On new moonshine stills, you can get a home-made drink of a high degree of purification. In terms of quality, it will not be inferior to expensive alcohol from the store. This is not the moonshine with a characteristic smell, but pure alcohol up to 96.6% for tinctures, natural whiskey, bourbon, calvados or cognac with the preservation of the aroma of the raw material. The final quality depends on the experience of the distiller. But you can not get a good product on a bad moonshine still. Therefore, we want to advise beginners - do not rush to choose equipment, but first carefully study the topic. Our selection of tips will give a basic understanding of the design of the moonshine still, help you choose a good model.
5 best moonshine stills | ||
1 | Wein 6 Pro | Double selection unit, for steam and for liquid |
2 | Luxstal 8 | Heavy duty 3 inch column |
3 | Rodnik PRO 3 | The best ratio of price and quality |
4 | OptiSam Pro | Bluetooth thermometer for accurate temperature control |
5 | Germany 3 | The simplest and most reliable distiller |
1. Machine type
Which is better - distiller, beer, distillation column or alambic?The first step is to choose a design type. Beginners often think that there are only two of them - distillers and distillation columns. This is close to the truth, but does not accurately represent the types of construction. Therefore, first, we will briefly analyze the types of moonshine stills for home use, their purpose.
Distiller. The simple design will appeal to beginners who are just learning the art of distilling. The output is a product up to 70 degrees strong, with a small degree of purification. But it retains the organoleptic properties of the raw material. Distillers are good for distillation of grain, fruit brews for preparation of noble drinks.
beer column. It consists of three parts - a hollow tube after the distillation cube, a dephlegmator and an aftercooler. In the dephlegmator, the vapors are separated into fractions. Light vapors of ethyl alcohol pass through it, condense in the refrigerator, and drain into a receiving container. Heavy fractions settle on the walls and return to the cube. In the beer column, you can get a fortress of up to 92% while maintaining the organoleptics of the original product. On it you can distill mash from any raw material. The degree of purification is better than in a standard distiller, but the aroma is not lost.
Distillation column. It does not produce moonshine, but alcohol of maximum strength with a minimum content of impurities. The final product completely loses the organoleptic properties of the original product, and is good for making tinctures and liqueurs. For Calvados, whiskey, chacha and other aromatic drinks, the rectification method is not suitable. But the nodes in such moonshine stills are connected by clamps. Hence the versatility - they are easily converted into a distiller for the first distillation or a beer column.
Separately, let's say a few words about alambic. This is a distiller with a domed top of the still. Alambicas are made entirely of copper. It makes sense to consider them if you are going to work only with grain mash. Copper binds sulfur compounds, which impair the taste of the finished product.
Rodnik PRO 3
The best ratio of price and quality
2. Choice of distiller
How to choose a good distiller?The simplest distiller consists of a tank and a refrigerator. Braga heats up in the cube, alcohol vapors condense in the refrigerator. The output is a product with a strength of up to 70 degrees with a minimum degree of purification, a characteristic smell of moonshine. Such devices are the cheapest, but we will not advise them even for beginners.
In new models, a dryer is added to the refrigerator. It is placed after the distillation cube, then connected to the refrigerator. This is an intermediate empty container in which heavy harmful impurities condense. Then they merge through the tap at the bottom of the tank. Sukhoparnik gives additional cleaning, but less than sellers in stores tell. You still need at least two fractional distillations.
But there is a benefit to it. The sukhoparnik protects against splashing - when overheated, hot mash does not get into the refrigerator. You can put orange zest or herbs in it to flavor the drink. Models with several dry steamers appeared on sale. There may be 2-3 or even more. An increase in the number of dry steamers slightly increases the strength, but does not improve the quality of moonshine.You should not pay more for a few extra cans or metal containers - this is a marketing ploy.
It is better to take a closer look at the refrigerator. You can calculate its size on online calculators on sites for moonshine brewing or the sale of distillers. We will talk about the capacity of the distillation cube, metal, wall thickness a little lower.
3. Choice of distillation column
The principle of operation and components of distillation columnsIn general terms, the column-type apparatus consists of a drawer, a dephlegmator, a selection unit and a once-through cooler. On it you can get alcohol up to 96.6%, which is impossible to achieve on a distiller even with several fractional distillations. The design of the column can change - the length of the side, different selection nodes. The drawer is filled with Panchenkov (RPN) and Selivanenko (SPN) nozzles. Both those and others are made of two materials - it is stainless steel or copper. Copper nozzles are poured into the drawer during the distillation of grain mash, when it is necessary to preserve the aromatics. Stainless steel nozzles are needed for sugar moonshine.
There are also poppet nozzles, but they are not common for home use, they are usually found in production. Beginners often confuse the beer and distillation columns. Check with the store if the frame is included in the kit for installation, filling nozzles or it needs to be bought separately. A frequent question for beginners is which column is better to choose - 1.5 or 2 inches. The difference is mainly in performance. If the tank capacity is from 50 liters, then take a two-inch one. Or the race will take too long. But here you still need to take into account that the power of the plate should be higher. No less than 3 kW. A one and a half inch column is enough for 25-30 liters.
