10 best electronic kits

An electronic designer is one of the best gifts for a child. Children's kit for building a robot or conducting experiments helps to quickly master programming and take the first steps in electronics. We have selected for you the 10 most popular children's designers. The sets from the selection are suitable for both the youngest engineers and teenagers.



Characteristic in the rating

Top 10 best electronic kits

1 LEGO Boost 17101 Five programmable toys. High quality components
2 Xiaomi Mi Bunny MITU Robot Three types of transformation. Long-lasting battery
3 Expert First steps in electronics 70198 set C Convenient secure fittings. Clear illustrated guide
4 Xiaomi Mitu Mi Robot Builder Rover Durable fasteners. Details are fully compatible with LEGO
5 PinLab Positronic Best price. Interesting book with reference material included
6 Expert 70707 Voice Magic Voice control. Compatibility with other designers of the line
7 UBTECH Jimu Robot JR0501 AstroBot Multifunctional model. Passage of quests and games with the help of a robot
8 Amperka Matryoshka Y A great set for quickly learning the basics of programming. Extended use of the board
9 On Time Logic blocks 70021 30 projects Budget set. Development of logic and skills in electronics
10 Amp-S026 Robonyash Possibility to assemble a rover and sumo wrestler robot. JavaScript programming

A constructor that allows you to independently assemble a real robot, and even with a remote control, is something that will help distract your child from playing games on a smartphone / PC. Such kits usually include electronic circuits with a large number of different components or ready-to-connect blocks. During the game, the child gets acquainted with the basics of robotics, programming and electronics. Moreover, some constructors may well be assembled without the participation of a parent.

lego produce the most popular and enduring kits for assembling original remote-controlled toys. Many domestic and Chinese manufacturers can envy the quality of products from the Danish brand. Hence the overwhelming popularity of Lego.

Xiaomi is a brand with a finger on the pulse. This enterprising manufacturer from the Middle Kingdom produces electronic programmable construction kits, the parts of which are compatible with Lego components. Moreover, in terms of workmanship, sets from Xiaomi are only slightly inferior to LEGO robots.

The third place in popularity in Russia is occupied by 2 brands: Amperka and Connoisseur. The first manufacturer has a range of programmable constructors in javascript and C++. The second one specializes more in kits, with the help of which skills in electronics are carefully practiced, but this brand also has a line of robots. Only now, both Amperka and Connoisseur have one common drawback - marriage sometimes comes across among them.

Top 10 best electronic kits

10 Amp-S026 Robonyash

Possibility to assemble a rover and sumo wrestler robot. JavaScript programming
Country: Russia
Average price: 12990 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.5

9 On Time Logic blocks 70021 30 projects

Budget set. Development of logic and skills in electronics
Country: China
Average price: 1914 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.5

8 Amperka Matryoshka Y

A great set for quickly learning the basics of programming. Extended use of the board
Country: Russia
Average price: 4740 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6

7 UBTECH Jimu Robot JR0501 AstroBot

Multifunctional model. Passage of quests and games with the help of a robot
Country: China
Average price: 17370 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6

6 Expert 70707 Voice Magic

Voice control. Compatibility with other designers of the line
Country: Russia
Average price: 3740 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6

5 PinLab Positronic

Best price. Interesting book with reference material included
Country: Russia
Average price: 1090 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6

4 Xiaomi Mitu Mi Robot Builder Rover

Durable fasteners. Details are fully compatible with LEGO
Country: China
Average price: 8450 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7

3 Expert First steps in electronics 70198 set C

Convenient secure fittings. Clear illustrated guide
Country: Russia
Average price: 2027 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7

2 Xiaomi Mi Bunny MITU Robot

Three types of transformation. Long-lasting battery
Country: China
Average price: 9031 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8

1 LEGO Boost 17101

Five programmable toys. High quality components
Country: Denmark (made in Indonesia)
Average price: 10199 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8

Popular vote - which brand produces the best electronic kits?
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Attention! The above information is not a buying guide. For any advice, you should contact the experts!

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