Place |
Name |
Characteristic in the rating |
1 | Feliway Classic | The best way to correct behavior - pheromones for cats |
2 | Relaxivet | most popular sedative |
3 | cat Baiyun | Popular proven drug |
4 | Apicenna Stop stress | Strong sedative |
5 | No Stress Home | Convenient spray form, safety |
6 | Express Calm down | The fastest action |
7 | GOOD No stress | Soft and long lasting |
8 | GIGI DA-BA Relax Plus | To restore the emotional state |
9 | Japan Premium Pet Matatabi | Best Mood Stabilizer |
10 | Doctor ZOO Calm cat | The softest action |
Sedatives for cats are used in different situations. When moving, so that the pet behaves calmly on the road, does not experience strong fear when another animal appears in the house. They are also used to correct behavior, since leaving marks, ignoring the tray is very often also associated with stress. Most sedatives are plant-based, safe for animals but effective.For those who are faced with the problem of incorrect cat behavior, plans to move or have another pet, mild sedatives will help maintain comfortable conditions for themselves and the pet. These funds are available in different forms. These can be drops, tablets, liquids for fumigators, sprays and collars.
Top 10 best sedatives for cats
10 Doctor ZOO Calm cat
Country: Russia
Average price: 233 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.5
A safe, plant-based spray to quickly soothe your cat at home, on the road, or at the veterinarian's office. The main thing is that the pet will not have to be force-fed with pills or drops. It is enough to sprinkle a couch, a mattress in a carrier, upon contact with them, the cat calms down and comes into a good mood. When using at home, you can moisten pieces of cloth with the product and lay them out in places of concern. Most importantly, the drug does not give any side effects, there is no lethargy and drowsiness, a normal level of activity is maintained.
The only point is that when transporting a cat over a long distance, you will have to use the spray several times during the journey. As soon as the smell completely disappears, the effect of the product also stops. For the short-term effect, he can be put a minus. But otherwise it is a safe and effective drug.
9 Japan Premium Pet Matatabi
Country: Japan
Average price: 336 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
An interesting herbal preparation that eliminates anxiety and improves the pet's mood. It can be recommended for cats that are aggressive towards other animals or people. Matatabi (actinidia) is the Japanese version of catnip.The plant has a stronger effect on cats than valerian, but does not cause overexcitation of the nervous system. On the contrary, the animals relax, calm down, the mood becomes friendly and playful.
According to user reviews, the tool has only one drawback - some cats do not react to it at all. But if the pet is interested in matatabi powder, then the action is fully consistent with the manufacturer's description. Even the most sullen cats begin to purr and caress. The action is cumulative, it becomes especially noticeable after a few days of admission. Cats behave calmly at veterinarians and at exhibitions, often ask for hands, it is easier to accept new pets.
8 GIGI DA-BA Relax Plus
Country: Latvia
Average price: 927 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
The herbal remedy is recommended for taking not only in stressful situations, but also for stabilizing the nervous system. Tablets can be given to cats with obsessive-compulsive disorders. For example, if a pet constantly licks itself, often meows, chases its tail, chews hard on inedible objects. The composition of the tablets includes extracts of valerian root, motherwort and lemon balm. They act gently but effectively. Treatment can be carried out in courses, up to the complete disappearance of anxiety. The packaging volume allows this, the product is packaged in 90 tablets.
The owners of cats praise the drug, but warn that you should not expect instant action from it. The tool works gently, a cumulative effect is noticeable. Daily intake helps to cope with obsessive states, constant anxiety. Tablets are good for neutered cats who continue to ask to go outside.
7 GOOD No stress
Country: Netherlands
Average price: 234 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
A good way out if you do not want to force the cat to drink pills or drops, but you need a long-term sedative effect. The tool is applied to a special collar, which is recommended to be worn immediately before stressful situations - on the road, when traveling to the veterinarian. The composition of the impregnation is completely vegetable. It includes valerian rhizome extract, lavender and bagardia essential oils. These substances gently soothe, do not give side effects. The collar is not disposable, after use it must be returned to the package and closed tightly.
Buyers leave positive feedback about the collar, but they warn that the action is very soft. In severe stressful situations, the desired calming effect can not be expected. The collar slightly smoothes out the cat's feelings when a new pet appears in the house, anxiety on the road. The smell of impregnation is pleasant, the animals do not scare away, the collar itself is comfortable.
6 Express Calm down
Country: Russia
Average price: 498 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
A strong sedative based on trazodone succinate. It is a serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressant. In Calm, it is contained in the minimum dose that is safe for cats. Due to the pronounced sedative effect, the remedy is used in various cases - from minor stressful situations to complex behavioral problems. Unlike herbal preparations, the list of contraindications is longer. Tablets should not be given to cats with diseases of the kidneys, liver, heart.
