine). However, it is valued not only for its composition, but also for its high biological activity against fungi, bacteria and parasites. Additionally, it has antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.Especially for you, we have prepared the TOP 10 best black walnut preparations on iHerb, which will help you make sure that it is effective for the whole body.
TOP 10 best black walnut preparations on iHerb
10 Para End Aerobic Life
Price for iHerb: from $23.51
Rating (2021): 4.1
Para End is based on a complex of specially selected herbs and natural ingredients, including black walnut extract. It ensures the elimination of toxins from the body and restores the balance of microflora in the intestines. The principle of action of the drug is based on creating an unfavorable environment for bacteria and parasites, so it can be used not only for the treatment of diseases, but also as their prevention.
Judging by the reviews, this drug is chosen by those who are constantly in contact with pets or street animals, and also travel frequently. Capsules do not have a pronounced taste or smell. Many write that they notice the first changes only after 15-20 days. Pros: cleansing action, ease of use, large volume (90 capsules). Cons: strong laxative effect, side effects (nausea, dizziness) are possible.
9 Black Walnut Herb Pharm
Price for iHerb: from $15.31
Rating (2021): 4.2
This drug is recommended for appetite disorders, skin rashes and stool disorders caused by parasitic diseases. It contains black walnut extract, which ensures the effective removal of not only parasites, but also their waste products from the body.This improves overall health, restores appetite and prevents weight fluctuations. The volume of the drug is 30 ml. This is enough to conduct only one course of cleansing the body.
Judging by the reviews, this drug eliminates even long-term toxic-allergic manifestations. He struggles with flatulence and unstable stools. Restores the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, including in children. Many choose it for the prevention of parasitic diseases. The advantages include a natural composition and a minimum of contraindications. Among the minuses note the high cost, pungent smell and unpleasant taste.
8 Black Walnut Hull Extra Strength Kroeger Herb Co
Price for iHerb: from $5.87
Rating (2021): 4.3
Kroeger Herb Co Black Walnut Tincture is able to cleanse the body of more than 100 types of parasites (according to the manufacturer). It is recommended for thyroid diseases and diabetes. It has a general strengthening and tonic effect. Effective for anemia, hypertension, pyelonephritis, diathesis, acne, psoriasis and other dermatological diseases. The tincture contains black walnut extract, alcohol (40%) and distilled water. It is necessary to take 15 drops 3 times a day.
The reviews write that the tincture has an unpleasant bitter taste, so it is best to drink it with a glass of warm water. Volume - 30 ml. Can be given to children, but the daily dosage in this case must be checked with a doctor. It is recommended to shake the product well before use. The pluses include an excellent result and versatility (cleanses the body of all parasites).However, keep in mind that side effects in the form of constipation are possible.
7 Intestinal Sweep Formula Christopher's Original Formulas
Price for iHerb: from $25.04
Rating (2021): 4.4
The main feature of this drug is a unique formula. It contains proprietary blend of herbs and extracts, patented by the manufacturer. It includes grape root, black walnut shell and cloves. The tool is designed to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract from parasites. It restores appetite, eliminates bloating, strengthens the stool. It has a positive effect on the immune system and helps restore normal hemoglobin levels.
In reviews on iHerb, they write that this drug has a mild laxative effect. Many note that the skin has become much cleaner, even serious inflammation has gone. The drug eliminates allergic rashes caused by parasitic diseases. The package contains 180 capsules. You need to take them in 2 pieces. 3 times a day. The advantages include visible effectiveness, large volume and completely natural composition.
6 Scram HealthForce Superfoods
Price for iHerb: from $32.28
Rating (2021): 4.5
This is an anti-parasite cleansing complex based on a proprietary blend of herbs (5,000 mg). It contains black walnut extract, clove buds and wormwood leaves. The drug provides an effective removal of toxins and the restoration of normal bowel function. To achieve even greater results, the manufacturer recommends combining the supplement with drinking plenty of water.The drug provides cleansing of the body from helminths, restores digestion and prevents the development of intestinal obstruction.
Buyers write that this supplement eliminates abdominal pain after the first application. It restores appetite and stool. The package contains 150 capsules. It is inconvenient that you need to take them according to a certain scheme (every day a different number of capsules). The benefits include natural composition and effectiveness. The downside is the very high cost, despite the fact that the complex is designed for only 15 days of admission.