4. Selection node
Which selection unit is better - for liquid or steam?Column devices are supplemented with liquid, steam or combined selection units. Which one performs better at work? It is difficult to answer this question - everyone has their own opinion. If you conduct a small survey among distillers, the percentage of votes will be approximately the same. But still, we will try to understand the differences between the nodes, we will name the pros, we will get to the bottom of the shortcomings so that you make a decision for yourself.
Liquid selection nodes are still more common. In this design, all formed vapors turn into condensate. One part goes to the selection, the second goes back to the column. A needle valve is installed for adjustment. If you open it completely, you get a distillate. Slightly opening or closing the tap, drop by drop selection for the heads and more intense for the body is set up. This scheme is suitable for rectified and noble distillates. During the chase, adjustment is needed. As the alcohol in the distillation cube decreases, the tap is opened more strongly. Active adjustment is only needed towards the end of the run.
A simple ball valve is installed in the steam extraction unit. Steam flows are separated immediately after the tsargi. One goes to the dephlegmator, where it condenses and returns to the column. The second is in the refrigerator for product selection. The column quickly stabilizes and enters the operating mode. With a steam selection unit, it is easier to set the settings; during the pursuit, the adjustments are minimal. But if you want to install automation, it will be more difficult and more expensive than with a liquid selection unit. With the latter, you can distill grain, fruit mash, and with the selection of steam, the aromatics are lost.
Wein 6 Pro
Double selection unit, for steam and for liquid
5. Volume of alembic
What volume of distillation cube is better to choose?It all depends on the “appetite”, or rather, in what quantity you put the mash, how often you overtake it. Any device is filled by 80%. In a cube of 15 liters, you can pour 12 liters of mash. In a 12-liter tank - only 9 liters. You will have to distill several times or put the mash in small volumes. Beginners usually start with a small cube. But this business is fascinating, so over time, a small volume ceases to suit. It is better to immediately take a cube of at least 20-30 liters, so as not to pay twice.
The volume also depends on the heat source. On a gas stove, you should not use moonshine stills larger than 20 liters. A 2 kW induction hob will draw 20-25 liters of raw materials. If more, you need more powerful equipment. With a heating element of 3-3.5 kW, you can overtake up to 50 liters of mash at a time. In addition, we say that the power of the refrigerator must be selected in accordance with the volume. If the tank is small, take the cooler a little more anyway. In case you decide to change the distillation tank.
6. Material selection
Stainless steel or copper - which is better?Previously, home-made moonshine stills from aluminum tanks were often found - this is not the best metal for such purposes. Aluminum emits harmful substances and impairs the taste of the distillate. The choice is between two materials - food grade stainless steel or copper.
Mostly alambicas are made from copper. This metal is expensive and difficult to care for. But it does not affect the organoleptic properties of the product, it binds sulfur compounds. It is used for the distillation of mash from fruits or grains in the preparation of noble distillates. Plus, high thermal conductivity reduces distillation time. Copper can be considered if you are not working with sugar mash.If you cook whiskey or calvados from time to time, and the rest of the time you drive classic moonshine or alcohol, you can simply buy a copper drawer or Panchenkov nozzles.
Stainless steel tanks are the most popular option for home use. The metal is inexpensive, durable, easy to clean. The only point is to ask the seller for a document that the steel complies with GOSTs for the food industry. And look at the wall thickness so that it is not thinner than 2 mm.
7. Tsarga
How to choose a king?Drawers are used not only in column apparatuses. In classic distillers, they can go instead of a dry steamer - they do not allow foam and hot mash to get into the refrigerator, increase the output strength and make the design a little more compact. The distiller does not need a long side - 30-40 cm is enough. Focus on the refrigerator. Their length should be approximately the same. Drawers are made of copper for grain mash and stainless steel for sugar.
In distillation columns, things are a little more complicated. The separating power depends on the height. But not the total length of the pipe, but its nozzle part. The gap in which the SPN falls asleep. To achieve a clear separation into fractions, you need at least a meter nozzle. But you should not use tsars longer than one and a half meters. As for the walls, a thickness of 1-1.5 mm is sufficient. The thickening of the metal will only lead to weighting and reduced stability.
Luxstal 8
Heavy duty 3 inch column
8. Design features
What makes a moonshine still convenient?Some design solutions do not improve the product, but make it easier to work with the moonshine still.
Neck. The wider the neck, the better. It will be more convenient to fill the mash and wash the container after the distillation. A hand can hardly fit into a narrow neck, it is impossible to reach the bottom normally to remove the sediment.
Connections. Distillers are sometimes made on ordinary threaded connections. They are unsuccessful in the sense that the device is difficult to assemble and cannot be upgraded. Clamps can connect nodes from different manufacturers, change the configuration of the column. The fully collapsible design is easier to clean.
heating element. Makes work convenient when distilling in stills of large volume. Due to the high height, it is not always possible to put a distillation column on a stove - it can simply rest against a kitchen hood. Therefore, it is better to buy an induction cooker or choose a moonshine with a heating element.
drain cock. From a cube of more than 20 liters it will be difficult to drain the used mash. Therefore, see that it has a crane.
