Place |
Name |
Characteristic in the rating |
1 | MadBull TURTLE Jacket 6065 | The best ratio of price and quality |
2 | Acerbis Koerta 2.0 | The lightest equipment |
3 | Thor Comp Deflector | Tight sleeveless. Attractive price |
4 | DAINESE MANIS JACKET PRO | The best choice |
5 | LEATT BODY PROTECTOR 3DF AIRFIT | breathable fabric |
6 | Fox Titan Sport Youth | Maximum protection |
7 | FORCEFIELD EX-K ADVENTURE | High quality. Attractive design |
8 | Acerbis Cosmo 2.0 | Interesting coloring. The presence of reflective elements |
9 | Leatt Chest Protector 2.5 | The best oversized bib |
10 | Fox Airframe Pro | The strongest body protection |
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Road safety is the first thing we are taught in driving schools when passing on the rights. And if in a car protection ends with a fastened belt, then for motorcyclists everything is much more complicated. The main element of protection here is a helmet, but in addition to it, a lot more is required: knee pads, armlets, and of course a motorcycle jacket. In modern slang, it is called a motorcycle turtle, and this is really a full-fledged shell that can protect the driver's body, and often save his life.
Modern day turtles are not just a vest made of hard material. This is the most thoughtful design that performs, in addition to protective, a number of functions. For example, it supports the spine, removing the load from it.A motorcyclist, especially a road bike rider, is always in a bent position, and without support, his spine is very tight. In addition, the shell must be not only durable, but also breathable. Fortunately, modern materials allow you to make the most durable, and at the same time breathable equipment. Of course, it is very difficult to find the perfect motorcycle turtle, and even a high price is not always a guarantee of quality. We have selected the top 10 options on the market for you. The rating took into account both technical characteristics and reviews of real buyers, and in this case this is the most important aspect.
Top 10 best motorcycle turtles
10 Fox Airframe Pro
Country: China
Average price: 20 750 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.4
Some manufacturers of turtles are clearly fans of science fiction films. To understand this, just look at this equipment. It seems that this is the body of some robot from the future. Broken lines, color combinations and illogical curves. All this makes the mototortoise as attractive as possible for some, and repulsive for others.
It was the non-standard appearance that brought this model to the 10th place in our rating, although as far as quality characteristics are concerned, they are at their best here. The jacket tightly covers the whole body, and it will probably be difficult to use it for the city, especially in summer, because despite the presence of air holes, the coating is too dense. But your spine will surely thank you, as the dense plastic from which the jacket is made will take the load off it as much as possible, and you will not get tired even after a long trip.
9 Leatt Chest Protector 2.5
Country: Germany (made in South Africa)
Average price: 5 990 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.5
Initially, the shell itself was called a motorcycle turtle, and only many years later, manufacturers began to produce complete sets of equipment, thereby depriving motorcyclists of the opportunity to wear their clothes. Yes, they look stylish, but often you want to wear something of your own, and this shell allows it.
Here we see not a complete set of protection, but only two shields. They have adjustable straps and are customized to fit your body. You can even wear this shell on bulky clothes, since it does not have a strict restriction. As for protection, here it is maximum. The sleeveless jacket is made of durable material, and quite thick, and with additional reinforcement inside. The jacket will not only protect the body in case of a fall, but also relieve the load from the spine, which is no less important for motorcycle equipment. In addition, this product costs less than a full set, and this can also be attributed to the advantages, especially given the fame and popularity of the brand.
8 Acerbis Cosmo 2.0
Country: Italy
Average price: 11 900 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.5
All motorcycle enthusiasts know about the quality and reliability of this Italian brand. And it doesn't matter if they are professional athletes or just use the bike for the city and walks. By choosing this brand, you can be one hundred percent sure of its effectiveness, and this model also surprises with its design. The first thing that catches your eye is the artsy coloring. Acid colors are used here, and in the dark they also begin to glow.
Yes, yes, the paint is luminescent, and based on this, we can safely say that this is the best motorcycle turtle for the city, since you can feel safe in it both day and night.As for the place in our rating, it is due precisely to the unusual coloring. These colors will not be to everyone's taste. Yes, you will stand out from the crowd, but is it worth doing it so clearly? Of course, this is a matter of taste, but there is clearly no mass excitement around this equipment, even despite the rather affordable cost, which is rare for famous brands.
Country: Great Britain
Average price: RUB 22,515
Rating (2022): 4.5
If our rating concerned only the external attractiveness of the turtles, then this equipment would certainly take first place. In terms of design, it can be safely called the best, and to appreciate the superiority, just look at the photo. On the body, the shell looks even more attractive, and will surely set you apart from the crowd.
But external factors in relation to motorcycle jackets are not the main ones, but what about protection? Here, too, she excels. Elbow pads and shoulder elements cover most of the body, while adapting as much as possible to the relief of the wearer. The jacket seems to flow into the wearer, becoming a single whole, and this cannot but rejoice. So why isn't she number one? It's all about the price, which, judging by the reviews, seems to many to be too high. 22 thousand rubles is a considerable amount, especially when there are no less attractive and reliable jackets on the market at a much more affordable price.
