18 best multimeters

A multimeter (tester) is a universal device for measuring electrical network indicators. Its models on the market differ significantly from each other in price and functionality. Consider the best solutions within the basic categories.



Characteristic in the rating

Best Budget Multimeters

1 Mastech M830B The most accurate budget tester
2 PROconnect DT-182 The most compact tester
3 RESANTA DT830B Best price
4 Bort BMM-800 Memory mode (Hold). Stand included

The best multimeters for home

1 UNI-T UT33A The best tester with automatic selection of measurement limits
2 CEM DT-912 The most reliable multimeter
3 IEK Master MAS838L ADC double integration. Double insulation housing
4 Shenzhen Victor Hi-tech VC97 Measurement of AC voltage in a wide range
5 TDM ELECTRIC М-838 The most affordable meter for the "home" segment

The best auto testers

1 Fluke 28-II The best multimeter for auto electricians
2 Elitech MM 100 Optimal combination of price and quality
3 CEM AT-9955 The best option for a car. High accuracy
4 MEGEON 12788 Better functionality at a lower price

The best professional multimeters

1 CEM DT-9979 The most versatile tester
2 Mastech MS8229 Tips for connecting probes. Built-in microphone, light meter, humidity sensor
3 Testo 760-1 The most electrically safe multimeter in the segment
4 FLUKE 107 The most affordable tester from a leading brand
5 UNI-T UT58C High accuracy in AC and DC current measurement

A digital multimeter (tester) is a necessary device not only for professional electricians or diagnosticians. For ordinary people, a modern measuring device allows them to independently find the cause of a breakdown in an electrical circuit. The multitester helps to cope with the repair of household appliances, cars. With it, you can explore the electrical circuit in several ways.

Market leaders

In the domestic market, most models of multimeters have good stuffing. But the build quality in cheap products leaves much to be desired. The list of the most popular manufacturers includes:

  • Resanta is the largest Latvian manufacturer of electrical equipment. Has been operating since 1993. It produces multimeters, voltage stabilizers, welding machines, thermal equipment, uninterruptible power supplies and much more.
  • Fluke is one of the world's leading designers and manufacturers of test and measurement instruments. Founded in the USA in 1948. On the Russian market, it sells multimeters, thermometers, current measuring equipment and other technological devices.
  • Mastech is a Hong Kong company founded in 1987. Known for the constant introduction of innovations in production. Produces measuring instruments of various types, power supplies
  • UNI-T is one of the largest Asian manufacturers and developers of measuring instruments and tools. Also based in Hong Kong, founded in 1988. Known for experience in technology cooperation with Fluke.

Recommendations for choosing a multimeter

There are several key characteristics of a multimeter, regardless of its price or functional category. You should pay attention to them first of all:

Imaging Accuracy measurements. Even in the case of using the device for domestic needs, it is better to make your choice among modern digital (with built-in display) testers. Alternative switches are cheaper, but inferior in terms of accuracy of visualization of measurement results, and therefore are becoming less and less popular.

Availability key functions. Namely, the functions of an ohmmeter (resistance measurement), voltmeter (voltage measurement) and ammeter (current measurement). With professional use of the tester, they can be supplemented, for example, by the functionality of a frequency meter, an inductance meter, and a capacitance meter.

Error. For domestic needs, it is permissible to use a multimeter with an error within 3%. For professional - no more than 0.5%, in rare cases, an increase in the upper limit to 1% is allowed.

All these key requirements are fully met by products supplied by the brands mentioned above. As well as, of course, many of their competitors. Some of them produce professional multimeters at quite a budget price. Our review includes the best testers that received high marks in the reviews of domestic consumers.

Best Budget Multimeters

The simplest and most inexpensive digital multimeter can be more useful than mechanical pointer devices. A clear result is displayed in the form of distinct numbers. In budget models, many functions are missing, but in some cases it is enough to determine the main current parameters.

4 Bort BMM-800

Memory mode (Hold). Stand included
Country: China
Average price: 1000 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.3


Best price
Country: China
Average price: 295 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.5

2 PROconnect DT-182

The most compact tester
Country: China
Average price: 490 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8

1 Mastech M830B

The most accurate budget tester
Country: China (Hong Kong)
Average price: 900 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8

The best multimeters for home

Often, owners of apartments, houses and cottages have to deal with electrical problems. Even checking the serviceability of an extinguished light bulb without a tester can be difficult. And when you have to change sockets or switches, the multimeter becomes a real lifesaver. Using the device, you can periodically monitor the parameters of the household network, especially when home appliances are sensitive to voltage drops. There are many devices on the market that can be attributed to the best in the "home" segment.


The most affordable meter for the "home" segment
Country: China
Average price: 600 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.5

4 Shenzhen Victor Hi-tech VC97

Measurement of AC voltage in a wide range
Country: China
Average price: 2700 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.5

3 IEK Master MAS838L

ADC double integration. Double insulation housing
Country: China
Average price: 1400 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.5

2 CEM DT-912

The most reliable multimeter
Country: China
Average price: 1 650 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9


The best tester with automatic selection of measurement limits
Country: China
Average price: 1900 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9

The best auto testers

Many car owners are happy to service and repair their iron horses. When troubleshooting electrical problems, a multimeter is indispensable. It will help detect a break in the network, determine the performance of such units as the battery, generator and starter. Consider the best tester models for the "automotive" segment.

4 MEGEON 12788

Better functionality at a lower price
Country: Russia
Average price: 3000 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.4

3 CEM AT-9955

The best option for a car. High accuracy
Country: China
Average price: 14 900 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.4

2 Elitech MM 100

Optimal combination of price and quality
Country: Russia (produced in China)
Average price: 590 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9

1 Fluke 28-II

The best multimeter for auto electricians
Country: USA
Average price: 47 000 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0

The best professional multimeters

Professional multimeters have a number of features. They are equipped with a shockproof case, an informative screen, high-quality wires. Readings are taken quickly and accurately. Many devices from this category are included in the state register of measuring devices. The following is an overview of the best solutions in the professional segment.


High accuracy in AC and DC current measurement
Country: China (Hong Kong)
Average price: 3000 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.5

4 FLUKE 107

The most affordable tester from a leading brand
Country: USA
Average price: 8200 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8

3 Testo 760-1

The most electrically safe multimeter in the segment
Country: China
Average price: 8000 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8

2 Mastech MS8229

Tips for connecting probes. Built-in microphone, light meter, humidity sensor
Country: China
Average price: 5 000 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8

1 CEM DT-9979

The most versatile tester
Country: China
Average price: 32 000 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0
Popular vote - who is the best manufacturer of multimeters (testers)?
Total voted: 772
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Attention! The above information is not a buying guide. For any advice, you should contact the experts!

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1 comment
  1. the guest
    Author, look what's going on in the world. For example, over budget cheap multimeters with true rms, the ability to measure from ohm units in fact, and not according to advertising, capacitance and frequency measurements are a bonus. And all this in simple cheap budget models. See multimeters on the DTM0660 chip.


