10 best flower delivery services in St. Petersburg



Characteristic in the rating

Top 10 best flower delivery services in St. Petersburg

1 Bouquet Peter The best range of ready-made bouquets and individual flowers
2 Semitsvetik Lowest prices
3 color mania Many salons in different parts of the city for pickup
4 Bouquets in a moment The best motivational promotions for clients
5 Russian Bouquet The best cumulative discounts
6 5 colors The fastest delivery
7 Flower library The best offers for wedding floristry
8 Fairy of Flowers The most inexpensive bouquets
9 FlowersWholesaleRetail Rental of live plants
10 Duty Free Flowers The best author's bouquets

Remote ordering and flower delivery services are gaining more and more popularity. This is beneficial for both organizers and customers. The only drawback of this approach is that the client does not see the flowers live, so the choice of service should be approached especially carefully.

In St. Petersburg, more than 80 companies provide such services, it is not always clear how to make a choice and get fresh, delicate and beautiful flowers in accordance with the wishes. We have chosen the best, in our opinion, companies that deliver quality buds at the best prices.

Top 10 best flower delivery services in St. Petersburg

10 Duty Free Flowers

The best author's bouquets
Website: http://dutyfreeflowers.ru/; Tel: +7(812)915-60-88
Rating (2022): 4.4

If you want to give your loved one something incredibly tender and unique, place an order with the Duty Free Flovers flower delivery service.Infinitely talented florists work here, who collect delightful compositions for any occasion. Customers in their reviews note that for little money you can really get a masterpiece here. Do not miss the opportunity to receive your unique bouquet. The flowers here are always the freshest, with proper care they will stay at home for at least a week. The site presents an extensive catalog of mono bouquets and prefabricated compositions. You can order not only flowers, but also additional gifts: macaroons, postcards, soft toys and other small amenities.

Customers will be delighted with profitable promotions and special offers. Sales of ready-made bouquets are regularly held here, but this does not mean that half-withered buds will be brought. In any case, flowers are the freshest and will delight the recipient with their appearance and aroma for a long time. The range of plants will also delight customers. Duty Free Flovers offers both the most sought-after roses and rarer exotic varieties. This is undoubtedly one of the best flower delivery services in St. Petersburg.

9 FlowersWholesaleRetail

Rental of live plants
Website: https://www.cvetyopt.ru; Tel: +7(812)410-99-99
Rating (2022): 4.5

In the company "FlowersOptRetail" you can not only order the delivery of a bouquet, but also get a live plant for rent. Employees of the company will deliver the flower to the address and provide it with proper care during the entire rental period. This solution is perfect for temporary landscaping of a rented office. If you just want to please your mother, sister, girlfriend or soul mate, then here you will certainly like the pricing policy of the service. All flowers can be bought very inexpensively, a Kenyan rose costs only 35 rubles per bud. In addition, profitable promotions and special offers are regularly available.The site contains a schedule of upcoming holidays, you can regularly look here if you are afraid to miss an important date.

Customers in their reviews note that the bouquets are always brought fresh, there has not been a single incident for couriers to deliver low-quality goods. In case of force majeure situations, the company provides discounts, and in difficult situations, fully refunds the funds paid. The company "TsvetyOptRoznitsa" has just begun to conquer the market in St. Petersburg and carefully monitors its reputation. If you need an inexpensive and fresh bouquet that will delight the recipient for a long time, then pay attention to this service.

8 Fairy of Flowers

The most inexpensive bouquets
Website: https://feeria-cvetov.ru; Tel: +7(812)899-47-41
Rating (2022): 4.5

If you want to buy a large bouquet inexpensively, pay attention to the Flower Fairy delivery service. Here you will be offered 25 multi-colored roses at a price of 999 rubles. Such a bouquet will bring a lot of emotions to any woman. Order delivery and make a surprise for a reason or just like that, the couriers of the company will bring the order in time. In addition, they will capture the happy recipient and send a photo report to the customer. The service works around the clock, so you can leave a request at any time. The only negative is that at night orders are accepted only through the website, call center operators work until 9 pm.

Customers in their reviews note that they were more satisfied with the work of the Flower Extravaganza service. Particularly pleased with the polite couriers and fast delivery times. Of course, sometimes there are overlays due to unforeseen circumstances, but, as a rule, the manager warns the customer.The Flower Fairy service deservedly takes its place in our ranking of the best flower deliveries and is undoubtedly worthy of attention.