For summer cottages or other places where there is no access to water supply, there are models for sale that work autonomously.
9. Additional accessories
How else to improve the moonshine still?There are elements that are not required, but increase the convenience of working with moonshine.
Gin basket. Addition for aromatization of alcohol during distillation. Previously used to make gin. Hence the name. But you can put any dried fruits, berries, herbs into the basket. The simplest mesh construction is placed directly into the neck of the alembic. There are also more complex modifications.
Diopter. Removable transparent knot of control of work of a column. Placed immediately after the cube. Through the sight glass, the rise of foam is visible, this is a signal for lowering the temperature. The diopter protects against splashing. By fogging the glass, it is determined that the selection of the main part of the body is completed.You can put a gin basket in it. Diopters longer than 20 cm play the role of an additional column to strengthen and purify the product.
"Parrot". This is the alcoholometer holder. A jet of drink first enters a metal flask with an alcohol meter and only then - into a collection container. This gives constant control over the fortress, it is easier to keep track so that tails do not get into the body. "Parrot" can be connected to a column on weight or simply placed on a table nearby.
10. Price and purchase
How much does a moonshine still cost and what needs to be checked?The price consists of a set of factors: type, metal, volume, composition. The simplest moonshine stills with one steamer, a refrigerator and a small cube cost an average of 5,000 rubles. Columns are more expensive - from 15,000 to 100,000 rubles. Alambicas have the highest prices due to the fact that they are made of copper. A small device for 5-10 liters will cost from 20,000 rubles.
The column can cost a little less if you do not buy a ready-made apparatus, but separately select a tank and other components. But we do not advise beginners to do this. You can incorrectly calculate the power of the refrigerator or the length of the drawer.
There are simple rules for choosing a model for home use - look at the reliability of the company, the availability of certificates for the product. The instruction must be detailed, the guarantee must include a return. It is worth checking the cube and removable parts for the tightness of the connection, the absence of pockets of rust, the quality of the welds.
5 best moonshine stills
In addition to tips for choosing, we have compiled a small selection of moonshine stills. Among them you will find classic distillers and distillation columns.All the models below are actively discussed on the forums, have collected a lot of positive feedback from beginners and experienced distillers.
Top 5. Germany 3
A simple and reliable moonshine still for beginners. This is a classic distiller with a dry steamer, but with a side and a clamp connection. If this design ceases to suit, it can be modernized. The cube will calmly withstand the weight of the column, it will stand steadily due to the tsargi shifted to the side. The device is low in the basic configuration, it can be placed on the stove. The thermometer is in the steam environment, accurately shows the temperature. But according to user reviews, there are also shortcomings. This is an inconvenient threaded lid of a steamer and a thin lid of a cube. The bottom is ferromagnetic, but slightly concave. This slows down the heating on the induction hob.
Top 4. OptiSam Pro
One of the most successful models of the Malinovka brand. The structure of the column includes two drawers of 45 cm each. One is made of stainless steel, the second is made of glass. If you do not fill it with SPN, you can control the rise of boiling mash. But this is not necessary, the kit already comes with a diopter. In the cube there is a tie-in under the heating element. There is no heating element in the package, but by purchasing it, you can abandon the induction hob. The liquid selection unit is installed in the column. A useful addition is a Bluetooth thermometer. It simplifies temperature control, helps to respond to changes in a timely manner.
Top 3. Rodnik PRO 3
The most budgetary column with a liquid selection unit is not much inferior to expensive models.It will be easier for beginners to master the preparation of a pure and high-quality drink with it than with a conventional distiller. The design of the column makes it possible to obtain a product from 96% strength with a minimum content of impurities. The device is completely collapsible, on clamps, it can be improved with additional components. The tsarga shifted to the side increases the stability of the cube at the end of the haul, when there is little mash left in it. The device is completed with everything necessary, after assembly it is completely ready for work.
Top 2. Luxstal 8
The moonshine still appeared on sale about a year ago, and caused heated discussions among distillers. The new model corrected many past shortcomings. A three-inch column with two drawers of 50 cm each has a high performance. In the characteristics, it is declared up to 2 liters per hour. Dome cover gives extra room for foam to rise. More mash is placed in the cube. You can work on an induction cooker or heating element. Both are already provided by the design. The volume of the cube is increased by adding modules of 20 liters. Similar models from other companies are at least one and a half times more expensive.
Top 1. Wein 6 Pro
Quite a serious device with a two-inch column. The kit comes with two drawers of 50 cm each. In the assembly, the device turns out to be high, it will be inconvenient to work on the stove. It is better to immediately get an induction hob. The combined unit gives more options for adjusting the selection - for steam or liquid. A good solution for those who have not yet decided for themselves which is better. Its design has been improved.A diopter is immediately built in, through which you can control the flow of phlegm and the choking of the column. Top cooler tilts to reduce height. The kit already has everything you need for the haul. This model is good for beginners and experienced distillers.