5 Colon Green FutureBiotics
Price for iHerb: from $13.54
Rating (2021): 4.6
Poor digestion, frequent constipation, nausea - Colon Green effectively copes with these and other problems. This is a dietary supplement containing alfalfa leaves (600 mg), parsley (120 mg), rosemary (120 mg), and black walnut shell (120 mg). These components cleanse the body of worms and parasites, restore the intestinal microflora and are used in the treatment of many diseases (herpes, fungal infections, lichen, etc.).
In reviews on iHerb, they write that this drug restores digestion already on the 5th-6th day of administration. It relieves constipation and reduces appetite. Many note that in 1 month of taking they lost 2-3 kg without diets and food restrictions. They write that the craving for sweets gradually decreases, so not only the figure is restored, but also the condition of the skin. The pluses also include a large volume (150 capsules), ease of use and visible results. Please note that the drug is prohibited during pregnancy and lactation.
4 Black Walnut Alcohol Free Nature's Way
Price for iHerb: from $10.69
Rating (2021): 4.7
The main benefit of Nature's Way Black Walnut Extract is its effectiveness. It has antimicrobial and antiseptic action. Effectively cleanses the body, helping to eliminate helminths from the body. Restores intestinal microflora. It can be used for antiparasitic treatment or as a prophylaxis, including in children from 1 year old. Additionally, this drug has a good effect on the immune system and helps to resist viral infections.
Judging by the reviews on iHerb, this tool is chosen for its convenient release form. The recommended daily allowance is 6 ml. It is necessary to take the supplement 3 times a day, diluting it with a small amount of water. Many note that the composition includes only black walnut extract, vegetable glycerin and purified water. The drug does not contain GMOs, sugar, salt or artificial ingredients. Volume - 30 ml. Please note that the extract is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.
3 Black Walnut Eclectic Institute
Price for iHerb: from $15.08
Rating (2021): 4.8
Eclectic Institute's black walnut formula is in high demand on iHerb. It has antifungal and antihelminthic activity. Helps cleanse the intestines, liver and other internal organs from parasites. Due to this, the drug provides better absorption of beneficial trace elements and strengthens the immune system. It is recommended as a prevention of beriberi, including for children from 1 year old.
The reviews say that the drug can be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding. However, we strongly recommend that you first consult with a specialist.Packages are available in 90 capsules (400 mg). Buyers note that this is convenient, since it is enough for the whole course of admission (1.5 months). The benefits also include a convenient form of release, the absence of side effects and the ability to take this nutritional supplement from a very young age. As for the minuses, they note the high price in comparison with other preparations containing black walnut.
2 Black Walnut Hull Nature's Way
Price for iHerb: from $7.49
Rating (2021): 4.9
One of the best black walnut preparations is Nature's Way capsules. They are premium herbal products. 1 capsule contains 500 mg of black walnut shell. The authenticity of the additive is confirmed by the Tru-ID certificate. The preparation does not contain sugar, salt or artificial colors. It restores the work of the intestines, cleansing the body of parasites and bacteria. Strengthens the immune system and has an antiviral effect. Suitable for vegans and vegetarians.
Many say that they use this drug as the best prevention against parasites. Black walnut is rich in vitamins, minerals and amino acids, so it is often recommended for beriberi. Iherb reviews say that the capsules are easy to swallow. They do not have a pronounced taste or smell. They are intended not only for adults, but also for children. They must be taken with meals. Pros: strengthening immunity, cleansing the body, large volume (100 capsules).
1 Black Walnut Hulls Now Foods
Price for iHerb: from $6.10
Rating (2021): 5.0
Now Foods Black Walnut Hulls is iHerb's #1 black walnut product.It provides effective cleansing of the body from bacteria and parasites. The composition of the capsules includes only black walnut shells (500 mg). It has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Restores the digestive system and strengthens the immune system. It is enough to take 1 capsule 2 times a day with meals.
The reviews write that this is the best drug with black walnut on iHerb. It comes in the form of large transparent capsules with a powder inside without taste or smell. The package contains 100 capsules. The recommended course of admission is 1-1.5 months. Many note that after 8-10 days of intake, cravings for sweets decrease and the amount of food consumed decreases. Pros: compliance with the GMP quality standard, natural non-GMO composition, better efficacy and no side effects.