Place |
Name |
Characteristic in the rating |
1 | Savo | Best quality. Does not require mechanical cleaning of the surface from the mold film |
2 | Dali | Does not contain chlorine and its derivatives |
3 | Sazi Wepost Luxe | Effective protection against mold and moisture |
4 | Fongifluid Alpa | Offered to the buyer in a ready-to-use form |
5 | AMSS | The best instant cleansing of the affected surface |
6 | Olymp-stop mold | Provides long lasting mold protection |
7 | Abedis 06 | Approved for use in children's institutions |
8 | Neomid Bio Repair | The best ratio of price and quality. Environmentally friendly |
9 | Belinka | Does not contain bleach, does not change the color of the surface |
10 | Biotol spray | Recommended for restoration work |
Mold on the walls is a microscopic fungus that harms interior items, the health of the occupants of the room. A room with a fungus becomes dangerous for living due to spores of microorganisms that are in the air and enter the body when inhaled. There they settle, causing respiratory tract infections. The systematic entry of fungal spores into the body sharply weakens the immune system, contributes to the appearance of signs of asthma, suffocation, and rapid heartbeat. It is not always possible to establish a connection between weak immunity and a fungus on the walls, since patients do not attach importance to this, and doctors do not ask such questions. Mold moves to furniture, clothes, carpets. We have to spend money on new things, more often to clean.
The fight against fungus is not easy, but the chemical industry offers many tools that successfully solve this problem. The choice is preceded by the identification of the causes of this phenomenon. The main ones are: high humidity, insufficient ventilation, the presence of voids in the walls, sudden changes in temperature inside and outside the room. After identifying the cause, they select a means to destroy blackness from surfaces. To improve ventilation, it is enough to purchase a forced air exchange installation, voids can be sealed with special building materials, but not all causes can be eliminated by mechanical means. There are chemicals, the best of which are presented below.
Top 10 Best Mold Remedies for Walls
10 Biotol spray
Country: Russia
Average price: 300 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
One of the best antibacterial agents for fungus and mold on mineral, wood and other surfaces. The composition does not contain heavy metals, mercury, chlorine, so there is a slightly perceptible smell of a chemical agent. Recommended for wet rooms, building facades, basements, balconies, roofs. Suitable for disinfection work on architectural monuments, memorial plates and fences, used during restoration. The material of the machined plane does not matter.
Heavily infected walls are recommended to be cleaned before applying the product with a brush or scraper. This must be done very carefully so as not to spread the infection to clean areas. It is best to spray the drug on the site of the lesion from a distance of 20-30 cm, without falling on closely spaced objects, which must first be covered with a protective film.The applied preparation is left for 1-2 days, the remnants of contaminants are cleaned with a brush and applied again in advanced cases. Tools after use are advised to rinse under running water.
9 Belinka
Country: Slovenia
Average price: 350 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
Broad-spectrum drug. Effectively eliminates various types of wall fungi and mold. Approved for use in rooms with high humidity. It helps to quickly disinfect walls, floors, ceilings, attics, plinths from pathogenic microorganisms. Designed mainly for concrete, gypsum surfaces. The absence of bleaching components in the composition allows it to be used on multi-colored materials.
Begin processing with the preparation of a solution at a concentration of 1:4. The preparation is sprayed or applied with a brush at a temperature of +5 degrees and no more than 80% humidity. Removal of dried contaminants is required only after the procedure. It is best to do this with hot water under high pressure. A large area of contamination is the basis for re-treatment. After drying, apply a primer and then paint.
8 Neomid Bio Repair
Country: Russia
Average price: 289 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
One of the best disinfectants for the prevention and destruction of fungus and mold from indoor surfaces. The formula of the drug is represented by safe components, which increases its popularity. It is used in the construction process of buildings to prevent the appearance of pollution. To destroy an existing lesion, it is available in two forms - concentrated and ready-made solution.The first is used in diluted form in difficult cases and on a large affected area. In domestic cases, a ready-made solution is used. Both effectively get rid of the problem on mineral surfaces.
Work is best done at a low temperature - from +5 degrees. The surface is irrigated from a short distance, left for 2 hours and all dirt is carefully removed with a scraper without scratching the treated area. If necessary, repeat the procedure. Cleaned planes should not be left under atmospheric precipitation. We must try to choose such a time for work that at least 12 hours the temperature is kept from 16 to 20 degrees, and the humidity is not higher than 60%. The entire process is carried out in a well-ventilated building. Freezing is allowed no more than 5 times.
7 Abedis 06
Country: Poland
Average price: 177 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
It is used inside and outside the building, in free-standing street gazebos, in greenhouses, on garden paths made of different materials. The drug is considered a universal antiseptic. It is produced in the form of an emulsion. Recommended as a prophylactic against fungal microorganisms and mold. Effectively removes existing organic plaque. Abedis is advised to be used during construction as an additive to paints and mortars. Let's work in children's institutions. The drug is based on guanidine, which is one of the most powerful antiseptics, and water as a solvent.
Before starting work, the product is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2 and the walls are completely treated, regardless of the degree of damage by the fungus. After that, leave to dry for a day and wash off with water. After drying, if necessary, repeat after 2.5 days.Work is carried out in protective equipment. The drug is stored after opening 36 months. Buyers report in reviews about the long-term effect of the antiseptic.