6 Fox Titan Sport Youth
Country: China
Average price: RUB 9,750
Rating (2022): 4.6
Turtle manufacturers face a difficult task. They need to develop and implement reliable protection for the body, which, moreover, must look attractive. And it seems that the brand from China succeeded.Before us is one of the most durable motorcycle jackets made according to the manufacturer from a completely new material. It is lightweight yet durable, and the internal reinforcement perfectly supports the spine and relieves stress from it.
The base of the jacket is made of perforated fabric that breathes well, and protective elements are sewn on top of it. There are only three of them: the shell itself, elbow pads and shoulder protection. The difference of this particular jacket is that all the elements are very large. Elbow pads protect almost the entire arm, and together we get a one-piece set that covers the body as much as possible. It’s hard to say whether it’s convenient or not, especially for the city, but judging by the reviews on the network, the brand is popular, and one of the important additional advantages is the price.
Country: Germany (made in South Africa)
Average price: RUB 15,990
Rating (2022): 4.7
Most motorcycle jackets look pretentious. Sometimes it seems that manufacturers are competing not in security, but in design. But not all motorcyclists like this fashion for futurism. And especially for them, the popular German brand produces the most simple-looking motorcycle turtles.
But do not think that this is an ordinary shirt, without any protection. In fact, we have a full-fledged motorcycle turtle, and judging by some reviews, it is also the best on the market. It's just that all the protective elements here are hidden under the fabric, and are made in such a way as not to stand out too much on the body, and at the same time create maximum protection. If you look closely, the shell and elbow pads become visible, but this is only upon closer inspection. Such equipment can be worn as the main clothing, and put it on under the bottom of the jacket.As for the quality, it is not worth talking about it. This brand is well known in the world and famous for the best protective equipment on the market. It’s not a pity to give money for such a motorcycle jacket, even if it costs a little more than competitors.
Country: Italy (made in Tunisia)
Average price: RUB 18,090
Rating (2022): 4.8
The most famous motorsport equipment is made in Italy, which is the birthplace of this brand. It is these motorcycle jackets that are used by professional athletes on race tracks, and today anyone can become their owner, and at the most attractive price. Someone will now say that the price is not so attractive, but we will answer. First, it is a complete protection. Fully equipped motorcycle turtle with elbow pads and shoulder pads. Secondly, it is the best quality of all elements. It doesn't even need reviews. It is enough to watch any sports competition in motocross.
Well, in the end, this is branded equipment, and the point is not only in a beautiful logo, but also in guaranteed quality and convenience. By the way, the convenience can be judged even by the photo. It shows how many degrees of adjustment this turtle has. Each element adapts to the body of a motorcyclist, and thanks to the perforated base, your body will always breathe, which is especially important for the city and its traffic jams.
3 Thor Comp Deflector
Country: USA
Average price: 3 381 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
In fact, the turtle is just a protective shell. Many manufacturers add additional elements to it, but often they are simply not necessary.For example, you already have knee and elbow pads that you are used to, or that you just find comfortable. Why, in this case, take a motorcycle jacket, where there are already their own modules.
In this case, this shell from a popular American manufacturer, known throughout the world for its biker equipment, will be the best choice. This is a separate shell, without a substrate and additional elements. It is worn over the head and has no adjustment straps. By the way, this item can be attributed to the disadvantages, since when buying this equipment you will have to try it on and select your specific size. But the low price will please. A little more than three thousand for a dense shell that will not only protect you when you fall, but also support your body. Great option for city or highway.
2 Acerbis Koerta 2.0

Country: Italy
Average price: 10 800 rub
Rating (2022): 4.9
The Italians are famous for their love of motorsport, and of course they could not pass by the release of equipment. This brand is widely known both among professional athletes and among just fans of riding around the city. It is the lightest motorcycle turtle, and despite this it is the most efficient, as evidenced by numerous tests that the manufacturer is so proud of.
The basis of the equipment is made of perforated fabric, which allows the body to breathe, and the protection elements themselves are fixed over the shirt. There are quite a few of them, and they all have independent adjustment, which allows you to fine-tune the shell to your body as accurately as possible. In it, you will definitely not experience discomfort while riding, and the solid base of the shell will support your spine and remove the main load from it. Will please buyers and the price.As they say in the reviews, for a famous brand it is more than democratic and attractive, and worth every ruble spent on it.
1 MadBull TURTLE Jacket 6065
Country: Russia
Average price: 6 490 rubles
Rating (2022): 4.9
Prices for motorized turtles can be shocking. As a rule, they are produced somewhere abroad, hence the final cost. But even in the vastness of Russia there are brands that are in special demand and receive positive feedback from users. We have just such a brand, and we can safely say that this is the best combination of price and quality on the market.
This motorcycle jacket is cheaper than most analogues, and in terms of quality and characteristics it is not inferior to the most expensive and famous brands. Every little thing is thought out here: high ergonomics that support the motorcyclist's spine, durable materials on the shell, and in the end it looks very stylish and attractive. In addition, when buying this protection, you get not only a chest armor, as is often the case, but a complete set. Shoulder pads and elbow pads, adjustable in size, are attached to the perforated T-shirt. The shell is also adjustable, so you should not worry about the size. The jacket easily adjusts to the wearer and tightly fits his body, creating full protection, and not just visibility.