Place |
Name |
Characteristic in the rating |
2 | Shimano Aspire Fluorocarbon Ice | Most Popular Brand |
3 | Salmo FLUOROCARBON 030/014 | High strength |
4 | Dunaev Fluorocarbon | Best price for fluorocarbon |
5 | ULTRON FLUOROCARBON | Wide temperature range |
1 | Kosadaka Super Line PE X4 Winter Pro | The best combination of price and quality |
2 | Sufix Ice Braid Steel Gray | Most Popular Brand |
3 | ALLVEGA ULTIMATE | Attractive price |
4 | Berkley FireLine Crystal Micro Ice | The best line diameter for ice fishing |
5 | Colmic Fire Power Super Soft | The presence of special impregnation |
1 | ALLVEGA RDX Universal | Universal all-weather fishing line |
2 | LUCKY JOHN Micron | The best manufacturer of fishing goods |
3 | Mikado TSUBAME UNDER ICE II | The highest strength |
4 | Salmo "Ice Power" | Quality materials |
5 | AQUA MARINE FLYING DRAGON | Wear-resistant fishing line |
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Winter makes its own adjustments to fishing. And this applies not only to cold and difficult weather conditions, but also to the behavior of fish. She falls into hibernation or stagnation, that is, becomes less active and reluctant to go on the hook. Of course, fishermen have long developed many schemes and technologies for fishing under ice, but at the same time, they have to change the gear used. In particular the line.
Winter fishing line differs from summer fishing in several ways:
- it is thinner so as not to scare away the already lethargic fish;
- the length of the coil is limited to a couple of tens of meters, since there is no need to make long-range casting;
- winter fishing line is less durable due to its thickness, since large trophies are rare, and the size of the hole rarely allows you to pull out large individuals.
Simply put, the task of the winter fishing line is to be as invisible as possible in the water, and modern technologies make it almost invisible. For example, fluorocarbon thread, also included in our rating, completely dissolves in water and does not scare away fish. For larger trophies, braid is used, which, despite being relatively thin, is very strong. There are also monofilaments. They are less durable and do not have such invisibility as fluorocarbon, but they are cheaper and much easier to reel on the reel due to their homogeneous structure.
The best fluorocarbon line for ice fishing
Fluorocarbon is a relatively new material made synthetically. Its main feature is almost complete invisibility in the water. On the surface, the line looks like ordinary nylon, but when it enters the water, it refracts light and is lost. The catchability of such a fishing line is much higher, since the cord does not scare away the fish, and the fish sees only the mormyshka offered to it. And the only drawback is the relatively high cost. Our TOP includes the five most interesting options for fluorocarbon winter fishing line, which we present to your attention.
Country: Japan (made in China)
Average price: 160 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
Winter brings a lot of inconvenience to the fisherman. You have to dress warmly, and be especially careful when choosing gear. Many fishing lines, even if they are originally winter, freeze in the cold and become covered with ice. It is very difficult to wind them on a reel, not to mention re-casting.
But there are models with the widest range. This product is not covered with ice even at minus 30 degrees. This is indicated by the manufacturer, and numerous independent tests have shown that this parameter is significantly underestimated, and in fact the thread copes well with more aggressive temperatures, although they are not so common. At height and strength characteristics. At 0.12 millimeters of thickness, the breaking load is 1.9 kilograms.
4 Dunaev Fluorocarbon
Country: Russia (made in Japan)
Average price: 145 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
Fluorocarbon line for ice fishing tends to be expensive, which is not surprising, especially considering that most manufacturers come from Japan. But there are quite budget options, and one of them is in front of us. By the name, it is easy to guess the Russian origin of the brand. But on the packaging it is indicated that the fishing line was made in Japan.
So it is, initially the brand was Russian, but then it was completely bought out. This not only did not harm the quality of the product, but vice versa. The breaking load of the thread is one and a half kilograms, which is quite a lot for winter, but the thickness is slightly higher than that of the TOP market leaders - 0.19 mm. But this should not scare away, since fluorocarbon makes it completely invisible in the water, which significantly increases catchability.
3 Salmo FLUOROCARBON 030/014
Country: Japan
Average price: 330 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
Most of the leaders in the fishing market come from Japan. They confidently get into all the TOPs and ratings, producing high-quality products, including fluorocarbon fishing line for winter fishing. Before us is the strongest thread that can withstand a breaking load of 1.6 kilograms. Moreover, its thickness is only 0.14 mm. Even without the use of advanced technologies, such a thread is practically invisible in water, and thanks to fluorocarbon it becomes completely invisible.
If you look for flaws in this product, then there is only one - a rather high price tag. This is true, but it is fully justified by the quality of the product and its durability. Such a thread will last a very long time and will not require replacement. In addition, it has practically no natural wear and tear, and it does not freeze even in the most severe frost.