Cat owners believe that this is a drug for emergency cases - long-distance crossings, grooming. The tablets are effective, but too strong.After taking some pets, coordination of movements is disturbed, severe lethargy appears, after which many hours of sleep occurs. And although the next day the condition is completely normal, the owners fear that the product is not as safe for animals as the manufacturer claims.
5 No Stress Home
Country: Netherlands
Average price: 971 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
The safest product in the form of a spray, which is recommended for use during periods of increased anxiety in cats. The spray is used to treat carriers, beds, cat houses and other places with which the animal is in direct contact. The composition is based on valerian root. This is a herbal remedy that does not cause any harm to the health of pets. The action occurs immediately after the processing of objects in the room.
Cat owners believe that the effect of this remedy is short-term - it ceases to act as soon as the smell of valerian disappears. Some consider the spray not the best option, because they themselves do not like the medicinal smell. But in specific situations, the drug can actually help - if you treat the carrier before a trip to the vet, the bed when the cat is too restless. True, many buyers agree that the cost of the drug is greatly overestimated - with the same success, you can use the usual pharmacy tincture of valerian.
4 Apicenna Stop stress
Country: Russia
Average price: 255 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
This drug is based on a nootropic compound, which, due to the normalization of tissue metabolism and the effect on cerebral circulation, has a pronounced calming effect.A big plus, according to veterinarians, is that it is not short-term, but cumulative - as the animals are taken, they become calmer, more friendly, contact, less worried. Therefore, the drug can be used to correct behavior in a variety of situations, and as a temporary sedative in stressful situations.
Most buyers leave positive feedback about the drug, but they often warn that it should be given strictly according to the instructions, in no case increasing the dosage, as there are cases of individual intolerance. Some cats drink the drug reluctantly, and do not tolerate it very well. Therefore, before buying, you must always consult with a veterinarian, carefully read the instructions and study the contraindications.
3 cat Baiyun
Country: Russia
Average price: 189 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
A well-known, rather popular drug that has long been familiar to cat owners. Among similar means, "Cat-Bayun" appeared one of the first, over the years of sales has proved its effectiveness. Available in the form of a solution with a herbal flavor. It is produced exclusively from natural plant ingredients - valerian, hops, motherwort, meadowsweet, St. John's wort, elusive peony and other plants. The range of application is wide - various behavioral disorders, aggressiveness, anxiety, labeling, hyperactivity, obsessive licking. Also, the tool shows itself perfectly when transporting animals, moving to a new home.
Buyers believe that every cat owner must have this drug at home, as it helps out a lot in a variety of situations. It really helps animals calm down, which is good for pets and their owners.Users prefer this drug because of the natural composition, safety, efficacy and low cost.
2 Relaxivet
Country: Russia (composition developed in Germany)
Average price: 229 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
The main indicator of the effectiveness of this sedative is that it is recommended by veterinarians, often called the best. Indications for use - unreasonable anxiety, constant meowing, marks, aggressiveness. Tablets will also help if the cat walks past the tray. The product is safe and completely natural. The composition contains L-tryptophan, L-theanine and inositol. In combination, they relieve anxiety, anxiety, reduce the manifestations of depression. If the cat falls asleep 20-30 minutes after taking the pill, this is completely normal - the body is recovering from the stress.
Cat owners fully agree that the drug works. It really gently and safely soothes cats - after taking the pill, they can sleep all day. Users believe that this is an indispensable drug for correcting behavior, relieving aggressiveness. Tablets are good to give before the road, a trip to the veterinarian or to the exhibition to minimize stress for the animal. Users did not notice any shortcomings or side effects.
1 Feliway Classic
Country: France
Average price: 2400 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0
Expensive, but unique and best of its kind drug, which is a synthesized analogue of pheromone, which is contained in the secretion of the facial glands of cats.When the animal rubs its cheeks against objects in the room, it marks the place as calm and comfortable, where it is not in danger, there is no reason to worry. It is this pheromone that makes cats feel calm. It is advisable to use it if the pet is restless, leaves marks, behaves aggressively towards the owners or other cats. The product is available in a bottle, which is inserted into the diffuser and connected to the network. When heated, pheromones begin to gradually release into the air of the apartment, which makes cats feel much calmer.
Everything declared by the manufacturer is fully confirmed by user reviews. This drug with the content of synthesized pheromones really works. Many cat owners have already solved a variety of problems with its help - they coped with aggressiveness, marks, anxiety, stress when moving to a new place. They also include ease of use as a plus - just plug the device into a power outlet. The only downside is the high cost.