The PVC boat is light and maneuverable enough to be steered with oars. Unless, of course, you need to travel a long distance or move 6 people with luggage on the water. In this case, you can not do without a motor and, accordingly, without knowledge of how to choose it correctly and what nuances you should pay attention to in the first place. In some situations, it will be enough to buy an inexpensive Chinese electric motor that runs on a small battery. In others, you will need a powerful unit, possibly a water jet type.
Our article will tell you about all the nuances of the choice and will allow you to figure out which motor is best for your boat, based on its size, displacement and other design features. We will also talk about manufacturers and brands, since it does not always make sense to buy a famous product, part of the price of which is given solely for the name.
The best motors for PVC boats | ||
1 | Mikatsu M9.9FHS | The best ratio of price and quality |
2 | Mercury ME 9.9 MLH | Balanced Features |
3 | Yamaha F5AMHS | Economical fuel consumption |
4 | Sailor GM-T 9.9 | The best ratio of price and quality |
5 | Tohatsu M 9.8B S | Battery powered |
1. Power
How to match the power to the size of the boat?
The power of the outboard motor is the main parameter that you pay attention to in the first place. It is measured in horsepower or kilowatts. There is no difference here, but the forces look the most familiar, so we will analyze them. An approximate calculation scheme tells us that five forces must be laid on each passenger of the boat. This is partly true, but it should be understood that even if your boat is single and you plan to move against the current of a large river, such an engine is unlikely to cope. In addition, there is always additional luggage on the boat, which also needs to be taken into account.
If you do not want to run into any problems, take an 8-9.9 hp motor for a single-seat design. Engines with a parameter higher than 10, as a rule, cost much more. In other words, you should always stock up. Approximately 3-4 forces per person.
2. load capacity
How many people and loads will the engine lift?Load capacity is a parameter partly related to power, but there are a number of differences. It shows at what load the engine will be able to bring the boat to the glider. A glider is a state in which the front of the boat is lifted off the water, reducing drag and increasing speed while reducing fuel consumption.
The calculation scheme is approximately the same as that of power. For every 100 kilograms of weight laid on 5 forces. But in reality this is not enough.For a boat to plan, you need a minimum 8 forces with a single-seat design and no luggage. We take this value as a basis and look at the carrying capacity parameter of our PVC boat. It can be double, but at the same time with a carrying capacity of 400 kilograms. It turns out that we do not calculate from the number of passengers, namely from the maximum weightwhich the structure can carry.
3. The principle of operation of the motor
How does the motor move the boat?
There are several options for how the motor moves the boat: screw and jet. The screw design is more familiar and affordable. At the end of the deadwood there is a screw, the rotation of which sets the boat in motion. The option is excellent, but you should always remember about the depth. To run into bottom obstacles means to damage the propeller, after which you will have to row manually further.
The jet engine does not have a propeller. He moves the boat due to the ejection of the sucked water. It doesn't matter how deep you go. You can only run aground with the very bottom or the bottom of the engine, but due to the lack of movable modules, you will not cause significant damage to them. For fishing, this is just a great option, but expensive and difficult to maintain. By the way, the propeller can be replaced right on the water. It will take no more than five minutes.

Mikatsu M9.9FHS
The best ratio of price and quality
4. Power unit type
What is the engine powered by?
The most familiar outboard motor works on gasoline. Previously, there was no alternative to it at all, but modern technologies make it possible to create high-capacity batteries with relatively small dimensions. electric motor quieter, cheaper to maintain and does not create harmful emissions. Ideal for fishing when you don't want to scare away all the fish within a kilometer radius. But here it should be understood that even the most economical electric motor requires a charge. The autonomy of such systems is small. As a rule, only a few hours of work, no more.
In addition, the electric engine will not take you to the glider and will not be able to please you with high power. This is rather an option for a single PVC boat with a minimum load. Gasoline models have much more variety and opportunities, so they are more preferable, despite all their shortcomings (loudness, heavy weight and high cost of maintenance).
5. Number of cycles of the gasoline engine
How many cycles are in the motor?Gasoline engines are 2- and 4-stroke. We will not go into the principles of their work, we will only say that in order to refuel a 2-stroke engine, you will have to add oil to the fuel yourself. In 4-stroke models, it is poured separately into a special container.
But there are also purely technical nuances. For example, a 2-stroke is easier to maintain. Even if you accidentally drowned the outboard motor, just drain the water from it and it will start again. With a 4-stroke, such a trick will not work. In addition, a 2-stroke is cheaper, which is its main advantage, but the number of hours will be lower, and this must also be taken into account. 4-stroke engines weigh more, cost more, but due to a more advanced fuel system, they consume less gasoline, make less noise, and their toxicity is lower than that of two-stroke counterparts. It is impossible to say which option is better or worse. Everyone has their own preferences and financial possibilities.But we note that almost any manufacturer offers both 2- and 4-stroke models.
6. Control system
How is the management going?
The boat motor can be controlled from tiller or rudder. In terms of convenience and practicality, the steering wheel looks more attractive, but by default it is rarely installed on PVC boats, unless we consider the most expensive options from top manufacturers.
The tiller is a lever at the top of the engine that turns it and raises it when needed. At the end of the tiller is a throttle, which regulates the power of the motor.
If you have a large PVC boat for 6-8 people, you can always buy a steering console for it. Accordingly, the engine should provide for such control. Note that most popular models allow you to work with both the steering wheel and the tiller, but not all, which means that this point should always be kept in mind. For small one- or two-man boats, steering is not practical. They are much easier to control from the stern through the tiller, which all motors have.

Sailor GM-T 9.9
The best ratio of price and quality
7. Deadwood size
What is deadwood and how to choose it?
Deadwood is the "leg" at the end of which is the propeller. Its size must be taken into account in order not to choose a design in which your propeller will be above the water.As a rule, the size of the deadwood is indicated in the boat configurations. If this is not the case, you just need to measure the distance between the top of the transom and the bottom of the boat, after which add 30 centimeters. Most often, the size of the deadwood is not indicated on boats without their own transom, in other cases it can simply be found in the documents.
8. Total weight
How much does the unit weigh?Unfortunately, modern technologies, despite their advancement, do not allow creating a powerful motor, for example, 40 forces, and at the same time it weighs some 5 kilograms. The stronger the engine, the larger its size and weight. It should be understood: if you have a unit weighing under 50 kilograms, you are unlikely to install it alone. It is necessary not only to move the motor to the boat, but also to fix it in a certain position. You can't do it without outside help. Therefore, if you are used to fishing in splendid isolation, take a motor whose weight does not exceed 20 kilograms - then you will be able to install it yourself. There is no specific connection with power here. Different manufacturers offer different options. Engines with the same force can weigh differently.
9. launch
How is the engine started?
The outboard motor, like any other, can be started both manually and electronically. Of course, the easiest way is to press a button and start the engine, but this also has its drawbacks. Electronics extremely sensitive to damage. She is very afraid of water. And it will definitely not work to fix it in the "field" conditions.
Manual start more practical. In outboard motors, it looks like a rope wound around a rotor. You just need to pull it to make the engine work. In old or low-quality models, you will have to pull for a long time and hard.Reliable manufacturers do not have this problem. A well-tuned engine starts in half a turn, so there is no need for electronics. In addition, you will have to pay for just one start button, and often a lot. Therefore, which option to choose is up to you. From a technical point of view, there is no difference. Just personal convenience.

Yamaha F5AMHS
Economical fuel consumption
10. Top Brands
Which manufacturers should be preferred?The Japanese are the market leaders in outboard motors. Yamaha and Honda, as well as an American manufacturer Mercury, whose name has long become a household name in certain circles. All of them boast high quality, reliability and excellent performance. But the price will also be very high. And partly you pay for the brand.
If the issue of saving is in the first place, you can always pick up a decent Chinese counterpart. Firms perform well Sail and Troll, as well as the most budget option - Sailor. Not without flaws, but quite having the right to exist. In addition, it should be understood that even the most famous firms in most cases produce their goods in China. For example, today it is almost impossible to find a non-Chinese Mercury. At least outside the US.
The best motors for PVC boats
Even 30 years ago, the outboard motor market was completely divided between several giant manufacturers. But times are changing and now there are a ton of brands out there.And some of them produce interesting models that are not inferior in performance to top firms, but with more attractive price tags. True, mastodons like Yamaha have not gone away and continue to delight us with high-quality, reliable engines with the best parameters.
Top 5. Tohatsu M 9.8B S
In terms of popularity, Tohatsu motors easily compete with such mastodons as Yamaha and Mercury. They have traditionally high build quality and excellent performance. With its 9.8 forces, the engine easily brings a three-seater PVC boat to the glider, and it is fully loaded. In addition, the dry weight of the engine is only 26 kilograms, that is, one person can easily handle it. An excellent model, although not with the most attractive price tag. However, this has always distinguished Japanese brands, and Tohatsu still keeps factories in Japan, and has not moved to China, as almost all modern brands have done.
Top 4. Sailor GM-T 9.9
If the question of economy is at the first place for you, be sure to consider this outboard motor. The manufacturer is Chinese, but this in no way indicates its low quality. Thanks to flowing water cooling, the engine works perfectly for a long time, and the power indicators allow you to put it on a two-seater boat. The volume here is 246 cubic meters, which makes it possible to quickly bring the craft to the glider. Also note the presence of protection on the propeller and light weight. This is a great budget option for fishing enthusiasts. Everything is simple and clear here, and any minor repairs can be made right on the water.
Top 3. Yamaha F5AMHS
Boat motor from one of the most popular manufacturers. For many years now, Yamaha engines have been on the podium, and it doesn’t matter if we are talking about a powerful unit or about such a baby as the F5AMHS. There are only 5 horsepower here, but, as users note, the motor can even handle a two-seater boat. The main advantage is economy. For an hour of operation at maximum load, the engine consumes only 1.7 liters of gasoline. Not every manufacturer can boast of such figures.
Top 2. Mercury ME 9.9 MLH
Not the most budget option for a PVC boat, but with optimal performance. The motor produces 9.9 horsepower, and real, and not with excessive load. A double boat with it easily goes to the glider, while the engine does not start to absorb gasoline like a tractor. Users note the cost-effectiveness and excellent quality characteristics. The device works flawlessly for many seasons. In addition, the model is four-stroke, that is, no manipulations with the fuel will be necessary. We also note the maximum compatibility with most boats - the transom height simply should not exceed 42 centimeters.
Top 1. Mikatsu M9.9FHS
With a weight of 26 kg, the engine has 9.9 liters. With. Highlights include an emergency shutdown system, transmission start protection, throttle control, 6 angle tilt positions for shallow water and a thermostat to stabilize the temperature. There is a modification for a 508 mm transom.The kit includes a built-in GPS tracker, which is very handy if the motor is stolen or lost. The engine has an extended warranty of 10 years.