2 Shimano Aspire Fluorocarbon Ice
Country: Japan
Average price: 390 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
There is hardly a fisherman in the world who has not heard of the Shimano brand. This is a Japanese manufacturer that has been a leader in the fishing market for many years, and it's not about large-scale advertising, but about the real quality of the products. The quality of this fluorocarbon fishing line is the best, and this is confirmed by numerous reviews of ordinary fishermen and real experts.
Despite the thinness, the thread is very strong and allows you to display fairly large trophies. The basis of the thread is durable nylon, with a reflective coating, which makes the fishing line invisible. The breaking load here is 1.2 kilograms, which is quite a lot, given the thickness of only a few microns. True, the price can scare away, but this has always distinguished products from Shimano.
Country: China
Average price: 140 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
Before us is one of the best manufacturers of fluorocarbon fishing line for winter fishing. This is a Chinese brand, which in a short period of time not only firmly rooted in the market, but also created worthy competition for the most famous brands.
The fishing line from this manufacturer is as strong as possible and has the main quality of fluorocarbon - invisibility. Once in the water, the thread literally dissolves, becoming invisible to the fish, which makes it so catchy. Plus, it has the best price on the market. It is indicated for a 30 meter reel, and when compared with other brands, the price tag is more than democratic. With such a fishing line, winter is not a reason to give up your favorite hobby.
The best braided line for ice fishing
Braided fishing line consists of several elements. In the winter version, it is woven from four separate cords. Sometimes more, but most of the time it's enough. The interlacing of several elements makes the thread more durable, but it loses in flexibility compared to fluorocarbon or monofilament. This makes some adjustments to the fishing process. For example, it is not recommended to unwind the line much, although this is not required in ice fishing conditions. You should also pay attention to the presence of a coating that protects the thread from freezing and binding, as is often the case with ordinary nylon, which is why the latter is not recommended for use in winter.
5 Colmic Fire Power Super Soft

Country: Japan
Average price: 730 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
Line for ice fishing, due to its thinness, as a rule, has limitations in breaking load.It is quite low, and you have to put up with it. But technology does not stand still, and we have before us the best version of a strong thread woven from 4 cords with a total thickness of 0.12 millimeters.
With such characteristics, most often the load is limited to five kilograms, here the manufacturer indicates 6.5 nominal load, and almost 14 kilograms maximum. That is, with the help of such a thin thread and mormyshka, you can easily pull a quite large trophy out of the water, and all thanks to a special impregnation that increases the strength of the product. Such a fishing line simply could not fail to get into our TOP, but due to the relatively high cost, not in the most honorable place.
4 Berkley FireLine Crystal Micro Ice
Country: USA (Made in China)
Average price: 650 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
Winter fishing rarely pleases with large trophies. In most cases, you have to be content with relatively small prey, and catching it on a thick line simply does not make sense. The average thickness of a braided thread, as well as a fluorocarbon one, is 0.12 millimeters, but this is not the limit, and this brand has managed to create a fishing line with a thickness of only 0.04 millimeters.
This is such a thin fishing line that even without a special reflective coating, it is generally invisible in the water. By the way, there is still a coating here, but it is designed to increase the strength of the thread, and such a thin fishing line with a mormyshka easily removes prey weighing up to one kilogram from the water. Only the price of the product let us down, although considering the other characteristics, it is quite justified.
Country: China
Average price: 280 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
The Chinese brand ALLVEGA appeared on the market relatively recently, but quickly gained popularity among buyers. It's all about the best value for money products. You can verify this by considering any version of the fishing line of this manufacturer, for example this one.
At a price of less than 300 rubles, we get a braided thread of 4 fibers with a total thickness of only 0.12 millimeters. The breaking load is 6.5 kilograms, which is also the norm for such products. Simply put, all indicators are on top, but in addition to everything, it should be borne in mind that the price is indicated for a 130-meter coil. For comparison, it is worth saying that most winter lines are sold in reels of only 30 or a maximum of 50 meters.
2 Sufix Ice Braid Steel Gray
Country: Finland
Average price: 660 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
Who better than the Finns to know about the peculiarities of the northern climate and the specifics of mormyshka fishing in cold waters. Finnish manufacturers are especially popular with fishermen from all over the world, and this brand is a direct proof of this. It is the most widely represented on the market, but is known only to lovers of winter fishing, as it produces only such fishing line.
This is a premium thread, 100% made from a special high tenacity synthetic fiber. It easily withstands a load of up to 6 or more kilograms, while the thickness of the fishing line is only 0.12 millimeters. And this is taking into account the fact that it is woven from 6 fibers at once. This is a real miracle of engineering, however, it is quite expensive, which, in principle, is not surprising.
