№ |
Name |
Rating |
Nomination |
1 | clean paws | 4.82 | Gift inside the package |
2 | homecat | 4.70 | The largest volume |
3 | Vitaline Eco №1 | 4.65 | Suitable for kittens |
4 | Kuzya | 4.62 | The best price for absorbent filler |
5 | CC Cat | 4.60 | Small sawdust, does not clog the sewer |
1 | ECO-Premium Green | 4.76 | Strong pine scent |
2 | Cat Step Wood Original | 4.63 | Soft granules |
3 | Cat's Best Original | 4.58 | The most popular clumping filler |
4 | Net Tom | 4.48 | The best ratio of price and quality |
5 | N1 Naturel Green tea | 4.43 | Pleasant green tea scent |
Despite the huge number of various fillers on sale, wood ones are especially popular. And it's not just the affordable price. Wood filler is completely natural, suitable for cats prone to allergies and kittens. Curious animals that love to try everything on the tooth will not suffer from it. For many, it is important that the used pressed sawdust can be flushed down the toilet in small portions without fear of clogging the sewer. There are two types of wood fillers on sale - absorbent and clumping.The first option is cheaper, the second is more economical and more convenient to use. The main advantages of both types of filler are safety, biodegradability and natural coniferous aroma.
The best absorbent wood fillers
Absorbent wood filler is a granule of pressed sawdust. For production, coniferous wood is used, which smells good, has a natural antibacterial, antimicrobial effect. Absorbent filler is available in granules of different sizes. It contains only wood, a completely natural, animal-safe product. This is an inexpensive option, a package of 5-10 liters costs 100-300 rubles.
Top 5. CC Cat
Granules are small compressed sawdust. Throwing them into the toilet in a small amount, you can not be afraid of blockages.
- Country Russia
- Average price: 144 rubles.
- Weight: 3 kg
- Absorption: 8 l
This absorbent filler is characterized by smaller granules. It is made from high-quality light sawdust, it smells pleasantly of pine needles and fresh wood. Granules instantly absorb the liquid, retain the smell well. The filler is made from very small sawdust, so in a small amount it can be flushed down the toilet without fear of clogging the sewer. Buyers are satisfied with the naturalness of the filler, economical consumption. Small granules are liked by many cats, and the coniferous aroma masks unpleasant odors. The filler is inexpensive, but of high quality. Packing one cat is enough for a month.Minus - you can not pour a thick layer, the sawdust swells strongly and begins to roll over the edge of the tray.
- economical consumption
- Small light granules
- Can be flushed down the toilet
- Natural pine aroma
- Granules break down into small sawdust
Top 4. Kuzya
This is the most inexpensive wood filler in the ranking. It quickly absorbs liquid and is economically consumed.
- Country Russia
- Average price: 112 rubles.
- Weight: 2.5 kg
- Absorption: 4.5 l
Not the most popular, but high-quality filler from large wood pellets. Compared to other brands, it does not have a strong smell, and the sawdust is not so fine. It absorbs liquid well, it is not often necessary to completely change the tray. Despite the small size of the package, it lasts for a long time. Due to large sawdust, the filler does not generate dust, it is less scattered around the apartment. Many users buy this filler regularly. In the reviews, they indicate a good value for money, the absence of a pronounced smell. Some choose it because of the large granules. It's inexpensive, but great for a cat litter box. Minus - not available in large volume packages.
- Large granules
- No pronounced odor
- Not dusty
- Absorbs well
- Sold in small packages
Top 3. Vitaline Eco №1
This filler has the smallest granules compared to other absorbent counterparts from the rating. It is good for kittens.
- Country Russia
- Average price: 199 rubles.
- Weight: 3 kg
- Absorption: 4.5 l
The smallest absorbent wood litter in the ranking is suitable for kittens. The granules are dense, light, with a pronounced aroma of needles. They absorb well, crumble into sawdust not too quickly, so one bookmark in the cat litter is enough for a long time. According to buyers, the quality of the filler is not inferior to more expensive counterparts from other manufacturers. Minus - small granules are not suitable for large cats. The rest of the filler is excellent. Judging by the reviews, it is economically consumed, does not dust. Swollen sawdust does not stick to the paws much if you change the cat litter in time. According to the observations of users, it retains odor better than other absorbent wood fillers.
- Fine granules, suitable for kittens
- Good quality
- Holds scent for a long time
- Absorbs well, does not dust
- Not suitable for large cats
Top 2. homecat
The filler in a large bag is designed to absorb up to 16 liters of liquid. It lasts for a long time.
- Country Russia
- Average price: 192 rubles.
- Weight: 5.3 kg
- Absorption capacity: 16 l
Budget wood filler is produced in small dense granules with a diameter of 6 mm. Made from conifers, it smells like wood and resin, neutralizes the smell of a cat's tray. Is issued in packings from 3 to 20 kg. The filler is inexpensive, a package of 5.4 kg costs an average of 200 rubles. This amount is enough to absorb up to 16 liters of liquid. According to the huge number of reviews, we can conclude the popularity of the filler.It suits buyers with its price-quality ratio, absorbency, coniferous aroma, economical consumption. The granules are dense, do not disintegrate immediately after liquid enters. The disadvantage is that if you do not change the tray in time, the sawdust sticks to the paws and is scattered around the house.
- Good value for money
- Absorbs quickly
- Pleasant smell of wood and pine needles
- Dense granules, economical consumption
- Sawdust sticks to paws
Top 1. clean paws
In each package, the buyer is waiting for a gift - a bag of grass seeds for cats.
- Country Russia
- Average price: 187 rubles.
