15 Best Child Car Seats on AliExpress

15 Best Child Car Seats on AliExpress
20 008

Seat belts in the car have saved more than one life. But if adult passengers can simply fasten them, then in the case of children this cannot be done without a car seat. The product is not cheap, so in search of the best model, parents often look towards Aliexpress, where you can find the best option for a reasonable price.

10 Best Hybrid Headphones from AliExpress

10 Best Hybrid Headphones from AliExpress
16 415

The main feature of hybrid headphones is that they combine armature and dynamic drivers. Due to this, it is possible to achieve a balanced surround sound, in which both low and high frequencies are clearly audible. Experts at iquality.techinfus.com/en/ have studied the entire range of headphones on Aliexpress and selected the best hybrid models.

15 best bluetooth speakers from Aliexpress

15 best bluetooth speakers from Aliexpress
205 768

The range of portable speakers has long been not limited to low-power models that fit in one hand. But the prices in stores can be too unpleasant. But on Aliexpress you can always find a suitable option, because the choice here is ten times greater. Experts at iquality.techinfus.com/en/ have ranked the best bluetooth speakers from Aliexpress, having studied the reviews and the most important characteristics.

20 best women's handbags from Aliexpress

20 best women's handbags from Aliexpress
44 704

Every year more and more women go for a new bag not to Italy, but to China, and virtual - to the Aliexpress site. Firstly, it is cheaper, and secondly, it is more convenient. The site has a lot of beautiful women's handbags of good quality. You just need to be able to choose. Don't believe? See for yourself! Only the best models were included in the rating.

15 best folding knives from Aliexpress

15 best folding knives from Aliexpress
49 874

A folding knife is an indispensable tool for hiking, fishing and even at home. Its main advantages are its compactness and retractable blade. Such a product can be worn in a pocket or on a belt without fear of injuring yourself or cutting yourself. Experts at iquality.techinfus.com/en/ have selected the best knives in different price categories that are sold on AliExpress.

10 best self-inflating mattresses and mats from AliExpress

10 best self-inflating mattresses and mats from AliExpress
8 181

Self-inflating travel mats and mattresses increase the comfort of your stay. If earlier only expensive brands “played” on the market, then with the advent of AliExpress, they became more affordable. iquality.techinfus.com/en/ site experts have compiled a rating of the best self-inflating mattresses and rugs from Aliexpress, taking into account customer reviews.

15 best 6 inch smartphones from AliExpress

15 best 6 inch smartphones from AliExpress
12 123

Every year, manufacturers launch dozens of new smartphones on the market. You can take the first one that comes across on Aliexpress, focusing only on the price tag and design. However, the joy of such a purchase may be short-lived. And to prevent this from happening, we offer the best models with the popular 6-inch screen diagonal.

15 best monoculars from Aliexpress

15 best monoculars from Aliexpress
61 096

The monocular is a thing that fishermen, hunters, tourists, golfers and everyone who prefers outdoor recreation need. Also, the device is suitable for monitoring children in the yard. Most models are made in China, so it makes sense not to overpay and order optics on Aliexpress. We have included in the rating the most successful monoculars from this site.

10 best battery chargers from Aliexpress

10 best battery chargers from Aliexpress
79 690

Choosing the best car battery charger iquality.techinfus.com/en/ experts have selected the best and cheapest options of various types from AliExpress. The top includes compact and powerful devices. They are suitable for lithium, lead-acid, gel and other batteries installed in a car or motorcycle.

20 best car holders from Aliexpress

20 best car holders from Aliexpress
42 414

An armrest, a cup holder or a niche near the gear lever is not the best place for a smartphone or tablet in a car, especially if the gadget is used as a navigator or multimedia system. Holders for fixing the device on the steering wheel, dashboard, windshield or mirror will help simplify life. The best options with Aliexpress are presented in the ranking.

10 Best Laptop Cooling Pads from AliExpress

10 Best Laptop Cooling Pads from AliExpress
9 536

Should You Buy a Laptop Cooling Pad? Yes and no. For those who use the device only to work with documents and watch movies, it makes no sense to spend money. But for a stable download of heavy games and applications, you should purchase this device.The experts at iquality.techinfus.com/en/ have selected the best cooling pads from Aliexpress.

10 Best Portable Gas Burners from AliExpress

10 Best Portable Gas Burners from AliExpress
21 492

The main function of gas burners is to ensure stable combustion of fuel and regulate the process. They have only two areas of application: hiking (cooking, melting snow) and domestic use (heating and soldering products, repairs). We have included in the rating the best gas burners that can be ordered on AliExpress.

20 Best Aquarium Products from Aliexpress

20 Best Aquarium Products from Aliexpress
14 137

To create a beautiful aquarium world, you need not only the right container, fish and plants, but also a lot of different equipment. Most items are sold at the nearest pet store, but the largest selection is on AliExpress. And the prices on the Chinese trading platform are more pleasing. The best products for the aquarium with Aliexpress are included in the rating.

Aliexpress is a part of the Alibaba Group Corporation. It's hard to believe, but the empire was created in the apartment of a simple Chinese Ma Yun, known under the pseudonym Jack Ma.After the failure of the first Chinese Yellow Pages Internet project, he set about creating an online platform that would not engage in pure trade, but would help others to sell and buy. Under this vague idea in 1999, investments were attracted and 17 people were invited.
Within a few years, Jack Ma built a corporation that took over China, surpassed Amazon, defeated Ebay. The company has created the best conditions for trading. What is its AliPay payment system worth, which does not transfer money to the seller until the buyer confirms that everything is in order with his package.
One of the projects of Alibaba Group is AliExpress. It got off to a good start in 2010. The bet was made on what the world was ready to accept - low prices, interesting goods and the opportunity to do shopping right from home. Two years later, 800 thousand people became users of the site.
A few facts:
- In 2014, the site became the No. 1 online store in Russia, and continues to hold this title.
- In 2017, the number of users grew to 100 million.
- The Russian audience takes the first place and has more than 22 million people.
- On the day of the global sale (November 11), the Alibaba Group sites sold $ 25.3 billion worth of goods, and with such a load there was no failure of the payment system.
The Chinese themselves cannot buy on Aliexpress, there are Taobao and Tmall sites for them. Since October 2017, the Tmall platform has also been working for Russian buyers. The site is launched within the Aliexpress platform. Some of the goods are in China, some are sold with delivery from Russia. Both AlieExpress and Tmall have a lot of interesting, unusual and very attractive things at affordable prices.