1 Kosadaka Super Line PE X4 Winter Pro
Country: Japan (made in China)
Average price: 170 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
Most Japanese brands prefer to manufacture their products in-house rather than relying on third parties. On the one hand, this guarantees high quality to consumers, on the other hand, it significantly increases the cost. But not all brands from this country are so principled. For example, Kosadaka, which is one of the best ice fishing line manufacturers, has factories in China, and this is reflected in the cost of the product.
Before us is the cheapest braided thread, but at the same time the highest quality and durable. It is woven from 4 cords and can easily withstand a weight of 6.5 kilograms. By the way, as tests show, the indicator is underestimated, and in fact the thread copes with much larger prey.
The best monofilament line for ice fishing
Monofilament fishing line consists of only one fiber, and this is its main advantage. It has no memory, that is, when unwinding it is completely straightened, and when winding it is easy to lay down on the coil without creases. At the same time, it is very thin, but at the same time strong. This was achieved through the use of a special impregnation that increases strength. Yes, it is inferior in strength to wicker, and in invisibility to fluorocarbon, but it perfectly withstands even the most severe frost, without becoming stone and without losing its strength.
Country: Japan
Average price: 310 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
Winter does not exclude fishing with feeder tackle, and this manufacturer specifically indicates that the line is designed specifically for feeder. It is difficult to say how it differs from the one to which a lone mormyshka is tied, but apparently the manufacturer knows better.
The thread has a thickness of 0.1 millimeters, and the maximum breaking load is 0.4 kilograms. Not the highest indicator, that's why the product got to such, not the most honorable place in our TOP. However, it deserves attention, as a special abrasive coating makes the fishing line as strong and durable as possible. In addition, it does not interact with water and has no physical memory. And being in the water column, the coating makes the cord almost invisible, which allows you to compare it with more expensive fluorocarbon.
4 Salmo "Ice Power"
Country: Japan
Average price: 210 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
If earlier fishing line was a simple nylon cord, now it has become a real miracle of engineering. In its manufacture, the most advanced technologies are used, and a relatively thin cord can withstand significant breaking loads. For example, this model, with a thickness of only 0.1 mm, can easily withstand almost a kilogram of weight, which is a lot in this ratio.
The cord itself is made of a special polymer that does not interact with water at all. Thanks to this, the fishing line does not freeze through and has no physical memory. It lays perfectly on the coil, and at the same time it unwinds as smoothly as possible. It also has an abrasive coating that reduces abrasion and significantly increases the service life.
Country: Japan
Average price: 200 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
The Japanese are the best manufacturers of fishing accessories. Most of the most popular brands come from this country, as does The Mikado. Before us is a monofilament fishing line with impregnation over the entire surface.Thanks to this impregnation, with a thickness of only 0.1 millimeters, it easily withstands a tensile load of almost two kilograms. An excellent result, if not the best.
In addition, the impregnation serves to make the fishing line invisible. According to these characteristics, this model can easily compete with fluorocarbon, which, in turn, is much more expensive, even if released by a lesser known manufacturer. Winter for such a fishing line is not only not a hindrance, but also the best time for fishing, since it does not freeze through and has no physical memory.
Country: Latvia (made in Japan)
Average price: 410 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
Lucky John is by far the most famous manufacturer of fishing accessories. In his arsenal, both fishing tackle: mormyshkas, spinners and spinning rods, as well as equipment. Before us is a fishing line, for which winter is not a hindrance at all. This is a monofilament thread made using a special technology. A very thin cord, only 0.066 mm thick, can withstand a breaking load of up to 0.5 kilograms.
This is the thinnest and at the same time strong fishing line, and this result was achieved thanks to a special impregnation applied to the entire surface of the cord. It serves two purposes at the same time: it makes the thread strong and invisible in water. Any mormyshka on such a fishing line will look like a separate part, which will deceive the fish and not frighten it away. An excellent option for your own, albeit a lot of money.
1 ALLVEGA RDX Universal
Country: China
Average price: 140 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
This brand broke into the market just a couple of years ago, but today it is already one of the most popular and interesting.It's all about the ability of the manufacturer to combine the excellent quality of the product with a very affordable price. Before us is a monofilament thread with a special impregnation. Its thickness is 0.14 millimeters, and the maximum gap is set at around 2.5 kilograms.
Not the highest figures, but quite acceptable for winter fishing. In addition, the price is for a reel with a line length of one hundred meters. This is very rare for such products, and in most cases, manufacturers are limited to 50 and sometimes 30 meters. Moreover, this is an all-season thread, and you can fish with it even in summer. Of course, if you are ready to limit yourself to such small trophies.