10 best analogues of Linex

Linex is the most advertised preparation of the probiotic group, which does not have the best dosing regimen and is quite expensive. Ranked at iquality.techinfus.com/en/, you will find inexpensive, effective and easy-to-use probiotics that will quickly relieve the symptoms of dysbacteriosis.
1 Lactobalance 4.80
Excellent quality
2 Buck-set forte 4.76
Convenient storage
3 Bifiform 4.75
Best value for money
4 Enterol 4.74
Best Selling
5 Normobact L 4.73
Most Studied Formula
6 Bion 3 4.65
rich composition
7 Acipol 4.60
The best prophylactic
8 Maxilak 4.58
Multi-strain synbiotic
9 Lactofiltrum 4.44
Best price
10 Actoflor-S 4.20
Best Metabiotic

Each person has a unique ecosystem of bacteria (microbiota). This is especially true for the gastrointestinal tract: beneficial lacto- and bifidobacteria help digest food, protect against pathogens, and create the correct pH level in the intestines. Our microflora is diverse, stable and dynamic at the same time. The level of beneficial bacteria is affected by many factors, the most common of which are: taking antibiotics and hormones, diseases of the digestive tract, stress, malnutrition, and decreased immunity.

Probiotics help restore the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract - preparations that contain live lactobacilli, bifidobacteria and other components of the normal intestinal microbiota. All funds in this group have a similar mechanism of action, so there are many cheaper analogues of Linex that are recommended for adults.

When choosing drugs, you should pay attention to the number of beneficial bacteria. To maximize the effect, WHO recommends taking medication at a dose of more than 1 billion CFU (colony-forming units) per day. You can see the dosage in the instructions for use, often this information is indicated on the front of the package.

When choosing between tablets and drinking forms should be based on personal preference. Liquid probiotics work faster, but require refrigeration and have a short shelf life. Tablets are more convenient for daily use, they are easy to take with you, but their effect will take time to realize.

Comparison of analogues of Linex



Active ingredients



864 rub.

Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium infantis, Enterococcus faecium, lactose




750 rub.

Saccharomyces boulardii CNCM I-745



541 rub.

Bifidobacterium longum, Enterococcus faecium



352 rub.

Lactobacillus acidophilus, polysaccharide of kefir fungus



313 rub.

Lignin, lactulose



535 rub.

Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Streptococcus thermophilus, fructooligosaccharides


Bion 3

915 rub.

Lactobacillus gasseri, Bifidobacterium longum and bifidum, vitamin and mineral complex



1031 rub.

Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium



417 rub.

Analogues of metabolites of probiotic bacterial strains


Buck-set forte

450 rub.

Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Lactococcus, Streptococcus thermophilus

Great Britain

Normobact L

497 rub.

Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, fructooligosaccharides


There are contraindications! Consult your doctor!

Top 10. Actoflor-S

Rating (2022): 4.20
Accounted for 182 feedback from resources: Yandex.Market, Otzovik, Eapteka, iRecommend, Ozone
Best Metabiotic

A complex of amino acids and organic acids that promote the growth of beneficial intestinal microflora.

  • Average price: 417 rubles.
  • Country Russia
  • Active ingredients: lactic acid, succinic acid, formic acid, L-lysine hydrochloride, L-glutamic acid, L-valine, L-methionine, L-alanine, L-leucine, glycine, L-aspartic acid
  • Release form: liquid in dropper tubes

Actoflor-S belongs to a new group of drugs for the intestines - metabiotics. It does not contain beneficial bacteria themselves, but their metabolites, which normalize the state of the microbiota of the gastrointestinal tract. The advantage of the drug is the maximum bioavailability, since its components are not destroyed by the gastrointestinal tract and reach the point of application (large intestine) unchanged. The tool is available in liquid form, so it begins to act faster than tablets. However, Actoflor-S also has disadvantages. Buyers complain about the sharp sour taste of the solution, and for some people the effect after the course did not live up to expectations.

Pros and cons
  • Innovative formula
  • Purposeful action
  • Portion vials
  • Nasty taste
  • Doesn't help everyone

Top 9. Lactofiltrum

Rating (2022): 4.44
Accounted for 754 feedback from resources: Protablets, Yandex.Market, Otzovik, Eapteka, iRecommend
Best price

The cheapest analogue of Linex in this rating, which does a good job of treating dysbacteriosis and detoxifying the body.

  • Average price: 313 rubles.
  • Country Russia
  • Active ingredients: lignin, lactulose
  • Release form: capsules

The medicine contains a prebiotic to stimulate the growth of beneficial microflora in the intestines and an enterosorbent to remove toxins and other harmful components from the gastrointestinal tract. The medicine normalizes the frequency of stool, helps with constipation. The double effect of Laktofiltrum allows the use of the drug not only for dysbiosis, but also for the complex therapy of allergies, poisoning, irritable bowel syndrome. An inexpensive Russian drug is well-deservedly popular among doctors and patients, but it should be borne in mind that there are no live lacto- and bifidobacteria in the composition. Therefore, Laktofiltrum is combined with probiotics to quickly normalize the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.

