10 Best Eyebrow Tints



Characteristic in the rating

Top 10 tints for eyebrows

1 Maybelline Brow Tattoo Most popular brow tint
2 Manly Pro Brow Tint Best result
3 Berrisom Oops My Brow Tattoo Pack Great staying power, nice colors
4 Secret Key Tattoo Eyebrow Tint Pack Good composition, lasting result
5 The Saem Saemmul Wrapping Tint Brow The best shades
6 BERRISOM ESSENCE TATTOO EYEBROW Gentle action, economical consumption
7 Alvin D'or Tattoo Brow Gel The fastest color
8 Lucas' Cosmetics Brow Tint Great tint for every day
9 Yadah Quick Tattoo Brow Gel Express tint with care properties
10 L'Oreal Paris Unbelieva Brow Good everyday makeup

Recently, a new type of cosmetics has appeared on the beauty market - tint for eyebrows. This miracle novelty is a tool that partially replaces tattooing or eyebrow painting in the salon. Only partly because the result lasts only a few days. But on the other hand, women can quickly put their eyebrows in order on their own and not worry about their makeup for quite a long time. This was made possible by coloring not only the hairs, but also the surface layer of the skin, which creates the effect of thicker, but at the same time natural eyebrows. Tints come in different types - films, gels, paints, creams. Any of them can cause allergies, so the product must be tested on a small area of ​​​​skin behind the ear before application.If you would like to buy a new product, but still have doubts or do not know which brand to give preference to, check out the rating of the best tints for eyebrows.

Top 10 tints for eyebrows

10 L'Oreal Paris Unbelieva Brow

Good everyday makeup
Country: France (manufactured in Canada)
Average price: 470 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.5

9 Yadah Quick Tattoo Brow Gel

Express tint with care properties
Country: South Korea
Average price: 598 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6

8 Lucas' Cosmetics Brow Tint

Great tint for every day
Country: Russia (produced in China)
Average price: 521 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6

7 Alvin D'or Tattoo Brow Gel

The fastest color
Country: France
Average price: 138 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7


Gentle action, economical consumption
Country: South Korea
Average price: 714 rubles
Rating (2022): 4.7

5 The Saem Saemmul Wrapping Tint Brow

The best shades
Country: South Korea
Average price: 660 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8

4 Secret Key Tattoo Eyebrow Tint Pack

Good composition, lasting result
Country: South Korea
Average price: 640 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8

3 Berrisom Oops My Brow Tattoo Pack

Great staying power, nice colors
Country: South Korea
Average price: 770 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9

2 Manly Pro Brow Tint

Best result
Country: Russia
Average price: 1200 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9

1 Maybelline Brow Tattoo

Most popular brow tint
Country: USA (manufactured in South Korea)
Average price: 567 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0

Popular vote - who is the best brow tint manufacturer?
Total voted: 20
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Attention! The above information is not a buying guide. For any advice, you should contact the experts!

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