Place |
Name |
Characteristic in the rating |
1 | AZHIVIKA | Best for sensitive skin. Prolonged antimicrobial action |
2 | Hartmann Sterillium | Doesn't tighten the skin. Balanced composition |
3 | Desiptol spray | Universal disinfectant for various objects |
4 | Miroseptic Express | Skin-friendly acidity level |
5 | Septolite-Antiseptic | Long shelf life. High isopropyl alcohol content |
6 | Aqueous solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate 0.05% | Neutral odor and taste, safe for wounds |
7 | Lizhen | best pocket sanitizer |
8 | Octenisept | Broad antimicrobial spectrum of action. Gentle disinfection of mucous membranes |
9 | Septolite Soap | Soft & moisturizing foundation. Delicate cleansing |
10 | Desihand | The safest composition |
Being safe and taking care of your health is a natural daily human need. However, in times of pandemics like the coronavirus or the rise of seasonal infections, this need is especially acute. How to protect yourself and your family from viruses and bacteria? One of the simplest and most effective ways is to use disinfectant solutions for prevention. They are designed to instantly destroy harmful microorganisms that enter and settle on the skin or objects in the house.
The effectiveness of sanitizers depends on the composition and concentration of active substances.However, when choosing, one should not forget about the individual tolerance of the components, because some people are contraindicated in using alcohol disinfectants. To help you understand the many options and choose the right protection for you, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the best antiseptics that will help in the prevention of infectious diseases.
TOP 10 best hand sanitizers
10 Desihand
Country: Russia
Average price: 179 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.0
Alcohol-free disinfectant is a ready-to-use liquid based on chlorhexidine. Due to its active monocomponent nature, it is one of the safest antiseptics - it has class 4 low-hazard compounds, which makes it non-toxic when it enters the stomach or on the skin. The sparing composition is harmless even when inhaled.
However, the solution also has disadvantages. The most significant is the lack of a prolonged effect, that is, the substance is able to fight only those bacteria that are already on the skin and is powerless against those that enter the body in a short time after application. As follows from the instructions, it is not recommended to use a hand sanitizer more than 6 times a day, therefore, during the period of the mass spread of infections such as coronavirus, the product is inferior in effectiveness to alcohol analogues that have a more stringent chemical composition.
9 Septolite Soap
Country: Russia
Average price: 199 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.1
Liquid soap provides the most gentle cleansing of hands from bacteria. It has a delicate texture and is designed for hygienic treatment of the skin.However, you should not expect full disinfection from him, since the gentle composition for hands does not allow him to cope with disinfection better than antiseptics with a high alcohol content. However, this does not mean that antibacterial soap is useless.
Firstly, regular use reduces the number of bacteria due to the presence of 2-phenoxyethanol in the composition, an antimicrobial agent that copes well with gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Secondly, hand washing is a separate hygiene procedure that should be carried out before using a skin sanitizer. In the reviews, users note a soft base with moisturizing and conditioning ingredients, thanks to which the skin, regardless of its type, does not dry out.
8 Octenisept
Country: Germany
Average price: 405 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.2
The popular German sanitizer is equally good for disinfecting both the body and various items in the house. The drug is known for being aggressive to the most common strains of influenza, hepatitis and herpes. It actively fights against fungal bacteria and has a quick antiseptic effect - already 1 minute after application, it kills settled bacteria and viruses and continues to destroy new ones for 1 hour.
Most users note the good tolerance of the substance by the mucous membranes, and this is very important during the spread of infections like coronavirus. After all, such a virus enters the body precisely through the mucous membranes - eyes, nose, mouth, and it is extremely important to be able to quickly disinfect them in case of touching with untreated special solutions with hands.
7 Lizhen

Country: Russia
Average price: 85 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.3
The disinfectant gel contains a lot of functional additives. In addition to the main active ingredients, the composition contains components that soften and do not injure even the most sensitive skin, as well as soft gel-forming components, so this is one of the best options for hands.
Among the minuses, users note a rather sharp smell of the gel. With careful and frequent processing in the house, they recommend opening windows. But among the advantages they describe convenient packaging - this is one of the few antiseptics that are sold in 250 ml containers, so they do not take up much space in the bag and are a convenient portable option for carrying with you and using them outdoors. Moreover, the package is equipped with a thin sprayer, which allows you to apply the product pointwise.
6 Aqueous solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate 0.05%
Country: Russia
Average price: 35 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.4
The cheapest, but quite effective disinfectant is used as an antiseptic, most often for hands. It does not contain alcohol, it contains only two active ingredients: chlorhexidine bigluconate and purified water. Thanks to this, it gently cleanses the skin without damaging it. When exposed to tissues, the solution kills infectious bacteria with lightning speed, thereby entering the fight against herpes, hepatitis of all kinds, HIV, adenovirus and many other ailments.
