10 best face creams after 25 years

25 years is the heyday of youth, but, unfortunately, not for the skin of the face. At this time, the aging process is already starting in it, which can be slowed down if you start to properly and regularly care for your skin. One of the main means of such care is a face cream.



Characteristic in the rating

Top 10 best face creams after 25 years

1 Clarins Multi-Active Jour SPF 20 Best against first wrinkles. Universal application
2 AVENE Hydrance Optimale UV20 Legere moisturizer Cream with thermal water
3 Vichy Aqualia Thermal Riche-Rich Hydration up to 48 hours. Optimal for dry skin
4 Garnier Glow of Youth 25+ Best Series. Tone equalization
5 Librederm Hyaluronic Moisturizing Cream Best-seller. Vacuum bottle
6 Natura Siberica Day Cream Nourishing and Moisturizing best herbal cream
7 L'Oreal Moisture Expert Eyes Triple effect. Does not create a sticky film
8 Eveline Cosmetics Hydra Expert Professional 25+ 2 in 1 product. Intensive moisturizing
9 Lancome Hydra Zen Anti-stress moisturizer The best anti-stress cream
10 Himalaya Herbals Anti-Wrinkle Cream Complex impact. Mattifying effect

If you fall under the “25+” category when purchasing a face cream, pay attention to the following points:

Age marking. One of the biggest mistakes that can be made at this stage is resorting to products that are “stronger” than required, for example, to smooth out deep wrinkles. The principle “once smoothes wrinkles after 50 years, it will help me now” does not work here. Moreover, the use of such products can only aggravate the situation with the skin condition. Buy a cream that is age appropriate, in this case for girls over 25.

Compound. The composition of the cream depends on the age. Young skin requires, first of all, high-quality nutrition and hydration, which can be provided by the following components: allantoin, lactic acid, bisabolol, panthenol, salicylic acid, bioflavonoids, hyaluronic acid, vitamins A, C, E, etc.

Sun protection factor. Despite the time of year, the presence of a sun protection factor in the cream is welcome. Even in winter, the sun's rays can adversely affect the condition of the skin, and cause premature aging. SPF-15 will be enough.

Package. If you are faced with a choice - a cream in a tube / bottle with a dispenser or in a jar with a lid, definitely choose the first one. The fact is that even special spatulas will not save when opening the lid from getting into the remaining mass of the cream of dirt and bacteria. For this reason, the cream may not be effective.

The best manufacturers of face creams after 25 years

Conventionally, all manufacturers that are present on the world market of face creams can be divided into three categories - those that produce premium products, mass market, and pharmacy cosmetics created on the basis of professional formulas to solve specific problems associated with the skin condition. Many manufacturers are present in several segments at once - for example, the company l'oreal, which owns both premium brands like Lancomeand inexpensive Maybelline, L'Oreal Paris, Garnier.

Russian manufacturers feel very confident in the mass market. The cost of their products is several times lower than premium products, but the quality can be quite decent. The main condition for the effectiveness of any cream is not the brand, but the composition, and from this point of view, Russian companies have an advantage: the ability to use a huge number of plant components, including unique wild plants. It was this approach that brought to the leaders of the domestic market, for example, and "Clean Line", and Natura Siberica.

pharmacy cosmetics, as the name of the category implies, is sold only in pharmacies. Its main feature: the content in the composition of active ingredients that have a therapeutic effect, that is, go beyond the usual cleansing, nutrition, moisturizing. These products address specific skin concerns, such as preventing changes caused by sun exposure or inhibiting the processes that accelerate aging.

Our ranking of the best face creams after 25 will allow you to choose a product that will not disappoint you.

Top 10 best face creams after 25 years

One of the decisive factors leading to a deterioration in complexion and the appearance of wrinkles after 25 years is a violation of the water balance. The products presented in the rating will help your skin stay hydrated, smooth and radiant for as long as possible.

10 Himalaya Herbals Anti-Wrinkle Cream

Complex impact. Mattifying effect
Country: India
Average price: 720 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.5

9 Lancome Hydra Zen Anti-stress moisturizer

The best anti-stress cream
Country: France
Average price: 3700 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.5

8 Eveline Cosmetics Hydra Expert Professional 25+

2 in 1 product. Intensive moisturizing
Country: Poland
Average price: 230 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.5

7 L'Oreal Moisture Expert Eyes

Triple effect. Does not create a sticky film
Country: France
Average price: 390 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6

6 Natura Siberica Day Cream Nourishing and Moisturizing

best herbal cream
Country: Russia
Average price: 440 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6

5 Librederm Hyaluronic Moisturizing Cream

Best-seller. Vacuum bottle
Country: Russia
Average price: 865 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7

4 Garnier Glow of Youth 25+

Best Series. Tone equalization
Country: France
Average price: 240 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7

3 Vichy Aqualia Thermal Riche-Rich

Hydration up to 48 hours. Optimal for dry skin
Country: France
Average price: 1030 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8

2 AVENE Hydrance Optimale UV20 Legere moisturizer

Cream with thermal water
Country: France
Average price: 1440 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8

1 Clarins Multi-Active Jour SPF 20

Best against first wrinkles. Universal application
Country: France
Average price: 5400 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9

Popular vote - who is the best manufacturer of face creams after 25 years?
Total voted: 310
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Attention! The above information is not a buying guide. For any advice, you should contact the experts!

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1 comment
  1. Olga
    I like the very Eco-refill hyaluronic cream, I have it for normal and sensitive skin, both day and night. Excellent hydration and prevention of wrinkles, does not clog pores and the skin looks great


