Place |
Name |
Characteristic in the rating |
1 | Razer Raiju Mobile | The best choice |
2 | IPEGA PG-9083 | Convenient form factor |
3 | Artplays AC55 | The highest build quality |
4 | Xiaomi Feat Black Knight X8pro | The best gamepad for eSports |
5 | SteelSeries Nimbus | The best gamepad for iPhone |
6 | Gamesir G4 Pro | Most versatile |
7 | Canyon CND-GPW3 | Motion Detector |
8 | Ritmix GP-035BTH | Best price |
9 | CBR CBG 956 | The most compact gamepad |
10 | Gamesir T4 Pro | Attractive illumination |
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Video games on a smartphone have long gone beyond the same type of “fun farms” and primitive “clickers”. Today, if a smartphone is powerful enough and productive on it, you can play a full-fledged game that is initially available only on a computer. Of course, playing serious, let's call them that, games using a touchscreen is not always convenient, and in this case, a gamepad comes to the rescue.
Outwardly, such a joystick may not differ from the console, with the exception of a special holder in which the smartphone is installed.Otherwise, the same buttons, the same sticks for control and the same drive as when playing on a console or PC. The design and price diversity in this gaming segment is huge. You can find a joystick that costs less than a thousand rubles, or choose a professional model designed specifically for cybersportsmen. It will cost more, but will last much longer. What requirements should a gamepad meet to play on a smartphone? There are several of them:
- strength. In any game, there are times when the gamepad buttons begin to crack from the load, and it is important that the device withstand such pressure;
- responsiveness. If the gamepad has even a millisecond response delay, it can completely break the game;
- price. If you are not an esportsman, then buying a joystick for several tens of thousands does not make sense for you. There are many worthy models on the market at an attractive cost;
- convenience. There are both classic gamepad models copied from eminent console manufacturers, as well as completely exclusive ones, and it is very difficult to determine by eye whether such a device will be comfortable in your hands or not.
These and many other factors, including feedback from real users, were taken into account in our ranking, which included the top 10 joysticks for playing on a smartphone. Both eminent brands and little-known manufacturers participate in the TOP.
TOP 10 best gamepads to play on your smartphone
10 Gamesir T4 Pro
Country: China
Average price: 4 950 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.3
A huge number of LEDs are embedded in this gamepad. And it also uses a translucent body. As a result, the player can see some of the insides of the accessory.The main controls here are highlighted in different colors, which looks especially impressive in the dark. However, this is not the main distinguishing feature of the gamepad. Much more important seems to be versatility. The fact is that this model can be connected not only to a smartphone (the complete holder is used for its installation), but also to a computer based on Windows or Mac. That's why there is also a wireless USB transmitter in the box with the device. The gamepad also has a built-in Bluetooth module, thanks to which it is detected by the Nintendo Switch game console.
As expected, the accessory is able to vibrate. To charge it, a USB Type-C connector is used. If its built-in battery is fully charged with energy, then you can play for ten hours. And the product also has four additional buttons to which you can assign, for example, macros. There is a gyroscope inside the device.
9 CBR CBG 956
Country: China
Average price: 1 660 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.4
Not all gamers are ready to invest significant amounts in gaming devices. Before us is the best gamepad in terms of price. Finding cheaper simply won’t work, and the cost in this case should not deceive you. Despite the fact that this is a very cheap device, there are a lot of positive reviews about it on the network. Yes, it is inferior in quality to famous brands, but it also costs an order of magnitude cheaper, and in this case this is the main advantage.
Users note a not very high-quality response and some delay in responding to keystrokes, despite this, you can play active shooters on the gamepad and feel quite comfortable.Of course, you won’t go to esports competitions with such a device, but the manufacturer does not set such a task. Simply put, if you only play on your smartphone on the road and don't use the joystick that often, then this is the best choice that won't break your pocket.
8 Ritmix GP-035BTH
Country: China
Average price: 1 450 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.4
Smartphone games, despite their growing variety, remain mostly portable. At home, almost every user has a PC or a full-fledged console, and he uses a smartphone on the road or outside the home. Based on this, we can make one important criterion that the gamepad must meet - compactness. The joystick needs to be carried around and ideally not take up a lot of space.
Before us is the most compact gamepad for playing on a smartphone, even despite the fact that it does not have a folding function. This is a regular joystick with a standard set of buttons and sticks. There is nothing here to make it possible to classify it as a professional device. An ordinary device that is convenient to carry around and also at a very attractive price. The Chinese brand Rhytmix has been conquering the world market for a long time, and today its products receive a lot of positive reviews. Users call them reliable and durable, although there are often references to factory defects. But, all the shortcomings, as users write, are revealed in the first days of use. Therefore, there is no problem to replace a defective device.
7 Canyon CND-GPW3
Country: China
Average price: 2 990 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.5
This accessory has at its disposal a gyroscope, thanks to which an application or game can recognize its position in space.And if this is not so important when using a smartphone, then when connected to a PS3, Nintendo Switch or PC, it begins to play an almost decisive role. The device also included vibration motors. And this is not at the highest price tag!
The product received a small RGB backlight. This means that you can choose the color according to your own preferences. Interaction with a smartphone or game console is carried out wirelessly. Since the battery has an increased capacity, you will have to use the charger quite rarely. To connect it, a modern USB Type-C port is used. Other features include a warranty period extended to two years.
