10 best barley eye drops

Barley appeared on the eye? No problem! With proper treatment, the problem will go away in just a few days, and redness and discomfort will pass even faster. We present the rating of the best drops from barley, which includes drugs with different prices, but only with high efficiency.

The best eye drops from barley under 100 rubles

1 Levomycetin 4.62
Best price
2 Sulfacyl sodium (Albucid) 4.58
The best ratio of price and quality
3 Tsiprolet 4.46

The best eye drops from barley under 200 rubles

1 Phloxal 4.68
Broad spectrum antibiotic
2 Okomistin 4.59
Comprehensive problem solving
3 Tobrex 4.39
The most popular drops

The best eye drops from barley are more expensive than 200 rubles

1 Sofradex 4.42
Best Cast
2 Vitabact 4.38
The best drops for children
3 Oftalmoferon 4.35
The safest drops
4 Significef 4.33

Barley is a purulent inflammation of the hair follicle, accompanied by severe itching, irritation and redness. 80% of the population faces this problem during their lifetime, while children are a special risk group. Gordeolum, this is how barley on the eye is called in medical language, it is necessary to start treating as early as possible. Two days usually elapse before the formation of a painful induration, during which swelling, redness, and foreign body sensation in the eye are noticeable. Treatment at this stage gives excellent results and avoids complications in the form of the formation of a purulent seal and its further breakthrough.

Hordeolum is an infectious disease.In 9 out of 10 cases, staphylococcus aureus becomes its causative agent, which is activated against the background of a decrease in immunity, after hypothermia, stress, or simply as a result of a violation of personal hygiene rules. If multiple inflammations appear before the eyes, there is a general deterioration in well-being, accompanied by an increase in body temperature, it is urgent to seek medical help and refuse self-medication.

There are contraindications! Consult your doctor!

The best eye drops from barley under 100 rubles

Top 3. Tsiprolet

Rating (2022): 4.46
Accounted for 302 feedback from resources: Yandex.Market, Otzovik, Vrachi.rf, Otabletkah, Protabletky
  • Average price: 55 rubles. (5 ml)
  • Manufacturer: Dr. Reddy's (India)
  • Active ingredient: ciprofloxacin

Tsiprolet eye drops are successfully used in the treatment of barley, as well as other superficial infectious diseases. It is one of the most effective antimicrobial agents available at an affordable cost. Drops quickly relieve inflammation and discomfort in the eye area. Side effects with proper use are excluded. Combination with other drugs is allowed. In the reviews, there are opinions that these eye drops help get rid of barley in just 1 day, but only in the initial stages of its development. The product does not sting the eyes and mucous membranes. After instillation, it is better to lie down for 1-2 minutes on your back. It is worth considering that Tsiprolet is allowed to be used only after 12 years, the shelf life after opening the bottle is 1 month.

Pros and cons
  • Affordable price
  • Wide spectrum of action
  • Convenient dispenser bottle
  • Quickly helps, especially in the initial stages of the disease
  • After opening, the shelf life is no more than 1 month
  • Not allowed for children under 12

Top 2. Sulfacyl sodium (Albucid)

Rating (2022): 4.58
Accounted for 53 feedback from resources: Yandex.Market, Otzovik, Protabletky
The best ratio of price and quality

Sodium sulfacyl, also known as Albucid, wins Best Value for Money due to its affordable price and high reviews.

  • Average price: 38 rubles. (10 ml)
  • Producer: Lekko (Russia)
  • Active ingredient: sulfacetamide

Sulfacyl sodium eye drops are well known to many also under the name Albucid - a first aid remedy for the appearance of barley. The drug effectively relieves inflammation, since its main active ingredient is sulfacetamide, which is readily soluble in water. Main indications: barley, conjunctivitis and blepharitis. The best choice not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of inflammation. The concentration of the drug is determined by the doctor, taking into account the patient's condition, the best option is 20%. An effective product is available in a plastic bottle equipped with a pipette for easy use. For treatment, it is necessary to instill 2-3 drops 6 times a day. The maximum course duration is 7 days.

Pros and cons
  • Affordable price
  • Suitable for both treatment and prevention
  • Relieves acute symptoms as early as the second day of use
  • Burning in the first seconds after instillation
  • Shelf life after opening - no more than 1 month
  • Application up to 6 times a day
  • Leaves a whitish coating on the eyelids

Top 1. Levomycetin

Rating (2022): 4.62
Accounted for 426 reviews from resources: Yandex.Market, Otzovik, Otabletkah, Protabletky
Best price

Eye drops Levomycetin is the most affordable treatment for barley and the winner in the Best Price nomination.

  • Average price: 19 rubles. (10 ml)
  • Manufacturer: Slavic pharmacy (Russia)
  • Active ingredient: Chloramphenicol

Levomycetin - drops of a wide spectrum of action. Their main component is chloramphenicol, which effectively copes with many infectious diseases. When used locally, these eye drops have a complex effect on the problem, speed up recovery and alleviate the course of the disease. The tool has a disinfectant property, so the likelihood of infection of the conjunctiva is completely excluded. Drops relieve pain, prevent suppuration and swelling. Levomycetin is evenly distributed over the surface of the eye, but can cause a slight burning sensation. The only negative is a wide list of contraindications, including pregnancy, lactation, psoriasis.

Pros and cons
  • Affordable price
  • Sold in every pharmacy
  • Relieves pain and inflammation, accelerates recovery
  • There are contraindications
  • Possible individual side effects
  • On some forms of release there is no dispenser

The best eye drops from barley under 200 rubles

Top 3. Tobrex

Rating (2022): 4.39
Accounted for 561 feedback from resources: Yandex.Market, Otzovik, Otabletkah, Protabletky
The most popular drops

Tobrex is the most popular of the drops presented in the rating, about which we managed to find more reviews than about other drugs for the treatment of barley.

  • Average price: 190 rubles. (5 ml)
  • Manufacturer: Alcon (Belgium)
  • Active ingredient: tobramycin

Tobrex is a fast-acting antibacterial agent, the main component of which is tobramycin. It effectively fights against staphylococcus, enterococcus and streptococcus. Eliminates the external inflammatory process, affecting not only the eyes, but also the surrounding tissues. The tool has a mild formula, has a minimum of contraindications.Effective Tobrex drops are available in very convenient 5 ml dropper bottles. The shelf life is 3 years, but the opened package can be stored for no more than 4 weeks. The drug is quickly excreted from the body, absolutely harmless. It is necessary to instill drops in both eyes at the same time to prevent transmission of infection.

Pros and cons
  • Excellent treatment efficiency
  • Improvement on the first day of treatment
  • High security
  • Once opened, do not store for more than 4 weeks
  • May cause discomfort when instilled

Top 2. Okomistin

Rating (2022): 4.59
Accounted for 205 reviews from resources: Yandex.Market, Otzovik, Vrachi.rf, Otabletkah, Protabletky
Comprehensive problem solving

Okomistin drops have antimicrobial, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and regenerating effects, they have a comprehensive approach to the problem of barley treatment.

  • Average price: 186 rubles. (10 ml)
  • Producer: Infamed (Russia)
  • Active ingredient: benzyldimethyl-myristoylamino-propylammonium

Okomistin eye drops have a pronounced antiseptic and antimicrobial effect. The tool is effective against most barley pathogens, including staphylococcus and streptococcus. The drug helps to reduce the resistance of bacteria to antibiotics. In addition to relieving inflammation, Okomistin is able to increase local immunity and regenerate tissues. For the treatment of barley drops can be used in both adults and children. Improvements come quickly, in just a couple of days, especially if treatment is started at the initial stage of the disease. The medicine is relatively inexpensive, but a little inconvenient that after opening it can only be used for a month.

Pros and cons
  • Not an antibiotic
  • Effective for both treatment and prevention
  • Can be used by both adults and children
  • Relief comes in just a couple of days.
  • Reduces bacterial resistance to antibiotics
  • Unpleasant sensations after instillation
  • In rare cases, an individual allergic reaction occurs

Top 1. Phloxal

Rating (2022): 4.68
Accounted for 313 reviews from resources: Yandex.Market, Otzovik, Otabletkah, Protabletky
Broad spectrum antibiotic

Floksal is an antibacterial drug in the form of eye drops that helps to quickly and effectively solve the problem of barley on the eyelid due to its activity against a large number of pathogens.

  • Average price: 181 rubles. (5 ml)
  • Manufacturer: Dr. Gerhard Mann Chem-Pharm Fabrik GmbH (Germany)
  • Active ingredient: ofloxacin

Floksal - universal eye drops for children and adults. The main active ingredient is ofloxacin, which effectively eliminates streptococci and chlamydia. It helps to quickly deal with barley on the eye, boils on the eyelids, as well as inflammation of the conjunctiva. A powerful modern antibiotic completely eliminates the disease in just 2-3 days. Floksal eye drops are available in 5 ml plastic bottles. It is necessary to instill 1 drop 4 times a day in the inner corner of the eye. The maximum course duration is 2 weeks. During treatment, it is necessary to stop wearing contact lenses for a while.

Pros and cons
  • Broad spectrum antibacterial drops
  • High treatment efficiency
  • Can be used by both adults and children
  • No discomfort when instilled
  • Average cost
  • Do not wear lenses during the course of treatment
  • After opening, the drug is valid for 6 weeks

The best eye drops from barley are more expensive than 200 rubles

Top 4. Significef

Rating (2022): 4.33
Accounted for 125 reviews from resources: Yandex.Market, Otzovik, Vrachi.rf, Otabletkah, Protabletky
  • Average price: 225 rubles. (5 ml)
  • Manufacturer: Sentiss Pharma (India)
  • Active ingredient: levofloxacin

Signicef ​​eye drops contain levofloxacin as an active ingredient, which has antibacterial activity against a wide range of pathogens. The drug belongs to the category of third-generation fluoroquinolones, is sufficiently safe and effective. Children can use it after the first year of life. On the first day of barley treatment, Signicef ​​can be instilled every two hours, which allows you to quickly achieve an improvement in the condition. The bottle is small, only 5 ml, but it is enough for one course of treatment. After opening, the shelf life is limited to one month. The drops receive good reviews, not only from ordinary people, but also from doctors.

Pros and cons
  • Broad spectrum antibacterial drops
  • Can be for children from one year
  • Relief from the first day of use
  • There are side effects in the form of burning and itching.
  • An open bottle should not be stored for more than a month

Top 3. Oftalmoferon

Rating (2022): 4.35
Accounted for 498 reviews from resources: Yandex.Market, Otzovik, Vrachi.rf, Otabletkah, Protabletky
The safest drops

Drops Oftalmoferon is a unique drug based on interferon. They have no contraindications and side effects, they are the safest of those presented in the rating.

  • Average price: 370 rubles. (10 ml)
  • Manufacturer: FIRN M (Russia)
  • Active ingredient: interferon alfa2b + diphenhydramine

Ophthalmoferon is a drug unique in a number of indicators used to treat a wide range of ophthalmic diseases, including barley. Interferon-based drops can be used for both bacterial and viral problems. They have antiviral, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, antimicrobial and regenerating effects. At the initial stage of treatment, you can apply up to 8 times a day. Oftalmoferon has no contraindications and side effects, although in rare cases individual intolerance is possible. It is a little inconvenient that drops can only be stored in the refrigerator, and after opening they are suitable for use for no more than a month.

Pros and cons
  • Complex solution of ophthalmic problems, including barley
  • No contraindications and side effects
  • Suitable for children from birth
  • Not all doctors recognize the effectiveness of the drug
  • Must be stored in the refrigerator
  • After opening, they are suitable for no more than a month

Top 2. Vitabact

Rating (2022): 4.38
Accounted for 162 feedback from resources: Yandex.Market, Otzovik, Otabletkah, Protabletky
The best drops for children

Vitabact is one of the few eye drops that can be used to treat children. In pediatric practice, it is allowed from birth. Drops are effective and are highly safe.

  • Average price: 305 rubles. (10 ml)
  • Producer: Exelvision (France)
  • Active ingredient: picloxidine

Vitabact eye drops are allowed for both adults and children from birth. The drug has a pronounced antimicrobial effect, which makes it unique in many ways.The remedy is effective in the fight against staphylococcus and streptococcus, which allows it to quickly cope with barley on the eye and return a person to his usual life. Swelling and pain disappear literally after the first use of Vitabact. Against the background of the application, the development of allergies is possible, but its cases are extremely rare. If necessary, the drug can be combined with other drugs, observing an interval of 15 minutes. The medicine receives good reviews, and its almost only drawback is the limited shelf life after opening.

Pros and cons
  • Suitable for both adults and children from birth
  • Pronounced antimicrobial effect
  • Relief of the condition after the first instillation
  • Cannot be used for more than a month after opening
  • Possible rare side effects in the form of allergies

Top 1. Sofradex

Rating (2022): 4.42
Accounted for 289 reviews from resources: Yandex.Market, Otzovik, Vrachi.rf, Otabletkah, Protabletky
Best Cast

Sofradex - drops with a combined composition based on three components, each of which contributes to the effective cure of barley.

  • Average price: 440 rubles. (5 ml)
  • Manufacturer: Sanofi (France)
  • Active ingredient: dexamethasone + gramicidin + framycetin

Sofradex drops can be used for both ear and eye infections, including the appearance of barley. Their combined composition containing two antibacterial components and the anti-inflammatory agent dexamethasone allows you to quickly relieve symptoms, and then lead to a complete recovery. Reviews Sofradex gets mostly good, although it is quite expensive.Before use, it is important to familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications, as well as possible side effects. The latter are rare, but still possible. Due to the features of the dispenser, drops are not always convenient to use. After opening, the product is suitable for use within a month.

Pros and cons
  • Combined formulation for better performance
  • Contains anti-inflammatory and antibacterial ingredients
  • Quickly relieves symptoms and promotes healing
  • Suitable for both eyes and ears
  • Shelf life after opening 1 month
  • High price
  • There are side effects and contraindications
  • Not the most convenient dispenser
Popular vote - which manufacturer offers the best barley eye drops?
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