The best hypoallergenic mixture for babies - Bellakt, Nutrilak or Nan?

1. Compound

What ingredients are in the mixture?
RatingsNutrilak: 5.0Similac: 4.9, MAMAKO: 4.9, Bellakt: 4.7, NAN: 4.7

Nutrilak Premium Hypoallergenic

Therapeutic effect

It is used not only for prevention, but also as part of the complex treatment of manifestations of atopic dermatitis.

2. Taste qualities

What is the favorite mix for kids?
RatingsNAN: 5.0, MAMAKO: 4.9Similac: 4.6, Nutrilak: 4.5, Bellakt: 4.5

NAN (Nestle) ExpertPro Hypoallergenic

Moms Choice

The tastiest hydrolyzed protein formula that most babies love.
Rating member: 10 Best Hypoallergenic Blends

3. Solubility

How easy is it to prepare meals?
RatingsSimilac: 5.0, Bellakt: 4.6, NAN: 4.5, Nutrilak: 4.5, MAMAKO: 4.0

4. Package

What is the mixture packaged in and is there a measuring spoon?
RatingsMAMAKO: 5.0Similac: 4.9, NAN: 4.9, Nutrilak: 4.0, Bellakt: 4.0

MAMAKO Premium with goat milk

Free of cow's milk proteins

Best option for babies with severe milk protein allergies when other hypoallergenic formulas are not suitable.

5. Price

What is the price of baby food?
RatingsSimilac: 5.0, Bellakt: 4.8, Nutrilak: 4.5, NAN: 4.5, MAMAKO: 4.0

6. Comparison results

Which baby food is recognized as the best according to the results of all comparison criteria?

Similac (Abbott) Hypoallergenic

Replacement for breast milk

Contains breast milk oligosaccharides, which are necessary for good digestion and immunity of the child.
What is the best hypoallergenic formula for babies?
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Pay attention! The results of comparisons are the developments of the author of the material, are for informational purposes and should not serve as a guide to buying. For advice, you should contact the experts!

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