Place |
Name |
Characteristic in the rating |
1 | Fibos for cold water 1000 l/h | Effective post-cleaning at the finish. Compressed sorbent |
2 | TITANOF PTF | Titanium filter module. Cartridge does not require replacement |
3 | Aurus 2 | Multi-stage cleaning. Automatic flush |
4 | Honeywell Habedo F76S-1/2AA | The best quality according to professionals. famous brand |
5 | Aquaphor Viking | Durable stainless steel housing. Long service life of consumables |
6 | Geyser Typhoon 10 | Water softening effect. Good taste after filtration |
7 | Barrier VM 1/2 | The best pre-filter. Cheap and easy to install cartridges |
8 | Gileks 1 M 20 T | Housing made of transparent impact-resistant plastic. One year warranty |
9 | Atoll I-11SM-p STD for GV | Metal bracket for wall mounting included |
10 | New Water A082 | The best design. compactness |
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Several tasks are set for household water purification systems: removal of mechanical and organic impurities, precipitation of salts and dissolved iron, elimination of excess chlorine, improvement of taste. All of them are solved by installing main filters. They are placed mainly in the water pipes of private houses at the entry point, observing the order of fineness of filtration.
First - mesh pre-filters for coarse cleaning of particles up to 100 microns in size, then polypropylene or polyester (for cold and hot water, respectively) cartridges with a purification degree of up to 5 microns, and, finally, devices for ultrafiltration (0.002 – 0.1 microns). Many models are relevant for apartments in houses with old metal pipes.
If the water quality is high enough, as confirmed by laboratory tests, it is allowed to use another class of filters - flow filters. In addition, main filters can be mounted at points of consumption - in front of complex household appliances, under a sink or on a water tap. Experts, as well as our rating, will help you understand the full range of systems.
TOP 10 best main water filters
10 New Water A082
Country: Russia
Average price: 7 640 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.0
Many owners of apartments and houses, in addition to reliable operation and high-quality water purification, make another important requirement for main filters - an attractive appearance. It is connected with the fact that today it is customary not to hide equipment in a closet or under the sink, but, on the contrary, openly integrate it into the interior. Model A082 is optimal for such a solution. Made in the form of a flask made of brushed stainless steel, it looks great in a high-tech or loft style interior.
Another advantage is its small diameter, only 105 mm. This size allows you to embed the device between water pipes, thereby saving a lot of usable space. But about reliability, people write different things. Some say that the filter has been standing for a couple of years, and there is not a single sign of rust on it.Others argue that the case is partially made of stainless steel, it is not cast, but welded, respectively, traces of corrosion quickly appear at the welding points.
9 Atoll I-11SM-p STD for GV
Country: Russia (produced in Taiwan)
Average price: 5 630 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.1
The main issue that needs to be resolved after buying a flow filter is installation. If you do not want to spend money on the services of a specialist, you can do the installation yourself. The complete set of the Atoll I-11SM-p STD model provides everything you need for this, including built-in fittings for connecting to the plumbing system and a metal bracket for secure mounting on the wall. If you stock up on the necessary tools, there should be no difficulty connecting the filter.
More importantly, the device is equipped with a filter element. In many cases, inexperienced users miss to clarify this point and, due to the lower price, they buy only one flask without a cartridge. This model comes with a replaceable container with Pentek PD-25 or Atoll MP-20VG sorbent of standard configuration 10", designed for hot water filtration.
8 Gileks 1 M 20 T
Country: Russia
Average price: 3 675 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.3
The filter is intended for use in an apartment or garden plot. Its key features are small dimensions and weight (675x216x213 mm, 4.5 kg), the possibility of direct connection to the water supply and affordability. It is important to note that the flask is made transparent, which allows you to visually track the effectiveness of water purification and the need to replace the cartridge.
Despite the fact that the main materials are plastic and brass, there are no complaints about the strength of the structure. There is a video on the network where they crash test the model, and it adequately copes with the load. It is likely that the manufacturer also tests the reliability of its products, since it guarantees their integrity for 12 months. For comparison, other manufacturers have a warranty period of only 3-6 months.
7 Barrier VM 1/2
Country: Russia
Average price: RUB 1,439
Rating (2022): 4.3
This model is intended for purification of cold, up to 35°, water from ferruginous and mechanical impurities. It is allowed to use it in a centralized water supply system, in wells and wells, as well as at local points to protect household appliances. Rust, sand, silt are removed well, so the filter is often placed as the first stage in an integrated water treatment system. For stand-alone operation, it can be effective if the initial water quality and taste are close to ideal.
The body of the device is made of glass fiber reinforced polypropylene, a material with high rigidity and impact strength. The maximum pressure should not exceed 7 atm, the minimum effective pressure should not exceed 0.5 atm. According to reviews, the filter can withstand 8.5 atmospheres. The affordability of replaceable elements is also recorded in its merits (an average of 800 rubles). They need to be replaced on average 3-4 times a year.