Pros and cons
  • Help with dysbacteriosis
  • Removes toxins from the body
  • Eliminates constipation
  • Many application options
  • No live bacteria

Top 8. Maxilak

Rating (2022): 4.58
Accounted for 559 reviews from resources: Protablets, Yandex.Market, Otzovik, Eapteka, iRecommend
Multi-strain synbiotic

The drug contains 3 strains of bifidobacteria, 5 strains of lactobacilli, thermophilic streptococcus and prebiotics in the form of fructooligosaccharides.

  • Average price: 535 rubles.
  • Country: Poland
  • Active ingredients: Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Streptococcus thermophilus, fructooligosaccharides
  • Release form: capsules

The new generation synbiotic has a more varied and balanced composition compared to Linex, so it works better and faster. According to the instructions for use, the drug copes with diarrhea after taking antibiotics, constipation, dysbacteriosis and other intestinal disorders. Packing Maxilac should be taken with you on a trip to prevent the development of travelers' diarrhea.The scheme of use 1 time per day and tasteless capsules make the use of the drug as convenient as possible. In terms of 1 tablet, the price of Maxilac will be higher than other probiotics from the rating, therefore, taking into account the long course, the treatment will be non-budgetary.

Pros and cons
  • Innovative formula
  • Most Effective Ingredients
  • Quickly eliminates dysbacteriosis
  • Convenient application scheme
  • High price

Top 7. Acipol

Rating (2022): 4.60
Accounted for 645 reviews from resources: Protablets, Yandex.Market, Otzovik, Ozone, Eapteka
The best prophylactic

The drug is compatible with antibiotics and other drugs, therefore it is often prescribed in complex treatment to prevent intestinal dysbiosis.

  • Average price: 352 rubles.
  • Country Russia
  • Active ingredients: lactobacilli acidophilus, kefir fungus polysaccharide
  • Release form: capsules

A good and inexpensive drug that is actively used to treat dysbacteriosis in adults and adolescents. This Russian substitute for Linex is often prescribed for prophylactic purposes when taking antibiotics, as well as to correct existing intestinal problems. The combined composition with a prebiotic enhances the effectiveness of the course of treatment, helps to restore local immunity in the intestines. The capsules are small and easy to swallow, but the bright red shell makes you think of the presence of unnecessary dyes. To get a lasting result, the tablets will have to be taken for at least 2 weeks.

Pros and cons
  • double action
  • Prebiotic in the composition
  • Inexpensive analogue of Linex
  • Ease of use
  • Dyes in the composition
  • Long course

Top 6. Bion 3

Rating (2022): 4.65
Accounted for 281 feedback from resources: Yandex.Market, Otzovik, Eapteka, iRecommend, Ozone
rich composition

In addition to 3 strains of probiotics, the drug contains 12 vitamins and 9 microelements, which comprehensively improve the condition of the digestive system.

  • Average price: 915 rubles.
  • Country: Austria
  • Active ingredients: Lactobacillus gasseri, Bifidobacterium longum, Bifidobacterium bifidum, vitamin and mineral complex
  • Release form: capsules

A combined drug with a triple action that normalizes the intestinal microflora and is recommended for the prevention of dysbacteriosis while taking antibiotics. The complex composition helps to improve the functioning of the immune system, saturates the body with essential nutrients. Vitamins and minerals are present in medium concentrations, so the risk of overdose and hypervitaminosis is excluded. The main inconvenience during use is called the bitter taste, which, if the tablet is accidentally bitten, remains in the mouth for a long time. A full course of treatment will not be cheap, since adults are recommended to drink Bion 3 for 1 month.

Pros and cons
  • 24 components in the composition
  • Patented Triple Formula
  • Optimal Nutrient Doses
  • Prevention of diarrhea with antibiotic therapy
  • bitter pills
  • Expensive drug

Top 5. Normobact L

Rating (2022): 4.73
Accounted for 381 feedback from resources: Yandex.Market, Otzovik, Eapteka, iRecommend, Ozone
Most Studied Formula

Beneficial lactobacilli LGG have been used for over 20 years, described in 1000 scientific publications, studied in detail in 300 clinical studies.

  • Average price: 432 rubles.
  • Country: Denmark
  • Active ingredients: Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, fructooligosaccharides
  • Release form: portion sachets with powder

Synbiotic Normobact L contains a probiotic and a prebiotic, so it works as quickly and efficiently as possible. The tool will help remove dysbacteriosis after antibiotics, cope with the consequences of intestinal infection and traveler's diarrhea. The drug is available in powder, which must be dissolved in water, yogurt or kefir. With the use of many patients there are problems, because the product clumps and does not mix well in the liquid, and not everyone will like the resulting drink. However, safety, lack of adverse reactions and good effect force people to come to terms with some disadvantages.

Pros and cons
  • Synbiotic Formula
  • Efficiency Guaranteed
  • Wide range of indications
  • Portion packaging
  • Difficulties with application

Top 4. Enterol

Rating (2022): 4.74
Accounted for 620 reviews from resources: Protablets, Yandex.Market, Otzovik, Ozone, iRecommend
Best Selling

According to Yandex.Wordstat, more than 190 thousand people are interested in the drug every month, it has hundreds of reviews on different sites.

  • Average price: 750 rubles.
  • Country: France
  • Active ingredients: Saccharomyces boulardii CNCM I-745
  • Release form: capsules

An effective and time-tested probiotic recommended by most doctors. This is an original preparation containing non-pathogenic yeast Saccharomyces boulardii. Enterol quickly begins to act, has a complex effect on the state of the intestinal microflora and helps to cope with dysbacteriosis of any severity. The probiotic inhibits the reproduction of some pathogenic bacteria, effectively eliminates the signs of food poisoning and stool disorders.Among the disadvantages of Enterol, it is worth noting the need to take it twice a day strictly 1 hour before meals and the unpleasant aftertaste of the capsules.

Pros and cons
  • High quality
  • Helps with diarrhea
  • Antimicrobial action
  • Recommended by experts
  • Inconvenient application scheme

Top 3. Bifiform

Rating (2022): 4.75
Accounted for 430 reviews from resources: Protablets, Yandex.Market, Otzovik, Ozone, Eapteka
Best value for money

An effective combined probiotic that helps with most intestinal problems due to dysbacteriosis.

  • Average price: 541 rubles.
  • Country: Italy
  • Active ingredients: Bifidobacterium longum, Enterococcus faecium
  • Release form: capsules

The drug costs 1.5 times cheaper than Linex and is not inferior to it in terms of effectiveness. The instructions for use of Bifiform have a large list of indications, in addition, doctors often prescribe it in the complex restoration of the vaginal microflora in women. Since the composition does not contain lactose, the drug does not cause unpleasant symptoms in people with intolerance to this component. Bifiform helps with acute diarrhea, so it is also used to treat food poisoning and stool disorders from a change in diet. However, for some patients, this medicine is not suitable, so if there is no effect, you should consult a doctor.

Pros and cons
  • good composition
  • Wide range of indications
  • Contains no lactose
  • Relieves diarrhea quickly
  • Doesn't help everyone

Top 2. Buck-set forte

Rating (2022): 4.76
Accounted for 1014 reviews from resources: Yandex.Market, Otzovik, Eapteka, iRecommend, Ozone
Convenient storage

The drug is produced in an improved encapsulated form, so the bacteria retain their viability at room temperature.

  • Average price: 450 rubles.
  • Country: UK
  • Active ingredients: Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Lactococcus, Streptococcus thermophilus Active ingredients: Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Lactococcus, Streptococcus thermophilus
  • Release form: capsules

An effective and inexpensive probiotic, which is one of the best analogues of Linex. The drug contains 14 strains of beneficial bacteria of different types, which completely restore the intestinal microflora and eliminate signs of dysbiosis. The tool can be taken simultaneously with antibiotics, used for diarrhea and constipation, as well as in the complex therapy of food allergies. The drug is highly effective and well tolerated, many consider it the best pharmacy option for dysbacteriosis. It should be borne in mind that the minimum course lasts 2 weeks, so an adult will need at least 2 packs of tablets.

Pros and cons
  • Affordable price
  • Multi-strain probiotic
  • Clinically proven effectiveness
  • Many application options
  • Few capsules per package

Top 1. Lactobalance

Rating (2022): 4.80
Accounted for 482 feedback from resources: Yandex.Market, Otzovik, Eapteka, iRecommend, Ozone
Excellent quality

The drug is produced on the basis of highly effective strains of bifido- and lactobacilli, contains 3 billion probiotic microorganisms in one capsule.

  • Average price: 1031 rubles.
  • Country: USA
  • Active ingredients: Lactobacillus (3 strains), Bifidobacterium (6 strains)
  • Release form: capsules

The premium American multibiotic is widely used to restore microflora after taking aggressive drugs, relieve diarrheal syndrome, and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Beneficial bacteria are resistant to the action of gastric juice, so they reach the intestines, where they begin to actively act. Laktobalance is convenient to use: you only need to drink one capsule per day, and the product does not require storage in the refrigerator and can be taken with you to work / on a trip. Of the minuses, buyers note the large size of the tablet, so there may be problems with swallowing it. The price of the course is quite high, but it is justified by high quality and efficiency.

Pros and cons
  • Useful multibiotic
  • Maximum bioavailability
  • Simple application scheme
  • Complex action
  • Too large capsules
  • Expensive medicine
Which analogue of Linex do you consider the best?
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