20 best educational toys for 1 to 2 years old



Characteristic in the rating

The best educational toys from 1 to 2 years old: budget up to 5,000 rubles.

1 Pushcar Better gross motor development
2 Interactive train Effective interactive toy
3 music table Comprehensive development
4 Rocking chair "Horse" Active sensory development

The best educational toys from 1 to 2 years old: budget up to 3,000 rubles.

1 wooden maze Best for intelligence and logic
2 Constructor The most popular
3 spinning octopus Perfectly develops coordination of movements
4 bath toy For the development of fantasy

The best educational toys from 1 to 2 years old: budget up to 2,000 rubles.

1 Lacing Best for developing fine motor skills
2 Bowling Forms an eye and coordination in space
3 Xylophone The most effective for hearing development
4 Guitar original design

The best educational toys from 1 to 2 years old: budget up to 1,000 rubles.

1 Ball Better development of coordination and agility
2 knocker Bright design, natural materials
3 Insert puzzles The widest range, different levels of complexity
4 Sandbox set Learn to recognize shapes

The best educational toys from 1 to 2 years old: budget up to 500 rubles.

1 Cubes The best safe toy
2 Matryoshka Durable and multifunctional
3 Finger paint Develop color perception
4 Folding book Maximum benefit at an affordable price

The task of any parent is to ensure a happy childhood for their child. Each age has its own characteristics and needs. For example, for newborns, proper care, hygiene and time with their mother are especially important, older children (from 1 to 2 years old) already need developmental classes and training in various skills. Their baby can acquire both with the help of parents and independently. It all depends on the objects that surround it.

Toddlers over one year old are very active in relation to various household items or their favorite toys. They are happy to grab, fold, move them. This contributes to the development of the motor apparatus, logic, and muscle strengthening. At this age, children become more independent, but still need your help. Good, correct toys contribute to the development of essential skills and abilities. Each of them has its own specific role:

  • To improve the coordination of movements, the knowledge of one's physical capabilities, there are simple but very useful items: balls, wheelchairs, tolocars, slides, skittles;
  • Fine motor skills of hands are perfectly developed by sets for playing in the sandbox, various molds, containers, buttons on toys;
  • Understanding the cause-and-effect relationship is facilitated by playing musical instruments, knockers, etc .;
  • Effective development of intelligence and logic occurs at the time of playing with puzzles, inserts, labyrinths.

Children also love the multifunctional interactive music houses, trains, cubes, tables, animal farms, etc. The main rule is not to buy objects that are too heavy to handle for kids - they can worsen the emotional state of the child and discourage interest in some games.For example, for the age of 1-2 years, it is too early to buy cars on the control panel, ordinary puzzles or a designer of small parts.

Experts agree that every child aged 1 to 2 years needs a certain set of games and activities for proper development. We studied the opinions of experts, parents and found out what is included in this set. Below is a list of the best educational toys for children from one to two years old.

The best educational toys from 1 to 2 years old: budget up to 5,000 rubles.

4 Rocking chair "Horse"

Active sensory development
Average price: 3 173 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7

3 music table

Comprehensive development
Average price: 3 870 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8

2 Interactive train

Effective interactive toy
Average price: 2 790 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9

1 Pushcar

Better gross motor development
Average price: 2 999 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0

The best educational toys from 1 to 2 years old: budget up to 3,000 rubles.

4 bath toy

For the development of fantasy
Average price: 1 290 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7

3 spinning octopus

Perfectly develops coordination of movements
Average price: 2 199 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8

2 Constructor

The most popular
Average price: 1 110 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9

1 wooden maze

Best for intelligence and logic
Average price: RUB 1,296
Rating (2022): 5.0

The best educational toys from 1 to 2 years old: budget up to 2,000 rubles.

4 Guitar

original design
Average price: 1 590 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7

3 Xylophone

The most effective for hearing development
Average price: RUB 1,195
Rating (2022): 4.8

2 Bowling

Forms an eye and coordination in space
Average price: 1 599 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9

1 Lacing

Best for developing fine motor skills
Average price: 1 630 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0

The best educational toys from 1 to 2 years old: budget up to 1,000 rubles.

4 Sandbox set

Learn to recognize shapes
Average price: 245 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7

3 Insert puzzles

The widest range, different levels of complexity
Average price: 214 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8

2 knocker

Bright design, natural materials
Average price: 437 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9

1 Ball

Better development of coordination and agility
Average price: 123 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0

The best educational toys from 1 to 2 years old: budget up to 500 rubles.

4 Folding book

Maximum benefit at an affordable price
Average price: 130 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7

3 Finger paint

Develop color perception
Average price: 194 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8

2 Matryoshka

Durable and multifunctional
Average price: 480 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9

1 Cubes

The best safe toy
Average price: 334 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0
Popular vote - what is the best educational toy from 1 to 2 years old?
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Attention! The above information is not a buying guide. For any advice, you should contact the experts!

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1 comment
  1. Marina
    There is still a children's bowling)) Mine play bowling throwing a round ball - a hedgehog into fly agaric skittles) The children are happy and I'm happy, thanks to the toy!))