According to reviews, this is the best remedy if you need to disinfect open wounds or burns, because when it comes into contact with damaged tissue, it does not cause a burning sensation, and also does not have an unpleasant odor and does not taste.Doctors recommend having a jar of solution in every home first aid kit all year round, regardless of seasonal outbreaks of viral infections. However, do not forget that chlorhexidine is not compatible with soap, so you should not wash your hands before applying it.
5 Septolite-Antiseptic
Country: Russia
Average price: 172 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.5
One of the most effective ready-made products has a high percentage of isopropyl alcohol - 70%. Thanks to this, it reliably protects against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, including tuberculosis pathogens, as well as against fungi of the genus Candida and dermatophyton. The gel is also useful in the conditions of the spread of COVID-19, because its effectiveness has already been proven in the fight against ARVI and herpes infections, which are similar to coronavirus in the way they spread and live on the skin.
This antiseptic can be easily taken into the house "in reserve" - as they say in the reviews. After all, its shelf life in unopened form is 5 years, which is a lot for such a product. The consumption of the gel is economical, QAS is used as a synergistic additive in the composition - this increases the time of the antibacterial action, which allows the use of the disinfectant composition less frequently than analogues.
4 Miroseptic Express
Country: Russia
Average price: 149 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
Colorless, odorless and absolutely safe - this is about the Mirosetik disinfectant. Thanks to these qualities, it is deservedly recognized as one of the best antiseptics for people who suffer from allergies. Its undoubted advantage is the pH level of 5.5. This value corresponds to the natural value of the skin, which is considered ideal for protective functions.The liquid provides an antimicrobial effect for about 3 hours due to the active substance in the composition - cetrimonium chloride, which enhances the effect of alcohols.
In the line of disinfectant products of the brand, there are not only antiseptics in the classical sense, that is, liquid or gel-like products. There are also wet wipes, they are convenient to use for quick and thorough cleaning of even the smallest items that a person has to come into contact with.
3 Desiptol spray
Country: Russia
Average price: 109 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
Disinfectant liquid "Desiptol" is very versatile in use: it is great for the skin, and is also the best option for cleaning the whole house. The antiseptic can be used even on upholstered furniture - it does not leave marks and streaks, does not discolor fabrics even with intensive application. You can also spray on clothes and shoes, including leather and leatherette, without fear of spoiling things. But it is precisely the disposal of everything that a person was wearing on the street upon arrival home that is especially important during the coronavirus pandemic.
The product is poured into containers of two sizes - 0.5 l and 1 l. All containers are equipped with convenient spray nozzles, which simplifies the express disinfection of any surfaces. However, it is inconvenient to carry such volumes outside the home, so users recommend pouring the liquid into bottles for sanitizers, which can be purchased at pharmacies.
2 Hartmann Sterillium
Country: Germany
Average price: 310 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
The German-made disinfectant has a balanced composition: out of 75% alcohols, 45% is isopropyl.It kills almost 100% of non-spore-forming bacteria on human skin, and does it almost instantly, in less than 30 seconds. Due to the composition, which has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microflora for 3 hours after application, the antiseptic is actively used in the fight against many infections, including coronavirus.
The liquid is ideal for hands: it evaporates quickly when rubbed, the texture, unlike other similar products, is not sticky, the smell is weak. In the reviews, users note that with frequent use (more than 6-10 times a day), the skin of the hands does not dry out, there is no feeling of tightness and discomfort, which is especially important in the cold season. Moreover, the antiseptic does not cause irritation or toxic poisoning, so it is used even for small children. The only drawback is that there is no dispenser in the pocket version, and without it it is inconvenient to control the flow of funds.
Country: Russia
Average price: 313 rub.
Rating (2022): 5.0
A sufficiently strong antiseptic agent allows not only to reliably protect against viruses and bacteria, but also to take care of the skin. This is possible thanks to a special formula that does not contain alcohol. The composition includes a natural additive, the basis for which is carbohydrate syrup. It helps keep the skin smooth and supple while moisturizing and nourishing it. The new development is suitable even for hands with particularly sensitive skin. The disinfector is recommended for personnel who are forced to use skin antiseptics regularly during the day.
Respect for the skin is confirmed by reviews on the network.Users note that with regular use, the disinfectant does not irritate the skin and helps to tighten small scratches and abrasions. However, the gentle formulation does not prevent the disinfector from cracking down on all infections within 30 seconds. And the water-based formula provides a prolonged antimicrobial effect for 5 hours.