Place |
Name |
Characteristic in the rating |
1 | Bosch PTD 1 | Better functionality |
2 | RGK PL-12 | Minimum response time |
3 | DEKO CWQ02 | Widest temperature range |
4 | ADA instruments TemPro 300 | Simplicity and convenience of operation |
5 | ELITECH P 550 | Optimal combination of price and quality |
6 | INSTRUMAX pIRo-330 | The lightest and most comfortable design |
7 | MEGEON 16400 | Possibility of calibration |
8 | CEM DT-810 | Easiest to use |
9 | Condtrol IR-T1 | Affordable cost, accuracy |
10 | Laserliner ThermoSpot One | Four year warranty, impeccable quality |
Pyrometers are called infrared thermometers that allow you to measure the temperature of any bodies and media in a non-contact way. These devices have a wide range of uses - they help to search for hot and cold spots on objects, measure the temperature in hazardous environments and hard-to-reach places, and control technological processes. On sale you can find pyrometers for personal and professional use, various in terms of options and cost. The most modern models allow you to display the data obtained on a computer for analysis and generalization. In this rating, only the best, functional and high-quality pyrometers are offered to your attention.
Top 10 Best Pyrometers
10 Laserliner ThermoSpot One

Country: Germany
Average price: 4057 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.5
What is impossible to find fault with this device is the quality of workmanship.Excellent materials, solid assembly, and in addition also a guarantee from the manufacturer for four years. But there is one significant drawback - the error reaches 2.5%, although in many cheaper models it does not exceed 1.5%. For this reason, many users reasonably consider the cost to be overpriced, and prefer inexpensive, but more accurate models.
For other parameters, the device is not particularly different from other pyrometers. The measured temperature range is -38 – 365 °C, the optical resolution is 12:1, there is a laser sight and the option of fixing the values. But this is where the functionality of the device ends. Conclusion - this model can be recommended to those buyers who highly value quality and do not need extremely accurate temperature measurement.
9 Condtrol IR-T1

Country: Russia
Average price: 1490 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
A simple, inexpensive, but sufficiently high-quality Russian-made pyrometer. Its characteristics are not bad, but quite standard - the measured temperature range is from -50 to 330 ° C, the optical resolution is 12: 1, the response time is 0.5 seconds, and the maximum error is not more than 1.5%. The manufacturer provides two units of measurement - Fahrenheit and Celsius, sound indication. Its dimensions are compact, the shape is convenient, the control is extremely simple and clear.
In general, users are quite satisfied with the device, they use it for domestic and professional purposes. If it gives an error, then it is quite small - many people pay attention to this. The workmanship is decent, the materials are good. But some buyers complain that the laser sight is somewhat off-putting - the dot goes sideways or upwards rather than heading straight ahead.
8 CEM DT-810

Country: China
Average price: 2250 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
The infrared non-contact thermometer with laser pointer is very easy to operate. For the convenience of users, the manufacturer has provided an ergonomic shape, light weight, LCD display backlight, automatic shutdown option. Unlike cheaper analogues, the pyrometer warns when the measured range is exceeded. But temperatures with which it is possible to work are limited - from - 30ºC to 260ºC. There are models with better performance.
The device is equally convenient to use in everyday life, in production, in housing and communal services. For a small amount, users get a very convenient and useful device, which often greatly simplifies the work. But it also has disadvantages - the average error is 2%, so it is better not to use the pyrometer where extreme accuracy is needed. The downside is not the highest optical expansion - 8:1. Otherwise, the model is very comfortable and definitely worthy of attention.
7 MEGEON 16400

Country: Russia (produced in China)
Average price: 1315 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
The model is simple, but very soundly made - this is noted by many users. Another feature that is rarely found in budget infrared pyrometers is the ability to calibrate the instrument to obtain more accurate readings. But the error is still there, its value directly depends on the measured temperature. With positive values from 0 to 380°C, it is acceptable 1.5%, and with negative values it can reach up to 3%. But this is the only significant drawback of the device.
Otherwise, everything is fine - a laser sight helps to more accurately determine the measured point, the backlight of the display ensures good readability of the numbers.Convenience is added by the compact size of the device, pistol-shaped ergonomic shape, light weight, and the function of holding temperature indicators. To conserve battery power, the instrument automatically turns off after 7 seconds of inactivity.

