Place |
Name |
Characteristic in the rating |
1 | Now Foods | Most popular brewer's yeast |
2 | Bluebonnet Nutrition Super Earth | Lack of bitterness. Efficiency |
3 | Solgar | Verified brand. Good quality |
4 | Lake Avenue Nutrition | The most pronounced probiotic properties |
5 | California Gold Nutrition EpiCor | Effective for boosting immunity |
1 | Now Foods | The most delicious nutritional yeast |
2 | KAL Imported | No added synthetic vitamins |
3 | Foods Alive, Superfoods | The best ratio of price and quality |
4 | Simply Organic | Good taste and nutritional qualities |
5 | Frontier Natural Products | Best price |
You can strengthen the immune system, improve bowel function, normalize its microflora, saturate the body with useful substances in an extremely natural and simple way - with the help of special yeast supplements. On sale at Eicherb, they are found in two types - beer and food. The first are available in capsules, can be used for treatment, the second - in the form of crispy flakes with a pleasant taste to add to food. The choice of option depends only on the goals of the buyer. IHerb nutritional and brewer's yeast ratings will help you make the best choice easier.
The best brewer's and probiotic yeast with iHerb
Brewer's yeast is a popular dietary supplement used for a variety of purposes.They include protein, amino acids, a high concentration of B vitamins and other useful substances. Brewer's yeast has probiotic properties, has a good effect on digestion, normalizes metabolism, usually speeding it up. These supplements will be useful for malnutrition, high cholesterol, poor condition of nails, hair and skin, furunculosis, heart disease and diabetes. All in all, brewer's yeast is really important for anyone who cares about their health. You will find the most interesting options with IHerb below.
5 California Gold Nutrition EpiCor
Price for iHerb: from 6486 rub.
Rating (2021): 4.6
Dry yeast fermentate is obtained from a quality product used in brewing. It has a higher concentration of nutrients, so it has a noticeable effect on health. This form of brewer's yeast is especially good for immunity, resistance to colds and viral diseases. The cost may seem very high at first, but given the fact that the manufacturer recommends taking just one capsule per day, a can of funds will last for a year of use. This is a great option if you plan to take yeast with the whole family.
In reviews of iHerb, buyers often write about the noticeable effect of increasing immunity. Against the background of taking the drug, the frequency of viral and colds decreases, and the recovery period is reduced. There is a positive effect on the digestive system, but only after a long course.
4 Lake Avenue Nutrition
Price for iHerb: from 922 rub.
Rating (2021): 4.7
Probiotic yeast restores the intestinal microflora, improves digestion. This affects the state of not only the gastrointestinal tract, but also health in general. They can be taken for dysbacteriosis and for prevention. Improving bowel function has a good effect on the condition of skin prone to acne.
According to buyers from IHerb, the product is of high quality and effective. It feels like it really restores the intestinal microflora, as the digestive processes are noticeably improved. During the reception, there are no undesirable side effects - fermentation, bloating. The first improvements can be seen within a week, to achieve a pronounced and sustainable result, it is necessary to take the capsules in a course. In rare cases, diarrhea or constipation may occur during treatment with probiotic yeast.
3 Solgar
Price for iHerb: from 944 rubles
Rating (2021): 4.8
To saturate the body with amino acids, B vitamins and other useful substances, Solgar dry brewer's yeast in powder will help. They have a characteristic taste and smell, do not contain flavors, sugar and other undesirable substances. The powder can be dissolved in water, juice, other drinks, added to cereals, pastries and any dishes you wish. Brewer's yeast is produced in compliance with technologies that allow preserving the maximum concentration of useful substances in them. The product is packaged in relatively small jars of 400 grams, subject to the recommended dosage, it is enough for two weeks.
Among the shortcomings of the additive, some buyers with Iherb call only a not very pleasant taste and smell.A small minus is fully offset by good quality and efficiency. Women use this brewer's yeast not only for internal use, but also for external use - as part of masks for hair and skin.
2 Bluebonnet Nutrition Super Earth
Price for iHerb: from 2573 rub.
Rating (2021): 4.9
Pretty popular in iHerb Bluebonnet Nutrition offers pure brewer's yeast powder in an impressive jar. The amount of its contents is two whole pounds, which, in terms of our system of measurement, will be more than 900 grams. The product does not contain sugar, flavors, preservatives, no additional additives. It is a source of high quality vegetable protein, B vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances. Like all brewer's yeast, the product has probiotic properties, improves the condition of the skin and hair, and the functioning of most organs.
Based on the reviews on iHerb, the quality of the food additive is at the level - there is no bitterness, on the contrary, there is a pleasant nutty aftertaste. Against the background of admission, gas formation does not increase, there is no belching. All the declared properties of brewer's yeast are present in full - already at the beginning of the course, an improvement is felt.
1 Now Foods
Price for iHerb: from 547 rubles
Rating (2021): 5.0
Pure brewer's yeast in tablet form does not contain any foreign additives. This is a completely natural and high-quality product with a pronounced effect. It has absorbed all the best properties of brewer's yeast, it has a very good effect on the state of the digestive system, skin, hair and overall health.The dietary supplement is available in large jars of 200 tablets, the price is very favorable. It is recommended to take it three times a day, one at a time.