- Weight: 4.5 kg
- Absorption: 12 l
High-quality wood filler at a price of less than 200 rubles per package of 4.5 kg. The granules are small, dense, light in color, without debris and dust. They absorb moisture well, break up into small sawdust. In a small amount, the filler can be thrown into the toilet. Pine aroma interrupts the smell of cat litter. The consumption is economical, a package of 4.5 kg is enough for one cat for a month. In each package, buyers will receive a gift - a bag of grass seeds for cats. The filler is popular, users have left a lot of reviews about it. The pluses they include quality, absorbency, coniferous aroma, economical consumption. Minus - the granules are obtained by pressing small sawdust, which stick to the paws and are taken apart around the apartment.
- Light granules from high-quality sawdust
- Gift inside the package
- Economical consumption, enough for a month
- Pleasant pine scent
- Very fine sawdust, stick to paws
The best clumping wood fillers
Compared to absorbent, clumping wood fillers are more expensive, but are more economical and retain odors better. They consist of wood fibers, sometimes with natural additives. Such fillers perfectly absorb liquid, but do not crumble, but are collected in dense lumps, which are easy to pick up with a scoop and throw into the toilet. The clumping filler is less dusty, it is not pulled apart on the paws of cats around the apartment.
Top 5. N1 Naturel Green tea
Natural filler with the addition of green tea leaves smells good and effectively neutralizes unpleasant odors.
- Country: China
- Average price: 500 rubles.
- Weight: 2.1 kg
- Absorption: 4.5 l
High-quality filler from cedar wood fibers with the addition of green tea to neutralize odor. It has a fairly strong aroma, but does not contain chemical additives. The granules are small and clumpy well. When disposed of in the toilet, they quickly disintegrate into individual fibers. The filler almost does not produce dust, it does not spread much around the apartment on its paws. Many buyers take it all the time, they are satisfied with its properties - absorbency, environmental friendliness, and the effectiveness of retaining the smell of cat litter. But in order to form dense lumps, the filler must be poured in a thick layer. A 2.1 kg package goes completely into a large tray, the consumption is not the most economical.
- Filler with green tea
- Long lasting smell of cat litter
- Can be disposed of in the toilet
- Forms dense clumps
- Should be applied in a thick layer
Top 4. Net Tom
Among the clumping wood fillers, this is the best option in terms of price and quality. It has a natural composition and retains unpleasant odors well.
- Country Russia
- Average price: 329 rubles.
- Weight: 2 kg
- Absorption: 5 l
Clumping wood litter for cat litter with a granule size of 2-6 mm. Not compressed into pellets, made from natural wood fibers. There are no extraneous additives in the composition of the filler, the natural coniferous aroma masks unpleasant odors well. Forms dense lumps when exposed to moisture. If they are removed in time, there is no need to often change the tray completely. Buyers like the combination of natural filler with good absorbency and cost-effectiveness. It retains the smell well, crumple, does not clog the sewer. But because of too small granules, it clings to the paws, spreads around the apartment.
- natural composition
- Eliminates bad odor
- Clumps well
- Can be flushed down the toilet
- Clings to paws
Top 3. Cat's Best Original
Among the clumping litters participating in the rating, Cats Best Original scored the largest number of customer reviews.
- Country: Germany
- Average price: 559 rubles.
- Weight: 2.1 kg
- Absorption: 5 l
One of the most popular clumping fillers. It costs more than many wood counterparts, but is made in Germany, high-quality and economical. The product is environmentally friendly, without flavorings and extraneous additives. Granules 2-6 mm in size, soft, absorb liquid well.It blocks the smell of cat litter well, stays clean for a long time if lumps are removed in time. Many buyers consider it one of the best clumping wood fillers. It forms rather dense lumps. Detains the smell for a long time, but because of the small granules it clings to the paws, spreads around the apartment. The filler is sold in small and large packages.
- Produced in Germany
- Soft granules
- Forms dense clumps
- Holds odor well
- Clings to paws
See also:
Top 2. Cat Step Wood Original
The filler granules are soft and pleasant to the touch. It does not injure the paw pads, suitable for kittens.
- Country Russia
- Average price: 365 rubles.
- Weight: 2.3 kg
- Absorption: 5 l
High-quality filler from wood fibers. Pleasantly smells like pine needles, effectively blocks the smell of cat litter. It consists of soft granules of different sizes, which quickly clump into a lump when liquid enters. The filler is economical. Packing weighing 2.3 kg for one cat is enough for a month. The resulting lumps can be flushed down the drain without the risk of clogging it. According to user reviews, the filler does not dust, it spreads less around the apartment compared to absorbent granules. It is soft to the touch, does not injure the paw pads, suitable for adult cats and kittens. Minus - the lumps are not dense enough, they can fall apart when you try to remove them with a scoop.
- Economical consumption, enough for a month
- Soft granules
- Can be thrown down the toilet
- Not dusty
- Lumps are not dense enough
See also:
Top 1. ECO-Premium Green
The filler forms dense lumps that are easily removed from the tray with a scoop. A pronounced coniferous aroma eliminates unpleasant odors.
- Country Russia
- Average price: 390 rubles.
- Weight: 1.9 kg
- Absorption: 9 l
Biodegradable, natural wood fiber filler made using Austrian technology. When moisture enters, it forms dense lumps, which are easily removed from the total mass. Does not fall apart into sawdust, does not dust, does not cling to paws. Cat litter stays cleaner longer than absorbent litter. It neutralizes odor well, it is economically consumed. Reviews about the filler are good. Small granules form stable lumps. If you remove them immediately, one filling of the tray is enough for a long time. The filler smells pleasantly of pine needles, completely blocks unpleasant odors. Minus - so that the lumps do not fall apart, you need to pour the filler in a thick layer.
- Forms dense clumps
- Fine granules
- Enough for a long time
- The smell of pine needles
- Should be applied in a thick layer
See also: