The best milk formula for newborns - Nan, Nestozhen or Nutrilon?

1. Compound

Which formula is closest to breast milk?
RatingsSimilac: 5.0, Nestogen: 4.9, NAN: 4.8, Nutrilon: 4.7Friso: 4.6, Nutrilak: 4.5, Baby: 4.4

Nestogen 1

Good value for money

Inexpensive mixture is balanced in composition. It's sweet, smells good, and kids love it.

2. Taste

What's the tastiest mix?
RatingsNAN: 5.0, Nestogen: 4.9, Baby: 4.8, Nutrilon: 4.7Similac: 4.6Friso: 4.5, Nutrilak: 4.4

NAN 1 Optipro

Best Taste

Milk formula is very tasty. It is sweetish, but not cloying, the consistency is homogeneous, without lumps and grains.

3. Solubility

Which mixture dissolves quickly and without lumps?
RatingsNAN: 5.0, Nutrilon: 4.9Similac: 4.8, Nutrilak: 4.7, Nestogen: 4.6, Baby: 4.5Friso: 4.4

Nutrilon 1 Comfort

Relief from colic and regurgitation

Newborn babies on this mixture become calmer. They are not disturbed by pain in the tummy, and regurgitation stops.

4. Quality

We determine the quality by the impact on the well-being of children
RatingsSimilac: 5.0, Baby: 4.9, Nestogen: 4.8, NAN: 4.7Friso: 4.6, Nutrilak: 4.5, Nutrilon: 4.4

Malyutka Sour Milk 1

No more constipation

The sour-milk base helps to normalize the baby's digestion. Constipation goes away, and with it, colic.

5. Convenience of packaging

What mixture is packaged in the most convenient packaging?
RatingsFriso: 5.0, NAN: 4.9, Nutrilon: 4.8, Baby: 4.7, Nestogen: 4.6, Nutrilak: 4.5Similac: 4.4

Friso VOM 1

Good vitamin content

Vitamins are important for children who are not gaining weight well. There are plenty of them in this mix.

6. Price

We analyze the cost, looking for the best value for money
RatingsSimilac: 5.0, Nestogen: 4.9, Baby: 4.8, NAN: 4.7, Nutrilak: 4.6, Nutrilon: 4.5Friso: 4.4

Similac Abbott 1

Affordable price and good composition

Similac will not harm the family budget. The mixture is available, but the composition is better than a lot of expensive baby food - without palm and rapeseed oil.

7. Comparison results

We name the winner and the key advantages of each mixture
Popular vote - what do you think is the best infant formula?
Total voted: 208
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Pay attention! The results of comparisons are the developments of the author of the material, are for informational purposes and should not serve as a guide to buying. For advice, you should contact the experts!

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