6 Geyser Typhoon 10
Country: Russia
Average price: 5 220 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.5
It is known that one of the most common water supply problems is the formation of scale. It harms health with constant consumption as part of water, spoils household appliances and plumbing fixtures.At the same time, the complete removal of calcium salts from the water turns it into a tasteless liquid, which is difficult to quench your thirst. The research department of the Geyser company managed to find a solution - a method of softening water by changing the structure of salt deposits and suspensions.
Thanks to the use of the patented design of the Aragon-3 cartridge, conditions are created for the recrystallization of compounds from calcite to aragonite. Unlike carbonate, calcium aragonite is released as a loose substance that does not linger on surfaces. The mineral composition remains the same, but the liquid you drink does not create a burden on the kidneys. The water turns out delicious, filter buyers also praise its high-quality assembly and affordable price.
5 Aquaphor Viking
Country: Russia
Average price: RUB 8,990
Rating (2022): 4.5
Plastic main filters may not withstand the pressure of water supplied through pipes. The consequences of such accidents are very sad - a breakthrough in the water supply and flooding of neighbors from the lower apartments. The Russian manufacturer Aquaphor is well aware of this problem and is launching the Viking model on the market. Her flask is more massive than that of analogues, since it is made of stainless steel. Accordingly, it is capable of operating at a pressure of 6.3 atm, while municipal water utilities are supplied through pipes of 4–5 atm.
The operating temperature of the filter is +5...+90°, that is, it can be installed on both cold and hot water mains. The filter element is Aqualen-2 fibers, which are considered a smart sorbent of a new generation. They perform their task 100%, running water after cleaning becomes, according to users, transparent to blue.And you need to change cartridges infrequently - about 2 times a year. True, in the kit for HV and HV it comes out a little expensive - about 20 thousand rubles.
4 Honeywell Habedo F76S-1/2AA
Country: USA
Average price: RUB 12,990
Rating (2022): 4.6
The American corporation Honeywell has been in the TOP-100 of the Fortune world ranking for many years. It produces a wide range of products - from aerospace and automotive equipment to main filters for water purification. The F76S-1/2AA model is based on the patented Habedo block, provides a continuous supply of water and prevents the penetration of foreign particles into the main pipes - rust, sand, clay, etc.
The design provides for the removal of debris accumulated in the flask and mesh by a mechanical rather than manual method. To do this, it is enough to turn the handle of the ball valve and the dirt will be eliminated into a previously substituted container or into the sewer (connection required). The quality of the device is highly appreciated by buyers. Plumbers especially praise him, but they also warn that in the event of a breakdown, you will have to stock up on repair kits, and they are very expensive.
3 Aurus 2
Country: Russia
Average price: 10 990 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
Like all main filters, this model is installed in the initial node of the water supply for water purification for a house or apartment with 3-4 intake points. Its key difference is the complete safety of the filter element during the entire service life (10‒15 years). The design uses a string-membrane cartridge. Food grade stainless steel strings are 10 times thinner than a human hair.Due to vibration during the passage of the water flow, dirt does not accumulate in them, but is independently removed through the drainage hole. Accordingly, deep pores, due to which ordinary cartridges quickly clog, are absent here, and the cartridge does not need to be replaced, but only to keep it clean.
In addition to mechanical cleaning, the filter provides softening (due to the built-in magnetic converter) and neutralization of water from pathogenic microflora - for this, activated silver is applied to the filter surface.
Country: Russia
Average price: RUB 16,990
Rating (2022): 4.7
The characteristics of the model in official sources are truly intriguing: the filter makes water transparent, tasty, removes harmful impurities from it and inhibits the growth of microorganisms. Remarkably, no consumables are provided. The cartridge for it is made of sintered titanium powder, has micropores up to 0.8 microns in size, and when the device is installed in the main water supply system at home or locally in an apartment, it allows you to achieve optimal water indicators.
When contaminated, the filter element must be removed and washed with a 10% solution of citric acid. The number of cycles is not limited, and the expiration date specified by the manufacturer reaches 50 years. Sounds a little fabulous? So the reviews are far from unambiguous - they say that the flow filter does not work, money wasted in vain, etc. But if you dig deeper, the truth will be somewhere in the middle. TITANOF really provides fine cleaning, retaining rust, chlorine and bacteria, but is powerless against alkalis and acids, as well as sand, silt and clay.
1 Fibos for cold water 1000 l/h
Country: Russia
Average price: 2 300 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
The Fibos Trade company suggests using a carbon filter on a cold water supply (up to 40 °) in order to clarify it, remove chlorine and eliminate unusual odors and tastes. Thus, active chlorine is eliminated by 100%, heavy metals by 98–99%, hexachlorocyclohexane (a pesticide widely used in agriculture) by 95%. Filtration is carried out by a replaceable cartridge with activated carbon made from coconut shells. The special technology of pressing the sorbent prevents the re-emission of contaminants into the treated water.
Among the advantages of the device, users call efficiency in the fight against the smell of bleach. According to them, the water really becomes much lighter and tastes better. The indicated productivity (1 cubic meter/hour) is enough for drawing water in a small house or apartment for 2-3 people. If there are more users, it is required to select a flow system with a throughput increased to 3 cubic meters per hour. It should also be borne in mind that with severe contamination of the main water, one purification stage will not be enough.