6 Gamesir G4 Pro
Country: China
Average price: 4 990 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
Like many other gamepads under this brand, this model will be determined not only by a smartphone. It is enough to insert the complete USB transmitter into the appropriate port of the computer, and Windows or Mac will immediately pick it up! The Gamesir G4 Pro can also be used to play games on the Nintendo Switch, thanks to the built-in Bluetooth module.
If we talk about a smartphone, then it is placed in a special non-removable holder. This means that the installation process only takes a few seconds! You will not lose the very USB transmitter, as a separate compartment is allocated for its storage. And the manufacturer has introduced the ability to swap the ABXY buttons in places. But buyers note that it takes a lot of effort to remove them, so most prefer not to do this. Additional buttons can be added to the number of advantages. With their help, you can, for example, create screenshots.
5 SteelSeries Nimbus
Country: Denmark
Average price: 7 550 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
This gamepad exists in several variations. In particular, one of them contains in the box a code for a year of free use of the Apple Arcade service. This is a good way to test your device in a variety of games designed for iPhone. Against this background, it is no longer surprising that the accessory is designed exclusively for interaction with Apple technology - with smartphones, with iPad, with Apple TV and with MacBook. Alas, Android devices do not detect a gamepad.
The main feature of this model is the battery. Its full charge is usually enough for 50 hours of operation! The product also received tactile cross buttons and convenient trigger buttons, complemented by Hall sensors. Buyers have no complaints about mini-joysticks, which not only rotate in all directions, but are also pressed. Not forgotten by the manufacturer and vibration feedback. To mount the smartphone, a separate holder is used, which is found in the box. The gamepad uses a Lightning connector to charge.
4 Xiaomi Feat Black Knight X8pro
Country: China
Average price: 3 980 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
The Chinese brand Xiaomi has long been a leader in electronics manufacturers and pleases us with the best devices. Including in its arsenal there are gamepads for smartphones and judging by the reviews, they have no equal on the market. Everything here is concise and without unnecessary pretentiousness. The device is ascetic, but as convenient as possible. The layout of the buttons and sticks is thought out in such a way that the player can control the device very quickly.
At the height and build quality, which is why this device is called eSports. But, it is not necessary to participate in professional competitions to buy such a device. It is simply very convenient and reliable, besides it is relatively inexpensive. And in addition to the four standard buttons and two rubberized sticks, there are five more keys that you can assign to your liking. The materials from which the gamepad is made will also please. Thanks to them, it sits perfectly in the hands and does not slip.
3 Artplays AC55
Country: China
Average price: 3 390 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
The main requirement of gamers for gaming devices is the quality of their assembly. With active play, the joystick experiences heavy loads and often fails, requiring repair or complete replacement. Before us is the best gamepad in terms of build quality. The brand has long established itself in the market and is popular all over the world. As users write, it serves for a very long time and does not fail even at maximum loads. The sticks obey the user perfectly and do not stick, which is the most common problem of such devices.
And the benefits don't end there. It also has a very comfortable form factor. Nothing original, the shape of the device is copied from two popular console manufacturers: the layout of the buttons and sticks from the Xbox, and the horns and body design from PS. This combination turned out to be very convenient, besides, the gamepad is as compact as possible and will not take up much space in a bag or backpack. Separately, it should be noted the best compatibility of the device with any smartphone, regardless of the operating system used.
2 IPEGA PG-9083
Country: China
Average price: 3 000 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
China is the leader in the production of gamepads for playing on a smartphone. It is from this country that this brand comes from, and this is one of the best devices on the market and at the most attractive price. Only 2 thousand rubles for a convenient and, judging by the reviews on the network, a reliable joystick. But the main advantage here is the form factor. When folded, the device fits perfectly in your pocket. Unlike other models, this one folds as compactly as possible, and the smartphone is inserted not from above, but in the middle, turning your device into a full-fledged portable console.
But it must be understood. That form factor introduces some limitations. For example, not all smartphones fit into the slot. There are limitations, and when buying this device, it would be nice to test it first. This is where the shortcomings end, because, judging by the reviews, it works excellently and has a microscopic response. The sticks do not sink and last a very long time, just like the buttons. True, some users complain about the plastic base of the sticks and buttons. This is not very convenient, since the fingers slip off them, but this cannot be attributed to disadvantages, since the factor is individual.
1 Razer Raiju Mobile
Country: USA
Average price: RUB 12,190
Rating (2022): 4.9
The American company Reiser is the best manufacturer of gaming equipment, known to gamers all over the world. Whatever this manufacturer produces, it is guaranteed to be of high quality, reliable and convenient. Gamepads for playing on a smartphone are no exception, but I would like to start with the minuses, or rather with one minus - the price.This is the most expensive joystick on the market, and it's hard to say if this price is justified by the quality of the product, or if we are paying mainly for the brand name.
Of course, there is a brand fee, but the main price is formed from the huge number of advantages of this equipment. It does not play, has a microscopic response and serves perfectly for many years. This is the most reliable gamepad, which will not cause any difficulties even after a hard game of any shooter. This is evidenced by the numerous positive reviews that are left on the network by real users of this equipment. This is a great option for those who spend a lot of time playing games on their smartphone. And I'm ready to pay more than 10 thousand rubles for the device.