Many reviews about the drug have been left on Iherb, including by Russian buyers. They believe that compared to the supplements sold in our pharmacies, this brewer's yeast is of better quality and more effective. The fastest result is manifested in the improvement of hair and nails. Also, many managed to get rid of acne with the help of these pills and improve well-being.
Best Nutritional Yeast with iHerb
Nutritional yeast is grown specifically for use as dietary supplements. In terms of taste, they are much more pleasant than their beer counterpart, they have spicy nutty or cheese notes. It is an excellent source of protein, vitamins and minerals. Therefore, to take them, you don’t even need any special indications - they will be useful to everyone without exception. Unlike brewer's yeast, the food product is often produced not in capsules, but in the form of flakes and powder for direct addition to ready-made meals. On iHerb, buyers are offered many high-quality and effective options.
5 Frontier Natural Products
Price for iHerb: from 279 rubles
Rating (2021): 4.6
Quite popular nutritional yeast among those who use it infrequently and therefore do not need a large volume of the product. Flakes are packaged in small glass jars of 27 grams. Although the site also has large packages of the same brand. They have a pronounced cheesy taste, go well with pasta, potatoes, complement sauces and salads. If you order Frontier Natural Products yeast in a large package, the price is very favorable.
Buyers from IHerb are quite satisfied with the taste and quality of these cereals. Their taste is cheesy, not very pronounced, but tender and pleasant. According to the content of natural vitamins, minerals and amino acids, this is also a good option. Many customers use Frontier Natural Products Nutritional Yeast to replace Parmesan in vegetable salads, scrambled eggs, sprinkle over pasta and potatoes, thicken sauces, and other dishes.
4 Simply Organic
Price for iHerb: from 596 rubles
Rating (2021): 4.7
Expensive but high quality nutritional yeast that even looks more solid compared to other similar products on iHerb. Quite large flakes are packed in a serious glass jar with a metal lid. The manufacturer does not use any additional additives, but the composition is similar to the rest of the yeast - it contains the same vitamins, minerals and amino acids.
Buyers in reviews iHerb the taste is called good, but they believe that the volume for such a cost is still small - only 37 grams. The high price is partly offset by the high quality and nutritional value of the product. Crispy flakes can be added to any dish for a savory cheesy flavor. This product has regular customers, but on iHerb you can find many cheaper options with similar taste and nutritional qualities.
3 Foods Alive, Superfoods
Price for iHerb: from 628 rubles
Rating (2021): 4.8
For those who have not yet tried nutritional yeast and are not sure they will like it, we can recommend starting with a small and inexpensive package of 170 grams of the Foods Alive brand.Small flakes with a cheese flavor contain a natural set of amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. Additionally, they are enriched with B vitamins. Like other similar products, nutritional yeast flakes can be used as an additive to various dishes, increasing their nutritional value and making them more healthy.
Iherb buyers rate Foods Alive yeast quite highly for the taste and nutritional qualities. In their opinion, this is a good and inexpensive product that saturates the body with various useful substances and introduces some variety into the daily diet. Nutritional yeast is especially praised by vegetarians who do not have the opportunity to consume natural cheeses. From flakes they prepare various sauces, season soups and pasta with them. But some users believe that there are analogues on IHerb with a more pronounced cheesy taste.
2 KAL Imported
Price for iHerb: from 923 rub.
Rating (2021): 4.9
Natural nutritional yeast without any extraneous additives is made in the form of small flakes. They have a nutty taste with moderately pronounced cheesy notes. Due to the lack of additional vitamin supplements, the product has not become less useful - it contains vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Adding flakes to various dishes gives them a nutritious and spicy new taste.
Judging by customer reviews from IHerb, the taste of the product is not bad. There is a cheesy taste, but it is not too pronounced, more nutty notes and a slight sweetness are felt. You can use them in salads, soups, sprinkle casseroles, sandwiches, cereals.Compared to many other nutritional yeasts, this flake has a fairly neutral flavor and can be added to almost anything, savory or sweet.
1 Now Foods
Price for iHerb: from 686 rubles
Rating (2021): 5.0
Nutritional yeast, additionally enriched with B vitamins, is specially grown on purified cane and beet molasses under special conditions. That is why they have excellent quality and pleasant taste. The finished product is produced in the form of small flakes. They can be taken by mixing with various drinks, or added to ready-made meals. The daily dose for an adult is 2 full tablespoons with a slide.
Of all the variety of yeast presented on iHerb, the product from Now Foods is considered by most buyers to be the most delicious. It has a bright cheesy taste with nutty notes. Crispy flakes can be added to salads, pasta, pizza, soups and any other cold and hot dishes. Vegetarians use them as a substitute for cheese, so great is their taste similarity. Unfortunately, users are so impressed with the taste that they forget to write about the effect of yeast on the body.