6 Olymp-stop mold

Country: Russia
Average price: 479 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
Designed for rooms with high humidity. Effectively eliminates mold from wood, tile, stone, brick, plaster, concrete. Indicated for use on facades, roofs of houses, basements. Protects and prevents destruction, biodamage of any surfaces. The composition does not contain harmful volatile formations, so the drug is considered one of the safest for people and pets. It does not affect the quality and color of the walls. Provides long-term protection against fungus, mold, moss and lichen.
Before applying the drug, it is recommended to remove contaminants in the form of dust, fungal and moldy deposits. It is necessary to check for peeling of old paint, putty and other materials. The surface must be free of large debris. You can evenly distribute the product using a roller, brush, sprayer. The best result is achieved after applying 2 layers of the composition. Spray at a distance of 20 cm from the surface. The temperature at the time of work should not fall below +5 degrees. Olymp-stop is sold in a ready-to-use form. At a temperature of +20 degrees during work, the layers dry out in 1 day, after which decoration can be carried out.
Country: Germany
Average price: 473 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
Highly effective agent against mold and fungus plaque. It is applied on surfaces of different quality.It is acceptable for use in the kitchen, bathroom, balcony, building facade and roof. It does not change the quality of the material on which it is applied, therefore it is allowed for use on decorative objects. The tool has the strongest action against bacteria, not having chlorine in its composition. It can be used for prevention during construction and finishing works. This will help to avoid the appearance of dirt on the walls later.
The built-in atomizer helps to conveniently use the product when applied to surfaces of different quality. Before starting work, wear protective goggles and gloves to avoid contact with the drug. Spraying should be carried out at a distance of 0.2 m from the wall until it is completely saturated with it. Leave for 3 days and then, without rinsing, repeat the procedure if traces of contamination remain. The product remaining on the wall can be washed off with water. The best place to store it is a dark and cold room. Transport at low temperatures and tightly closed. Shelf life of 5 years.
4 Fongifluid Alpa
Country: Russia
Average price: 500 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
The composition of the fungicide includes components that reinforce each other in the fight against mold and fungus. It is considered the most convenient tool for work, it is sold ready-made, it does not require additional preparations. It is applied on surfaces of different quality and texture. To increase the effectiveness of the interaction of the drug with the surface, the manufacturer advises to pre-smooth the roughness and irregularities in order to increase the contact area.
Walls made of any material are subject to cleaning, as the product carefully processes, does not leave streaks, does not change the degree of coloring, gloss.The consumption of the drug recommended by the manufacturer is 1 liter per 5 m2. You can apply twice with a strong lesion. After the first treatment, it is necessary to leave the fungicide for 4-6 days until completely dry. At the discretion of the buyer, the procedure can be repeated. It can be used to prevent the appearance of fungus and mold.
3 Sazi Wepost Luxe
Country: Russia
Average price: 750 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
An effective antiseptic against fungus, mold on surfaces inside and outside the house. Highly recommended for complex action in tandem with a water repellent, which provides enhanced protection of surfaces from external factors. After application, an imperceptible layer of the drug remains on the wall, which serves as an obstacle to the penetration of moisture. Materials treated with it increase their waterproofing characteristics.
At the first stage, the walls are treated with an antiseptic, which is part of the composition. In case of severe damage, the product should be reapplied to the area affected by mold. After drying, Sazi is applied to it, left for the amount of time indicated in the instructions, and the residue is cleaned. At the final stage, a water repellent is applied, which will reliably protect against dust, moisture and preserve natural air exchange. According to consumer reviews, the tool helps to cope with the problem for a long time.
2 Dali
Country: Russia
Average price: 575 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
It is considered the best preparation of universal action against mold, fungus, moss. They should be treated with surfaces made of brick, concrete, wood, drywall. Before processing, the plaster can not be removed from the walls, the agent penetrates through it.It is allowed to apply Dali on internal and external walls. Before painting, the walls are pre-impregnated with an antiseptic. The composition does not contain chlorine, which makes the product safe for allergy sufferers and people prone to diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The drug is characterized by high penetrating ability, fast absorption and does not change the characteristics of the materials on which it is applied.
It is recommended to process a dry surface with a brush, roller, sprayer. The temperature at the time of processing should not be lower than +5 degrees. If the surfaces are heavily affected by mold, mechanical cleaning should be carried out, rinsed with water, and dried thoroughly. After 24-48 hours, remove the remaining dirt with a brush. It takes days to dry completely. It is recommended to transport and store the drug at a temperature not lower than 0 and not higher than 40 degrees. According to consumer reviews, the product has a sharp chemical odor, so it is necessary to work in a respirator. Its shelf life is 24 months.
1 Savo
Country: Czech
Average price: RUB 1,020
Rating (2022): 5.0
Convenient packaging of the drug allows you to most effectively process surfaces of different quality and curvature. Approved for use to prevent mold formation. The active ingredient is sodium hypochlorite. It copes well with fungal contamination in saunas, swimming pools, basements, attics. No additional cleaning of contaminated surfaces is required prior to application. The main advantage of the drug is the complete elimination of the problem.
To calculate the amount of the product on all surfaces, it is assumed that 50 mg is required per 1 m2 of area.Spraying is carried out no more than 10 cm from the surface, carefully treating cracks, thresholds, bulges, pits. Leave for 20-30 minutes and wash off with water. After drying, a decision is made on the need for re-treatment. Consumer reviews say that a two-fold procedure is enough to get rid of mold forever.