5 best producers of sea buckthorn oil

Top 5 best producers of sea buckthorn oil

5 Linnet

Powerful agro-industrial holding, modern production
Country: Russia
Rating (2022): 4.6

Opens the rating of the best sea buckthorn oil from the young producer Konoplyanka. Having appeared in 2016, the company immediately purchased expensive equipment. It is part of a large agro-industrial complex that specializes in growing herbs and berries. The brand is engaged in selection, offers the highest quality. It provides a full production cycle, cultivates the land, processes raw materials. Their cold-pressed sea buckthorn oil strengthens the immune system, helps the heart.

Linnet products receive the most positive feedback. Buyers use them in cooking, note the rich taste and bright color. However, they warn that some products are a mixture of sea buckthorn and sunflower oil. Users see the results declared by the brand, confirm the fulfillment of promises. The product is also applied to the face, added to hair masks. The price corresponds to the quality, a large bottle lasts for a long time.

4 Altea

Certified products, original recipes
Country: Russia
Rating (2022): 4.7

The name of the manufacturer Altea alludes to the location of the plant. By picking berries, the brand preserves their properties. The product is then processed in a modern laboratory. The company speaks of original recipes, high quality, confirmed by the ISO 9001:2015 standard.Sea buckthorn oil is one of the strongest natural antioxidants. Regular use increases the body's defenses, helps prevent diseases. One tablespoon of oil per day is enough, the product is spent sparingly.

The reviews praise the quality of the drugs. They are shown to both young and old, relax muscles in active people, relieve tension. Regular use helps with gastritis, ulcers, bowel diseases. Sea buckthorn oil relieves inflammation of the stomach, mucous membranes. The manufacturer recommends 1-2 spoons a day before meals, allows for frequent consumption.

3 Altay Seligor

Quality budget oil
Country: Russia
Rating (2022): 4.7

Altay Seligor was able to combine the 2 best features of the product: low cost and high quality. The manufacturer appeared in Biysk in 1991, having founded a plant in Gorny Altai. Repeatedly updated technologies allow us to preserve the unique functions of sea buckthorn oil. Berries are collected in ecologically clean areas, far from the pollution of civilization. They contain a large number of substances that take care of the eyes, skin, reproductive functions, and immunity.

Sea buckthorn oil retained the biological value of fresh berries. This is a real multivitamin complex with 15 elements, amino acids, flavonoids. The product contains Omega 3, 6 and 9. Due to this, the results are visible within a few days, but the effect lasts for many months. The reviews describe the fresh aroma and bright color. They say that this indicates a high quality. The oil is praised by both young and old buyers.

2 Maslishche

Multifunctional tool
Country: Russia
Rating (2022): 4.9

The Maslische company calls its funds alive, noting their valuable health-improving qualities. The manufacturer assumes the use in food, in cosmetology, to facilitate the functioning of the body. Sea buckthorn oil stimulates the healing of the epidermis, copes with imperfections. For example, with acne, eczema, deprive. As a therapy, it is used for skin tuberculosis. Oil is added to salads, it is indicated for stomach ulcers.

In the reviews, buyers appreciated the antibacterial properties of the brand's drugs. They note the rapid disappearance of inflammation. Sea buckthorn oil retained its analgesic properties. It is one of the best in the content of vitamin A. The brand notes the possibility of restoring vision, increasing the effectiveness of the treatment of conjunctivitis. The drug is indicated when trying to lose weight, it controls appetite. Only the price does not please, for a small bottle they ask from 400 rubles.

1 Specialist

The best spin process
Country: Russia
Rating (2022): 5.0

The undoubted leader in the market is the manufacturer Specialist. Appearing in 1995, he was one of the first to take care of preserving the healing properties of sea buckthorn oil. During its work, the company has patented several preservation technologies, received Russian quality certificates. Their sea buckthorn oil "Altai" hints where the berry came from. It is recommended to be used for healing wounds and burns, strengthening hair. The most gentle spin retains substances that fight bacteria in the body.

The manufacturer's remedy is suitable for restoring aging skin, supporting a young epidermis. Judging by the reviews, the oil is consumed internally. They talk about the best prolonged effect. Nothing happens for the first week, recovery starts from within.Then the hair becomes not so dry and brittle, the nails break less. Sea buckthorn oil perfectly eliminates itching and dandruff, the result does not disappear at the end of the course.

Popular vote - who is the best producer of sea buckthorn oil?
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1 comment
  1. Igor
    The best sea buckthorn oil is Katun Oleum oil from the village of Sovetskoye, Altai Territory.