7 Flower library

The best offers for wedding floristry
Website: http://www.cvetoteka.ru/; Tel: +7(812)408-40-80
Rating (2022): 4.6

One of the most inexpensive flower delivery services in St. Petersburg. In "Tsvetotek" you can order a rose at a price of 39 rubles. Moreover, the bouquet will be cheap, look expensive, and delivery will be free. This is one of the best deals in the entire Northern capital. Experienced florists work at Tsvetotek, who collect bouquets of incredible beauty. Customer reviews regularly highlight their work and high appreciation of its quality. You can choose bouquets from the catalog of ready-made solutions or explain your wishes to the manager, they will be executed in strict accordance. In addition to everyday bouquets, the service offers a lot of ideas for wedding floristry. You can order absolutely everything - from the bride's bouquet to the full floral decoration of the celebration.

The delivery service regularly offers customers profitable promotions. Often a bouquet can be bought at a price half the original price, while the buds will be fresh, the composition will be original, and the bouquet will stand for a very long time with proper care. By the way, the company's website describes in detail the rules for caring for flowers at home after it is handed to the recipient. Flower delivery service deservedly continues our rating of the best.

6 5 colors

The fastest delivery
Website: https://www.floristlife.ru; Tel: +7(812)408-07-45
Rating (2022): 4.7

Do you know where the best peonies are in St. Petersburg? If not, be sure to place an order with the 5 Flowers delivery service. You will be surprised how tender, fresh and huge they are.By the way, now there is a promotion and you can buy a bouquet of 11 gorgeous peonies for only 4485 rubles, while under normal conditions it costs more than eight thousand rubles. Among other things, the delivery service will please customers with a mass of inexpensive offers from simple flowers to ready-made compositions. Experienced florists will create a bouquet especially for you in accordance with your preferences. According to customer reviews, here is the fastest delivery. Typically, in such companies, the declared waiting time is from 3 hours, in "5 Flowers" they undertake to deliver a bouquet in 40 minutes and offer a discount in case of being late.

Another plus, which is noted by regular customers, is a pleasant bonus system. When placing an order, the applicant can pay off the accumulated bonuses, which are credited to the individual virtual account after each payment. This is undoubtedly one of the best flower delivery services in St. Petersburg, which is worthy of the attention of customers.

5 Russian Bouquet

The best cumulative discounts
Website: https://sankt-peterburg.rus-buket.ru/; Tel: 8(800)333-09-05
Rating (2022): 4.7

Here you can place an order for the most beautiful bouquets in the Northern capital. In the catalog of ready-made solutions, you will see 420 options, among which there is sure to be one that the recipient will like. If you want to surprise with something special, experienced florists will complete the design according to your sketch or taking into account verbal wishes. The Russian Bouquet delivery service provides the best cumulative discounts for regular customers, from 3 to 5% falls on an individual account from each paid order. In the future, the accumulated bonuses can be used to pay for the next order. The service operates throughout the country and cares a lot about its reputation.On the site you can read what guarantees the company gives to its customers, if the quality of the bouquet does not suit the customer, "Russian Bouquet" undertakes to return up to 100% of its value.

Customers in their reviews do not get tired of praising the Russian Bouquet delivery service. Navigation through the catalog is organized very conveniently and intuitively, in order to choose the right option, it is not necessary to view all the pages, it is enough to filter the necessary offers in accordance with the occasion or theme of the bouquet. Delivery is fast, flowers are always fresh, bouquets correspond to the stated pictures. The service deserves a place in our rating of the best.

4 Bouquets in a moment

The best motivational promotions for clients
Website: https://bouqets.spb.ru/; Tel: +7(812)967-46-18
Rating (2022): 4.8

If you are looking for the best offers from flower delivery services in St. Petersburg, then we advise you to pay attention to "Bouquets in a moment". Here are the most profitable promotions in the whole city. For example, 35 scarlet roses can be bought for 2990 rubles, and 51 will cost the client only 3990 rubles. On the site you can evaluate the work of florists, by the way, they masterfully do their job. One senses exquisite taste and immeasurable creativity. What is the bouquet "Hydrangeas and Roses" worth, for only 1990 rubles, the client is offered a red-blue cloud, the beauty of which is difficult to describe. There are not many ready-made solutions on the site, first of all, because the service prefers to use an individual approach to customer orders. This means that the recipient will see a unique unique masterpiece of their favorite flowers.

Customers in the reviews praise the work of the staff and note their non-standard approach to work. Here you will not only be offered a ready-made option, but will be advised on the best solution, taking into account all the features.Traditionally, delivery within the Ring Road is free of charge; a bouquet will be delivered to the suburbs for 755 rubles. The only negative is that the service is not round-the-clock, but active work with orders is carried out until one in the morning. "Bouquets Migom" is certainly one of the leaders among flower delivery services in St. Petersburg.

3 color mania

Many salons in different parts of the city for pickup
Website: https://tsvetomania.ru/; Tel: +7(800)550-10-72
Rating (2022): 4.8

Here you can not only make a remote order with delivery right now or at a convenient time, but also pick up a bouquet on the way home. The flower delivery service has a whole network of retail stores where you will be happy to arrange a pre-ordered bouquet. But you should be prepared for the fact that it will not work here to buy a bouquet cheaply, a good red rose will cost the client from 90 rubles. There are also cheaper options, but their buds are usually small and not very expressive. Free delivery is provided for orders over 2000 rubles and is carried out within the Ring Road. If you want to order flowers to the nearest suburb, you will either have to pay 799 rubles or place an order in another service.

Another point that customers should take into account is that the company only accepts applications around the clock, their processing begins only from 9 am the next day (if the order is placed in the evening). Otherwise, this is undoubtedly one of the best delivery services in St. Petersburg. According to customer reviews, orders are always delivered on time, the buds are fresh and stand in a vase for quite a long time. Make an order in the "Tsvetomaniya" service and see for yourself everything.

2 Semitsvetik

Lowest prices
Rating (2022): 4.9

Another round-the-clock flower delivery service in St. Petersburg, which deservedly got into our rating.If you are looking for where to buy a bouquet cheaply, then definitely pay attention to "Semitsvetik". Here you can place an order for a gorgeous bouquet of 15 red Kenyan roses for only 990 rubles, and 51 roses will cost the client only 2448 rubles. In addition, in the catalog of the Semitsvetik delivery service you will find a huge assortment of different colors from the most popular to rare exotic specimens. Ready-made solutions presented on the website of the organization exceed all expectations, the company employs really skilled florists, who are distinguished by their rich imagination and excellent taste. Here you will be able to pick up a bouquet for any occasion, as they say, cheap and cheerful.

Customers in their reviews note that the service carefully accepts orders and promptly delivers bouquets at any time of the day. They also note the simplicity and convenience of filling out an application, convenient payment options. Another point that makes customers very happy is the full correspondence of real colors to the images presented on the site. That is, the buds are just as large, bright and juicy. Make an order and your expectations will definitely be justified, "Semitsvetik" is undoubtedly the best flower delivery service in St. Petersburg.

1 Bouquet Peter

The best range of ready-made bouquets and individual flowers
Rating (2022): 5.0

Flower delivery service "Bouquet Piter" is one of the best in St. Petersburg. Can't decide where to get a great bouquet of really fresh flowers that will be delivered quickly or exactly on time? Feel free to apply here. The first thing that impresses customers is a huge selection of ready-made solutions and colors separately. Here you will find a large catalog of not only flowers and bouquets, but also flower toys, baskets and boxes with beautiful buds.In addition to the main order, customers can choose special gifts: macaroons, postcards, fruits. If you want to make the maximum impression on your girlfriend and make her an unforgettable surprise, the Bouquet Peter flower delivery service offers to give her live butterflies. In customer reviews, you can see that such a solution causes great delight and a lot of emotions.

The service is organized with maximum convenience for the client. To make it easier to make a choice in the presented variety, you can sort the offers by occasion, color scheme or depending on the recipient. If you place an order in the amount of 3500 rubles or more, you will not have to pay for delivery, flowers will be delivered free of charge. It is worth noting that everything is quite inexpensive, for example, a classic red rose can be bought at a price of 65 rubles. Flower delivery service "Bouquet Peter" accepts and fulfills orders around the clock.

Popular vote - which flower delivery service in St. Petersburg is the best
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Attention! The above information is not a buying guide. For any advice, you should contact the experts!

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1 comment
  1. Anna
    There are beautiful salons in Tsvetomania, and flowers are delivered on time.