Country: China
Average price: 1290 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
This model has many advantages - the presence of a laser pointer, the ability to use it at room temperatures up to 50 ° C., the ergonomics of the device with a convenient location of the buttons, the backlight of the display. Using an infrared thermometer is simple and pleasant. To improve work efficiency, the manufacturer provides a data hold function, automatic measurement range selection with a resolution of 0.1 ° C / 0.1 ° F. An infrared thermometer is especially indispensable in cases where it is not possible to measure the temperature in a standard way - in sterile environments, hazardous areas, moving or energized mechanisms.
Such inexpensive models as this one are widely used in everyday life. Moreover, they are used not only by men during repairs and other works, but also by housewives. For example, in order to measure the temperature of the body, water in the bathroom or determine the degree of heating of the oven. Ease of use increases the low weight of the device - only 145 grams. The temperature range is not the highest - from -50 to 330 ° C, but quite sufficient to solve most problems.

Country: China
Average price: 1780 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
Optimal in terms of price and quality, the Chinese model with very good performance. It is equipped with a laser sight for more accurate targeting, supports Fahrenheit and Celsius measurement.The response time is only 0.5 seconds, and the error does not exceed 1.5%. The temperature range is wide, from -50°C to 550°C, and high-quality metering at a distance provides good optical expansion (12:1). Of the useful functions, the manufacturer provides for automatic shutdown and fixing of values.
When choosing, it is worth considering the opinion of users who leave very good reviews about the device, indicating the quality factor of manufacture, despite Chinese production, fairly high accuracy, and ease of use. They are completely satisfied with the characteristics of the device. Serious shortcomings during operation are not detected.
4 ADA instruments TemPro 300

Country: Russia
Average price: 1690 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
A fairly successful model of an infrared pyrometer with a laser sight. It is characterized by simplicity and ease of use, has a compact size and a good optical resolution (12:1), which allows using the device at a distance from the object. The device provides fast non-contact temperature measurement in a wide range of -32 to +350 °С, gives a minimum error of no more than ±1.5 °С, due to which it is widely used in construction, in the maintenance of engines and mechanisms, in the electric power industry and housing and communal services.
The device is extremely simple, from the additional options only automatic shutdown when idle and the function of fixing values are provided. But in most cases, this is more than enough, so the model is popular and receives the kindest reviews from buyers. Many appreciated the ease of use of the pyrometer, the accuracy of the readings, the ease of operation, and the ergonomic shape that ensures comfortable work.

Country: China
Average price: 990 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
Inexpensive Chinese model in terms of performance can compete with more expensive counterparts. The first thing you can pay attention to is a very wide temperature range - from -50 to + 600 ° С. This makes it possible to use the device in a variety of areas. Ergonomic pistol shape, light weight, compactness, quick temperature measurement contribute to the ease of use. The error does not exceed ± 1.5 ° С, which is just fine for a budget model. The device is powered by three little finger batteries - they are not included in the package, so it's better to take care of buying them right away.
Useful additions include the function of saving data, turning off the backlight of the display and automatically turning off the power when idle. This model inspires confidence among users and due to the large number of positive reviews. Among the advantages, users indicate a very low cost, minimal error, compactness, ease of use, the ability to measure bodies and media of any temperature. In their opinion, in terms of characteristics, it does not differ from more expensive models. The only drawback they call the lack of a cover in the kit.
2 RGK PL-12

Country: Russia (produced in China)
Average price: 3490 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
The professional pyrometer has a minimum response time of only 0.15 seconds, which allows you to take measurements instantly. But this is not its only advantage - the manufacturer has provided for the presence of a double laser target designator to determine the boundaries of the object under study, a wide range of measured temperatures from -50°C to +550°C, and an audible alarm for exceeding the permissible limits.To obtain the most accurate indicators, an adjustable emissivity is used - from 0.1 to 1.
As additional advantages, users call convenient operation, low weight, compact size, convenient ergonomic shape. They like the measurement accuracy with a maximum error of 1%, the quality factor of manufacturing. This model can be safely recommended for professional and domestic use.
1 Bosch PTD 1

Country: Germany (produced in Malaysia)
Average price: 7590 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0
A professional model that can not only measure the temperature of any objects at a distance of one meter, but also find "cold bridges", as well as determine the humidity in the room with an error of only 2%. This is the most functional and easy-to-use infrared pyrometer. It automatically processes the measurement results, using a color indicator to indicate the level of danger to the user. The manufacturer has provided work in three modes - to measure the temperature of various objects, the temperature in the room, detect cold bridges and determine the humidity of the air.
At the same time, it is no more difficult to manage it than with simple cheap models. All functions are activated with just a few buttons. It works from two finger-type batteries, even with intensive use their charge is enough for a long time. The temperature range is not the widest, but quite sufficient for most purposes - from -20°C to +200°C. Pleasant additions include the presence of a carrying case and a two-year warranty from the manufacturer.